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同源达多功能手机消毒器说明书 Mobile Phone Sterilizer Manual 关于手机: About Mobile Phones: 手机是现代人们使用最广的信息交流工具。随着手机智能化的增多,使用人群和使用频率还在不断增加。无论在办公室、走路甚至吃 饭的时候都有人打电话,听音乐、拍照、或者玩游戏等,更有甚者连上厕所的时间都不会放过摆弄。目前手机的拥有数量平均至少人手一部, 但是它的危害和上面细菌的积聚状态常被使用者忽略。您知道吗?手机上的细菌超过马桶坐垫,远比洗手间的门把、鞋底及商场柜台还要脏。 有调查显示手机上每平方厘米就驻扎了 12 万个细菌,按照这样推算,整部手机上起码有几百万个细菌。由于其不佳的携带环境与使用方式, 手机已经成了大量细菌的繁殖基地。对于这样的状况并不是每个人都知情,很多消费者都没有清洁手机的意识和方法,更加重了细菌在手机 上繁殖。如果不注意,手机将会成为人们感染病菌的发源地!尽管这个消息似乎有些耸人听闻,但相关的检测机构已经证实。除了辐射,手 机上的细菌还可能对人们的健康造成更大危害。 我司在此提示消费者:时刻伴在你身边的手机,正在俏俏侵害你的健康!手机被污染部位 主要是按键部分,还有数据线接口附近的灰尘。这些蠕动的细菌,会引起暗疮、肺炎、脑膜炎,引发呼吸道疾病、导致腹泻,甚至超级病毒 金黄色葡萄球菌,以及其他对人体有伤害的细菌的种类、数量更是鲜为人知。 手机上为什么会积聚大量的细菌呢?仔细想想,一个手机伴随我们少说也要一年半载,在户外和我们一起吸收汽车尾气,在室内又受 着用户的脏手百般“折磨”,还有人的唾液飞沫如果使用过程中不注意手机卫生,用户很可能会被隐藏手机其间的病菌击倒。手机之所 以会脏,主要是因手机用户从买到手,要么和钥匙、钱包、现金或者是信用卡等被主人放在包里,让手机与细菌重度感染对象同在一处,要 么被贴着耳朵、放在嘴边粘上汗液、唾液,手机的按键细缝里也会钻满灰尘。除了日常的持握之外,手机在携带过程中也会感染大量的细菌; 还有手机在工作时会有发热现象,这种条件恰好为细菌的繁殖提供了便利条件。尽管我们无法用肉眼去辨别,看不见的细菌也在手机被蹂躏 的同时交叉感染,携带时都无法避免灰尘对手机听筒、咪头的蜂拥而入;此外,人们没有养成清洁手机的习惯,或者缺少给手机消毒的专业 工具,手机滋生细菌几乎是不可避免的。如果不提高认识,不注意个人卫生的话,手机也会成为臭虫等 “产卵基地”。俗话说“病从口入, 祸从口出”很多人边打手机边吃东西,而手机上的细菌也许就进入人体了;还有人在挂电话时会附赠飞吻,殊不知他们吻的是手机上的细菌。 由此可见对手机的定期消毒已经不容忽视。 The mobile phone is a widely used tool for information exchange at present. People use it in the office, on the way, home, any occasions for taking pictures, listening to music, playing games, browsing webpage, calling, writing message etc. Almost every one has a phone, but at the same time its harm and bacteria that produces often are ignored. Do you know bacteria on the phone is more than that on the toilet seat cover, toilet door handle, sole and shopping malls counters? The survey shows there are 120,000 bacteria per square centimeter of the mobile phone. By that analogy, the whole phone exists several million bacteria at least. If we do not do something or pay more attention to it, the phone will easily become the birthplace of people infected with germs. This has been confirmed by the testing organizations. Please note the phone you take everyday is harmful to your health. The key parts and data line interface produce bacteria mostly, these peristaltic germs can cause acne, pneumonia, meningitis, respiratory diseases, diarrhea, even super viruses staphylococcus aureus and other unknown quantities types of bacterial damaged to the human body. Why does the phone accumulate a lot of bacteria? People often put the phone in the bag, together with keys, wallets, cash or credit etc, hands also has bacteria, people use the phone often, or the phone absorbs automobile exhaust in the outdoor. Anywhere and anytime bacteria grow. The phone is not cleaned in time, also lack of professional phone sterilization tools. It is obvious breed bacteria is almost inevitable. So regularly disinfection to the phone can not be ignored any more. 产品作用:Product Effects: 为了保护人的健康,我公司专门研制了这款同源达多功能手机消毒器,拥有这个产品可以在很大程度上降低在你的手机里面寄居的细菌。 本产品是我司为苹果手机系列和三星手机系列量身订做的具有消毒等多功能使用的专利技术产品,同时它还适用于多种类型及尺寸的手机, 也适用于 MP3/MP4/MP5、蓝牙耳机、耳塞等多种数码产品,电子设备以及家庭用品,如眼镜,手表还有婴儿用品及多种金银首饰等。