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1、Unit 3 Reading National flags,colours and cultures,Pre-reading,Check the preview work 1.flag 2. thread 3. unrest 4. unfairly 5. motto 6. justice 7. principle 8.outspoken 9. optional 10. passive 11. declaration 12. autonomous,旗帜 细丝 不安状态 不公正地 座右铭 正义,公正 原则,原理 直言不讳的 可选的,可有可无的 被动的 宣言,宣布 自治的,1.,13. federa

2、l 14. tasty 15. uniform 16. institution 17. unit 18. identification 19. salute 20. aircraft 21. march,联邦的 好吃的 制服 风俗、机构 单位 组成部分 确认,身份证件 敬礼,致敬 飞机,飞行器 行军,行进,1.,22. 有象征意义的 23. 饥饿 24. 结束,下结论 25. 平等 26. 诚实,正直 27. 加强,巩固 28. 摆脱 29. 替换,替代 30. 有影响力的 31. 容忍 32. 独立,symbolic starvation/starve/hunger conclusion/c

3、onclude equality/be equal to honesty/honest strengthen/strength/strong ridof/get rid of substitute/replace/take the place of influential tolerate/ be tolerant of /stand/bear/put up with independence/independent depend on /be dependent on /be independent of,1.,33. 反对,反抗 34. 纯洁 35. 追溯到 36. 关心的,体贴的 37.

4、 与相符 38. 解放 39. 听任 40.分离,分开 41.与 有联系 42.在头顶上,oppose/be opposed to doing/object to doing/be against doing purity/pure date back to/ date from considerate/ thoughtful correspond to(reality) liberation/liberate resign oneself to(ones fate) separation/separate be related to /relate to overhead,1.,翻译下列短语

5、和句子 1对某人来说极其重要 2重视我们之间的友谊 3被不公正地对待 4死于饥饿 5得出结论 6胜任教学 7加强我们的关系 8使学生们摆脱坏习惯 我们学生应该改掉这些坏习惯。,be of great value /importance/ significance to sb value /treasure our friendship be treated unfairly die of starvation come to/reach/draw a conclusion be equal to teaching strengthen our friendship rid students o

6、f bad habits We students should get rid of these bad habits.,1.,翻译下列短语和句子 9容忍干某事 10反对干某事 11与 符合,一致 12睡在各自的床上 13与 隔开,分隔 14代替 15由组成,tolerate doing sth./be tolerant of doing be opposed to doing sth. /oppose doing correspond to sleep in separate beds get/be separated from Substitute/replace Awith B be m

7、ade up of/ consist of,默写下列单词和短语 1. 诚实 (形、名) 2. 有影响力的 3. 有象征意义的 4. 关心的,体贴的 5. 解放 6. 分离(动、名) 7. 替换 代替 8. 平等的(形、名) 9. 独立(形、名) 10. 得出一个结论,11. 坚定某人的决心 12. 追溯到13世纪 13. 睡在各自的床上 14. 容忍做某事 15. 反对做某事 16. 死于饥饿 17. 与一致 18. 胜任教学 19.改掉坏习惯 20. 珍惜我们的友谊。,默写下列单词和短语 1. 诚实 (形、名) 2. 有影响力的 3. 有象征意义的 4. 关心的,体贴的 5. 解放(动、名)

8、 6. 分离(动、名) 7. 替换 代替 8. 平等的(形、名) 9. 独立(形、名) 10. 得出一个结论,honest honesty influential symbolic considerate liberate liberation separate separation substitute/replace equal equality independent independence draw a conclusion,11. 坚定某人的决心 12. 追溯到13世纪 13. 睡在各自的床上 14. 容忍做某事 15. 反对做某事 16. 死于饥饿 17. 与一致 18. 胜任教

9、学 19.改掉坏习惯 20. 珍惜我们的友谊。,strengthen ones determination date back to / date from the 13th century sleep in separate beds tolerate doing/ be tolerant of / stand/ bear / put up with oppose doing sth. / be opposed to doing / object to doing/ be against doing die of starvation correspond to / agree with /

