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书包的英语知识书包的英语意思bag书包的相关英语例句1. girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags.背着沉重书包的女孩们慢慢走进来。2. she wrapped a sheet of paper around the book.她用一张纸把这本书包起来.3. she opened her bag and began fishing for her dictionary.她打开书包开始找词典.4. the school boy opened the door and flung his satchel in.那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去.5. mother bought a new schoolbag for me yesterday.昨天妈妈给我买了一个新书包.6. tom wraps a book in a newspaper.汤姆把书包在报纸里.7. dont mess about my bags.不要弄乱我的书包.8. he carried his books in his school satchel.他用书包携带课本.9. whereabouts did i leave my bag?我把书包放在哪里了?10. he went off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.他背着书包上学去了.11. bags are not to be taken into the room.书包不能带进房间.12. molly slung her bag over her shoulder.莫莉把书包挎在肩上.13. bill strapped his bag on to his bicycle.比尔用带子把书包捆在自行车上.14. the children carry the bag on the back.孩子们把书包背在背上.15. i unburdened the boy of his satchel.我从那孩子的肩上解下书包.书包的英文例句她把书包了起来。she parcelled up the books.这本书包含你所需的一切资料。this book contains all the information you need.我狠狠的瞪了他一眼,抓起我的书包,幸好书包没掉进水泥里,不然我就惨了。i stared at him fiercely and then grabbed my schoolbag to go.这个小书包整个展开就是个大袋子,书包的口袋盖本身也是个小袋子。the satchel unfurls into a larger bag and the flap become a smaller bag itself.我的故事书刚刚还在书包里的呢。my story book was just in my schoolbag.这三个书包的总值量是多少?what is the total mass of the three bags?这个大书包现在缺货。the big schoolbag is out of stock.小男孩请他妈妈给他买一个新书包。the little boy asked his mother to buy him a new bag.我放了一罐新的胡椒喷雾在你书包i put a new can of pepper spray in your bag.那孩子把书包往桌上一扔就出去了。the boy flung his bag on the table and went out.书包的双语例句她打开书包将一本书放了进去。she opens her bag to put a book in.沉重的书包压得那小学生歪向一边。the heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。he opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.这是你的书包,接着!heres your bag. catch!妈妈,你能为我买一个新的绿色皮书包吗?mom, could you buy me a new green leather schoolbag?你把你的书放在这个书包里面。you put your books in this bag.利莎:别,我已经因为那样丢两个书包了。lisa:no. i have lost two bags because of that.斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上。steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree.她问我家住在哪里,然后把桶放在入口通道里,领着我回家了。 她走在我的身旁,一只手抱着我的书包,另一只手拽着我的胳膊。she asked me where i lived, put the pails down in the entryway, and took home and walkingbeside me holding my schoolbag in one hand and my arm in the other.我有一个美丽的小书包。i have a beautiful school bag.携带一个书包,一个笔记本和一支笔。bring a bag, a notebook and a pen.当您在现实生活中有一个容器对象(比如书包)时,您通常想要看它所包含的东西。when you have a container object in real life, such as a bag, you often want to look at all theitems it contains.然后我们买的每一件物品都要装进书包,背回家。then every item we buy must be brought home in bags.书包的英语意思bag书包的相关英语例句1. girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags.背着沉重书包的女孩们慢慢走进来。2. she wrapped a sheet of paper around the book.她用一张纸把这本书包起来.3. she opened her bag and began fishing for her dictionary.她打开书包开始找词典.4. the school boy opened the door and flung his satchel in.那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去.5. mother bought a new schoolbag for me yesterday.昨天妈妈给我买了一个新书包.6. tom wraps a book in a newspaper.汤姆把书包在报纸里.7. dont mess about my bags.不要弄乱我的书包.8. he carried his books in his school satchel.他用书包携带课本.9. whereabouts did i leave my bag?我把书包放在哪里了?10. he went off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.他背着书包上学去了.11. bags are not to be taken into the room.书包不能带进房间.12. molly slung her bag over her shoulder.莫莉把书包挎在肩上.13. bill strapped his bag on to his bicycle.比尔用带子把书包捆在自行车上.14. the children carry the bag on the back.