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1、精品 料推荐please, fill out the questionary completely.请完整填写问卷。if you have knowledge of english step 4 or more fill it out in english please.如果您的英语水平达到4级或 4级以上,请用英文填写。this is a summary of different abilities. we know that you can t reach all.这只是让我们对你在不同方面的能力有一个大体了解,当然我们知道您不可能有过任何领域的工作经验。but it is importa

2、nt that you describe your experience in the different ranges very exactly.但是最重要的是您能够将您在不同职位的工作经历确切地描述清楚。if you have problems to find the right english words use the chinese one.如果部分的问题很难用英文来表达,您可以用中文。please, if you should have questions, consult our colleague.如果您有疑问,请询问我们的工作人员。thanks. 谢谢!1精品 料推荐gene

3、ral information个人基本信息 :your name姓名 :your age 年龄 :education教育程度 :earnings wish?期望的工资是多少?when can you start?什么时候可以开始上班?foreign languages?外语?which one?哪一种?you use it for your job?在工作中是否用到?experience for how many years?有多少年经验?company information所在企业信息:2精品 料推荐where the enterprises certified?所工作的企业通过认证了吗?

4、after what?通过了哪些认证?which parts were produced?生产哪些产品?which customers?主要有哪些客户?for which branches mainly?主要是哪些行业的客户?export quota?产品出口比例是多少?experience with chinese standards?有无国内标准经验?which one?哪些?experience with foreign standards?有无国外标准经验?which one?哪些?experience with foreign drawing?有无国外图纸经验?which one?哪

5、个国家?history 背景,经历 :3精品 料推荐time of workposition公司名称company form 公司性质)information about the company工作时间职位 state-owned ( 国有 ) /(公司其他信息 )joint venture( 合资 )/privatequantity of stafftotal saleproductshomepage(私有 ) /foreign( 外资)人员数销售额主要产品网址please indicate which country for the jv or foreign company,外资企业或合

6、资企业请注明是哪个国家的企业?technical技术方面which materials were used?使用过哪些材料?4精品 料推荐carbon steel/normal steel碳钢 / 普通钢stainless steel不锈钢high alloy steel高合金钢castingwhich kind?铸钢哪些?aluminum铝brass铜other?which one?其他?哪些?what did mainly get used?常用的是哪些?which diameters got used mostly:常用多大直径的材料0 - 1010 - 20 20 - 40 40 -

7、80 larger更大machines/engines机器 /设备which machines were used?你使用过哪些机器?5精品 料推荐cncnormalprogramhow manyproducerquantityaccuracy数控一般程序axis 几个轴制造商数量可达到的精度lathe车床milling 铣床grinding磨床processing center加工中心which tooling accuracy was reached?以下机器的切削精度能达到多少?- lathe machines车床- grinding machines磨床- work station加工

8、中心was there a daily/weekly appointment overview?有无每日或每周生产进度汇总?how much % of the orders did get completed on schedule?一般情况下占百分之多少的订单能够根据计划按时完成?how was the performance degree of the employees determined?如何考评员工的工作表现?how high was the exploitation of the production?6精品 料推荐生产超产能达到多少?who was responsible fo

9、r the procurement of materials?谁负责采购生产原材料?is there a purchasing department?有无专门的采购部门?who is responsible for the calculation of the material requirements?谁负责生产所需材料的核算?suppliers供应厂家was the quality of the suppliers examined before orders were placed?在厂家下单前需调查他们的生产质量吗?was there a auditing before?之前是否对其评

10、诂?was therefore a special procedure for it?对下单,有没有规定特殊的程序?which quality documents for orders have got the suppliers?通常要求供应厂家提供哪些质量文件?7精品 料推荐were there special employees to the supervision of the quality with the supplier?在质量监控方面,是否派遣专门的人员去供应厂家检查?was the production supervised with the supplier? how?

11、how frequent?是否监管供应厂家的生产?怎样进行?经常吗?what was done at quality problems?对于质量问题方面做些什么工作?was there a special procedure for it?就此有无规定特殊的程序?was there receipt of goods control for all goods?产品的供应是否有专门的计划表?do you have experiences in the certification of manufacturing enterprises?personal个人which position do you like to have reached within the next 5 years?在未来 5年内你希望自己做到什么职位?where do you see your special abilities?你认为自己的特长在哪里?where do you see your weaknesses?8精品 料推荐你认为自己的弱点是什么?are you ready to work outcome-orientedly?你工作


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