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1、第1章文化测验英国简介、地理等1Which of the following is the national anthem of the U.K.?窗体顶端A、Star-Spangled Banner B、Auld Lang Syne C、God Save the Queen D、My Fair Country正确答案: C 窗体底端2Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _ and the North Sea in the west.窗体顶端A、east B、south C、wes

2、t D、north正确答案: B 窗体底端3Which of the following is NOT a political division on the island of Great Britain?窗体顶端A、England B、Scotland C、Northern Ireland D、Wales正确答案: C 窗体底端4The regional capital of Northern Ireland is _.窗体顶端A、Glasgow B、Edinburgh C、Cardiff D、Belfast正确答案: D 窗体底端5The official name of the U.K

3、. is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.正确答案:6Lion is the symbol of the U.K.正确答案:7The longest river in the U.K. is the Thames River.正确答案:8The national flag of the U.K. is Union Jack.正确答案:第2章文化测验英国历史1The Magna Carta(大宪章)was signed by _.窗体顶端A、King John B、Richard the Lion Heart C、Charles I

4、 D、Oliver Cromwell正确答案: A 窗体底端2The direct cause for the Reformation was King Henry VIIIs effort to _.窗体顶端A、divorce his wife B、break with Rome C、support the Protestants D、declare his supreme power over the church正确答案: A 窗体底端3In England, the Protestant Reformation began wiht _.窗体顶端A、Bloody Mary B、Quee

5、n Elizabeth C、King Henry VII D、King Henry VIII正确答案: D窗体底端4In 1689 Parliament passed “_”, limiting the powers of the crown.窗体顶端A、Habeas Corpus Act B、the Bill of Rights C、Navigation Act D、the Great Charter正确答案: B 窗体底端5Which of the following countries does not belong to the Allies in the first world wa

6、r?窗体顶端A、Britain B、France C、US D、Germany正确答案: D 窗体底端6By the end of the Wars of the Roses the House of _ began.窗体顶端A、Tudor B、Lancaster C、Plantagenet D、Winsor正确答案: A 窗体底端7Among the folloiwng, which did not happen in the year of 1066 in England?窗体顶端A、English ceased to function in societyB、The nation was

7、 conquered by the NormansC、William, the Duke of Normandy, was crowned as the king of the countryD、French became the official language正确答案: A 窗体底端8In history _ was nicknamed “King of Lackland”.窗体顶端A、Edward I B、John C、Henry I D、Henry II正确答案: B 窗体底端9In 1066, King Harold of England was defeated by Willi

8、am the Conqueror in _.窗体顶端A、the Battle of Waterloo B、the Battle of TrafalgarC、the Battle fo Hastings D、teh Battle of Crecy正确答案: C 窗体底端10The following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age except _窗体顶端A、Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right adn quarreled with ParliamentB、Protestantism grad

9、ually became dominant faithC、This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomedD、This was an age of adventure on the sea.正确答案: A 窗体底端11Of the British Queens, who is called the grandmother of Europe?窗体顶端A、Elizabeth I B、Elizabeth II C、Victoria I D、Queen Anna正确答

10、案: C窗体底端12In the 14th century during the Hundred YearsWartook place the _, the severest of many plagues(瘟疫) in the middle ages.窗体顶端A、Black Death B、Earthquake C、Flood D、Drought正确答案: A窗体底端13The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _ and the Jutes which invaded Britain form the basis of the mod

11、ern British people.窗体顶端A、Saxons B、Scots C、Welsh D、Wessex正确答案: A 窗体底端14The complete establishment of feudalism (封建制度) in Britain was marked by _.窗体顶端A、the Anglo-Saxon Conquest B、the introduction of Christianity in 827 ADC、the Norman Conquest D、the Danish invasion正确答案: C 窗体底端15The Prime Minister that

12、led British people through the second world war was _.窗体顶端A、Tony Blair B、Winston Churchill C、Neville Chamberlain D、David Cameron正确答案: B窗体底端16In 1653 _ was made Lord Protector for life.窗体顶端A、Oliver Cromwell B、Charles I C、William II D、James I正确答案: A窗体底端17The Industrial Revolution in Britain began from