孩子们把书包背在背上.15. i unburdened the boy of his satchel.我从那孩子的肩上解下书包.书包的英文例句她把书包了起来。she parcelled up the books.这本书包含你所需的一切资料。this book contains all the information you need.我狠狠的瞪了他一眼,抓起我的书包,幸好书包没掉进水泥里,不然我就惨了。i stared at him fiercely and then grabbed my schoolbag to go.这个小书包整个展开就是个大袋子,书包的口袋盖本身也是个小袋子。the satchel unfurls into a larger bag and the flap become a smaller bag itself.我的故事书刚刚还在书包里的呢。my story book was just in my schoolbag.这三个书包的总值量是多少?what is the total mass of the three bags?这个大书包现在缺货。the big schoolbag is out of stock.小男孩请他妈妈给他买一个新书包。the little boy asked his mother to buy him a new bag.我放了一罐新的胡椒喷雾在你书包i put a new can of pepper spray in your bag.那孩子把书包往桌上一扔就出去了。the boy flung his bag on the table and went out.书包的双语例句她打开书包将一本书放了进去。she opens her bag to put a book in.沉重的书包压得那小学生歪向一边。the heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。he opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.这是你的书包,接着!heres your bag. catch!妈妈,你能为我买一个新的绿色皮书包吗?mom, could you buy me a new green leather schoolbag?你把你的书放在这个书包里面。you put your books in this bag.利莎:别,我已经因为那样丢两个书包了。lisa:no. i have lost two bags because of that.斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上。steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree.她问我家住在哪里,然后把桶放在入口通道里,领着我回家了。 她走在我的身旁,一只手抱着我的书包,另一只手拽着我的胳膊。she asked me where i lived, put the pails down in the entryway, and took home and walkingbeside me holding my schoolbag in one hand and my arm in the other.我有一个美丽的小书包。i have a beautiful school bag.携带一个书包,一个笔记本和一支笔。bring a bag, a notebook and a pen.当您在现实生活中有一个容器对象(比如书包)时,您通常想要看它所包含的东西。when you have a container object in real life, such as a bag, you often want to look at all theitems it contains.然后我们买的每一件物品都要装进书包,背回家。then every item we buy must be brought home in bags.书包的英语意思bag书包的相关英语例句1. girls trundle in carrying heavy book bags.背着沉重书包的女孩们慢慢走进来。2. she wrapped a sheet of paper around the book.她用一张纸把这本书包起来.3. she opened her bag and began fishing for her dictionary.她打开书包开始找词典.4. the school boy opened the door and flung his satchel in.那个男学生打开门,把他的书包甩了进去.5. mother bought a new schoolbag for me yesterday.昨天妈妈给我买了一个新书包.6. tom wraps a book in a newspaper.汤姆把书包在报纸里.7. dont mess about my bags.不要弄乱我的书包.8. he carried his books in his school satchel.他用书包携带课本.9. whereabouts did i leave my bag?我把书包放在哪里了?10. he went off to school with a satchel over his shoulder.他背着书包上学去了.11. bags are not to be taken into the room.书包不能带进房间.12. molly slung her bag over her shoulder.莫莉把书包挎在肩上.13. bill strapped his bag on to his bicycle.比尔用带子把书包捆在自行车上.14. the children carry the bag on the back.孩子们把书包背在背上.15. i unburdened the boy of his satchel.我从那孩子的肩上解下书包.书包的英文例句她把书包了起来。she parcelled up the books.这本书包含你所需的一切资料。this book contains all the information you need.我狠狠的瞪了他一眼,抓起我的书包,幸好书包没掉进水泥里,不然我就惨了。i stared at him fiercely and then grabbed my schoolbag to go.这个小书包整个展开就是个大袋子,书包的口袋盖本身也是个小袋子。the satchel unfurls into a larger bag and the flap become a smaller bag itself.我的故事书刚刚还在书包里的呢。my story book was just in my schoolbag.这三个书包的总值量是多少?what is the total mass of the three bags?这个大书包现在缺货。the big schoolbag is out of stock.小男孩请他妈妈给他买一个新书包。the little boy asked his mother to buy him a new bag.我放了一罐新的胡椒喷雾在你书包i put a new can of pepper spray in your bag.那孩子把书包往桌上一扔就出去了。the boy flung his bag on the table and went out.书包的双语例句她打开书包将一本书放了进去。she opens her bag to put a book in.沉重的书包压得那小学生歪向一边。the heavy bag weighted the pupil to one side.他打开书包,拿出了一个笔记本。he opened his schoolbag and took out a notebook.这是你的书包,接着!heres your bag. catch!妈妈,你能为我买一个新的绿色皮书包吗?


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