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1、Unit 6 Science and TechnologyPart Warming upA.key words:bulletproof vest防弹背心Impenetrable by bullets.predicting weather预测天气To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge.预测,预知,预告:预先陈述、告诉或公布,尤指以特殊知识为基础chess国际象棋A board game for two players, each beginning w

2、ith 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋盘游戏,每人最初执16枚棋子,其中分为六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对手的国王Vocabulary:shooting range射击场yarn纺线A continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic material, such as wool o

3、r nylon, used in weaving or knitting.纺线,纤维线:天然或人工合成材料制成的盘绕成股的连线,如羊毛或尼龙,用于纺织或编织pawn卒A chess piece of lowest value that may move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king

4、 upon reaching the eighth rank缩写 P【游戏】 兵,小卒:价值最小的棋子,一次可向前移一方格或在第一步可移两格,只能吃对方靠对角线前方的一个子,当到达第八级时可升为除王以外的任何一棋子electrode电极A solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolytic cell or other medium.电极:一个固体电导体,电流通过它进入或离开电解电池或其它媒质lever杠杆A simple machine consisting of

5、 a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other杠杆:固定于某一枢轴,用来传递力的一种简单的装置,带有一个金属杆,如通过压低一端而举起或移动另一端的重物NECNEC公司,是世界五大电脑制造商之一A1. 1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk.2. This news i

6、tem is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean.3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world on the Internet.4. This news item is about an experiment carried out by the U.S. scient

7、ists to train rats to operate a robot arms by using the electrical signals in their brains.5. This news item is about NECs new robot that talks and understands orders.A2. 1. While silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produces a stronger yarn than copper threads.2. American and Japanese rese

8、archers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean.3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing

9、a lever to move the arm.5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners.Tapescript:1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance. But a research team has fund a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the t

10、est at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while silk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the ma

11、terial used in regular bulletproof vests.2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather data from the region over the past 40 years and theyve discovered a strong connection between extrem

12、e weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed periods of heavy rainfall.3. The world chess champion Garry Kasparov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasyanov made his first move with

13、 a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft Corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies.4.

14、 Scientists in the United States have trained rats to operate robot arms using only the electrical signals in their brains. The scientists attach special electrodes to the animals brains and link them through a simple computer to a robotic arm. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by

15、 pressing a lever to move the arm.5. Some say its hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks its found the answer. Its a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if i

16、ts becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air conditioner.B. key words:force of attraction【物】引力spark火花The luminous phenomenon resulting from a disruptive discharge through an insulating material电火花:因通过绝缘材料的分裂性放电而产生的发光现象penetrateTo enter or force a way into;

17、pierce穿过,刺入,穿透:进入或迫使进入;刺入electromagnetic waves电磁波A wave of energy having a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum and propagated as a periodic disturbance of the electromagnetic field when an electric charge oscillates or accelerates电磁波:频率在电磁波频谱内的一种能量波,当电荷振荡或加速时做为电磁场的周期性扰动而传播fungus真菌Any of nu

18、merous eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which lack chlorophyll and vascular tissue and range in form from a single cell to a body mass of branched filamentous hyphae that often produce specialized fruiting bodies. The kingdom includes the yeasts, molds, smuts, and mushrooms真菌:一种缺乏叶绿素和血管组织的

19、真菌界真核生物,存在形式从一个单细胞到整个枝状菌丝体不等,经常可产生专化子实体。这一界生物包括酵母、霉菌、担子菌和蘑菇resistance to movement阻力A force that tends to oppose or retard motion.阻力:倾向于妨碍或阻滞运动的力量energy-efficientenergy: a source of usable power, such as petroleum or coal能源:可用能量的来源,如石油或煤efficient: acting or producing effectively with a minimum of was

20、te, expense, or unnecessary effort高效的:以较少的浪费、花消、或不必要的努力去做或生产Vocabulary:opaque 不透明的Impenetrable by light; neither transparent nor translucent.不透光的:不能被光线穿透的;既不透明也不是半透明的ruby红宝石A deep red, translucent variety of the mineral corundum, highly valued as a precious stone红宝石:深红色、半透明刚玉矿产,因是珍稀宝石价值很高ferment酶,酵素

21、Something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mold, or an enzyme, that causes fermentation酶,酵素:酵母菌、细菌、霉菌或酶等能引起发酵的东西ball bearing滚珠轴承A friction-reducing bearing consisting essentially of a ring-shaped track containing freely revolving hard metal balls against which a rotating shaft or other part turns.滚珠

22、轴承:一种减少磨擦的轴承,主要由包括可自由旋转的硬金属珠的环状轨道构成,转动轴或其他部件因撞碰金属珠而转动lubricating oil润滑油Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER) 激光Any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more discrete frequencies of highly amplified and coheren

