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1、八年级下册冀教版英语第一次月考20172018 学年第一学期第一次月考质量检测一单选( 20 分)1、 When did your uncle _ there yesterday?A 、 arriveB、 reachedC、 get toD、 arrive at2、 Nither Tom nor I _ late for school this morningA 、 were B、 wasC、 isD、 am3、 When I was walking on the road, I saw some children _kites、A 、 fliesB 、 flyingC 、 to flyD 、

2、 fly4、 During the Spring Festival the food s prices usually _A 、 riseB、 risesC、 raiseD、 raises5、 The moonlight goes _ the window and makes the roombright 、A 、 acrossB、 throughC、 overD、 in6、 The little boy closed the door_-、A 、 gentlyB、 gentleC、 carefulD、 hardly7、 These big animals will die _ a few d

3、ays _ enough foodwater、A 、 for; withoutB 、 in; withC 、 in; withoutD 、 about;with8、 Where can you find _ beautiful flowers and trees all yearround?A 、 three hundreds ofB、 hundreds ofC、 three hundreds ofD、 hundred of9、 There isnt_ rain for the plants in the desert、A 、 manyB、 lot ofC 、 a lotD 、 plenty

4、of10、we wonthave dinner until my father _ back、 A 、 will come B 、 comes C、 came D、 comes11、It is cold at night 、 So you should _ your young plantsto keep them warm、A 、 coverB、 fillC 、 carryD、 water12、There is no food _、 I need to buy some、A 、 leave B、 to leaveC、 left D 、 leaving13、 Is the wine made

5、_ grapes?-yes 、 it is made _ France?A 、 of; in B 、 from;inC 、 from;by D 、 of;as14、 There is a bird _ the tree eating the fruit _ it、A 、 on;on B、in;inC 、 in;on D 、 on;in15、 New shirt is the same _ mine、A 、 to B、 withC 、 as D、 for16、 My bike is made in Shanghai、 _A 、 So your bike isB 、 Your bike is so

6、C、 So is your bikeD 、 So your is bike17、 Liu Mei runs as _ as her friend、A 、 quick B 、 quickerC、 fast D、 faster18、 The story is _ 、 I want to read it once more、A 、 interested enoughB、 enough interestedC、 interesting enoughD、 enough interesting19、 We are _ the news、A 、 surprising atB、 surprising inC、

7、 surprised atD、 surprised in19、 _ with Jenny made me happy、A 、 Garden B、 Gardens C、 Gardening D、 Gardened20、 _ great picture! Who painted it?A 、 What B、 What aC、 How D 、 How a二、完型填空( 10 分)、Tom grows the nicest fruit and vegetables and the most beautiful flowers in the village 、 Plants grow in Toms g

8、arden all through the21_ and they are much 22_、Tom cuts some flowers for his sitting room table, and eats some fruit and vegetables,but he 23_most of them in the market、 His vegetables,fruit andflowers are so 24_ and beautiful that they sold much more 25_ in the market than those of other villagers、

9、八年级下册冀教版英语第一次月考How does Tom grow these beautiful things? He is so 26 _that he just sits under his orange tree with his radio、He27_ music all day、That is quite true、 Tom28 _ summer,autumn andwinter 、 After that he sits with his radio 、 And everything29_ 、 It is the music that does the work、 Tom knows

10、 more clearly that musicmakes the biggest vegetables andthe most beautifulfowers、 Plants love 30_as much aspeople、21、 A 、weekB、 monthC、seasonD、year22、 A 、betterB、 worseint C、 lessD、 later23、A 、buysB、sellsC、lendsD、borrows24、A 、dearB、 badC、bigD、small25、A 、politelyB 、 quicklyC 、 slowlyD 、 carefully26、

11、A,angryB 、busy C、tired DLlazy27、Alistens toB 、hearsC、 watches D、speaks28、A 、fillsB,plants C 、throwsD,make29、A 、doesB、moves C、 growsD、plays30、A 、workB 、 rain C、stories D、musicAOnce upon a time,there was a poor farmer 、He had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apples he grew、One day,the friend

12、gave the farmer a young apple tree、 | The farmer was glad to get the gift,He thought over and over because he needed a secretplace to plant the young tree、Finally he planted it inhis wood where no one could see it 、 He took goodcare of it,but without sunlight and good soil,the tree soon died 、Later

13、the friend asked the farmer why he hadplanted the tree in such a poor place、 Whats the difference? the” farmer said angrily 、If I had plantedthe tree near the road,strangers would have stolenthe fruit、 IfI had planted the tree in one of my fields, my neighbours would have come at night and stolensom

14、e of the apples、 IfI had planted it near my house,my own children would have taken the fruit 、“ Yes, said the friend,but at least someonecould have enjoyed the fruit 、Now you not onlyhavent got anything,but also have destroyed a good appletree ! ”31、The farmer got the young apple tree from_A 、 anoth

15、er poor farmerB 、 a man who grew wonderful applesC、a strangerD、his neighbours friend32、The farmer planted the tree in a secret placebecause_A 、 he wanted to make the young tree dieB 、 he didnt want others to share the beauty of the treeC、he didnt want others to share the fruit together with himD、he