本产品 是即节能又环保的高科技产品,属全球首创。本产品在设计上使用的都是物理原理和现象,不会损坏我们的手机和其他被清洁的物品,它也 无任何副作用,尽管放心使用。只要使用时严格按说明书要求使用即可。这个多功能的产品,不仅体现在对于手机等产品的广泛性选择,从 多方面进行清理和维护,也对于产品处理方法的多样性上,即全方位消毒、静化室内空气,还有香熏除尘等功能方面也体现了多种含义。产 品的具体性能参数及详细使用方法和使用时的注意事项,还有相关售后服务规则等都在使用说明书上,使用前要仔细阅读,便于使用时掌握 相关要领,从中享受到这个产品给你带来的好处。 To protect humans health, our company develops this multifunctional mobile phone sterilizer, largely reduce the bacteria of phones. The mobile phone sterilizer is especially suitable for phones of iPhone 2. Ozone sterilization, sterilize key button and earphone hole etc of phones; 3. Anion air purification, purify air in the room or office, and able to absorb formaldehyde; 4. Incense function, make the phone full of fragrance. 八大特点: 1、杀毒迅速:可在 6 分钟内迅速全面杀灭手机上附着的各种细菌、病毒。 2、杀毒彻底:能迅速杀灭手机上附着的大于 99.9%的个各种细菌及病毒。 3、杀毒面广:本产品采用紫外线和臭氧两种方式消毒,可快速杀死多种易引起疾病的微生物。 4、通用性强:此款产品适用于多种类型及尺寸的手机,同时也适用于 MP3/MP4/MP5、蓝牙耳机、耳塞等多种设备以及金银首饰等。 5、使用方便:产品小巧、轻便,非常适用于家庭、办公室及外出旅行时便携使用。 6、安全性强:采用5V 电压供电,提升产品安全性。 7、多功能用:内置熏香盒,可在消毒的同时给手机增加香味;还有负离子发生器,可在消毒的同时释放负离子吸收烟尘、甲醛等污染 源,净化室内空气。 8、汽车可用:配一个 5V 电源的 USB 输出车充连接头,就能够实现在车里消毒,熏香和净化车内空气。 Eight Characters: 1. Disinfection quickly: within six minutes 2. Disinfection completely: more than 99.9% bacteria are eliminated 3. Disinfection widely: by the ways of ultraviolet and ozone 4. Universal application: Suitable for various types and sizes of phones, and digital products jewellery accessories, etc 5. Convenient to use: the product is compact and lightweight, portable use at home, in the office and out for travel. 6. Security: 5v power supply, enhance product safety 7. Multifunction: incense box inserted in the sterilizer, add phone flavor while sanitize the phone; anion sterilization and also absorb formaldehyde, smoke dust. 8. Available for the car: With a 5v usb output car charger connector, the phone sterilizer can be put in the car, sterilize, incense and purify the air. 技术参数: 配件及名称 规格参数 产品的外尺寸 20012328mm 产品内腔尺寸 1568517mm 产品的重量 305 克(主体不含配件) 输入的电压 DC 5V 紫外灯管规格 5mm50mm 灯管输出功率 20.9W 紫外线波长 253.7nm 负离子浓度 -310 6pcs/cm 臭氧的功率 小于 2W 熏香器原理 热敏蒸发精油产生香气 Technical Parameters: Accessories 2. Put phone (other product) into the slot, close the lid tightly; 3. Turn on ON/OFF button, the power light will work; 4. If phone sterilization, please turn on sterilization button also, working light will work, also ultraviolet tube and ozone window. After six minutes, sterilization will end work automatically, also working light, ultraviolet tube and ozone window. 5. If purifying indoor air, please turn on purification button, no specific working time. Its better to work for a while then turn off then turn off. No use for long time. 6. In order to make the phone full of fragrance, please turn on incense button, 5-10minutus is ok. 适用范围:所有手机使用者,特别是体弱的老人,孕妇,年轻的妈妈,和接触婴幼儿的人士。 Application range: all phone users, especially the old, pregnant women, young mothers and people who take care of infants 注意事项:(1)使用时间: 本产品设定每次开机使用时间为 6 分钟。 (2)使用状态:使用时一定要合上上盖。以保证消毒效果,还有防止紫外线对人的皮肤的辐射伤害 (3)使用环境:在室内常温状态下洁净的环境里使用。 (4)建议选用:当配送的香料用完后,建议去正规商场选择无腐蚀,无刺激性,易挥发的液体香料。 (5)特别提醒:本产品同样适用于汽车电源使用,可以在车内进行空气净化和熏香,也可以给手机消毒。 (6)多种功能最好单独使用,以免同时使用功率负荷太大,影响个别元器件的寿命。 Precautions: (1) Usage time: six minutes; (2) Usage state: please close the lid when using. (3) Usage environment: indoor normal temperature clean place (4) Advice: When scented oil is exhausted, please purchase non-corrosive non-irritating, volatile liquid fragrance in regular shops. (5) Attention: The product is also suitable in the car, for car air purification and incense, also phone sterilization (6) Its better to use exclusively as multifunctional it is, to increase service life. (7) 随机配件:(1)产品主体(2)充电器 (3) USB 连接线 (4) 说明书(保修卡) (5)香精油 (6)熏香海绵 (7)无尘布 Supplied Accessories: (1) Main body (2) Charger (3) USB line (4) Instruction Manual (warranty card) (5) Scented oil (6) Incense sponge (7) Clean cloth 自检办法:产品在使用中出现故障时,可以通过以下方法进行自检或简易维修,便于不影响使用。 (1) 紫外线灯不亮时,首先检查电源是否正常插入,还有开关是否打开等电源来路,其次是灯管本身 (2)当闻不到臭氧的气味时(臭氧略有鱼腥味)要检查功能按钮(消毒器)是否正常联通。 (3)怀疑负离子净化窗无反应或者反应不灵敏,用点燃的香烟来测试,有吸烟现象的属于正常。 (4)电源灯不亮时,应该先查充电器和 USB 联通状态。 (5)工作灯不亮时,应该先查和 USB 消毒器按钮是否在联通状态。 Checking Methods: (1) When ultraviolet lamp isnt working, please check power supply connection and turn on ON/OFF button, then tube itself. (2) When no ozone smell (a little fishlike smell), please check sterilization button (3) Checking purification work or not, please test by lighted cigarette, if absorb smoke then it works. (4) When power light isnt working, please check the charger usb connection. (5) When working light isnt working, please check usb and sterilization button connection 保养方法:(1)当产品长时间不用时请取出电池存放,最好是放在封闭的无尘的环境里。 (2)请在常温下使用,不要在阳光下暴晒,和潮湿的环境中使用。 (3)本产品不防水,要在通风和干燥、无尘的环境里存放和保管。 (4)不要强力挤压或者摔打,碰撞以免造成元件损坏,焊点松脱或者电池弹簧倾斜导致短路。 Routine Care: (1) When not using the product long time, please remove the batteries. (2) Do not place it directly on the damp or out of the rain or in the sun. (3) Please put it in dry, ventilated and dry environment. (4) Do not crack or strong extrude, in case shell fragmentation and internal precise electronic devices shock. 售后服务:1.服务承诺:本产品从购买之日起(以购买时获得的发票日期为准)保修 6 个月。 保修卡: 2.保修内容:(1)出现非人为造成产品的电器性故障 (2)出现非人为导致产品的功能性缺失 (3)使用后产品外观出现问题不保修 (4)使用后产品配件及包装出现问题不保修 (5)人为摔挤导致的产品故障不保修 (6)擅自拆机挑弄导致的故障不保修 (7)非正常环境使用导致的故障不保修 (8)不按提示保养爱护导致的故障不保修 After-sales Services: 1.Service promise: six months guarantee from the date of purchase. Warranty Card: 2. Warranty Content: (1) Electrical fault caused by non-artificial reason (2) Loss of function caused by non-artificial reason (3) Product appearance problem after using, no warranty (4)Accessories and package problem after using, no warranty (5)Any fault caused by artificial crack or strong extrude, no warranty (6)Any fault caused by artificial disassembling, no warranty (7)Any fault caused by using it in abnormal conditions, no warranty (8)Any fault caused by wrong routine care reason, no warranty 预防和减少手机被细菌感染的方法: 1、手机之所以成为细菌的积聚地,主要是用户对手机清洁不够重视,使用手机时尽量避免取用其他物品,尤其是食物,杜绝


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