



1、学 校班 级学 号姓 名四年级英语综合试卷(一)一 听问句,选出正确的答案。( ) 1. A. Im fine. B. Im nine.( ) 2. A. I go to school on foot. B. I live near school.( ) 3. A. My address is 120 Second Avenue.B. My dress is small.( ) 4. A. I live in a house. B. Yes, I live far from school.( ) 5. Im wearing new jeans. B. They are yellow.二 听音,

2、选出你所听到的词。( ) 1. A. road B. coat C. boat( ) 2. A. bus B. but C. us( ) 3. A. house B. horse C. mouth( ) 4. A. apartment B. department C. different( ) 5. A. jeans B. beans C. leaves三 根据听到的内容填空。1. _are _.2. _ favourite food for breakfast is the _.3. _ are _.we same your different they四 根据听到的内容,填空。NameBi

3、rthdayHow oldDannyMaryTomSamBill五 用正确的颜色填空。1. An orange is _. 2. The sky (天空) is _.3. A blackboard is _. 4. The grass (草) is _.5. The snow is _. 6. A banana is _.7. An apple is _. 8. A grape is _.六 选择恰当的译文。( ) 1. Can you say the ABC? ( ) 2. Good afternoon.( ) 3. Excuse me! Are you Mr Green?( ) 4. Ni

4、ce to meet you. ( ) 5. I like blue skirt.( ) 6. How are you? ( ) 7. Where is the white cat?( ) 8. This is a green tree. ( ) 9. My I use your ruler?( ) 10. Their favourite colour is purple.A.你好吗? B. 下午好。 C. 见到你真高兴。 学 校班 级学 号姓 名D. 白猫在哪里? E. 这是一棵绿色的树。F. 他们最喜欢的颜色是紫色。 G. 我喜欢你的裙子。H. 我可以用一下你的尺子吗? I. 对不起,你是

5、格林先生吗?J. 你能依次说出ABC吗?七 英汉互译。1. a green tree _2. have lunch_2. in the evening_4. play games _3. play basketball_6. draw pictures_7. sing songs _ 8. 一只白色的猫 9. 我最喜欢的颜色 10一件粉红色的裙子 八 选择正确的答案。Hello, my name is Wang Hong. I am a primary school(小学) student. I am 1 years old. My birthday is on 2 . Im 3 metres

6、 tall. Xixi is my friend. He is 4 metres tall. He is 5 than(比) me. I am wearing 6 today. I live in 7 apartment building. It is far 8 my school. I go to school 9 bus. I like 10 play basketball.( ) 1.A. two B. eleven C. sixty ( ) 2. June first B. June fifty-second C. June thirty-three( ) 3. A. 6.1 B.

7、1.5 C. 8.2( ) 4. A. 1.0 B. 1.6 C. 8.2( ) 5. A. taller B. shorter C. older( ) 6. A. a feather B. a sweater C. a weather( ) 7. A. the B. a C. an( ) 8. A. from B. to C. for( ) 9. A. on B. by C. in( ) 10. A. to B. for C. from九 把下列单词组成句子。1. She, hat, yellow, her, likes _2. our, We, purple, sweaters, like _3. You, shorts, green, your, like


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