16、thought the wood could help the young tree grow better33、Why did the apple tree die soon?八年级下册冀教版英语第一次月考A 、Because somebody else protected it、B、Because the farmer didnt look after it 、C、 Because the tree was too small to live、D、Because there wasnt sunlight and good soil、34、 What does the underlined

17、worddestroyed mean?A, 毁掉 B、照顾 C、栽种D、砍伐35、Which of the following is NOT TRUE accordingto the passage?A 、The farmer s friend could grow apples well 、B、 The farmers friend was unhappy when he knew what happened、C、 If the farmer had planted tree near his house, his children would have taken the fruit 、D

18、、No matter where the farmer planted the tree , he couldn t have chance to enjoy the fruit、BLondon is the capital of England 、 England is an island country、London is in the southeast of England、 Its such a wonderful city 、 It is very large 、 The Thames River runs through the city from west toeast,y T

19、he city has two parts: the South and the North 、 In the Norh there are imporant buldins, shops,big parks and interesting places、The weather in London is god、 In spring,thedas ane very long and it is ofen windy But it often rains 、 When summer comes,it is not too hot 、Its very cool 、 Its very comfort

20、able for people to go for a walk 、 In winter it is not very cold 、Sometimes itrains and sometimes it snows heavily,and it also has fog and frost 、 The two worst months in England are January and February、In summer it is not very hot because the city is near the sea、 People say that London is a foggy

21、 city and it often rains,because the west wind often blows over England to make it rain all the year 、 People often take raincoats with them when they go out、It is true、36、 The capital of England isA 、WashingtonB、 ParisC、London D 、MOSCOW37、 _ is in London 、A 、The Mississippi RiverB 、 The Amazon Rive

22、rC、The Thames RiverD、The Seine River38 、The weather is very _ in summer in London 、A 、warmB、hotC、 coldD、cool39 、London is called the city of_A 、rainB、snownC,windD 、 fog40、 It often_ in London according to the pssage、A 、rainsB、snowsC、 rainyD 、windyCI have never forgotten the experience of babyitting

23、my cousin Simon、 That was the first timeI was a babysitter 、 But it made me very embarrassed、Three years ago,I was a high school student、 After my hockey practice,I went to babysit my three-year-old cousin Simon、 After my aunt told me how to look after a kid,she left 、At that八年级下册冀教版英语第一次月考time,Simo

24、n was sitting at the dining table and drawing something、To take good care of him,I sat opposite him、 Then I started playing games on my phone、I didnt realize there was a small piece of cookie on my chair 、 But my aunts pet dog could smell it、 Soon the dog came under the table and tried eating the co

25、okie,but it only pushed the cookie deeper into my crotch( 裤裆 )、 The dog became more aggressive( 好斗得 )、 It tried pushing its head away,but it didnt work at all 、 Simon saw what happened and he laughed happily、 Then he began to draw a picture of me and the dog! You cant imagine how embarrassedI was! W

26、as this the worst babysitting experience?41、How old is Simon now?A 、6 years old、B、 8 years old、 C、10 years old、 D、12 years old、42、Where did the story happen?A 、In the bedroom、B、In the bathroom、C、In the hall 、D、In the dining room 、43、What was on the writerschair?A 、cookie、B、 Fish、C、 A donutD 、Beef、44

27、、When Simon saw what happened to his cousin,what did he do?A 、He caught the dog、 B、He helped his cousin、C、He laughed happilyD、 He walkedaway、45、What did the writer think of his experience of being a babyitter?A 、Tiring 、 B、Wonderful 、 C、 Embarrassing、 D、 Boring 、四、 任务型阅读There are lots of great outdo

28、or activities foryou when spring comes、Lets take a look at the list below、Go for a walk through your neighbourhood in spring,everything is green and blooming、A good way toenjoyitis to take a walk around the block,and your dog will love you more for the time outside 、Go for a bike ride - Cycling is g

29、reat exercise that gives you a way to get around、Ride your bike to your favourite restaurant for lunch,and then cycle around for a leisurely( 悠闲得 ) afternoon、Visit a farm - Lots of local farms have Farm Days when you and your family can explore the farm, watch the animals and learn about local agric

30、ulture(农业 )、Sit out in the sun - Sometimes there is nothing better than sitting outside with a cup of hot tea 、 It is enjoyable, isnt it?46 题完成句子 ; 47、48 题简略回答问题 ; 49 题 找出并写下全文得主题句 ; 50 题将文中画线句子 译成汉语。46、To enjoy beutiful spring,you can_with your dog in the neighbourhood 、47、If Allen wants to get lots of exercise,what can he do in spring?48、What can you do when you visit a farm?八年级下册冀教版英语第一次月考49、_50、_五、根据单词得适当形式填空(10 分)It was sunny and breezy ( 微风得 ) yesterday and the weather was 51_(comfort) 、 My teacher led 52 、 _(we)to the suburbs to plant trees 、 We went there by bike and westarted to w


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