1、Nothing to worry about,Lesson 39,Contents,New Words,Passage Reading,Multiple Choice Questions,Summary Writing she is busy.别去烦她,她很忙。 The noise doesnt seem toworrythem.这种嘈声好像并不影响他们。,New Words,agitate vt.煽动;搅动;焦虑,They sent agents toagitatethe local people.他们派遣情报人员煽动当地的民众。 This remark seemed toagitatehe
2、r guest. 这句话似乎激怒了她的客人。 Dontagitateyourself over such a thing. 不要为这种事焦虑。 Agitatewater briefly to dissolve detergent. 简要地搅动一下水使洗涤剂溶解。,New Words,disturb vt. 扰乱,妨碍,使不安,They took the phone off the hook so no calls woulddisturbthem.他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。 Ministers declared themselves profoundly disturbedby th
3、e violence.大臣们自称因为暴力而感到深刻的不安。 A soft breeze gentlydisturbedthe surface of the pool.一阵微风打破了池塘的平静。,New Words,plague vt. 折磨,烦扰,造成麻烦,The terrible disease plagued him. 可恶的疾病折磨着他。 Telemarketersplagueour lives.电话销售员给我们生活带来了很多麻烦。,fret vt. 使烦恼,使焦急,You must notfretyourself about it. 你不要为它而使你自己感到焦躁不安。,New Word
4、s,trouble vt. 使烦恼,麻烦,May Itroubleyou to move your chair a bit?麻烦你把椅子挪一挪行吗?,dismay vt. 使沮丧,使惊愕,Itdismayedus that the project had been canceled.那个计划取消了,这让我们非常惊讶。,New Words,underestimate vt. & n.低估,They now believe that was anunderestimate. 他们现在相信低估了问题。 Dontunderestimatethe difficulties of the work.不要低
5、估了这项工作的艰巨性。,New Words,swerve swv vt. vi. &n. 突然转向,转弯,转变,We put the helm hard over in an attempt toswerve. 我们把船尽量往一边靠以便转向。 I dont think he willswervefrom his ideas. 我看他不会改变主意的。 One ought not toswervefrom his duty. 一个人不应做出有失本分的事。,New Words,scoop skup vt.挖出,抢先报道 n. 铲子,勺子,穴,独家新闻,He used ascoopto serve t
6、he ice cream.他用勺子来吃冰激凌。 The newspaper got ascoopon the airplane crash.该报独家报导了那次飞机失事。,常用短语: make a scoop 走运,赚大钱,抢先得到新闻,New Words,scoop skup vt.挖出,抢先报道 n. 铲子,勺子,穴,独家新闻,You canscoopup more food from the bottom of a pot of soup.你盛汤的时候往下捞,锅底儿都是好东西。 Shescoopedall the national newspapers to get the story.她
7、抢在全国各报之前发表了这一消息。 Hescooped$1000 in the lottery.他在抽彩中捷足先登赢得1000美元。,New Words,hammer vt. 锤打,严厉批评 vi. 锤击,反复敲打 n. 锤子,榔头,The teacher has been trying tohammerin the facts.教师一直设法把这些事实灌输给学生。 The policehammeredthe door.警察不停地敲门。 Her latest movie washammeredby the critics.她最近的一部电影遭到评论家的批评。,New Words,ominously
8、mnsli adv. 有预兆地,不祥地,Mrs. Baker looked at Jennieominously. 倍克夫人阴森森地把珍妮看了一眼。 Some social scientists predictominouslythat robots will become more and more independent and eventually uncontrollable. 有些社会科学家提出了不祥的预言,认为机器人会变得越来越独立,最终将失去控制。,New Words,ominously mnsli adv. 有预兆地,不祥地,同根词: ominous adj. omen mn
9、n. 征兆,预兆,He had a fall, which wasominousof his downfall.他曾跌倒,这是他垮台的征兆。 Theomenof bankruptcy hung over the company. 那家公司出现了破产的预兆。,New Words,rip vt. 划破,撕,扯 n. 裂口,裂缝,The poster had beenrippedto pieces.那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。 Irippedmy stocking on a nail.一个钉子挂破了我的袜子。 Why get involved? Forget about it and let itrip
10、. 何必管它呢?别把它放在心上,听其自然吧。 I asked my mother to sew up thisripin my sleeve.我让母亲缝上我袖子上的裂缝。,New Words,rip vt. 划破,撕,扯 n. 裂口,裂缝,常用短语: rip off: 收取不合理的高价,宰客,偷窃 rip-off: n. 宰客,敲竹杠,This saleswoman is trying torip offthe customer.这个女销售员正试图宰客。 The food prices are so expensive here. What arip-off!这里卖的食物真贵,简直是抢钱嘛!,
