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XX 年新 PEP 小学六年级下册英语第一单元考试卷这套 XX 年新 PEP 小学六年级下册英语第一单元考试卷免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。因为试卷复制时一些内容如图片之类无法显示,需要下载的老师、家长可以到本帖子底部下载WORD 编辑的 DOC 附件使用!试卷内容预览:大风小学六年级英语下册 unit1 综合测试题一、在四个选项中,就划线部分发音不同的单词和补一个发音相同的把序号写在前面的括号里。(4 分)( ) ( )1.A.baby B.lake C. tail D.apple E. table( ) ( )2.A.pine B.bike C.dive D.expensive E.type( ) ( )3.A.enjoy B.boy C .toy D. monkey E.point( ) ( )4.A.meter B.sheep C.seal D.medicine E.feel二、选出不同类的单词,在写出一个同类的分别写在前面的括号里。 (6 分)( ) ( )1.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.today .D.Friday( ) ( )2.A.smaller B.thinner C.driver D. fatter( ) ( )3.A.deer B.elephant C.dinosaur D.flower( ) ( )4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourty( ) ( )5.A.subway B.plane C.ship D.sheep( ) ( ) 6. A.more Bfarther C.badly D.less三、把下列的中文翻译成英文。 (23 分)恐龙: 书包: 排队: 大象: 棕色的:手臂: 长度: 牙齿: 本领: 潜水:玩具: 英尺: 考查: 守门员: 河马:长颈鹿: 斑马: 抓住: 脖子: 杰出的:家伴: 甚至: 高的: 更矮的: 虎鲸:厘米: 海豹: 年轻的: 深的:与相比较:鲨鱼: 年龄更大的: 龙虾: 思考: 鱿鱼:更滑稽的: 各自: 尾巴: 吨: 千克: 米:更重的: 长的: 更瘦的: 号码: 抹香鲸: 穿:四、选择括号里单词的正确形态填空。 (8 分)1. I taller than John. ( be)2. you heavier than Tom? (be )3. She three years older than her litter sister.( be)4.How _ is your brother? ( tall)5. An elephant is _, and it is _than a panda.( big )6. The monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. (long )7. Im taller than _.( he ) But he is stronger than _.( I )8. My arms are longer than _.( you )五、请找出下面句子或词组的中文意思并把答案序号写在括号里。 (5 分)( )1.lookafter A.照顾、照看( )2.would you like ?B.想要吗?( )3.Line up from shorter to taller. C.你穿几号鞋?( )4.How big are your feet? D.从矮到高排列。( )5 look for E.寻找六、 根据所给句子,用连词连成一个句子。(5 分)1.Im tall. Your brother is short.2.Im 151cm tall. He is 154cm tall.3.Chen Jie is 30kg. Amy is 31kg.4.Miss Whites hair is short. Sarahs hair is long.5.My hands are small. Your Hands are big.七、 按要求写下单词和句子的正确形式。(13分)1.far(比较级) less(反义词) photo(复数) badly(比较级)you(名词性物主代词) my(复数) tomato(复数) tall(反义词)2.Im 158cm tall.(对划线部分提问)3.than , a sperm whale , size, sts , in, a killer whale , is, bigger.(连成句子)4.Id like to have a try.(改成否定句)5.Hes almost bigger than the goal.(一般疑问句)6.Im going to play football in our school this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)7.I want to buy a pair of shoes in the shop.(对划线部分提问)8He always goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问)9.Im going to take a trip with my mother this weekend.(就划线部分提问)10This is my uncle.(就划线部分提问)八请在 B 栏中找出 A 栏问句的答语。 (12 分)。A B( )1.How old are you? a There are five.( )2. How many people are there in your family? b. Im 12.( )3. How tall are you? c. How do you do.( )4. How much is your T-shirt? d. Its about 6300 kilometers long.( )5. How do you usually go to school? e. On foot.( )6. How long is Changjiang River? f. Its about 10 minutes by bike.( )7. How high is that mountain? g. Over 1000 kilometers high.( )8. How far is it from your home to your school? h. Thirty yuan.( )9. How are you? i. Im 158cm tall.( )10. how do you feel? j. Thank you.( )11. How do you do? K. I feel happy.( )12. How clever(聪明)you are! l. Fine. Thank you.九选择题。(10 分)( )1.Line from younger to older. A.of B. off C.up D.for( )2. beautiful rose is! A.what B.How C.why D./( )3.Youre 4 cm taller than A.I B.me C.my D.mine( )4.The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey isA.funny B.funer C.funnier D.funniest( )5.The pencil is long. A.15cm B.15m C.15ft D.15mm( )6.a sperm whale can dive into the deep coldwater ,but jump out ofwater.A.does B.doesnt C.cant D.can( )7.I like the little monkey .Its younger funnier.A.and B.or C.than D.of( )8.Some dinosaursare bigger than houses. Some are smaller than ourA.schoolbags B.schoolbag C.schoolbags D.schoolbagss( )9.Im 21meters tall! Im taller than you!A.many B.some .C.much D.more( )10.Mike is 50 kilogram. Sarah is 51kilogram.Sarah is than Mike.A.heavy B.young C.heavier. D.younger十、短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整。