




2、型、多边形、图腾形象等,美不胜收。全部都是进口的,从几毛钱一个到几十元一个的珠子,做一个成品饰物大约需要几十元,当然,还要决定于你的心意 尽管售价不菲,却仍没挡住喜欢它的人。据统计,上海国民经济持续快速增长。03全年就实现国内生产总值(GDP)6250.81亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长11.8%。第三产业的增速受非典影响而有所减缓,全年实现增加值3027.11亿元,增长8%,增幅比上年下降2个百分点。图1-4大学生购买手工艺制品目的4、如果学校开设一家DIY手工艺制品店,你是否会经常去光顾?图1-3 大学生偏爱的手工艺品种类分布5、你认为一件DIY手工艺制品在什么价位可以接受?尽管售价不菲

3、,但仍没挡住喜欢它的人来来往往。这里有营业员们向顾客们示范着制作各种风格迥异的饰品,许多顾客也是学得不亦乐乎。在现场,有上班族在里面精挑细选成品,有细心的小女孩在仔细盘算着用料和价钱,准备自己制作的原料。可以想见,用本来稀奇的原料,加上别具匠心的制作,每一款成品都必是独一无二的。而这也许正是自己制造所能带来最大的快乐吧。10、如果学校开设一家DIY手工艺制品店,你希望8B Unit 3错题集 Name_一、词组翻译1. 收发电子邮件 2. 电脑的不同用途 3. 搜索信息 4. 使用电脑的优缺点 5. 在的顶部 6. 在的底部 7. 世界著名的商业中心 8. 在的最南端 9. 一天艰苦的工作 1

4、0. 听说 11. 自从20世纪初以来 12. 充满黑暗 13. 国际大都市 14. 买票去不同的地方 15. 参观亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲以及更多的地方 16. 参观故宫 17. 写一封电子邮件给 18. 几天前 19. 许多名胜 20. 作为一名电脑程序员而著名 21. 因长城而世界闻名 22. 在澳大利亚的东北海岸线上 23. 进行一次网上之旅 24. 介意某人做某事 25 在日常交流中使用英语 26带你在网上到世界各地旅行 27介绍一个古老的欧洲国家给她的朋友 28关于世界的历史和文化了解很多 29. 被用来收发邮件(2) 30. make sb do/ see sb. do /hear

5、 sb. do (改被动结构)_31.在网上搜索信息_32.自学外语(2)_二、词汇1.Computers can be used for_ and_ e-mails.(收发)2.If you click on the icon, you can _(查询)for more information.3.Can you see the words on the _(屏幕)if youre near-sighted?4.The Eiffel Tower is _(举世闻名).5.We went to Tiananmen Square to watch the _(升起) of National f

6、lag.6.Look! Thousands of people have_(聚集) on the square.7.In the _ of the island is _Park.(中央)8.Look! The sun has _(rise) up.9.You can choose the seat, you should be at the side of the table not the _.(对面)10.Before going abroad, you should get your p _ready.11.If _(放松)is in your plan, you can take a

7、 walk on the beach.12.Spring is the best time to visit all the tourist a_ in China.13We decided to have _(进一步) _(讨论) to make a wise decision.14.It is _(说)that well go on a trip to the park next Thursday.15.Who _at the meeting at the beginning of the term? Mr. Lu did.(发言)16.The teacher _us not to sho

8、ut loudly during the break between classes.(建议)17.He felt sad because of the _of his dog.(失去) 18.He felt sad because of _(失去)his dog.19.My parents celebrated their forty years of _last Sunday.(marry)20. There will be _(采访) about the presidents from different countries on TV.21.What do you think of t

9、he film? - It couldnt be _(good) . I was really excited .22.Now, people can _(订购) things they like online.23._(music) were very popular in Broadway last century.三、用动词的适当形式填空1. Hobos food was in the bowl an hour ago. But now the bowl is empty because Eddie (eat) it.2. When I was in primary school, my