11、New Words,rip vt. 划破,撕,扯 n. 裂口,裂缝,常用短语: rip into: 刺穿,猛攻,抨击,The puppy is ripping into the big dog. 小狗正在向那只大狗发起猛攻。 A bullet ripped into his shoulder. 一颗子弹穿透了他的肩头。 I dont like the way your supervisor rips into you. 我不喜欢你上司斥责你的情形。,New Words,rip vt. 划破,撕,扯 n. 裂口,裂缝,常用短语: rip up the back: 背后攻击,背后说人坏话,New
12、Words,stretch n. 一大片(平地或水),伸展, 弹性,一段时间 v. 伸展,张开,The place used to be astretchof barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。 In front of us we sawa stretch ofopen fields. 眼前我们看到一片开阔的田野。 Before our eyes isa stretch ofgreen wheat fields. 眼前是一片绿油油的麦田。,New Words,He did a (long)stretchfor attempted murder. 他因谋杀未遂罪坐了很长时间的牢。
13、 I got out of the bed and had a goodstretch. 我起床后舒服地伸了个懒腰。 She worked for six hours at astretch.(连续地) 她连续工作了六个小时。 By nostretchof the imagination can I see Owen as a writer.(by a stretch of imagination:想入非非) 我无论如何想象不出欧文会成为一个作家。,New Words,stretch n. 一大片(平地或水),伸展, 弹性,一段时间 v. 伸展,张开,Vast meadowsstretchto
14、 the east.辽阔的草场向东伸展。 He couldntstretch outhis money to the end of the month.(延续) 他的钱花不到月底。 Broad prairiesstretch outas far as the eye can see.(伸展,延伸) 辽阔的草原一望无边。,New Words,stretch n. 一大片(平地或水),伸展, 弹性,一段时间 v. 伸展,张开,The race reallystretchedhim/his skill as a runner.这次赛跑对他这个参赛者他的水平来说,确是勉为其难。 The common
15、weapons shouldbe stretchedevery ten years. 常规武器应该十年一换代。,New Words,obstacle n. 障碍,绊脚石,Lack of education is anobstacleof success.缺乏教育是成功的障碍。 She has the determination to overcome all theobstacleto success. 她有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。 He took everyobstaclein his stride(大步走,步伐). 他轻易地度过一切难关。 He put everyobstaclei
16、n my way. 他处处从中作梗。 surmount theobstacle克服障碍,New Words,clump klmp n. 丛,簇 v. 丛生,使成簇,There is a bigclumpof grasses on the hill. 山上有一大片草丛。 flower clump 花丛 a clump of cells 一团细胞,New Words,renew v. 重复,重新开始,更新,I mustrenewthe water in the fish-tank.我一定要给鱼箱重新注满水。 It is impossible torenewones youth.重新恢复青春是不可能
17、的。 Springrenewsthe earth.春天使大地复苏。 常用短语: renewcontact 恢复联系 renewthe ideas.更新思想观念 renewthe passport 更新护照,New Words,gear (r) n.传动装置;齿轮;排挡;工具; 装备 v.调整;使适应于;以齿轮连起,My watch got out ofgearand would not run.(机器出毛病,使失调) 我的表出毛病了,它不走了。 We had togearour lives to the new changes .我们必须使我们的生活适应新的变化。 change into a
18、(lower/higher)gear换挡,New Words,astride strad prep. 骑,跨 adv. 跨着,叉开,That pretty girl rodeastridethe horse.(prep.)那位漂亮的小姑娘两腿叉开骑在马上。 Budapest liesastridethe river.(prep.) 布达佩斯位于河的两旁。 He satastridehis fathers legs.(prep.) 他骑坐在父亲的腿上。 Ladies can ride horses by sittingastrideor side-saddle.(adv.)女子骑马可以跨骑也可以
19、坐横鞍。,New Words,crack n. 缝隙 vt. 砸开 adj.训练有素的,There is acrackin this window.这扇窗户上有个裂纹。 She is acrackshot with a rifle.她是步枪神枪手。 You maycrackthese nuts with a hammer.你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。,New Words,zigzag zz n.adj.adv.&v. “之”字形(的),锯齿形(的);曲折(前行),There is azigzagpath in the garden. 花园里有一条之字形的小道。 The path climbed