13、 the textile industry.正确答案: 18Edward was known as the Confessor because of his reputation for saintliness and he established the Westminster Abbey.正确答案: 19In the Hundred Years War, Britain defeated France. 正确答案: 20Today most of the British people descended from the Celts. 正确答案: 21It was Edward II, t

14、he son of Edward I (Longshanks长腿) , who became the first prince of Wales. 正确答案:22Julius Caesar invaded Britain twice. 正确答案: 23The Seven Years War between Britain and France ended in British failure. 正确答案:24British Civil War, which is alsocalled The PuritanRevolution, happened between the Roundheads

15、and the Cavaliers.正确答案: 25It was William the Conqueror who had the London Tower built. 正确答案: 26The Bill of Rights indicates the beginning of Constitutional Monarchy in the UK. 正确答案: 27Elizabeth I was nicknamed Virgin Queen becasue she stayed unmarried all her lifetime. 正确答案:第3章文化测验英国政治1_ is the supr

16、eme governor of the Church of England.窗体顶端A、The nomarch B、The Archbishop of York C、The Archbishop of Canterbury D、The Prime Minister正确答案: A 窗体底端2In Britain, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of _.窗体顶端A、the Archbishop of Canterbury B、the Prime Minister C、the Speaker D、the Arc

17、hbishop of York正确答案: B 窗体底端3In the United Kingdom, each Member of Parliament represents a _, and holds his seat during the life of a parliament.窗体顶端A、constituency B、county C、city D、shire正确答案: A 窗体底端4Parliament has the following functions except _.窗体顶端A、making law B、authorizing taxation and public ex

18、penditureC、declaring war and making peace D、examing the actions of the Government正确答案: C 窗体底端5In Britain, the Queen exerts her power upon the advice of _.窗体顶端A、Prime Minister B、Foreign Minister C、Home Minister D、Defense MInister正确答案: A 窗体底端6The real center of power in Parliament is _.窗体顶端A、the Queen

19、 B、the House of Commons C、the House of Lords D、the Cabinet正确答案: B 窗体底端7The executive power of UK is in the hands of _窗体顶端A、Parliament B、the House of Commons C、Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister D、the Queen正确答案: C 窗体底端8The cabinet of the Opposition Party in Britain is known as the _ Cabinet.窗体顶端A、S

20、hadow B、Window C、Ruling D、Coalition正确答案: A 窗体底端9British General Election is held every _ years窗体顶端A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6正确答案: C窗体底端第4章文化测验英国教育1What kind of secondary schools now receives the largest number of students?窗体顶端A、Grammar Schools B、Technical Schools C、Comprehensive Schools D、Secondary Modern Scho

21、ols正确答案: C窗体底端2Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain?窗体顶端A、The University of Cambridge B、The University of OxfordC、The University of Edinburgh D、The University of Buckingham正确答案: D 窗体底端3In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 can _ by law.窗体顶端A、receive completely fr

22、ee education B、receive partly free educationC、receive no free education if their families are rich D、receive no free education at all正确答案: A 窗体底端4Eaton College is one of the most famous independent schools in Britain. 正确答案: 5British education consist of three levels: compulsory education, further ed

23、ucation and higher education.正确答案: 6Public schools in the UK are independent ones. 正确答案: 7Cambridge University focuses on social science and humanity, while Oxford University focuses on Mathematics and sciences. 正确答案: 8Xu Zhimo, a famous poet in China, graduated from Cambridge University. 正确答案:第7章文化

24、测验英国价值观、节日等1To other European, the best-known quality of the British, and in particular of the English, is _窗体顶端A、reserve B、arrogance C、humor D、generosity正确答案: A 窗体底端2The sense of humor of the British is considered to be the ability to laugh at the following except _.窗体顶端A、oneself B、ones own faults

25、C、ones own failures D、a disabled person正确答案: D窗体底端3Which of the following statement about modesty of British people is true?窗体顶端A、The British is very modest within their hearts.B、Self-praise is felt to be ill bred in the eyes of the BritishC、Self depreciation is generally considered ill bred in conv

26、ersation in Britain.D、Mixed with their reserve, modesty of the British often produces an air of generosity to foreigners.正确答案: B 窗体底端4If an English person is very good at tennis, and someone asks him if he is a good player, he will probably reply in the following way except _.窗体顶端A、Yes, indeed B、Im