10、 mother (drive) me to school every day.3. How many times your cousin (travel) to Beijing?4. New York (call) “the Big Apple”.5. In the street I met one of my old friends (call) Tom.6. Im excited that I (get)a letter from my pen friend.7. How many times the Chen family (visit) the Summer Palace? -Twic

11、e.8. it (rain) last night?9. We (know) each other for a long time since my good friend (leave) here.10. Im sorry you (miss) the train. It (leave) five minutes ago.11. It is the most interesting film I (see).12. They are too busy (prepare) for the coming exam to help you. My mother is too busy _(wash

12、) clothes, so I have to wash the clothes myself.13. Twenty pounds (be) not enough to buy that pair of shoes.14. Great Britain (make) up of four self-governed(自治) countries. Great Britain (make) up of four self-governed(自治) countries is an European country.15. I (visit) my friends as soon as I am fre

13、e this week.16. We are looking forward to (receive) his email. The holiday we look forward to _(come) at last.17. This is the best way I could think of _(stop) people getting into such a dangerous area.18. The three students Miss White paid special attention to _(make) great progress at last.19. Whe

14、n I saw her just now , she _(create) a file.20. What gift do you plan to give Tom for his birthday?- Oh, I _(forget) all about it.21. Only two years _( pass) since his brother came to his town.22.You ll pass the exam if you spend as much time as you can _(practice) .23.look! How heavily it _(snow) !

15、 We had better stay at home today.24. My father is too tired and he _(lie) on the sofa over there.四、单项选择( ) 1. Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate? - Id love to , but Ive _ Lindas invitation to dinner. A. suffered .earned C. received D. accepted ( ) 2. -_ do you use your c

16、omputer to search for information? - I use my computer to search for information every week. A. How often B. How much C. How long D. How ( ) 3. Will you please show me how to do the role-play exercises? - Sure. Now let me tell you _ first. A. where to do B. how to do C. when to do D. what to do ( )

17、4. I am sorry to tell you that the plane to Beijing _ five minutes ago. A. left B. has left C. had left D. has been left ( ) 5. My aunt goes to climb the hill every morning. - Oh? But she _ hate climbing hills. A. used to B. uses to C. was used to D. is used to ( ) 6. Many trees _ along the streets

18、every year. So the air is very fresh now. A. plant B. are planted C. planted D. were planted( ) 7. David, get up early, _ youll catch the early bus. A. but B. and C. after D. or ( ) 8. It seems that the aged people _ the H7N9 more easily from the recent cases. A. pick up B. mix up C. set up D. use u

19、p ( ) 9. _ I see the photos, Ill remember the days in Beijing. A. This time B. That time C. One time D. Every time ( ) 10. The icon is double clicked, but it still _ . A. works B. turns on C. doesnt work D. appears ( )11. - Would you mind if I sing here? -_. Look at the sigh. It says “ Be Quiet”. A.

20、 Of course not B. Better not C. Not at all D. I dont mind( ) 12.-Hes never been late for school, _ he? -_, he always arrives at school on time. A. is; Yes. B. has; No C. has; Yes D. hasnt; No ( ) 13. Miss Li _ her husband two months ago. A. got married B. married to C. married D. married with ( )14.

21、 - Do you mind my smoking here? -_ A. Of course not, youd better not ! B. Not at all. Go ahead please!C. No, you shouldnt smoke here. D. Sure, please do it! ( ) 15. _ your grandparents _ in the old house in the past?A. Did; live B. Has; lived C. Have; lived D. Do ; live ( ) 16- Shes seldom worried a

22、bout his sons study, _ she? - _. His son is a top student in his school. A. has; Yes B. has; No C. is; Yes D. is; No( ) 17 _ the fans are waiting for the pop star outside the airport. A. Two thousand B. Thousands of C. Two thousands of D. Two thousand of ( ) 18 Hes already back to Australia, _?- _.

