1、BREATHTAKINGDesign Strategy2008.08.04ARNELL GROUPA.BREAKING THE CODE FOR INNOVATION From Convention to InnovationBREATHTAKINGTrajectory of InnovationA. How do we move from convention to innovation?CONVENTIONINNOVATIONB. By investing in our history and brand ethos we can create a new trajectory forwa
2、rd.CONVENTIONINNOVATIONDNAC. The investment in our DNA leads to breakthrough innovation and allows us to move out of thetraditional linear system and into the future.FUTURECONVENTIONINNOVATIONDNAD. Continued investment provides us with a clear resource for reinvention.FUTURECONVENTIONINNOVATIONDNAB.
3、 THE ORIGINS OF CREATIVE ENDEAVORSUniversal Design Principles and PepsiCos Brand HeritageBREATHTAKINGBrand Heritage and the Aesthetics of SimplicityThe Pepsi ethos has evolved over time. The vocabulary of truth and simplicity is a reoccurring phenomenain the brands history. It communicates the brand
4、 in a timeless manner and with an expression of clarity. Pepsi BREATHTAKING builds on this knowledge. True innovation always begins by investigating the historic path.Going back-to-the-roots moves the brand forward as it changes the trajectory of the future.191019702009BREATHTAKINGUniversal Design P
5、rinciplesBREATHTAKING is a strategy based on the evolution of 5000+ years of shared ideas in design philosophy creating an authentic Constitution of Design. This chart documents the origin and evolution of intellectual property.3000 BCVstu stra:600 BCMusica Mundana:300 BCGolden Ratio:278 BCFeng Shui
6、:70 BCVitruvian Principle:1452The Art of Building:1637La Gomtrie:1858Mbius Strip:1948The Modulor:2009Pepsi:1455Vitruvian Renaissance:Hindu Tradition of numerical harmony as spatial organizerPythagoras creates spatial hierarchies from musical scalesEuclid explores the mathematics and proportion of na
7、tureAncient Chinese art of placement and spatial arrangementIn “De Architectura” he demands: strong, useful, beautiful.Alberti draws on the relation of numbers and areasDescartes develops the cartesian coordinate systemMbius creates a surface with only one side and edgeLe Corbusier draws algebraic r
8、elations in the human bodyPepsi introduces BreathtakingRediscovery of the Vitruvian principles and their publicationNatural Sunflower GridEuclidian GeometryNatural Golden SpiralNatural Magnetic Energy“De Architectura”Long: 1:1, 2:3, 3:4“De La Method”Mbius StripThe ModulorDa Vincis Vitruvian ManCity
9、GridProportions of a CircleParthenonGreek House PlanMiddle: 2:4, 4:9, 9:16Proportional CompassConstruction of the StripHand ProportionDuality in BalanceVitruvian SphereDome GridSub-ProportionsDa Vincis Mona LisaElements of EnergyShort: 1:1, 2:3, 3:4Vitruvian TheaterHead RotationHouse GridGeometric G
10、olden MeanVitruvian AnalemmaBREATHTAKINGIconic GeometryDerived from PepsiCos rich packaging legacy and inspired by some of its earliest forms andproportions, BREATHTAKING revitalizes the essence of PepsiCo in creating an iconic shape for the brand.1898190019101920193019401950196019701980199020001898
11、-2009Retain the best of PepsiCos history and shape the next PepsiCobottle into an icon for the brand.BREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 18981896 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsThe Pepsi DNA finds its origin in the dynamic of perimeter oscillations. This new identity manifests itself in an
12、authentic geometry that is to become proprietary to the Pepsi culture.BREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19051905 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19061906 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19291929 Pepsi Geometrie
13、s: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19301930 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19621962 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19711971 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsBREATHTAKINGTracing
14、the Pepsi DNA - 19911991 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter Oscillations14BREATHTAKINGTracing the Pepsi DNA - 19981998 Pepsi Geometries: Perimeter OscillationsC. TOWARDS INNOVATION: PROJECTING PEPSIS FUTURE Applying Universal Laws to Establish a Blueprint for the BrandBREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity:Prece
15、dentsArtists and architects have proportioned their works to approximate the Golden Ratio, especially in the form of the Golden Rectangle, in which the ratio of the longer side to the shorter is the Golden Ratio. They believethis proportion to be universally and aesthetically pleasing. The Golden Ra
16、tio plays an essential role in human perception of beauty.Height and width of the Parthenon is proportioned to yield a Golden Rectangle.Leonardo Da Vinci studied the proportion of the human face and applied his findings in the Mona Lisa painting.Book format and page layout are based on the Golden Pr
17、oportion.The diameter of the Nautilus Shell increases proportionally with the Golden Ration.BREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity: A Blueprint forProportionsA.The Golden RatioB.The Pepsi RatioIt starts with a circle.It starts with asquare.aa1. Draw a circle with diameter d=a.a0.5a2. Find its center and d
18、raw two same size circles with diameter d=0.5a.0.5aa0.5a453. Rotate the centerline 45. Copy one of the smaller circles. Place its center on the intersection of the larger circle and the rotated centerline.0.5a0.5a0.5a0.5a4. Draw a circle that lies within the larger one.Its diameter is such that it t
19、ouches all three circles in exactly and only in one point.0.5a0.5abab5. Rotate the centerline by 56. Place the smallest circle with its center on the intersection of the largest circle and the rotated centerline.56aa=1.61803399b=1ab6. The Pepsi brand is created by intersecting circles with a set pro
20、portion to each other. The coordinates are marked (x).aa=1.61803399b=10.5b0.5a7. The Pepsi Ratio is created by two simple circles, that are in a set ratio to each other: The Golden Ratio.0.5b0.5aa=1.61803399b=18. The Pepsi Ratio is aesthetic geometry.a=1.61803399b=1aaaBREATHTAKINGCreation of Identit
21、y: Scales and DynamicRelationshipsA.Geometry of Aesthetics: ProportionThe Golden Ratio establishes a proportion of one part (a) relative to another (b). Playing by these rules produces an aesteticism that is universally accepted to be in balance and harmony. The Pepsi aesthetic respects these rules:
22、 The brand identity can be derived from two circles, that have a set relation to each other.aa = ababb = bB. Geometry of Aesthetics:Dynamicsbbdda45ADccC36BREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity: DynamicForcesA. The Pepsi GlobeA. The Earths GeodynamoA naturally occurring electric generator in fluid motion g
23、enerates and sustains the Earths magnetic field.B. Magnetic FieldsMagnetic fields exert forces on inner and outer surfaces of the Earth.B. Pepsi Energy FieldsSymmetrical energy fields are in balance.SNSNC. Magnetic DynamicsMagnetic field are impacted by sun radiation and wind motion.C. The Pepsi Glo
24、be DynamicsEmotive forces shape the gestalt of the brand identity.20082010BREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity: Multiple PerspectivesOne Identity, Multiple EmotionsMultiple point of views, One Object0 15 30 45 60 75 90 70 55 40 25 10 BREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity: The Face of a NewGenerationBREATHTAK
25、INGCreation of Identity: A Multi-Dimensionalized BrandA. Motion Transforms 2D into 3DFrom 2D Circle to 3D SphereA sphere is defined as the surface formed by rotating a circle about any diameter.B. The Brand Identity is Dimensionalized through MotionBREATHTAKINGCreation of Identity: Color TheoryA. Objective Color / Subjective EmotionEach color on the color wheel is associated with a subjective psychic and emotional value.B. Breathtaking Color PaletteThe Breathtaking Color Palette is derived using a scientific method of color assignment based on the products essence and primary features.P
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