



1、一般现在时讲解与练习 一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作或一般性事实。通常与副词every day(每天),always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常)sometimes(有时),等时间状语连用。1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:theskyisblue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:igetupatsixeveryday.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观现实。如:theearthgoesaroundthesun.地球绕着太阳转。4.表示平日的喜好。i like bananas. we dont like vegetables.构成:1.be动词:主语+b

2、e(am,is,are)+其它。如:iamaboy.我是一个男孩。 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:westudyenglish.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,要在动词后加-s或-es或变“y”为“ies”如:marylikeschinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。missguteachesusenglish.顾老师教我们英语。 shestudieschineseeveryday.她每天学习语文。否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句: 1.be动词的变化。否定句:主语+be+not+其它。如:heisnotaworker.他不是工人。 一般疑问句:be+主语+其它

3、。如:-areyouastudent?-yes.iam./no,imnot. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:whereismybike? 2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+dont(doesnt)+动词原形(+其它)。如:idontlikebread. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesnt构成否定句。如:hedoesntoftenplay. 一般疑问句:do(does)+主语+动词原形+其它。如:-doyouoftenplayfootball? -yes,ido./no,idont. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:-doesshegotoworkbybike

4、? -yes,shedoes./no,shedoesnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:howdoesyourfathergotowork? 一般现在时的动词形式 一般现在时主要由动词原形表示,但第三人称单数后的动词词尾有所变化。第三人称单数动词词尾的变化有几种形式: 一般情况加-sreads,says,takes以ch,sh,s,x,或o结尾的词加-esteaches,washes,goes,misses,mixes 以辅音字母加y结尾的词变y为i再加-esstudies,cries,carries 在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。一、人称代词he

5、, she, it是第三人称单数。如: he likes watching tv. 他喜欢看电视。 she has lunch at twelve. 她十二点吃午餐。 二、单个人名、地名或称呼作主语;是第三人称单数。如: han mei likes salsd . 韩梅喜欢萨拉。 beijing is in china. 北京在中国。 uncle wang often plays volleyball. 王叔叔经常打排球。 三、单数可数名词或this / that / the+单数可数名词作主语时,是第三人称单数。如: this book is yours. 这本书是你的。 that car

6、is red. the cat is lucys. 这只猫是露茜的。 四、不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something等及指示代词this, that作主语时,是第三人称单数。everyone is here. 大家到齐了。 there is a watch on the table. 桌上有块手表。 this is a pen. 这是一支钢笔。that is an eraser.五、不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。如: the milk(牛奶) is in the glass. 牛奶在玻璃杯里。 the bread is very

7、 small. 那面包很小。 六、当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。如: 6 is a lucky number. 6是个吉利数字。 i is a letter. i是个字母。 巩固练习题: 一、按照要求改写句子 1this is my pencil ? (变一般疑问句) your pencil ? 2. these red socks are kates . (变一般疑问句) socks kates ? 3. mary does not have any books . (变肯定句) mary books . 4. she likes the black bag very much .

8、 (变为否定句) 5. i like apples. (用she改写句子) 6. its an english dictionary . (对画线部分提问) . 7. he has hamburger and apples for dinner . (变一般疑问句) 二、用be动词填空。 1. you li fen ? no, not . 2. mr. green very busy? yes , he . 3.this book very interesting . 4. what class you in ? 5. you and i good friends . 6. the baske

9、tball club fun . 三用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. lin tao (like) his ruler . 2. lets (have) ice cream . 3. lets (play) tennis ! 4. he (like) english. 5. nice (meet) you ! 6. i (need) some fruits.一般现在时用法专练:一、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 have like drink _ go _ stay _ make _look _have_ come_ watch_ plant_ fly _ do_ study_ _ tea

10、ch_二、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. he often _(have) dinner at home.2. daniel and tommy _(be) in class one.3. we _ _(not watch) tv on monday.4. nick _ _(not go) to the zoo on sunday.5. _ they _(like) pears?6. _ your parents _(have) eggs every day?7. there _(be) some water in the bottle.18. mike _(like) cooking. 9

11、. they _(have) the same hobby.10. liu tao _ _(do) not like pe.11. this boy often _(watch) tv in the evening.三、按照要求改写句子1. daniel watches tv every evening.(改为否定句)_2. i do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_3. she likes milk.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)_ 4. amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_5. we

12、go to school every morning.(改为否定句)_ 6. john comes from canada(加拿大).(对划线部分提问)_7. she is a good student.(改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_8. simon and daniel like play sports .(改为否定句)_五、改错(划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上)1. is your brother speak english? _2. does he likes going fishing? _3. he likes play games after class. _ _4. mr. wu teachs us english. _5. she dont do her h


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