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1、Whats the best movie theater?,Unit 4,Section A(1a-1c),写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级形式:,taller,tallest,shorter,shortest,bigger,biggest,thinner,thinnest,heavier,heaviest,better,best,worse,worst,预习反馈,本课的三维目标,知识目标,能力目标,情感目标,了解形容词、副词的最高级的构成、用法,在实际生活中灵活运用形容词和副词的最高级,学会欣赏他人,Where can we see a movie?,There are some cinema

2、s in Zhangye? What are they?,What do you think of these cinemas?,big screens /skri:n/ new movies good sound comfortable seats /kmfrtbl/si:t/ cheap ticket popular close to home,ticket,ticket n. 票;入场券 e.g. buy tickets quickly 买票快 I want to buy two tickets. 我想买两张票。 a ticket to 的票 a train ticket to Beij

3、ing 一张去北京的火车票 two train tickets to Tianjin 两张去天津的火车票,常见的名词+to+名词结构,the key to the door 这扇门的钥匙 the answer to the question 这个问题的答案 the bridge to knowledge 通向知识的桥梁 the way to the school 去学校的路 the door to the world 通往世界的的大门,拓展,Close的用法,close adj. 接近 close to 靠近;在的附近=near e.g. Our school is close to a pa

4、rk. 亲密的,亲近的 e.g. We are close friends. 关;关闭 vt. e.g. Close the door, please! (商店等)关门,打烊 , 结束 vi. e.g. The post office closes at 6.,S1: I think comfortable seats are important for me .,S2: I think being close to home is important for me .,S3: I think it isnt important for me that its popular.,说好一句,可为

5、小组赢得一分;每人一句。,创设情境自主探究,has a big screen.,Screen City,Movie World,has a bigger screen.,has the biggest screen.,Town Cinema,big,Which one do you like best? Why?,has comfortable seats.,has more comfortable seats.,has the most comfortable seats.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,comfortable,has good so

6、und.,has better sound.,has the best sound.,sound,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,good,You can buy tickets quickly.,buy tickets more quickly.,buy tickets the most quickly.,quickly,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,There are a lot of people working there.,is close to my home.,is closer to my hom

7、e.,is the closest to my home.,Town Cinema,Screen City,Movie World,500m,My house,400m,200m,close,In your opinion, whats the best cinema?,It has the biggest screens.,It has the best sound.,It has the most comfortable seats.,It has the shortest waiting time.,It is the cheapest,It is the most popular.,I

8、t is the closest to home,展示交流,点拨提升,1b,Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters.,It has the biggest screens. Its the most popular near here. Its the closest to home. It has the shortest waiting time. It has the best sound. It has the most comfortable seats.,Movie World Screen City Town

9、 Cinema,I like Movie World because it .,the shortest waiting time,Hi,. Are you free tomorrow? Yes. Whats up? Lets go to the movies. Good idea ! Whats the best movie theater in Jinan? because it has Ok, lets go to .,Pair Work,the most comfortable seats,the biggest screens,the best sound,It is,the clo

10、sest to home,the cheapest,形容词或副词的最高级形式:,new newest fresh freshest,close closest,big biggest,early earliest,comfortable most comfortable,原形,最高级,师生互动,拓展延伸,形容词副词最高级变化规则,1. 一般在词尾+est:fastest,hardest 2. 以字母e结尾的+st:nicest,cutest 3. 辅元辅结尾的重读闭音节,双写尾字母+est:biggest 4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i+est:friendliest,busiest 5

11、. 多音节和部分双音节词,在词前面加most: most serious, most comfortably,使用时形容词最高级要加前加the,1. A + be + the 形容词最较级 + 表示范围的介词词组,e.g. Dream Clothes is the worst in town.,表示“三者(或以上)中最的”的句型:,Dream Clothes是镇里最差的。,2. A + 动词 + (the) 副词最高级 + (表示范围的介词词组),观察句子 Which do you like best? Chinese, English or math? Tom is one of the t

12、allest boys in his class. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,常用句式:,1)Who/ Which+ 最高级, A, B or C ? 2)one of +the +形容词最高级 +名词复数形式, 意为“最之一”。 3)the+序数词+形容词最高级。,中考拓展句型,learn to admire(欣赏) others!,Who is the best student in our class?,find the best student in our class!,healthier (the

13、healthiest) lifestyle get (better) the best grades obey the rules best hard-working outgoing funny run fast friendly popular smart serious jump high quiet shy ,find the best student in our class!,the most interesting ; the most humorous(最幽默的); the most hard-working(学习最努力的); the tallest; the most bea

14、utiful; the most careful(最仔细的); the healthiest; the most popular(最受欢迎的); the strongest; the coolest(最酷的); the happiest the funniest(最滑稽的); the most active(最积极的); the cutest(最可爱的); the most helpful(最热心的); the smartest; the kindest(最善良的); He/she is/ He/she dances best . He/ She studies.best.,Who is th

15、e .student in our class?,Have a test(测试评价),Each box has a task.(任务),A,B,C,D,E,F,来挑战吧!,成功,Pan Changjiang is_. Ge You is_. Zhao Benshan is_ _ of the three .,funny,funnier,the funniest,the funniest,funnier,funny,The Great Wall is_ wall in China.,the longest,Fill in the blank.,1.Whats the _(good) superm

16、arket in town? 2.I like Screen City because it has the _ (big) supermarket. 3.I think the clothes in the store are the_ (expensive). 答案:1.best 2.biggest 3.most expensive,1. 我认为这首歌是现在最流行的。 I think the song is _ _ _ now. 2. 我们班上玛丽学习最认真。 Mary studies _ _ _ in our class. 答案: 1. the most popular 2. the m

17、ost carefully,1.I dont like the radio station because it plays the _ (bad) music. 2.Jenny always listens to the teacher the _ (carefully) in class. 答案:1.worst 2.most carefully 3.Where do you often exercise? I often exercise in a park. Its close to my home. A.next B.near C.behind D.in front of,1.Beijing is one of_ in China. A. the largest city B. t


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