23、t ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation激光器:使偶然的混杂频率的电磁辐射,变为一个或更多的高度强化和连续的紫外线、可见光或红外线辐射的分离频率仪器中的一种SubjectTone of voice1Gravity / GravitationSuperior2LightningPatronizing3X raysEnthusiastic4LaserBored5YeastFriendly / intimate6FrictionLoudly but neutral7RecyclingPatientlyTapescript:1. Yes, you se

24、e, its the force of attraction between any two objects. The strength of the force depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. Er, the most obvious effect is the way objects on the surface of the earth are attracted towards the center of the earth.2. As it comes down it goes rel

25、atively slowly - 100 to 1,000 miles per hour and you cant see it, but the return stoke goes up from the earth to the cloud and it goes at over 87,000 miles per hour and thats the one you can see, you see, the one that goes back up. Its really just a very large, powerful spark. The distance in miles

26、you are away from it is the time in seconds between it and the sound you hear.3. Well, they were first discovered in 1895 and they can penetrate matter that is opaque to light. Some matter is more transparent to them than others, which means you can see inside somebody. They are actually quite dange

27、rous and people who work with them wear special protective clothing.4. Ordinary light consists of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies an phases. This is a bundle of waves of the same frequency and phase. You can create the beams from a ruby rod or a tube of carbon dioxide thats stimulated

28、 with flashes of ordinary light. The word is an acronym for light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. Now, does anybody.5. Theyre all types of fungus. There are many different kinds of them but the best known are the ones used in cooking and brewing. When theyre mixed with sugar t

29、hey cause the sugar to ferment and two things happen: first carbon dioxide is given off and second alcohol is formed, but when the proportion reaches 12%, its all killed off naturally.6. In contact with each other, theres a resistance to movement between them. The main reason why we use ball bearing

30、s and lubricating oil is to counteract this; the main reason why rubber is used in tyres and shoes is to increase the effect of it.7. No, its the process whereby materials are used again. Normally, it is cheaper to do this because its more energy-efficient. On the other hand, one material thats hard

31、 to deal within this way is plastic - there are so many types that its very difficult to separate.Part Latest breakthroughs in technologykey words:trend趋向The general direction in which something tends to move走向:事物趋向运动的大致方向integrated综合的, 完整的miniaturization小型化Vocabulary:tinker with粗修, 补修(up); 调整fad时尚A

32、 fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time; a craze时尚:短暂的带有过分狂热的一种追求;狂热grandLarge and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent宏大的,雄伟的:尺寸、范围或程度大而给人深刻印象的;壮丽雄伟的Rich and sumptuous富贵而奢华的:prototype原型An original type, form, or instance that serves as a model on whic

33、h later stages are based or judged原型:一种原初的类型、形式或例证,是作为其后期阶段的基础的模型earpiece耳塞,听筒A part, as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid, that fits in or is held next to the ear耳塞:电话接收器或助听器上嵌入耳中或附著在耳上的部分inventiveness独创性A. 1. What is the trend for electronics in the future? Integrated, smaller, faster, better

34、2. What is the theme for electronics in the future? The combination of computers and communications and then having them disappear from our sightB. ItemDescriptionsT-Bos personal TV (a computer recording video)l Can read video broadcastl Can pause on a live broadcastl Learns which TV shows and chara

35、cters you like to watch and records them for youEricssons R380l Can make callsl Can browse the webl Can check the calendarl Can send and receive emailP3 wrist cameral Can give pretty good picturesl Costs $2,000 IBM wearable PCl Can be carried easilyl Information can be accessed through earpiecel Inf

36、ormation can be integrated into clothing l Weight less than a poundl Can be clipped onto beltl The monitor, the size of a pen capPanasonic portable DVD playerl Can watch movies and listen to CDs while travelingCasios GPS watchl Can tell you where you are on a mapl Can give you directionsTapescript:

37、“Everybody thinks of technology as somebody in a lab coat, you know, tinkering with computer ships, but technology is really about how we live and how we communicate.” Suzanne Cantra is the “Whats New?” editor at Popular Science magazine, a magazine that has been following advances in technology for

38、 more than a hundred years.“The most fanciful dream of mankind is today a startling reality.” Remember when television was considered a fad of the future? “It may not be long before our news events and current world happenings will be witnessed in thousands of homes.” Boy, where they wrong?This reco

39、rder shows how far television has come. T-Bos personal TV, and NBC investment, is one of the products that caught Cantras eye.“One of the benefits of having a computer recording video is that the computer can read the video broadcast as it comes in so if the phone rings, you can hit pause on a live

