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1、,The knowledge competition,Each question should be answered in 10S,otherwise go to the next one. 1or 2 points for each correct answer, but -1or -2 points for each incorrect one.,Rules,1. Halloween is a _. A. summer festival B. night-time festival C. pilgrims holiday,在西方国家,每年的10月31日为“万圣节之夜”。万圣节是西方国家的

2、传统节日。节日之夜是一年中最“闹鬼”的一夜,所以也叫“鬼节”。那时人们相信,故人的亡魂会在这一天回到故居地在活人身上找寻生灵,借此再生,而且这是人在死后能获得再生的唯一希望。,2. The general election in America is held every _ years.5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 3,3. The national sport of America is _. A. basketball B. football C. tennis D. baseball,4. Three “Donts” include the following except _. A

3、.jumping up the queue B. asking a woman her age C. bargaining while shopping D. laughing at ones own faults,5.卡拉OK最早是起源于 哪个国家?,答案:日本,6. 根据已有字母组合单词 a i i o o n n m r t f,答案:information,乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,也是中华人民共和国国球。乒乓球运动是一项以技巧性为主,身体体能素质为辅的技能型项目,起源于英国。“乒乓球”一名起源于1900年,因其打击时发出“ping pang”的声音而得名,,7.table

4、-tennis first started in A Britain B China C France D America,8、Which is the English spelling? A 、centre B 、center,9、How do English people call “钞票”? A、 bill B、 note,10、How do American call”公寓”?(B) A、 flat B、apartment,11、Which is the American expression? A、I have a car. B 、I have got a car.,12、 when

5、 an Englishman shake his fist means ( ) A、 angry B 、threat C、 goodbye D、 no problem,13、 In England, to thumb ones nose with other fingers open means A 、agree with sb B、 praise sb C 、love sb D、 look down on sb,傻瓜(fool):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动其四指,或十指分开。也常常食指对着太阳穴转动,同时吐出舌头,则表示所谈到的人是个“痴呆”“傻瓜”。,14.The highest mountain

6、 in the U.S. is Mount _. A. Appalachian B. Mckinley C. Rocky,15. The most important part of the U.K. in wealth is _. A. Northern Ireland B. England C. Scotland,16. Hawaii is in the _ Ocean. A. Atlantic B. Indian C. Pacific,17. The _ were the original inhabitants in America. A. blacks B. Indian C. Pu

7、erto Ricans,18. London is situated on the River of _. A. Parret B. Thames C. Spey,19.Big Ben, the most famous landmark in London,its name comes from _ A. The person who built it B. The fact that it is really very heavy C. The name of the head of the British parliament,1859年,大钟由当时的英王工务大臣本杰明霍尔爵士监制。大本钟

8、被视为伦敦的象征,凡到 伦敦观光的人,无不想到大本钟,站在桥上欣赏伦敦这个独具一格的建筑。1834年整个威斯敏斯特宫被大火所毁,目前的这座97米高的钟楼是1837年维多利亚女王登基时建造的。大钟造于1856年,以建造工程的第一名监督官本杰明爵士的名字命名,叫BIG BEN(大本钟)。1857年该钟出现裂痕,于1859年重新铸造。,20.What is the ocean named after a country?,The Indian,21.What are the three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?,Engla

9、nd, Scotland and Wales,22. Which country has the longest coastline?,Canada,23. _ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A. A. Florida B. Louisiana C. Alaska,24.The Second World War broke out in September, _ and ended in August _. A. 1939, 1945 B. 1937, 1943 C. 1938, 1945,第二次世界大战:Second World War 19

10、39年9月1日至1945年9月2日,以德国、意大利、日本等为一方,以中国、美国、英国、苏联等反法西斯同盟和全世界反法西斯力量为同盟国进行的第二次全球规模的战争。,25. The British people are great lovers of betting. The most money they bet mainly on _. A. horse racing B. Bingo C. football pools D. dog racing,26.What is the full name of PRC?,The Peoples Republic of China,27.William

11、 Shakespeare is mainly a _. A. novelist B. dramatist C. poet,威廉莎士比亚 (William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日1616年4月23日;华人社会常尊称为莎翁,清末民初鲁迅在摩罗诗力说(1908年2月)称莎翁为“狭斯丕尔”)是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是西方文艺史上最杰出的作家之一,全世界最卓越的文学家之一。,28.Which city in the US is known for its movie production in the world?,Los Angeles,29. How many gold

12、 metals did Michael Phelps win in the Olympics in 2008? A. 4 B. 8 C. 6,30. The oldest university in Britain is _. A. Cambridge B. Edinburgh C. Oxford,牛津大学 University of Oxford,是一所位于英国牛津市的世界著名公立研究型大学。实际创立日期仍不清楚,但有记录的授课历史可追溯到1096年 ,为英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构,是世界著名研究型大学之一。,31. The British people u

13、sually have a small quantity of _ as a first course. A. soup B. sweet C. vegetable,Three dishes:appetizer, entree,dessert,32.Who used the gesture “V” for victory for the first time? A Lincoln B Churchill C Stalin D Bill Clinton,二战期间,一次,邱吉尔在地下掩蔽部内举行记者招待会,突然上面警报声大作,邱吉尔闻声举起右手,将食指和中指同时按住作战地图上的两个德国城市大声地对

14、与会者说:“请相信,我们会反击的!” 这时,在场的一名记者发问道:“手相先生,有把握吗?”邱吉尔转过身,目光锐利地望着记者们,立即将按在地图上的两指指向天花板,情绪激动地大声回答说:“一定胜利!” 邱吉尔这一镇定威严的神态举止,被记者们拍了下来,登在了第二天出版的报纸上。 从此,这一著名的手势便在英国城乡广泛流行开来,并很快在全世界得到了普及。,33.Most Americans are _ from different countries. A. blacks B. Indians C. emigrants D. immigrants,34.The most popular drink in

15、 America is A coffee B coke C tea D milk,35.南瓜灯(Jack-o-lanterns)是庆祝那个节日的标志物?,答案:万圣节(Hallowmas) 11月1日,36.Love me, love my dog 是什么意思?,答案:爱屋及乌,37.英文缩写CEO是什么意思?,答案:首席执行官,行政总裁 Chief Executive Officer,38.One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 这句话中文含义是什么?,答案:一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。,39.美国

16、国旗上一共有多少颗星?,答案:50颗,40.在西方文化里面,哪个数字被人们看作是不吉利数字?,答案:13,41.Black and blue是什么意思?,答案:青一块,紫一块,42.奥运会的格言是什么?,答案:faster, higher, stronger,43.有个人曾经说,If Ive seen further ,its because Ive stood on the houlders of giants.这句话是谁说的?,答案:牛顿(Newton),44.奥运五环有哪几种颜色?英语作答!,答案:red yellow blue green black,46.美国的自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)是哪个国家送给美国的礼物?,答案:France,47.英吉利海峡位于哪两个国家之间?英语作答!,答案:between the UK and France,48.哪个国家被


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