10、 in agreement with be equal to teaching get rid of bad habits value / treasure our friendship,Unit 3 Reading (period two ),Translate the following sentences using the phrases we have learned in this unit. 1. 我们需要做的事情是珍惜友谊并同甘共苦。(主语和表语从句) 2. 我建议我们中学生应该改掉这些坏习惯。(宾语从句) 3. 他得出的结论是他们当中没有一个人胜任教学。(同位语) 4. 在黄

11、昏时分,他来到一座寺庙,寺庙的前面矗立着一座建于15世纪的塔。(定语从句,date) 5.大多数学生支持这个观点,只有少数学生反对。,1. 我们需要做的事情是珍惜友谊并同甘共苦。 What we need to do is that we should treasure our friendship and share happiness and sadness with each other . 2. 我建议我们中学生应该改掉这些坏习惯。(宾语从句) I suggest that we middle school students (should ) get rid of these bad

12、 habits. 3. 他得出的结论是他们当中没有一个人胜任教学。(同位语) He drew a conclusion that none of them was equal to teaching. 4. 在黄昏时分,他来到一座寺庙,寺庙的前面矗立着一座建于15世纪的塔。(定语从句,date) At dusk , he arrived at a temple , in front of which stood a tower dating back to the 15th century. 大多数学生支持他的观点,只有少数学生反对。 The majority of students are

13、in favour of his opinion, while only a few are against it. (oppose / be opposed to/ object to),Reading,Language points,Group-work: Work in groups and analyze the following sentences and translate them into Chinese. Line 2 、20、40、44 Discuss with your partners what you dont understand in the passage.,

14、1.(Line 2) A flag tells us something about the country( it represents ) and often symbolizes the origin of that country , along with its values , beliefs and culture. 一面国旗让我们了解它所代表的国家,并常常象征着该国的起源及其价值观、信仰和文化。,2.(Line 40) Each year on 4 July, the USA celebrates Independence Day, when the Stars and Str

15、ipes can be seen all over the country, lit by fireworks in the night sky. 每年七月四日美国都庆祝独立日。夜晚,烟花照亮全美处处可见的星条旗。,1)when 引导的是一个非限制性定语从句。 2)“lit by fireworks in the night sky” 是 过去分词短语定语 * light , lighted, lighted / light , lit , lit a lighted candle,3. (Line 44) The flag, which could not be further simpli

16、fied , is a red band over a white one, and is based on a national flag dating back to the 13th century that had nine red and white stripes. 这面国旗简单至极,上半部分是红色的带子,下半部分是白色的带子,它是以十三世纪的九道红白条的国旗为基础的。 此句包含着两个定语从句“which could not be further simplified 和 “ that had nine red and white stripes.” “dating back to

17、 the 13th century ”为现在分词作后置定语,修饰a national flag。,4. (Line 20) The French Revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly those in Europe. 法国大革命成功消除了社会不平等,这对其它许多国家影响甚大,尤其是欧洲国家。,*rid sb. of sth. 使某人消除 消除社会的贫穷/不平等/ 偏见 rid societ

18、y of poverty/ inequality/ prejudice *be rid of / get rid of You should get rid of these bad habits.,*those代替前面的复数名词the countries 。而that可以用来代替前面的单数或不可数名词 eg: Im moving to the countryside because the people there are more friendly than _ in the city. ones B. one C. that D. those The weather here is mu

19、ch cooler than _ in Hongkong. ones B. one C. that D. those,1.(Line2 ) These flags are more than just colorful pieces of cloth and thread sewn together. *more than+n.不仅仅;不只是 (not only) eg:他不仅仅是我的老师,他也是我的朋友。 He is more than my teacher; he is also my friend.,It took _building supplies to construct thes

20、e energy-saving houses. It took brains, too. A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than (09 浙江高考题),*more than 后跟数词、从句等,表示“超过, 不止, 多于” (over) The wings of the plane are more than twice the length of its body. -Do you need any help, Lucy? -Yes. The job is _I could do myself. (07 福建高考题) A.