(5 分)(playing biggerolderbiglongerfriendsstrongeryoungerthinnerheavierparktaller)There ia an animal near my house. Its very . There are many animals in it. Its an animal world. All kinds of animals are . They are good. Look, there is a rabbit and a cat under the tree. The rabbits ears are than the cats. There is an elephant and a horse at the river. The elephant is andthan the horse , but its not than the giraffe. The re are two monkeys on the Monkeys Hill. The brown monkey is ten years old. The yellow monkey is four years old. The brown monkey is than the yellow one, so its , too.十一、阅读理解:选择正确的答案。 (5 分)Chen Jie and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Jie is 14. Shes 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But shes taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46kg . Shes 1kg heavier than Chen Lin. Chen Jie likes sports. She does sports every day. So shes stronger than Chen Lin. Chen Jie has short hair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They often wear thesame size shoes. They wear size 36. They love each other.( )1、Chen Jie has sister.A: a younger B: an older C. a young D. an old( ) 2、Chen Lin is kg .A: 45 B: 47 C.46 D.48( ) 3、Chen Lin is than Chen Jie.A: taller B: shorter Ctall D.short( ) 4、Chen Lins hair longer than Chen Jies .A: is B:isnt C.does D.doesnt( ) 5、Chen Jie wear size .A: 35 B: 36 C45. D.46十二、用英语写几句话,比较一下你与你的同桌谁年龄大?谁高?谁重?谁强壮?等等。不少于 4句话(4 分)这套 XX 年新 PEP 小学六年级下册英语第一单元考试卷免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。因为试卷复制时一些内容如图片之类无法显示,需要下载的老师、家长可以到本帖子底部下载WORD 编辑的 DOC 附件使用!试卷内容预览:大风小学六年级英语下册 unit1 综合测试题一、在四个选项中,就划线部分发音不同的单词和补一个发音相同的把序号写在前面的括号里。(4 分)( ) ( )1.A.baby B.lake C. tail D.apple E. table( ) ( )2.A.pine B.bike C.dive D.expensive E.type( ) ( )3.A.enjoy B.boy C .toy D. monkey E.point( ) ( )4.A.meter B.sheep C.seal D.medicine E.feel二、选出不同类的单词,在写出一个同类的分别写在前面的括号里。 (6 分)( ) ( )1.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.today .D.Friday( ) ( )2.A.smaller B.thinner C.driver D. fatter( ) ( )3.A.deer B.elephant C.dinosaur D.flower( ) ( )4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourty( ) ( )5.A.subway B.plane C.ship D.sheep( ) ( ) 6. A.more Bfarther C.badly D.less三、把下列的中文翻译成英文。 (23 分)恐龙: 书包: 排队: 大象: 棕色的:手臂: 长度: 牙齿: 本领: 潜水:玩具: 英尺: 考查: 守门员: 河马:长颈鹿: 斑马: 抓住: 脖子: 杰出的:家伴: 甚至: 高的: 更矮的: 虎鲸:厘米: 海豹: 年轻的: 深的:与相比较:鲨鱼: 年龄更大的: 龙虾: 思考: 鱿鱼:更滑稽的: 各自: 尾巴: 吨: 千克: 米:更重的: 长的: 更瘦的: 号码: 抹香鲸: 穿:四、选择括号里单词的正确形态填空。 (8 分)1. I taller than John. ( be)2. you heavier than Tom? (be )3. She three years older than her litter sister.( be)4.How _ is your brother? ( tall)5. An elephant is _, and it is _than a panda.( big )6. The monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. (long )7. Im taller than _.( he ) But he is stronger than _.( I )8. My arms are longer than _.( you )五、请找出下面句子或词组的中文意思并把答案序号写在括号里。 (5 分)( )1.lookafter A.照顾、照看( )2.would you like ?B.想要吗?( )3.Line up from shorter to taller. C.你穿几号鞋?( )4.How big are your feet? D.从矮到高排列。( )5 look for E.寻找六、 根据所给句子,用连词连成一个句子。(5 分)1.Im tall. Your brother is short.2.Im 151cm tall. He is 154cm tall.3.Chen Jie is 30kg. Amy is 31kg.4.Miss Whites hair is short. Sarahs hair is long.5.My hands are small. Your Hands are big.七、 按要求写下单词和句子的正确形式。