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1、何凯文写作强化班整理笔记1、Just as an old Chinese proverb says.正如一句古老的中国谚语所说。2、Sample as the picture is, the symbolic meaning behind it is as deep as ocean.尽管图画很简单,寓意却非常深刻。3、Aspire to inspire until I expire.生命不息,奋斗不止。aspire/spa/ v(aspiring,aspired,aspires)有志 (于)inspire /nspa/ v(inspiring,inspired,inspires)鼓舞; 激励

2、expire /kspa/ v(expiring,expired,expires)到期; 失效4、With current state of affairs being so sorry, it is high time that we took effective measures to tackle this problem.问题如此严重,是马上采取有效措施解决这个问题的时候了。tackle /tkl/ (tackling,tackled,tackles)处理5、It is imperative that corresponding laws and regulations be intr

3、oduced and enforced to curb and harness this urgent problem.我们必须制定并执行一些法律和政策来解决这个问题。correspond /krspnd/v (corresponding,corresponded,corresponds)相一致; 相对应imperative /mprtv/ adj至关重要的curb and harness 解决6、In no country other than China , it has been said , is the problem of environment more serious.在中国,

4、环境问题是最重要的。7、There has been a heated discussion about this picture in newspaper.报纸上有一张图画引起了人们广泛的关注。8、The future has arrived, it commences now.未来已经到来,它始于现在。commence /kmns/ V-T/V-I (commencing,commenced,commences)使开始; 开始一、 作文写作方式主题词:1、坚持: perseverance /psvrns/ N-UNCOUNT坚持不懈persistence /psstns/ N-UNCOUN

5、T坚持不懈; 执著2、榜样:model, example, role model3、创新:innovation, creation, the spirit of innovation, the spirit of think different形式第一段:2-3个句子(30-60字)第二段:4-9个句子(100-120字)第三段:3-4个句子(30-60字)语言正确,用词准确二、 第一段写作1、 第一句:图画描述句As is shown above Which is symbolic ofWhich symbolizeSymbolizing小结:简要描述,与主题相关2、 第二句:图画影响句,引

6、起关注The topic illustrated in the picture will make a heated discussion.引起关注:Verb:trigger/spark/arouse/stimulate/cause/prompt/promoteN:attention, imaginationAdj:much attention, abundant imagination.In China, a nation with great populationOn Weibo, a popular social media3、 第三句:图画意义句(深刻)As deep as ocean

7、/as profound as oceanprofound /prfand/ (profounder,profoundest)ADJ深刻的; 极大的强调The drawing truly displays a states that is worthy of our attention.We cant afford to turn a blind eye to the problem highlighted by this picture.我们承受不起这幅图画所展现的问题。三、 第二段写作1、 第一句:提出论点,主题很重要The picture tell us that nothing can

8、 be compared with(主题),when it comes to the personal growth , especially in this ever rapidly changing world.这幅图画告诉我们没有什么比(主题)重要,尤其是在这样一个人口增长,告诉发展的世界。The picture demonstrates that the sense of environmental preservation(环保意识) is part and parcel to the sound growth of society and its absence will inev

9、itably inflict/cause great losses on us.这幅图画告诉我们,环保意识是社会健康发展的重要部分,它的缺失必然会造成巨大损失。demonstrate /demnstret/vt. 证明;展示;论证vi. 示威part and parcel重要(或主要、基本)部分;不可缺少的部分sound growth 良好发展、(身心)健康成长、稳定增长inevitably /nevtbl; nevtbl/ adv. 不可避免地;必然地inflict /nflkt/ vt. 造成;使遭受(损伤、痛苦等);给予(打击等)The picture tells us that the

10、 honesty was, is and remains to be an integral part in ones success, be it the individual or organizational.这幅图画告诉我们,诚信在过去、现在、将来都是成功不可缺少的部分,无论对是个人还是组织来说。was, is and remains to be过去、现在、未来be it A or B 不论是A还是B。 integral /ntgrl/ ADJ构成整体所必需的The picture/drawing/photo illustrates that the positive mental s

11、tate plays a pivotal role in individual success, especially when confronting the setback and the adversity.积极的心理状态在个人成功中扮演着特别重要的角色,特别是在面对困难的时候。pivotal /pvtl/ ADJ关键的The drawing reminds us that the social value of the morality should enhanced and maintained to ensure a healthy community, which is in t