21、less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than,*more than 后跟形容词,表示“非常” (very ; very much ) eg: Im more than willing / happy / glad to take you there in my car. *morethan “与其.不如” eg:-Ann acts quite in an unfriendly way. -I think shes more shy than unfriendly.,The Useful Expressions,in the te

22、xt,1.(Line 2)more than 2.(Line 11)lead to fundamental changes 3.(Line 11) throughout the country 4.(Line 13) be considered equal 5.(Line 17) stand for 6.(Line 20) be successful in doing 7.(Line 20) rid society of inequality 8.(Line 20) have a great effect on 9.(Line 22) substitute A with B 10.(Line

23、29) tolerate not doing sth 11.(Line 38) remind sb. of sth. 12.(Line 38) join together 13.(Line 39) fight for independence 14.(Line 49) have a link with 15.(Line 55) be regarded as a symbol of purity 16.(Line 57) the people living there 17.(Line 58) Its a good place to do sth. 18.(Line 59) similariti

24、es and differences between countries,1. more than 2.lead to fundamental changes 3.throughout the country 4.be considered equal 5.stand for 6.be successful in doing 7.rid society of inequality 8.have a great effect on 9.substitute A with B 10.tolerate doing sth 11.remind sb. of sth. 12.join together

25、13.fight for independence 14.have a link with 15.be regarded as a symbol of purity 16.the people living there 17.similarities and differences,不仅仅,超过 导致基本改变 整个国家 被认为是平等的 代表 成功做某事 使社会消除不平等现象 对很大的影响 用B取代A 容忍做某事 使某人想起某事 联合起来 为自由而战 与联系 被认为是纯洁的象征 住在那里的人们 相同点与不同点,Group-work: Make sentences using the follow

26、ing phrases. more than be successful in remind sb. of sth. stand for have a link with,Consolidation,翻译下列句子: 1.我们的大楼很古老,是一幢建于二十世纪三十年代的楼. Our building is very old, one dating back to the 1930s. 2.我无法忍受我的儿子浪费如此多的钱. I cant tolerate my son wasting so much money. 3.在学生眼里,他不仅仅是老师,更像我们的朋友. In our students e

27、yes,he is more than a teacher, he is more like a friend. 4.座落在山顶,这座寺庙每年都吸引了大量的游客. Located at the top of the hill,the temple attracts a large number of visitors every year. 5.他们在校门口分开了. They got separated at the school gate.,4.(Line22) In fact, some countries elected to substitute their flags with tr

28、icolor flags, after the French. *substitute : to take the place of 代替; 替代 *substitute B with A / substitute A for B (replace B with A) 用A 代替B Eg.我们这把破损的椅子得换把新的. We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.,*substitute for sb./ sth. : to take the place of eg: Can you substitute for me at the me

29、eting to be held tomorrow? n.代替品 Solar energy could be a great substitute form of energy.,5. ( Line 29 ) As taxpayers, they felt that they could no longer tolerate not having a say in the government. 我不能容忍你的这样粗鲁的行为。 I cant tolerate your such rude behavior. / your behaving so rudely. I cant tolerate

30、your not behaving well. ( cant stand /tolerate/bear/ put up with ),*have a / ones say : to express ones view 有发言权 have no say in 没有发言权,6.(Line 30) They desired independence, but the British opposed this. * oppose : to disagree with or be against sb. or sth. 反对 oppose sb./ sth./ doing sth. ( object t

31、o / be against / be opposed to ) eg: 大部分学生都反对在暑假期间多上课. The majority of the students oppose taking extra lessons during the summer holiday. ( are opposed to ),比较: Firmly to his proposal, we turn it down at once. (Firmly his proposal, ) * be for / be in favor of /support (在作文中学会正确使用),opposed,opposing,7. ( Line 53).The colour red on the Indonesian flag stands for


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