



1、完形填空mr. robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to goby _1_ . he likedsitting_2_ a window when he was flying,so he gotontothe plane,he lookedfor a window seat. he _3_ all of them taken except one. there was a young man _4_ besideit,and robinson was surprise

2、dthat he had not taken theone by the window. anyhow, he went towardsit.when he _5_ it,however,he saw that there was a noticeon it, written_6_ largeletters,_7_ “this seat is kept for proper balance. thank you.” mr. robinson had never seen such anotice before, but he thought the plane must be carrying

3、 something particularly heavy in itsroom _8_ made it necessary to have the passengers properly balance. so he walked on and found_9_ empty seat, not beside the window _10_ .two or three other people _11_ to sit in the window seat next to the young man, but theyalso read the notice and went on. then

4、when the plane was nearly 12_ a very beautiful girl_13_ into the plane. the young man, who was watching the passengers coming in,14_ tookthe notice _15_ the seat beside him, and by this means succeeded in having a pretty companionduring the whole trip.1.a. airb. waterc. traind. bus2.a. onb. nearlyc.

5、 besided. far from3.a. wantedb. foundc. thoughtd. hoped4.a. seatingb. seatedc. seatd. sat5.a. arrivedb. sat onc. reachedd. left6.a. throughb. byc. withd. in7.a. saidb. sayingc. spokend. speaking8.a. andb. thisc. whod. which9.a. anotherb. otherc. the otherd. the only10. a. to sitb. to be satc. to sit

6、 ond. to be sat in11. a. stuckb. triedc. managedd. refused12. a. emptyb. fullc. upd. down13. a. reachedb. steppedc. enteredd. left14. a. quicklyb. fastc. slowlyd. soon15. a. ontob. awayc. offd. up名 点 乘 机 喜 窗子旁 ,但是 窗的座位上有一个警告,上面写着:此座留着是 了保持 机平衡,只好作 。又有几个乘客看到空座走了 去,但看到 条后都离开了。 ,上来一个年 漂亮的女士,旁 的年 人就把 条拿

7、掉了。 注意体会文章的幽默感。答案 析1 a。因 下文叙述的是 机上 生的事情。by air=by plane。2 c。喜 坐在窗子“旁 ”。3 b。表示 果,与上句的look for(表 作)相呼 。4 b。从句子 构看,此空 填非 形式。seat是及物 ,意思是“使某人就坐”,它与a young man是 关系,所以用seated ,表示状 ;而sit是不及物 ,它与a young man是主 关系,要用sitting,表示 作。5 c。不能 a,因 arrive 不及物 ;由下文可知,他根本没坐下来,所以也不能 b;若 d, 与上句的he went towards it相矛盾。6 d。

8、in large letters是固定 法,意 “用大写字母”。7 b。 里 用 在分 表示伴随 作。8 d。 which 引 定 从句,指代先行 say “ ”的内容,而something particularly heavyspeak 指“ ”的 作,故不 。d。9 a。 another表泛指“另一个”。10 c。此 不定式to sit用作定 , 与被修 的名 seat 构成 关系,而sit却是不及物 ,必 加上介 on。11b。try只表示 法去做某事,而不表示是否做成; manage 却表示 法做成了某事。由本句末的but theyalso read the notice and went on得知,不 c。12 b。随着情 的 展, 机上的人越来越多,快要“ 了”,所以


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