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1、高中英语写作课,胡三元 2009.1.15,Writing,memory, a large screen almost as large as a blackboard,and 30-60 small screens and voice boxes. With a Mogray system we can make both teaching and learning electronically and efficiently. This Mogray system works very conveniently and personally. We students do not need

2、 to take our textbooks.,Instead we use e-books. In class, we enter our own password and find the subject. Then we can download information from the memory and begin the new lesson. When we do our exercises or take exams, we also download them. When we finish our work, we should upload them so that,t

3、he teacher can quickly mark them. If we have homework, we can send it through the Internet or copy it into a hard disc. In a word, a Mogray helps us to learn more easily and faster. We like it.,Writing (Workbook on P121),A biography of the future Here is a biography of my future ten years from now.

4、In August 2006, I am in Senior Three. I will try to perform well in the college entrance examinations. In August 2007, I finish middle,school and go to Wuhan University to study computer engineering. In December 2008, I take CET4 Exam and pass it successfully. In August 2009, I work for Beijing Olym

5、pic Games as a volunteer. In June 2010, I find a part-time job as a computer operator in a company.,In January 2011, I take the postgraduate exams to study in Tsinghua University. In May 2011, I am admitted into Tsinghua University to further my education in computer. In September 2012, I begin to p

6、repare for my postgraduate paper.,In June 2013, I graduate from Tsinghua University and work as a database manager in a large company. In October 2014, I quit the job and set up a company of my own. I become the boss.,A diary of the future Wednesday July 1st, 2015 Fine At 6:00 am my e-friend FINE-8

7、wakes me up and sends me the latest news both at home and abroad on the screen. Listening to the music, I look through the useful information for my company. Half an hour later, I take,some exercise in the WDZ hall. At seven FINE-8 brings up the freshly-cooked breakfast, including AF bread, MK milk

8、and NRY fruit. At 7:30 am my e-friend rides me to my company in the solar car. There I enter my name and password. Immediately I can watch my employees,working at their posts. My e-friend FINE-8 has downloaded all the important information concerning my company, including yesterdays sales figures, i

9、mportant appointments, consumer complaints and so on. At 5:00 p.m. I leave my company and travel to ABD Club, where I can chat,with my e-friend and consumers . After a busy and interesting day, I go to sleep in sweet music.,Project (Workbook P122),Principles for designing a questionnaire:,1. The que

10、stions to be asked should cover as many fields as possible. 2. It is better to provide multiple choices so that the result is easy to calculate.,3. The interviewees should include different kinds of people. 4. Use the answers to prepare a presentation. 5. Present the results to the public.,One possi

11、ble questionnaire:,What will life be like in 2050 in China?,1. Where do people prefer to live? A. In traditional houses. B. In high flats. C. Undersea. D. On the moons.,2. Which means of transportation will be the main trend? A. Trolley buses. B. Maglev trains. C. Aeroplanes. D. Sun-battery cars.,3. Where will people go shopping most? A. In the supermarket. B. In a department


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