40、broadcast.”And not only that, this sort of smart VCR learns which TV shows and characters you like to watch and records them for you. This device is only one of a hundred items, Cantra says, best represents the future. And while we couldnt show you all of them, here are a few that reflect some of th

41、e new trends.Like Ericssons R380. You can make calls, browse the web-check your calendar and send and receive email, all in this one device.“This cell phone actually shows us the future of integrated devices.”And I bet you cant guess what this is? Although it looks like a watch, in fact, its a camer

42、a. Thats right. A camera.“The P3 wrist camera sort of talks to that whole concept of miniaturization and having devices integrated into things that you wouldnt think of.”And while the pictures are pretty good, only you can decide whether theyre worth two grand.And how about this? Its a prototype com

43、puter that puts your mobile laptop to shame.“The IBM wearable PC definitely gives you a vision into whats gonna be coming down the line. We will be carrying these kinds of computing devices and you will need to only access the information somehow. Whether thats through an earpiece or whether its jus

44、t integrated into your clothing.”The PC weighs less than a pound and clips onto your belt. The monitor, about the size of a pen cap rests an inch from your eye.But if you dont necessarily wanna work during your down time, something like the Panasonic portable DVD player might be the gadget for you.“

45、The ability to have a very small compact device where you can watch movies or listen to CDs is something that any business traveler will tell you is a great benefit.”If youre more the adventurous type, then Casios GPS watch is a must to have.“A few years down the line, instead of just having, you kn

46、ow, your coordinates, it can actually tell you where you are on a map and give you directions.”Over the past several years, weve seen electronics get smaller, faster and better and that trend is going to continue into the next century.“The theme for electronics in the future is the combination of co

47、mputers and communications and then having them disappear from our sight.”But Cantra says these new technologies are not just about bits an bites.“When you look at new technologies, theyre based on the past and what we think that we need, but a lot of times its just sheer human inventiveness that ta

48、kes it to this next step. And theres nothing more exciting than finding a new way of being able to reach out and share information.”part Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistrykey words:electronics电子学integrated circuit集成电路A tiny slice or chip of material on which is etched or imprinted a comple

49、x of electronic components and their interconnections集成电路,积体电路:一种微型的材料片或材料块,上面蚀刻或印压上复杂的电子原件和它们的联结线路optical and microelectronic componentsVocabulary:laureate卓越的Crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor戴桂冠的:戴以月桂冠或饰以月挂作为荣誉标志的silicon chip硅片bar code条形码diode二极管 An electronic device that restricts c

50、urrent flow chiefly to one direction二极管:将电流主要限制于一个方向的电子设备illuminate照明To provide or brighten with light照明,照亮:给予光亮或用光使发亮Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences瑞典皇家科学院American Institute of PhysicsTexas Instruments CorporationIoffe Physico-Technical InstituteSt. Petersburg 圣彼得堡Santa BarbaraUniversity of Tsuku

51、baA. statements:1. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and information technology.2. The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future.3. The new Nobel physics laureates have laid a s

52、table foundation for modern information technology.4. Kilbys invention is more pervasive and more influential today than any invention of the 20th century.Jack Kilby: Texas Instruments CorporationZhores Alferov: Ioffe Physico-Technical InstituteHerbert Kroemer: University of CaliforniaAlan Heeger: U

53、niversity of CaliforniaAlan MacDiarmid: University of PennsylvaniaHideki Shirakawa: University of TsukubaB. NameCountryAchievementJack KilbyU.S.Invented integrated circuit on a silicon chipZhores AlferovRussiaInvented fast optical and micro-electronic computersHerbert KroemerGermanyAlan HeegerU.S.Di

54、scovered that plastic can conduct electricityAlan MacDiarmiU.S.Hideki ShirakawaJapanTapescript:Four Americans, a Russian and a Japanese scientist have won this years Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. The common theme in the award-winning research is the huge advances made in electronics and inf

55、ormation technology.The physics prize is about the electronics of today and the chemistry prize is about the electronics of the future. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which awards them, says the new Nobel physics laureates have laid a stable foundation for modern information technology. Marc

56、 Brodsky, the director of the American Institute of Physics, puts it another way.“I think its recognizing what you might call the clever physics inventions behind much of todays electronic technology.”Half the 915-thousnad-dollar physics prize goes to Jack Kilby of the United States. As a Texas Inst

57、ruments Corporation research in the late 1950s, he co-invented the integrated circuit on a silicon chip - the heart of todays miniature electronics.The other half of the money is split between Zhores Alferov of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg, Russia and Herbert Kroemer, a German-born researcher at the University of California at Santa Barbara. The Swedish Academy is honoring them for their inventions of fast opti


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