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1、1. decrease vt./vi./n. 减少, 使变小或变少 The membership decreased to 150. He decreased the speed of his car. decrease to 减少到 decrease by 减少了 Increase 增加,2. die out: 1) Elephants would die out soon if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wish. Many old customs are dying out. 3)The fire died out in the

2、end.,灭绝, 绝种,逐渐消失,熄灭,die away: (光、声音)慢慢消失; (风)停下来 He hid behind the door until the footsteps had died away. The wind died away, and the leaves became silent. die off: 一一死去; 先后死去 The members of the family had all died off for no reason.,die from die of,一般指车祸,外伤等, 指死于外因。,常指由于疾病、情感、饥寒等原因而造成的 死亡, 指死于内因。,

3、He died from drinking/smoking/overwork.,His father died of cold and hunger before liberation.,be dying for 很想要, 渴望 be dying to do 很想做某事,The old man _ drinking dirty water. The old man _ cancer.,died from,died of,请用适当的介词填空 1) Whales will die _, if we dont protect them. 2) Nowadays every woman is dyin

4、g _ fair skin. 3) The trees are dying _ because of the drought.,out,for,off,4) The weak light is dying _. 5) His anger died _ after being given some money. 6) About 10 million people die _ cancer every year. 7) Some people die _ the lack of water in the dry areas.,away,down,of,from,3. loss n. Have y

5、ou reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 2) His unfortunate death was a great loss to the company. 3) That company suffered heavy loss in business last year.,丢失, 遗失,损失,亏损,损失, 遗失, 丧失,be at a loss adj. 困惑, 不知所措 I was at a complete loss as to find the money in t

6、ime. She was at a loss for an answer. thats your/their loss (口语)那是你们的/他们的损失 Well, if he doesnt want to come its his loss. 好吧, 如果他不愿意来, 那是他的损失。,4. reserve 1) n: nature reserve We have large reserve of oil. 2) vt: Youd better reserve some money for future need. Id like to reserve a table for two.,自然保护

7、区,储备,保留,预定,5. hunt He likes hunting very much. Weve been hunting for the lost boy all over. 3) It was an exciting hunt, but the fox escaped. 4) He is on the hunt for a better job.,v. 打猎,v. 搜索,n. 打猎,n. 搜寻,hunter 猎人 a hunting dog 猎狗 a hunting ground 狩猎场 hunt for/after 追逐, 寻找 go hunting 去打猎,hunt for:,s

8、earch for 寻找; 寻求,hunt for a lost book,house-hunting job-hunting,6. zone: 指具有某些特殊性而被称为“地带, 特区”等。 the Special Economic Zone of Shenzhen a war/danger zone a residential zone This is a no-smoking zone. a nuclear-free zone 无核区,district: 一个国家或城市的行政管理区 the Hongkou District of Shanghai a postal district reg

9、ion: 指较大的行政区域或地理上有 某种特色的自然地域单位 the Hongkong Special Administrative Region the Arctic region,belt: 指具有某一特色的地带 a green belt a snow belt a countrys cotton /industrial belt area: 应用范围最广 Do you like the area where you are living?,7. in peace 平静的; 安静的 at peace 休战, 和睦相处 I live in peace in the country. The

10、two nations are now at peace. All Iraq people look forward to living in peace. make peace (with) 讲和; 重新和好 The two countries are _ now, but they used to be at war. A. in peace B. at peace,B,1) He is hunting _ his lost watch here and there. A. to B. at C. for D. out 2) It will be _ wonderful world if

11、all nations live in _ peace with each other. A. a a B. the the C. a the D. a /,C,D,练一练,8.in danger 处于危险之中 The patient is in danger. be in danger of 有危险(外来的危险) out of danger 脱离危险 dangerous 危险的 in+ n. in turn in return in trouble in vain(徒然的) in time in need,I hear Tim once was _ of losing his life, b

12、ut now he is _. A. in danger, out of danger B. in the danger, out of danger C. in danger , out of dangerous D. in danger, out of the danger,A,9. respond vi. 回答, 响应, 做出反应 (与介词to 连用) eg. He didnt respond to my question. His illness didnt respond to treatment by drugs. 他的疾病对药物治疗没反应。 response n. in resp

13、onse to 作为对.的反应 eg. He smiled in response to my suggestion. =He responded to my suggestion with a smile.,10. in relief 如释重负; 松了口气 Hearing that he has passed the exam, in relief he went to play basketball. relief n. (焦虑、恐惧、痛苦等的)减轻; 缓解; 宽慰; 减轻痛苦的事物; 救济(品) relief from sth. 减轻 eg. The drug gives some re