20、/ranzigzagup the slope. 这条小路曲折蜿蜒而上斜坡。 We had to proceed at high speed and byzigzag. 我们必须高速度地行驶,而且要曲折前进。,New Words,grind (ground, ground) rand v. 磨擦,碾压,磨得吱吱响 n. 磨,苦事,Some peoplegrindtheir teeth while they are asleep.有些人睡觉时磨牙齿。 Gods millgrindslow, but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 He managed togrindout a few lines
21、.(生拼硬凑地写出) 他搜肠刮肚勉强写了几句诗。,New Words,grind (ground, ground) rand v. 磨擦,碾压, 磨得吱吱响 n. 磨,苦事,If trade doesnt improve soon, the industry willgrindto a halt.(困住,慢慢停止) 如果商业不迅速恢复景气,工业就要陷入停顿。 I need a holiday as a relief from the dailygrind.我需要休假以摆脱单调的日常工作。,New Words,halt n. 停止,停步 v. 暂停,踌躇,He tried to bring th
22、at debate to ahalt.他试图使这场辩论停止。 The officer called ahaltto attacks.那个军官下令停止进攻。 None of the moves tohaltinflation has been successful. 抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。,Passage Reading,Listen to the tape then answer the question below. What was the difference between Bruces behavior and that of other people?,Passage Rea
23、ding,The rough road across the plain soon became so bad that we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from. Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed. Glancing at his map, he,Passage Reading,informed us that the
24、next village was a mere twenty miles away. It was not that Bruce always underestimated difficulties. He simply had no sense of danger at all. No matter what the conditions were, he believed that a car should be driven as fast as it could,Passage Reading,possibly go. As we bumped over the dusty track
25、, we swerved to avoid large boulders. The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car. We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our,Passage Reading,petrol tank or damage the engine. Because of this, we kept looking back, wondering if we were leaving a trail o
26、f oil and petrol behind us. What a relief it was when the boulders suddenly disappeared, giving way to a stretch of plain where,Passage Reading,the only obstacles were clumps of bushes. But there was worse to come. Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure. In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce st
27、opped. Though we all got out to examine the fissure, he remained in the car. We informed him,Passage Reading,that the fissure extended for fifty yards and was two feet wide and four feet deep. Even this had no effect. Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front whee
28、ls astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course. Before we,Passage Reading,had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again. Bruce consulted the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away. Our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water a
29、bout half a mile across. Bruce,Passage Reading,charged at it, but in the middle, the car came to a grinding halt. A yellow light on the dashboard flashed angrily and Bruce cheerfully announced that there was no oil in the engine!,Passage Reading,The rough road across the plain soon became so bad tha
30、t we tried to get Bruce to drive back to the village we had come from.,穿越平原的道路高低不平,开车走了不远,路面愈加崎岖。我们想劝说布鲁斯把车开回我们出发的那个村庄去。,Passage Reading,Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.,尽管路面布满石头,坑坑洼洼,但布鲁斯却一点儿不慌乱。,Passage Reading,be littered
