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1、SA8000:2008 Training,01版过渡到08版的变更点 What has changed? 2001 to 2008,SA8000:2008 Third Edition 第三版 The nine social accountability requirements remain the same 九大章全部保留 No additional sections have been added. 没有新篇章增加 No existing ones have been removed. 现有篇章没有取消。 Retains the spirit and intent of 2001 vers

2、ion, but adds more clarity, strength, and flexibility. 保持2001版的精神和内容,但是更加清晰、有力和适用。,Goals of Standard Redrafting 版本修订的目的和过程 Do not weaken SA8000, mainly clarify 条款说明更清楚 Better align SA8000 to ILO conventions 更好的与国际公约接轨 Draw on ISO principles , but clearly set minimums for labor rights as defined by i

3、nternational norms. 坚持ISO的原则,清楚界定国际公约中对劳动者权利的最低要求。,SA8000 Guidance Document 指导文件 Provide clarification of SA8000 standard clause 澄清SA8000标准条款 Provide common reference for SA8000 standard compliance 提供SA8000标准符合性的一般参考 Facilitates SA8000 standard interpretation for auditors and clients intent on accre

4、ditation and certification 使得审核员和意图取得认证的客户在SA8000标准解释上取得一致。,New,Purpose and Scope 目的和范围,1. Increase “.to protect and empower all personnel within a companys scope of control and influence ”. 增加了“保护和授权公司控制和影响范围内的所有员工”的定义。 2. Clarify everyone employed by the company- within their scope of control and

5、influence. - Direct-hires, suppliers and 国家法律允许加班时间超过该规定; b) A freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement is in force that allows work time averaging, including adequate rest periods. 存在一个有效的经过自由协商的集体谈判协议,允许平均工作时间涵盖了适当的休 息时间。,New,Working Hours 工作时间- Criteria 准则,7.3 All overtime work shall be

6、voluntary, except as provided in 7.4 below, shall not exceed 12 hours per week, nor be requested on a regular basis. 除非符合7.4条款(见下款),所有加班必须是自愿,每周加班时间不得超过12小时。 7.4 In cases where overtime work is needed in order to meet short-term business demand and the company is party to a collective bargaining agr

7、eement freely negotiated with worker organization (as defined above) representing a significant portion of its workforce, the company may require such overtime work in accordance with such agreement. Any such agreement must comply with the requirements above. 如公司于代表众多数员工的工人组织(依据上述定义),通过自由谈判达成集体协商协议,

8、公司可以根据协议要求工人加班以满足短期业务需要。任何此类协议应符合上述7.1 条有关规定。,New,Working Hours 工作时间- Summary 小结,In general: 2 clauses allow flexibility, provide a freely negotiated. 7.2和7.4 要求更灵活,增加了工人集体谈判同意的条件。 Clause 7.1: Respect for public holidays was added. 增加: 遵守公共假期的规定。 SA8000:2008 requires companies provide personnel one

9、day off after six Consecutive days working. 每六天工作休息一天,如果有变通,必须符合: 国家法规允许超过限制; 集体谈判同意用平均工作时间计算。,Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释,Remuneration 报酬,Remuneration报酬- Criteria 准则,8.1 The company shall respect the right of personnel to a living wage and ensure that wages paid for a normal work week shall

10、 always meet at least legal or industry minimum standards and shall be sufficient to meet the basic needs of personnel and to provide some discretionary income. 公司应保证在一标准工作周内所付工资总能至少达到法定或行业最低工资标准并满足员工基本需要,以及提供一些可随意支配的收入。,8.2 The company shall ensure that deductions from wages are not made for discip

11、linary purpose. Exceptions to this rule apply only when both of the following condition exist: 公司应保证不因惩戒的目的而扣减工资,除非符合以下条件: Deductions from wages for disciplinary purposes are permitted by national law; 这种出于惩戒扣减工资得到国家法律许可 b) A freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement is in force. 获得自由集体谈判的同意

12、。,New,Remuneration报酬- Criteria 准则,8.3 The company shall ensure that personnels wages and benefits composition are defined clearly and regularly in writing for them for each pay period. The company shall also ensure that wages and benefits are rendered in full compliance with all applicable laws and

13、that remuneration is rendered either in cash or check form, in a manner convenient to workers. 公司应确保每个支薪期向员工详细清楚地定期以书面形式列明工资、待遇构成;公司还应保证工资、待遇与适用法规完全相符。工资、待遇应用现金或支票,以方便员工的形式支付。,8.4 All overtime shall be reimbursed at a premium rate as defined by national law. In countries where a premium rate for ove

14、rtime is not regulated by law or a collective bargaining agreement, personnel shall be compensated for overtime at a premium rate or equal to prevailing industry standards, whichever is more favorable to workers interests. 所有加班费应按照国家规定支付加班津贴。如果在一些国家法律或集体协议未规定加班津贴,则加班津贴应以额外的比率或根据普遍行业标准确定,无论哪种情况都应更符合工