14、lief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。 It was a great relief to find theyre safe. The government sent relief to people who lost their homes in the earthquake.,(much) to ones relief=to ones (great)relief 使某人(很)宽慰/放心的是 eg. To my relief ,they arrived safly. 11. burst into laughter=burst out laughing burst into t

15、ears/song=burst out crying/singing burst in 闯入, 突然出现/到达, 插嘴, 打断 改错: At my great relief, I wasnt late. When they heard the news, they burst into crying.,To,tears,12. mercy n. 仁慈; 慈悲; 宽恕; 怜悯 show mercy to sb/have mercy on sb 对某人怜悯、仁慈 e.g. They showed mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。 at the mercy of 任

16、处置; 无能为力 e.g. The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。 without mercy 毫不留情地, 残忍地,13. certain adj. 确定的; 有把握的(sure); 某一(some); 某种; 一定 For certain reasons /a certain reason, he will not come. Hes certain to pass the exam. =Its certain that hell pass the exam.,Be sure/certain of For certain/

17、sure 确定 辨析: certain 挡住; 防御,e.g. Try to protect your skin from the sun.,C. preventfrom,B. stopfrom,D. keepfrom,A. protectfrom,(keep sb or sth safe),保护.不受,阻止.做某事,An umbrella is used to _ people _ rain.,Even the heavy rain cant _ him _ going to school., A line of forts(堡垒)was built along the border to

18、_ the country _ being attacked.,prevent,protect,from,from,A,We must do our best to _ Tibetan antelopes _. A. prevent from hunted B. protect from hunting C. preventfrom hunting D. protectfrom being hunted,We should take action immediately to prevent the earth from _. A. washing away B. being washed a

19、way C. to wash away D. to be washed away,B,D,15. contain vt. 包含, 容纳, 容忍, 克制 (强烈的感情) eg. The book contains lots of colorful pictures. The hall can contain 3000 people. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself. include vt. 包含; 包括 Tsinghua University includes many colleges.,包含; 含有,控制; 容忍,

20、容纳,辨析 contain vt. 表示某物容纳比其小的物品, 强调 内容或内含物/成分。 include vt. 指包括作为整体的一个部分或要素。 eg. The album contains forty pictures, including ten of my brothers/ten of My brothers included.,The album _ twelve songs in all, _ many classics. A includes; including B. contains; included C. includes; included D. contains;

21、 including Six people were invited to his party, _ me.,including,D,16. affect vt. 影响 eg. A sudden change in weather may affect your health. 突然的天气变化可能影响你的健康。 区别: effect n. 效应; 结果; 后果。 构成的短语: have an effect on sb. / sth. eg. Did the medicine have any effect? 这药有什么疗效吗? eg. The film had quite an effect

22、on her. 这个影片对她影响很大。 side effect 副作用,1) The habit of your life will have a great _ on your future. A. affect B. effect C. result D. mercy 2) All the people in the room _ to tears. A. affected B. were affected C. effected D. had an effect on,B,Relevant exercise,B,感动,17. pay attention to: give your att

23、ention to,e.g. Im sorry, I wasnt paying attention to what you were saying.,He _ what the teacher said. Thats why he didnt finish the exercises. paid no attention B. drew his attention to C. paid no attention to D. paid special attention to,C,2) The air quality is getting worse and worse. We should p

24、ay more attention to _ the environment. protecting B. protect C. be protected D. being protected,Pay attention to 中 to是介词, 其后的动词用动词ing 形式。,A,18. appreciate vt. 1) 感激; 感谢 eg. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 2) 鉴赏; 欣赏; 赏识 eg. Can you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗? 3) 察觉; 意识到 eg. We appreciate the dan

25、ger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。,appreciate+n/doing, 后接从句时要先用it, 再接从句。 Ill appreciate it if you help me with my English. None of us appreciate _ in our daily life. A. making fun of B. to make fun of C. to be made fun of D. being made fun of,D,19. succeed 1) vi. 成功 succeed in (doing) sth eg. The plan has succee

26、ded. Have you succeeded in (passing) the exam? =Have you managed to pass the exam? succeed in doing sth =manage to do sth 2)vi/vt. 继.之后, 接着.发生, 继承 succeed (to) Spring succeeds( to) winter. 3) vt. 继承(某人) Hell succeed his father as manager of the shop.,20. employ vt./n. 雇用, 利用(时间、精力等) Im employed as /to be a teacher. Im employed to teach English here. Im employed in teaching English. =I employ myself in t


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