(13分)1.far(比较级) less(反义词) photo(复数) badly(比较级)you(名词性物主代词) my(复数) tomato(复数) tall(反义词)2.Im 158cm tall.(对划线部分提问)3.than , a sperm whale , size, sts , in, a killer whale , is, bigger.(连成句子)4.Id like to have a try.(改成否定句)5.Hes almost bigger than the goal.(一般疑问句)6.Im going to play football in our school this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)7.I want to buy a pair of shoes in the shop.(对划线部分提问)8He always goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问)9.Im going to take a trip with my mother this weekend.(就划线部分提问)10This is my uncle.(就划线部分提问)八请在 B 栏中找出 A 栏问句的答语。 (12 分)。A B( )1.How old are you? a There are five.( )2. How many people are there in your family? b. Im 12.( )3. How tall are you? c. How do you do.( )4. How much is your T-shirt? d. Its about 6300 kilometers long.( )5. How do you usually go to school? e. On foot.( )6. How long is Changjiang River? f. Its about 10 minutes by bike.( )7. How high is that mountain? g. Over 1000 kilometers high.( )8. How far is it from your home to your school? h. Thirty yuan.( )9. How are you? i. Im 158cm tall.( )10. how do you feel? j. Thank you.( )11. How do you do? K. I feel happy.( )12. How clever(聪明)you are! l. Fine. Thank you.九选择题。(10 分)( )1.Line from younger to older. A.of B. off C.up D.for( )2. beautiful rose is! A.what B.How C.why D./( )3.Youre 4 cm taller than A.I B.me C.my D.mine( )4.The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey isA.funny B.funer C.funnier D.funniest( )5.The pencil is long. A.15cm B.15m C.15ft D.15mm( )6.a sperm whale can dive into the deep coldwater ,but jump out ofwater.A.does B.doesnt C.cant D.can( )7.I like the little monkey .Its younger funnier.A.and B.or C.than D.of( )8.Some dinosaursare bigger than houses. Some are smaller than ourA.schoolbags B.schoolbag C.schoolbags D.schoolbagss( )9.Im 21meters tall! Im taller than you!A.many B.some .C.much D.more( )10.Mike is 50 kilogram. Sarah is 51kilogram.Sarah is than Mike.A.heavy B.young C.heavier. D.younger十、短文填空:(根据短文的意思,在所给的词中选择合适的填在相应的空格中,使短文完整。(5 分)(playing biggerolderbiglongerfriendsstrongeryoungerthinnerheavierparktaller)There ia an animal near my house. Its very . There are many animals in it. Its an animal world. All kinds of animals are . They are good. Look, there is a rabbit and a cat under the tree. The rabbits ears are than the cats. There is an elephant and a horse at the river. The elephant is andthan the horse , but its not than the giraffe. The re are two monkeys on the Monkeys Hill. The brown monkey is ten years old. The yellow monkey is four years old. The brown monkey is than the yellow one, so its , too.十一、阅读理解:选择正确的答案。 (5 分)Chen Jie and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Jie is 14. Shes 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But shes taller than Chen Lin. Chen Jie is 46kg . Shes 1kg heavier than Chen Lin. Chen Jie likes sports. She does sports every day. So shes stronger than Chen Lin. Chen Jie has short hair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They often wear thesame size shoes. They wear size 36. They love each other.( )1、Chen Jie has sister.A: a younger B: an older C. a young D. an old( ) 2、Chen Lin is kg .A: 45 B: 47 C.46 D.48( ) 3、Chen Lin is than Chen Jie.A: taller B: shorter Ctall D.short( ) 4、Chen Lins hair longer than Chen Jies .A: is B:isnt C.does D.doesnt( ) 5、Chen Jie wear size .A: 35 B: 36 C45. D.46十二、用英语写几句话,比较一下你与你的同桌谁年龄大?谁高?谁重?谁强壮?等等。不少于 4句话(4 分)这套 XX 年新 PEP 小学六年级下册英语第一单元考试卷免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与小学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。