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XX 年中考人教版初三英语总复习资料免费下载教学内容:同义句转换题解题技巧【解题技巧】同义句转换是各类考试中常见的一种题型。该题型要求较高,难度较大,考生容易失分。它主要是考查对句型的活用,同一个内容多种形式表达的能力。下面谈谈同义转换的解题技巧。应弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空部分与原句的对应关系,表达形式。根据所给空位,确定同义的句式和恰当的词语。对特殊结构的句型和习惯表达要仔细斟酌。【经典范例引路】例 1The old man stood there and didnt know what he should do next.The old man stood there and didnt know do next.简析:下一句要填的两个空与上句的 What he should 对应。即用两个词表示上句三个词的意思。上句 know 后是宾语从句,下句两个空应填 what to,是疑问句+动词不定式结构。例 2Hurry up, or youll miss the early bus.we , youll miss the early bus.简析:原句是祈使句,要完成的句子有三个空,且多了一个主语,要用三个空表示“Hurry up,or”的意思。而原句中的 or 是表示条件的,下一句理应改为条件状语从句:“Ifwe dont hurry”。例 3Their football team is much stronger than the other two.Their football team isof the .简析:本题原句是个比较级句型,而转换后的句型根据“of”的标志应是最高级句型。因为从句意上看是有三个足球队,空格处填 the strongest; three,意思与原句相同。【综合能力训练】I. 同义句转换,每空一词。(选自各地中考题)1. Aunt Li asked me to take care of her little son while she was out. (上海市)I was asked to Aunt Lis little son while she was out.2. Mrs White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground. (上海市)Mrs White told Tom throw paper on the ground.3. Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her. (上海市)Mary is often praised her hard work.4. Jim didnt visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home. (重庆市)Jim stayed at home yesterday visiting the museum.5. The porridge is too hot for the child to eat. (重庆市)The porridge isnt for the child to eat.6. He didnt know the other peoples idea because he didnt come to the meeting. (重庆市)He didnt know what at the meeting.7. There was a lot of wind last night. (重庆市)It last night.8. “Dont be a queue jumper, ”the old woman said to the boy. (重庆市)The old woman the boy to wait for his .9. Peter draws well. Henry draws well,too. (广西)Henry draws well Peter.10. Mikes parents have lived in Australia for over ten years. (四川)Mikes parents have lived in Australia for ten years.11. You must remember to write a letter to your father this Sunday. (四川)You must to write a letter to your father this Sunday.12. Han Meimei studies maths well. (四川)Han Meimei is maths.13. Lucy spent two hours in reading a Chinese story yesterday. (四川)It Lucy two hours read a Chinese story yesterday.14. She was very angry. She could say nothing. (黑龙江)She was angry to say .15. Every time Tommy sees the rice,hed like to eat. (黑龙江)The rice Tommy feel .16. All the students have passed the maths exam except Bill. (黑龙江)Bill the maths exam.17. They prefer Chinese food to Japanese food. (黑龙江)They Chinese food than Japanese food.18. The young people often wear their best clothes for the party. (黑龙江)The young people often for the party.19. Chinese is the most popular of all the subjects. (辽宁)Chinese is popular than _subjects.20. Theres a lot of bird food here to last for two months. (辽宁)Theres bird food here that it can for two months.参考答案【综合能力训练】1.look after2. not to3. for,work4. instead of5. cool enough6. was(were) said7. blew strongly (hard)8. told/asked,turn9. as. . . as10. more than11. not forget 12. good at13. took. . . to14. too anything15. makes hungry16. Only, failed 17. like. . . better18. dress up19. more, any other20. so much, last教学内容:同义句转换题解题技巧【解题技巧】同义句转换是各类考试中常见的一种题型。该题型要求较高,难度较大,考生容易失分。它主要是考查对句型的活用,同一个内容多种形式表达的能力。下面谈谈同义转换的解题技巧。应弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空部分与原句的对应关系,表达形式。根据所给空位,确定同义的句式和恰当的词语。对特殊结构的句型和习惯表达要仔细斟酌。【经典范例引路】例 1The old man stood there and didnt know what he should do next.The old man stood there and didnt know do next.简析:下一句要填的两个空与上句的 What he should 对应。即用两个词表示上句三个词的意思。上句 know 后是宾语从句,下句两个空应填 what to,是疑问句+动词不定式结构。例 2Hurry up, or youll miss the early bus.we , youll miss the early bus.简析:原句是祈使句,要完成的句子有三个空,且多了一个主语,要用三个空表示“Hurry up,or”的意思。而原句中的 or 是表示条件的,下一句理应改为条件状语从句:“Ifwe dont hurry”。例 3Their football team is much stronger than the other two.Their football team isof the .简析:本题原句是个比较级句型,而转换后的句型根据“of”的标志应是最高级句型。因为从句意上看是有三个足球队,空格处填 the strongest; three,意思与原句相同。【综合能力训练】I. 同义句转换,每空一词。(选自各地中考题)1. Aunt Li asked me to take care of her little son while she was out. (上海市)I was asked to Aunt Lis little son while she was out.2. Mrs White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground. (上海市)Mrs White told Tom throw paper on the ground.3. Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her. (上海市)Mary is often praised her hard work.4. Jim didnt visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home. (重庆市)Jim stayed at home yesterday visiting the museum.5. The porridge is too hot for the child to eat. (重庆市)The porridge isnt for the child to eat.6. He didnt know the other peoples idea because he didnt come to the meeting. (重庆市)He didnt know what at the meeting.7. There was a lot of wind last night. (重庆市)It last night.8. “Dont be a queue jumper, ”the old woman said to the boy. (重庆市)The old woman the boy to wait for his .9. Peter draws well. Henry draws well,too. (广西)Henry draws well Peter.10. Mikes parents have lived in Australia for over ten years. (四川)Mikes parents have lived in Australia for ten years.11. You must remember to write a letter to your father this Sunday. (四川)You must to write a letter to your father this Sunday.12. Han Meimei studies maths well. (四川)Han Meimei is maths.13. Lucy spent two hours in reading a Chinese story yesterday. (四川)It Lucy two hours read a Chinese story yesterday.14. She was very angry. She could say nothing. (黑龙江)She was angry to say .15. Every time Tommy sees the rice,hed like to eat. (黑龙江)The rice Tommy feel .16. All the students have passed the maths exam except Bill. (黑龙江)Bill the maths exam.17. They prefer Chinese food to Japanese food. (黑龙江)They Chinese food than Japanese food.18. The young people often wear their best clothes for the party. (黑龙江)The young people often for the party.19. Chinese is the most popular of all the subjects. (辽宁)Chinese is popular than _subjects.20. Theres a lot of bird food here to last for two months. (辽宁)Theres bird food here that it can for two months.参考答案【综合能力训练】1.look after2. not to3. for,work4. instead of5. cool enough6. was(were) said7. blew strongly (hard)8. told/asked,turn9. as. . . as10. more than11. not forget 12. good at13. took. . . to14. too anything15. makes hungry16. Only, failed 17. like. . . better18. dress up19. more, any other20. so much, last教学内容:同义句转换题解题技巧【解题技巧】同义句转换是各类考试中常见的一种题型。该题型要求较高,难度较大,考生容易失分。它主要是考查对句型的活用,同一个内容多种形式表达的能力。下面谈谈同义转换的解题技巧。应弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空部分与原句的对应关系,表达形式。根据所给空位,确定同义的句式和恰当的词语。对特殊结构的句型和习惯表达要仔细斟酌。【经典范例引路】例 1The old man stood there and didnt know what he should do next.The old man stood there and didnt know do next.简析:下一句要填的两个空与上句的 What he should 对应。即用两个词表示上句三个词的意思。上句 know 后是宾语从句,下句两个空应填 what to,是疑问句+动词不定式结构。例 2Hurry up, or youll miss the early bus.we , youll miss the early bus.简析:原句是祈使句,要完成的句子有三个空,且多了一个主语,要用三个空表示“Hurry up,or”的意思。而原句中的 or 是表示条件的,下一句理应改为条件状语从句:“Ifwe dont hurry”。例 3Their football team is much stronger than the other two.Their football team isof the .简析:本题原句是个比较级句型,而转换后的句型根据“of”的标志应是最高级句型。因为从句意上看是有三个足球队,空格处填 the strongest; three,意思与原句相同。【综合能力训练】I. 同义句转换,每空一词。(选自各地中考题)1. Aunt Li asked me to take care of her little son while she was out. (上海市)I was asked to Aunt Lis little son while she was out.2. Mrs White told Tom that he mustnt throw paper on the ground. (上海市)Mrs White told Tom throw paper on the ground.3. Mary works very hard at school. Her teacher often praises her. (上海市)Mary is often praised her hard work.4. Jim didnt visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home. (重庆市)Jim stayed at home yesterday visiting the museum.5. The porridge is too hot for the child to eat. (重庆市)The porridge isnt for the child to eat.6. He didnt know the other peoples idea because he didnt come to the meeting. (重庆市)He didnt know what at the meeting.7. There was a lot of wind last night. (重庆市)It last night.8. “Dont be a queue jumper, ”the old woman said to the boy. (重庆市)The old woman the boy to wait for his .9. Peter draws well. Henry draws well,too. (广西)Henry draws well Peter.10. Mikes parents have lived in Australia for over ten years. (四川)Mikes parents have lived in Australia for ten years.11. You must remember to write a letter to your father this Sunday. (四川)You must to write a letter to your father this Sunday.12. Han Meimei studies maths well. (四川)Han Meimei is maths.13. Lucy spent two hours in reading a Chinese story yesterday. (四川)It Lucy two hours read a Chinese story yesterday.14. She was very angry. She could s


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