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-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 文化交流的力量 I lived in the Round Square1 House during its first year as a Chinese and the only international student whose first language is not English. Since one of the six ideals of the house is internationalism, I felt a deep sense of responsibility to represent the hearts and minds of one billion Chinese people and five thousand years of Chinese history. 中国论文网 /9/view-12941908.htm One night during tea we somehow started a conversation about favorite childhood TV shows. Just as it was always the case in conversations like this, I sat quietly in the corner of the room and -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 listened, trying hard to understand whats going on but did not have a clue. Perhaps because I was quieter than usual that night, Gemma noticed my awkward silence, and made the group to pay its attention. “Let s hear what Charlotte wants to say. It looks like she has something to share.” “Well, ” I said, “I think it is kind of difficult for me to be part of the conversation because I watched Chinese animation2 and TV shows when I was little. It is not because that I dont want to speakit is just that Chinese culture is very different from American culture.” The group went silent for a while. “Well, that makes sense.” A girl finally broke the silence, “But you should not lock yourself up. If you want us -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 to learn and understand your culture, you should speak up more and share it with us.” She was right. I was too quiet and shy to be a helpful messenger3 of my culture. However, even though I agreed with her suggestion, I also wanted to reject it simultaneously4. It was really a strange frustration and bafflement5 that I could neither understand nor explain at that time. What exactly is my culture? I asked myself. The first answer that came to my mind was a picture of the Great Wall. Then I thought about the Tiananmen Squarethe Chinese equivalent of the National Mall6and the Chinese National Flag. All of these are symbols that visually represent Chinese culture, but heres the thing: They are relevant to me, but they are not so to someone who is -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 unfamiliar with China. In order to engage my audience, I need something more tangible and interesting, something that could create empathy regardless of cultural differences.7 That object, as I came to realize much later, is, in fact, my life. Answering the same question, “What exactly is my culture?” through the lens8 of my life, I came up with some better answers. My culture can mean sitting by a round table and sharing 15 dishes with family members. It can be the voice of the anchor of the national evening news broadcast or my Red Tie that I proudly wore as a member of the Young Pioneers.9 It can be the mixed smell of cigarette, sweat, green onions and cup noodles in a crowded train station before and after Chinese New Year when millions of people hopped on trains to head back homes. It can be a beautiful poem written -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 in ancient Chinese from 2,000 years ago that I recite again and again even to this day. 1. Round Square: 方圆组 织,成立于 1966 年,是一个世界性的 顶尖学校联盟,成员学校间共享教育教 学资源,开展深度的校级师生互访,为 更多拥有共同志向的孩子提供走出国门、 走向世界的机会。 2. animation : 动画片。 3. messenger: 信使,通信员。 4. simultaneously: 同时地。 5. bafflement: 困惑,不解,下 文出现的 baffle 为其动词原形。 6. National Mall: 华盛顿国家广 场,一个开放型国家公园,从林肯纪念 堂延伸到国会大厦,是美国国家庆典和 仪式的首选场地。 7. engage: 吸引住(注意力、 兴趣等) ;tangible : 摸得着的,有形的; empathy: 同感,共鸣。 8. lens: R 头。 9. anchor: (电视、广播节目) -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 主持人;Young Pioneers : 少年先锋队, 其成员佩戴红领巾。 10. biased: 有偏见的,片面的。 11. 然而我认为,思考中国和其 文化中有趣但细微的部分会更有意义。 虽然我的故事只占了十三亿分之一,但 和其他中国人的经历一样,它经过塑造、 成型、打磨的过程,因为我们说着同样 的语言,有着共同的历史,生活在同样 体制之下,接受着同样的教育,也继承 着同样的传统。subtle: 不易察觉的, 微妙的;polish: 修饰,润色。 12. condense: 压缩,精简。 13. authentic: 真正的,真实的; credible:可信的。 14. revealing: 有启迪作用的, 发人深省的;thought-provoking: 引人 深思的,provoke 意为“引起,激起”。 15. the/a spectrum of: 广泛的, 一系列的,spectrum 意为 “范围,各层 次”;comprise: 构成,组成; -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 7 legitimize: 使合法,证明有理。 16. 现下盛行的愤世嫉俗和悲观 主义似乎印证了塞缪尔亨廷顿的理论, 即冷战后引发各地冲突的根本原因不再 是意识形态的不同,而是各种文化间的 差异。prevailing: 普遍的,盛行的; cynicism: 愤世妒俗;pessimism: 悲 观主义,悲观情绪;Samue


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