因为试卷复制时一些内容如图片之类无法显示,需要下载的老师、家长可以到本帖子底部下载WORD 编辑的 DOC 附件使用!试卷内容预览:大风小学六年级英语下册 unit1 综合测试题一、在四个选项中,就划线部分发音不同的单词和补一个发音相同的把序号写在前面的括号里。(4 分)( ) ( )1.A.baby B.lake C. tail D.apple E. table( ) ( )2.A.pine B.bike C.dive D.expensive E.type( ) ( )3.A.enjoy B.boy C .toy D. monkey E.point( ) ( )4.A.meter B.sheep C.seal D.medicine E.feel二、选出不同类的单词,在写出一个同类的分别写在前面的括号里。 (6 分)( ) ( )1.A.Monday B.Tuesday C.today .D.Friday( ) ( )2.A.smaller B.thinner C.driver D. fatter( ) ( )3.A.deer B.elephant C.dinosaur D.flower( ) ( )4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourty( ) ( )5.A.subway B.plane C.ship D.sheep( ) ( ) 6. A.more Bfarther C.badly D.less三、把下列的中文翻译成英文。 (23 分)恐龙: 书包: 排队: 大象: 棕色的:手臂: 长度: 牙齿: 本领: 潜水:玩具: 英尺: 考查: 守门员: 河马:长颈鹿: 斑马: 抓住: 脖子: 杰出的:家伴: 甚至: 高的: 更矮的: 虎鲸:厘米: 海豹: 年轻的: 深的:与相比较:鲨鱼: 年龄更大的: 龙虾: 思考: 鱿鱼:更滑稽的: 各自: 尾巴: 吨: 千克: 米:更重的: 长的: 更瘦的: 号码: 抹香鲸: 穿:四、选择括号里单词的正确形态填空。 (8 分)1. I taller than John. ( be)2. you heavier than Tom? (be )3. She three years older than her litter sister.( be)4.How _ is your brother? ( tall)5. An elephant is _, and it is _than a panda.( big )6. The monkeys tail is _ than the rabbits tail. (long )7. Im taller than _.( he ) But he is stronger than _.( I )8. My arms are longer than _.( you )五、请找出下面句子或词组的中文意思并把答案序号写在括号里。 (5 分)( )1.lookafter A.照顾、照看( )2.would you like ?B.想要吗?( )3.Line up from shorter to taller. C.你穿几号鞋?( )4.How big are your feet? D.从矮到高排列。( )5 look for E.寻找六、 根据所给句子,用连词连成一个句子。(5 分)1.Im tall. Your brother is short.2.Im 151cm tall. He is 154cm tall.3.Chen Jie is 30kg. Amy is 31kg.4.Miss Whites hair is short. Sarahs hair is long.5.My hands are small. Your Hands are big.七、 按要求写下单词和句子的正确形式。(13分)1.far(比较级) less(反义词) photo(复数) badly(比较级)you(名词性物主代词) my(复数) tomato(复数) tall(反义词)2.Im 158cm tall.(对划线部分提问)3.than , a sperm whale , size, sts , in, a killer whale , is, bigger.(连成句子)4.Id like to have a try.(改成否定句)5.Hes almost bigger than the goal.(一般疑问句)6.Im going to play football in our school this afternoon.(对划线部分提问)7.I want to buy a pair of shoes in the shop.(对划线部分提问)8He always goes to school at 7:00 in the morning.(就划线部分提问)9.Im going to take a trip with my mother this weekend.(就划线部分提问)10This is my uncle.(就划线部分提问)八请在 B 栏中找出 A 栏问句的答语。 (12 分)。A B( )1.How old are you? a There are five.( )2. How many people are there in your family? b. Im 12.( )3. How tall are you? c. How do you do.( )4. How much is your T-shirt? d. Its about 6300 kilometers long.( )5. How do you usually go to school? e. On foot.( )6. How long is Changjiang River? f. Its about 10 minutes by bike.( )7. How high is that mountain? g. Over 1000 kilometers high.( )8. How far is it from your home to your school? h. Thirty yuan.( )9. How are you? i. Im 158cm tall.( )10. how do you feel? j. Thank you.( )11. How do you do? K. I feel happy.( )12. How clever(聪明)you are! l. Fine. Thank you.九选择题。(10 分)( )1.Line from younger to older. A.of B. off C.up D.for( )2. beautiful rose is! A.what B.How C.why D./( )3.Youre 4 cm taller than A.I B.me C.my D.mine( )4.The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey isA.funny B.funer C.funnier D.funniest( )5.The pencil is long. A.15cm B.15m C.15ft D.15mm( )6.a sperm whale can dive into the deep coldwater ,but jump out ofwater.A.does B.doesnt C.cant D.can( )7.I like the little monkey .Its younger funnier.A.and B.or C.than D.of( )8.Some dinosaursare bigger than houses. Some are smaller than ourA.schoolbags B.schoolbag C.schoolbags D.schoolbagss( )9.Im 21meters tall! Im taller than you!A.man


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