23、A. isnt he; No B. hasnt he; Yes C. isnt he; Yes D. hasnt he; No( ) 19- Can you hand in your report about the survey tomorrow? - _, but I have something more important to deal with right now. A. I think so B. Im afraid not C. I think not D. I hope so ( ) 20 What happened to Billy? - He _ because of h

24、is drink-driving. A. is caught B. has caught C. was caught D. had caught ( ) 21- Would you please give me a cup of tea?-_. A. With pleasure B. My pleasure C. Of course I do D. Yes, thats all right五、翻译句子 1.-你们用电脑干什么?-我们用它来收发电子邮件。-_?-We use _.2.我想当电脑程序员。将来我将要编程杀毒。We want _. I will _ to kill virus in t

25、he future.3 每年除夕夜,成千上万的人聚在这里。Every year, _ _.4自20世纪早期以来,百老汇就以剧院而闻名。It _ since_5.帮我提一下那个装满苹果的篮子, 好吗?Would you please_6.在电脑的帮助下,我们能找到更多有关那个城市的信息。_, we can _the city.7.李明已看过那部电影了。他上周和他表弟去看的。Li Ming _. He _.8.他相信总有一天他能实现他的梦想。He _.9.你曾经梦想过周游世界吗?_ you _?10.对我来说在这么少的时间里完成这么多的工作很困难。Its _time.11.我大概花了才半个小时登上

26、港湾大桥。I _the Harbour Bridge.12.澳大利亚的季节与我们相反。_.13.三亚位于中国的南海岸。Sanya _14. 在中国有许多自然美的地方。There _a number _.15. 来杭州参观的最佳时间是每年的三月到六月。The best time _.16. 英国一直以其博物馆而闻名于世。The UK _in the world.17.能与你做这么多年的朋友,我感到很幸运。 Its very _ to _ for so many years.月考作文范文一With the development of the whole society, air pollutio

27、n is getting more and more serious. We made a survey about the reasons for the air pollution. Here are the results. To tell you the truth, the vehicles give off nearly half of the polluted air. Its the main reason for air pollution. Another reason is that the factories give off three-tenths of the p

28、olluted air. Of course, smoking is one of the reasons. 5 percent of the air pollution is from smoking. Besides, there are some other reasons for the air pollution.After knowing the information, we should know how to stop the air pollution. On one hand, the government should make laws to stop the fac

29、tories giving off the dirty air. On the other hand, we can go out on foot or by bike instead of driving cars if we can. Whats more , we can advise others to give up smoking.In a word, if everyone can take action at once, the air will be fresh again in the future. I believe our environment will be be

30、tter and better.100% all 90% most of 80% most of 70% seven-tenths60% more than half of /over half of 50% half of 40% less than half of 30% some 20% one fifth/some10% one tenth/ ten percent5% a few of 月考作文范文二With the development of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. In this cit

31、y, more and more people are ill because of air pollution. Air pollution is caused by the following reasons. About half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars and buses on the road, which give off poisonous gases. 35% of air pollution is caused by factories. Another factor

32、 is smoking. Smoking does harm to others health as well as to that of the smokers. Besides, about 10% of air pollution is caused by other reasons, such as setting off the fireworks. We should take some action to fight against/reduce pollution. we can use new fuel instead of gas. We can travel on foo

33、t , by bike or on the bus more often. Also, we can plant more trees, grass and flowers. All in all, if everybody realizes the importance of environment and does something to stop pollution, the problem will be solved. 1. about half of the problem: 大约这个问题的一半2. be caused by: 由引起 3. vehicles: 车辆4. give

34、 off poisonous gases: 释放有毒气体5. 35% of air pollution: 35%的空气污染6. another factor:另一个因素7. do harm to: 对.有害8. as well as: 和9. besides: 除此之外10. fight against: 对抗, 与斗争11. reduce: 减少12. fuel: 燃料13. all in all: 总之(=in a word=in all )14. will be solved : 将被解决 U3单元卷 On the Internet In our daily life, Internet is becoming more and more important. Her


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