27、not bad C、I think im quite good D、Well, Im very keen on tennis.正确答案: A窗体底端第7章文化测验美国简介、地理1The area of U.S. ranks the _ in the world.窗体顶端A、first B、second C、third D、fourth 正确答案: D 窗体底端2_ is the second largest state of the United Sates in area.窗体顶端A、Hawaii B、Texas C、Alaska D、Pennsylvania 正确答案: B 窗体底端3Th

28、e largest river in the U.S. is _窗体顶端A、the Missouri River B、the Mississippi River C、the Ohio River D、the Colorado River正确答案: B窗体底端4The capital of U.S. is _.窗体顶端A、New York B、Slat Lake City C、Olympia D、Washington D.C. 正确答案: D窗体底端5What is the largest river inAmerica?窗体顶A、the Ohio River B、The Columbia C、

29、the Mississippi River D、The Colorado正确答案: C窗体底端6The smallest state in the United States is _.窗体顶端A、Washington B、Rhode Island C、Hawaii D、Maryland正确答案: B窗体底端7The U.S. consisted of _ states at the time of independence.窗体顶端A、50 B、35 C、13 D、15 正确答案: C 窗体底端8Alaskawas bought by theUnited Statesfrom _.窗体顶端A

30、、England B、Russia C、Spain D、France 正确答案: B 窗体底端9The statue of liberty was given to American people by_ as a gift in 1884.窗体顶端A、France B、Spain C、Italy D、Britain 正确答案: A 窗体底端10Pearl Harbor, as the base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A., is near _.窗体顶端A、Alaska B、Honolulu C、Denver D、Philadelphia 正确答案:

31、B 窗体底端11Of the five Great Lakes,Lake_is wholly within theUS.窗体顶端A、Superior B、Michigan C、Huron D、Erie 正确答案: B 窗体底端12Which Midwestern city is the automobile capital of the world?窗体顶端A、Chicago B、Detroit C、Milwaukee D、Cleveland 正确答案: B窗体底端13The _, linked by canals with the five Great Lakes, flows throug

32、h the state of New York having a length of only 520 kilometers.窗体顶端A、Delaware River B、St. Lawrence C、Hudson River D、Potomac River正确答案: B窗体底端14The_Mountainsform the continental divide of theUnited States窗体顶端A、Appalachian B、Rocky C、Sierra Nevada D、Cordillera 正确答案: B窗体底端15_ is the largest state of theU

33、nited Statesin area.窗体顶端A、Hawaii B、Texas C、Alaska D、Pennsylvania 正确答案: C 窗体底端16One of the five famous symbols, the painting “American Gothic” is an often-copied interpretation of the solemn严肃的pride of American _.窗体顶端A、Bankers B、Farmers C、Clergymen D、Workers 正确答案: B窗体底端17The state to which the Mayflo

34、wer sailed is _.窗体顶端A、Florida B、Maine C、Virginia D、Massachusetts 正确答案: D 窗体底端18New England lies in _ of the United States.窗体顶端A、the northern part B、the southern part C、the northeastern part D、the southeastern part正确答案: C窗体底端19Which of the following is NOT inWashingtonD.C.?窗体顶端A、the White House B、the

35、 US Capitol C、Lincoln Memorial D、the UN headquarters正确答案: D窗体底端20The continental United States is bounded by the country _ on the north and by the country _ and the Gulf of _ on the south, with the _ Ocean on the east and Pacific Ocean on the west.正确答案:第一空:Canada; Mexico; Mexico; Atlantic21Washingto

36、n D.C., the national capital of the United States, is located on the _ river, a demarcation line between the North and the South.正确答案:第一空:Potomac22America ranks the third in population and the fourth in area. 正确答案: 23Hawaii is located in the far northwest corner of the continent. 正确答案:24The longest

37、river in the U.S. is the Mississippi River. 正确答案: 25Bald eagle is the symbol of the U.S. 正确答案: 26The national flag of the U.S. is Stars and Stripes. 正确答案:第8章文化测验美国历史1The second Independence War in Americahappened in the year of _.窗体顶端A、1861 B、1775 C、1812 D、1776 正确答案: C 窗体底端2Dr. Martin Luther King, J