31、 with:布满,到处都是 be pitted with:使坑坑洼洼 not in the least adv. 一点也不,丝毫也不,The road waslitteredwith wrecked cars. 公路上弃置著撞坏的汽车。 His face ispittedwith smallpox. 他的脸因天花而留下疤痕。 He is not interested in mathin the least. 他对数学一点都不感兴趣。,Passage Reading,Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was a m
32、ere twenty miles away.,他瞥了一眼地图,告诉我们前面再走不到20英里就是一个村庄。,Passage Reading,It was not that Bruce always underestimated difficulties.,这并不是说布鲁斯总是低估困难。,Passage Reading,It was/is not that: 并不是说,It was not thatthose causes were so obscure that it required exceptional intelligence to perceive them. 那倒不是因为这些原因深奥
33、难懂,需要过人的智慧。 It is not thatI dont want to, but that I cant. 不是我不想,而是我不能够这么做。,Passage Reading,He simply had no sense of danger at all.,而是他压根儿没有一点儿危险感。,Passage Reading,sense of : 感,sense ofdirection方向感 sense offutility无用感 sense ofsmell 嗅觉 sense oftouch 触觉 sense oftaste 味觉 sense ofhearing听觉 sense ofsham
34、e 羞耻心 sense ofuplift 上进心,Passage Reading,sense of:感,sense offair play公平竞争意识 sense oflocality 方位感 sense oflightness轻松感 sense ofbalance平衡感 sense ofmystery神秘感 sense ofhonor荣誉感,Passage Reading,No matter what the conditions were, he believed that a car should be driven as fast as it could possibly go.,他认
35、为不管路面情况如何,车必须以最高速度前进。,Passage Reading,As we bumped over the dusty track, we swerved to avoid large boulders.,我们在尘士飞扬的道路上颠簸,车子东拐西弯,以躲开那些大圆石。,Passage Reading,bump v.碰撞;颠簸而行;提高 n.肿块;撞击;表面隆起,The old busbumpedalong the mountain road.旧公共汽车沿著山路颠簸行驶。 I oftenbumpinto him at the supermarket.(巧遇,不期而遇,撞上) 我经常在超
36、级市场同他不期而遇。 You need more high marksbump upyour average.(增加,提高) 你要拿更多的高分才能提高你的平均分。,Passage Reading,bump v.碰撞;颠簸而行;提高 n.肿块;撞击;表面隆起,The old man who owned the jewels was bumped off by the thieves. 拥有这些珠宝的那位老人被贼杀死了。 She tripped over abumpon the road. 她被路上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。 The two children collided with abump.
37、 两个孩子砰的一声撞上了。 He got a badbumpon his forehead. 他碰得前额隆起一个大包。,Passage Reading,The wheels scooped up stones which hammered ominously under the car.,车轮搅起的石块锤击车身,发出不祥的锤击声。,Passage Reading,scoop up:铲起,盛起,抱起,卷起,捧起,抓起,Youscoop uptoo much and the rice all spread up the tray. 你盛得太多,托盘上都是你撒的饭。 He cupped his ha
38、nds and scooped up a little water. 他用双手掏起一捧水来。 I scooped up my books and left the house. 我抱起书离开了房子。,Passage Reading,scoop out:舀出,挖出,Scoop outthe pulp and serve it with sugar. 把果肉挖出来和糖一起食用。 Scoop outthe rotten part of the apple. 把苹果烂的地方剜掉。 The boy scooped out a hole in the sand . 那个男孩在沙中挖了个洞。,Passage
39、 Reading,We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.,我们想念迟早会飞起一个石块把油箱砸开一个窟窿,或者把发动机砸坏。,Passage Reading,sooner or later: 迟早,迟早: =first or late He will marry the girl first or last.他迟早会娶那姑娘的。 You will understand it sooner or later.总有一天你会明白的。,Passa
40、ge Reading,Because of this, we kept looking back, wondering if we were leaving a trail of oil and petrol behind us.,因此,我们不时地掉过头,怀疑车后是否留下了机油和汽油的痕迹。,Passage Reading,look back:向后看,回顾,She looked back over a distance of ten years.她回顾过去十年的时间。 Once you have started, you should notlook back. 你一旦开了头就不该退缩。,Pa