12、he best interests of general public.道德的社会价值是应该被提升并维持的,目的是为了保持一个健康的社区,这样做是符合大众利益的。2、 第二句:强调论点To be sure, never in any era of our nation have the stakes involving environment protection been higher than now.在我们国家的任何一个历史阶段中,都没有哪个阶段比现在环境保护更重要的。Indeed, the idea that a child can attain personal success on

13、ly with individual efforts oversimplifies, they effect of role model also matters a lot.3、 第三句:公众态度The general public has/have attached due attention to this positive force.Due attention has been attached not only by government but by the organizations and individuals.due attention 应有的重视The public f

14、ails to stress the fundamental role of environmental preservation in the sound growth of the modern society.在健康发展的现代社会,公众没有加强在环境保护中基本角色的作用。No one would deny independence is truly the vital attribute of top performers, which separates the high achievers from the rest of the pack.没人能够否认,独立是精英们的重要品质,并将

15、精英同凡人区别开来。vital /vatl/ ADJ至关重要的attribute 动词/trbjut/名词/trbjut/(attributing,attributed,attributes)把归因于top performers=high achievers 精英rest of the pack 凡人People in all walks of life take substantial note of this character.各行各业的人都重视这种品质。In all works of life 各行各业Take substantial note 重视substantial /sbstn

16、l/ADJ大量的; 很大程度的This topic has been now high on the government agenda.这一话题已经引起政府高度重视。4、 第四句:强调第三句5、 第五句科学论据法According to a survey one of the latest survey conducted by a certain international organization.Money spent on sth is as much asMoney spent on sth has reached as much asMoney earned /collected

17、/raised is as much asChina Daily has conducted an interview recently on this topic, involving four individuals-a surgeon, a lawyer, a worker and a civil servant.According to a survey conducted by Chinese Academy of Science(CAS).According to a survey conducted by CAS ,those who are confident are more

18、 likely to establish career, compared with those who are not.根据社科院的调查,那些自信的人比不自信的人更容易成功。举例法Our society has been filled with a variety of examples of(主题),with the following one being the most impressive.Among all touching facts relating to(主题)that I have heard ,noticed and experienced the most impres

19、sive one is提升:enhance/promote/improve/facilitate/stimulate/upgrade/boost/enrich加强:reinforce/strengthen/consolidate/hone/sharpen/intensify培养:cultivate/foster/nurture执行:perform/conduct/implement/enforce制定:formulate/introduce珍惜:value/treasure/cherish解决:combat/address/solve/takle/harness/curb/optimize破坏

20、:breach/erode/exhaust/undermine/ruin/spoil/degrade/violate恶化/阻碍:corrupt/distort/aggravate/hinder/impede/obstruct平行展开法&因果展开法More than(肯定)This is more than a challenge.The role model is more than a way to educate children but an effective mode of communication as well.Far from being(绝不是) China is far

21、from being a world economic leading nation.Contrary to a popular assumption=contrary to a common beliefassumption /smpn/ N-COUNT假设Contrary to a common belief environmental preservation should have priority over economic growth. 连接3个或3个以上Not only A but also B and such benefits/problems as C and D.Not

22、 the least 丝毫不Not the least of the factors that make for success in many field is在任何领域当中取得成功最重要的因素是In term of 就而言(主题)will give youngsters an advantage in terms of coping with the challenges of student life.就应对学生时代的挑战而言,主题会给年轻人带来优势。Cope with 应对 cope V-erb 解决Sth is/are not restricted to ,but is /are a

23、lso evident among主题并不局限于,在中也明显。The benefits of the being independent are not restricted to improving ones academic performance, but are also evident among promoting ones energy, enthusiasm and charm.独立的好处并不局限于提升一个人的学术表现,在提升一个人的能量、热情还有魅力方面也很明显。Be it A or B 无论是A还是BBe it long or short, rough or smooth,

24、 we mean to reach our journeys end.一些连接词To do this 这样一来To become successful 成为一个成功的人By doing so 这样一来Obviously 很明显In many ways 在很多方面In some case 在某些情况下Put it another way 换句话说To put it mildly 换句话说In other words 换句话说To put it strong 换句话说四、 第三段写作正面话题1、第一句:再次确认其重要性It is imperative that the essence be abs

25、orbed and the drawbacks be neglected, especially in the times of knowledge explosion when news, facts, opinions and even rumors have been bombarding us from every corner of the world.the essence be absorbed and the drawbacks be neglected取其精华去其糟粕2、第二句:_/_/给出建议Researchers, scholars and experts in the related area are expected to work out up-to-date proposals to ensure this positiv


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