38、r., advocated the philosophy of _.窗体顶端A、economic equality B、nonviolence C、military protest D、black power正确答案: B 窗体底端3Who was called the Father of the US Constitution窗体顶端A、George Washington B、Benjamin Franklin C、Alexander Hamilton D、James Madison正确答案: D窗体底端4The Tea Act of 1773 was passed by the Briti

39、sh Parliament in order to _.窗体顶端A、get more money from the colonies B、provide cheap tea for the American consumersC、help the British East India Company D、monopolize the American tea business正确答案: C 窗体底端5Which is not correct to explain the reasons for the sudden daring exploration of the unknown in te

40、h mid-15th century?窗体顶端A、The ambition for the vast land B、The strong desire for Eastern goodsC、The improvements in navigation and naval architectureD、The great spirit of adventure started by the Renaissance.正确答案: A 窗体底端6After the Civil War began, Lincoln issued the _ on January 1, 1863 to win more s

41、upport at home and abroad.窗体顶端A、Federal Trade Commission B、Emancipation ProclamationC、Progressive Movement D、Alien and Sedition Acts正确答案: B 窗体底端7Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe American policy at the beginning of WWI?窗体顶端A、neutrality B、expansionism C、isolationism D、anti-fasc

42、ism 正确答案: D窗体底端8_ was an outstanding leader of the Civil Rights Movement窗体顶端A、Herbert Hoover B、Mitchell Palmer C、Martin Luther King D、Lous Sullivan 正确答案: C窗体底端9The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in _窗体顶端A、Concord B、Lexington C、Philadelphia D、Boston 正确答案: B 窗体底端10America joi

43、nted the second World War because _ attacked Pearl Harbor.窗体顶端A、Japan B、Britain C、Soviet Union D、Germany 正确答案: A 窗体底端11The Second Continental Congress met in _ in 1775.窗体顶端A、Philadelphia B、New York C、Washington D.C. D、Chicago 正确答案: A窗体底端12The US joined the First World War in _.窗体顶端A、1914 B、1915 C、19

44、16 D、1917 正确答案: D 窗体底端13The Monroe Doctrine had the following features or ideas except _.窗体顶端A、non-colonization B、America for Americans C、non-intervention D、Latin America for Europeans正确答案: D窗体底端14The US continental expansion was almost complete by _.窗体顶端A、1840 B、1845 C、1846 D、1848 正确答案: D 窗体底端15Gol

45、d was discovered in California in _.窗体顶端A、1848 B、1845 C、1847 D、1850 正确答案: A 窗体底端16The three giants in WWII do not include _.窗体顶端A、Stalin B、Churchill C、Roosevelt D、Jefferson 正确答案: D 窗体底端17As a president, _ exercised his power vigorously and purchased louisiana territory from France in 1803.窗体顶端A、Thom

46、as Jefferson B、Andrew Jackson C、George Washington D、Andrew Carnegie正确答案: A窗体底端18_ was generally regarded as a prelude(序曲) to the American Revolution.窗体顶端A、the Stamp Act B、the slavery C、the civil rights movement D、Homestead Bill正确答案: A窗体底端19Which of the following policies was not issued during the Co

47、ld War?窗体顶端A、Truman Doctrine B、Marshall Plan C、North Atlantic Treaty D、Monroe Doctrine正确答案: D窗体底端20The Jim Crow Laws were issued with bias against _.窗体顶端A、indians B、blacks C、white sympathizers D、Northerners 正确答案: B 窗体底端21_ wrote a book in 1852 about slavery in the south-Uncle Toms Cabin, which stirr

48、ed many Northerners up.窗体顶端A、Mark Twain B、Henry David Thoreau C、Nathaniel Hawthorn D、Harriet Beecher Stowe正确答案: D窗体底端22The slavery was not legally abolished unitil _.窗体顶端A、1776 B、1777 C、1862 D、1863 正确答案: D 窗体底端23Which Act first set a large scale of opposition in the colonies?窗体顶端A、The Sugar Act of 1

49、764 B、The Stamp Act of 1765 C、The Quartering Act of 1765D、The Tea Act of 1773 正确答案: B 窗体底端24The Cold War after WWII refers to the confrontation between _ and _.正确答案:第一空:America; Soviet Union25In _, Columbus discovered the new land, and in _, another navigator Amerigo arrived at the continent.正确答案:第一空:1492; 149926During the Westward Movement, America


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