41、ssage Reading,What a relief (it was) when the boulders suddenly disappeared, giving way to a stretch of plain where the only obstacles were clumps of bushes.,突然大石块不见了,前面是一片平地,唯一的障碍只有一簇簇灌木丛。这使我们长长地松了口气。,Passage Reading,What a relief(it is):何等的宽慰,What a reliefeverything turned out fine! 一切都好,真叫人安慰! Wh
42、at a relief it is not to have to look over your shoulder before you speak to a companion in a public place.(监视) 在公共场所里能和自己的同伴毫无顾忌地谈话,那是多么轻松啊。,Passage Reading,give way (to):让位于,让步,代替,We mustntgive way tothese unreasonable demands.我们不可对这些不合理的要求让步。 After a long argument, he gave way.经过长时间的辩论后,他让步了。 Don
43、tgive way togriefdespair.不要被悲痛沮丧情绪压倒。,Passage Reading,But there was worse to come. Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure.,但是更糟糕的事情在等着我们,离我们不远处,出现一个大裂缝。,Passage Reading,In response to renewed pleadings, Bruce stopped.,我们再次央求布鲁斯小心,他这才把车停了下来。,Passage Reading,in response to:回答,响应,Millions of people
44、gave freelyin response tothe famine appeal. 千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。 In response totheir hospitality, we wrote a thank-you note. 为回报他们的热情,我们写了一封感谢信。 He always takes the leadin response tothe governments call. 他总是带头响应政府的号召。,Passage Reading,Though we all got out to examine the fissure, he remained in the car.
45、,我们纷纷下车察看那个大裂缝,他却呆在车上。,Passage Reading,remain:逗留;留下,I didntremainlong in the city.我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。Iremaindubious about her motives. 我对她的动机仍存疑念。 No one canremainyouthful forever. 没有人能永保青春。 The rules willremainin effect until October. 这些规章将实施到十月份为止。,Passage Reading,We informed him that the fissure exten
46、ded for fifty yards and was two feet wide and four feet deep.,我们告诉他那个大裂缝长50码,宽2英尺,深4英尺。,Passage Reading,Even this had no effect.,这也没有对他产生任何影响。,Passage Reading,Bruce went into a low gear and drove at a terrifying speed, keeping the front wheels astride the crack as he followed its zigzag course.,布鲁斯挂
47、上慢档,把两只前轮分别搁在裂缝的两边,顺着弯弯曲曲的裂缝,以发疯的速度向前开去。,Passage Reading,in gear adj.处于正常工作情况的;挂上离合器的,Everything isin gearfor the visit. 为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。 Youve got your brainin geartoday! 你今天终于开窍了! When the car isin gearit will move. 汽车挂上档以后,就可以开动了。 Here are some suggestions to get youin gearfor graduation. 下面是一些帮
48、助您从容应对毕业的建议。,Passage Reading,Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again.,我们还未来得及担心后果,车已重新开上了平地。,Passage Reading,Bruce consulted the map once more and told us that the village was now only fifteen miles away.,布鲁斯又看了一眼地图,告诉我们那座村庄离我们只有15英里了。,Passage Reading,con
49、sult vt. 查阅,I will have toconsultthe plane time table first.我得先查阅飞机时刻表。 He paused toconsulthis notes, and then proceeded with his questions.他停下来看了看笔记,然后继续提问。,Passage Reading,Our next obstacle was a shallow pool of water about half a mile across.,下一个障碍是一片约半英里宽的浅水塘。,Passage Reading,across: prep.& adv.横过,穿过,A big tree fellacrossthe ditch.一棵大树横贯沟渠倒下。,Passage Reading,Bruce charged at it, but in the middle, the
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