15、人利益。,New,Remuneration报酬- Criteria 准则,8.5 The company shall not use labor-only contracting arrangements, consecutive short-term contracts, and/or false apprenticeship schemes to avoid fulfilling its obligations to personnel under applicable laws pertaining to labor and social security legislation and

16、 regulation. 公司应保证不采取纯劳务合同安排,连续的短期合约及、或虚假的学徒工制度以规避涉及劳动和社会保障条例的适用法规所规定的员工应尽的义务。,Remuneration报酬- Summary 小结,SA8000:2008 explicitly states that a company must respect the right of personnel to a living wage. 08版清楚说明公司必须保障员工生活需求的工资。 The committee also decided the definition of a living wage has seen eme

17、rging consensus around: a basic needs wages and discretionary income. 生活需求的工资包括:基本生活需求+ 可随意支配的部分 Like 2001 standard, the 2008 standard prohibit companies from deducting wages for disciplinary purpose. 如同2001版,不允许以惩罚的目的从工资中扣除,除非满足: 国家法规允许; 集体谈判同意此措施。,Interpretation of SA8000 SA8000条款解释,Management Sys

18、tem 管理系统,Management System 管理体系,Management System 管理体系,New Numbering 重新排序,9.1 SA8000:2008 requires a company to define in writing, and in workers own language, its policy for social accountability and labor condition. 公司需要用员工易懂的语言、书面地表达公司的社会责任方针。 C). To review its policy regularly in order to contin

19、ually improve, take into consideration changes in legislation, in its own code-of-conduct requirements, and any other company requirements. 对公司政策进行定期评审以持续改善。评审时应考虑法律的变化,自身行为准则要求及公司其它要求的变化。 To make its policy publicly available in an effective form and manner to interested parties, upon request. 根据要求

20、,以有效的形式和方法对利益相关方公开其政策。,New,Management System 管理体系,01版 管理评审内容调整到08版9.4,并增加: Where appropriate, system amendment and improvements shall be implemented. The worker representative shall participate in this review. 必要时应予以系统的修正和改进。工人代表应参与管理评审。,9.2 Management Representative公司代表 A senior management represen

21、tative to 应有一个高级管理代表: Ensure requirements for social accountability are met 确保满足社会责任要求 Non management personnel to choose 应选择非管理人员以: To facilitate communication with senior management on matter related to SA8000. 便于就SA8000与高层管理沟通。,Management System 管理体系,9.3 SA8000 Worker representative 工人代表 The comp

22、any shall recognize that workplace dialogue is a key component of social accountability and ensure that all workers have the right to representation to facilitate communication with senior management in matters relating to SA8000. In unionized facilities, such representative shall be undertaken by r

23、ecognized trade unions. Elsewhere, workers may elect a SA8000 worker representative form among themselves for this purpose. In no circumstances, shall the SA8000 worker representative be seen as a substitute for trade union representative. 公司应把工作对话认为是社会责任的关键组成部分,并确保所有非管理人员有权出席就与本标准相关事项增进与高层管理阶层的沟通。

24、在有工会的公司,代表应由工会认可。其它地方,可基于此目的的由非管理人员在他们中间选举一个SA8000工人代表。在任何情况下,SA8000工人代表都不应被视为对工会代表的替代。,New,小结: 员工有选举工人代表的权利; 在任何情况下,SA8000工人代表不能取代工会。 注:工人可以选择不选举工人代表。,Management System 管理体系,Planning and implementation 计划与实施,Company must ensure requirements are understood and implemented at all level by 公司必须确保要求在所有

25、层级被理解和实施: Clearly defining roles, responsibilities and authorities. 清楚定义职责和权限 Training new and /or temporary employees upon hiring 培训新来的/临时工 (增加调职工人) Periodic training and awareness programmer 对在职员工的定期培训和意识提升 Continuous monitoring of activities and results to demonstrate effectiveness of systems to

26、meet policy and requirements of SA8000 对活动和结果的持续评估以证明系统在满足政策和SA8000要求方面的有效性,Management System 管理体系,Supplier/Subcontractors and sup-suppliers 供应商/分包商和下层供应商 Evaluation and selection based on SA8000 基于SA8000的评估及选择 Records of written commitment to SA8000 principles,including SA8000 书面承诺的记录,包括: Conforman

27、ce to all requirements 符合所有要求 Participation in monitoring 参与监督 Implementation of remedial and corrective actions 补救和纠正措施的实施 Inform company of changes to business relationships Keep reasonable evidence to support those commitments by suppliers and subcontractors only 保持合理证据以支持供应商及分包商的承诺 (As appropria

28、te)all can apply to sub-suppliers as well (必要时)所有要求也可应用于下层供应商,9.8 The company shall establish,maintain,and document in writing appropriate procedures to evaluate and select suppliers/subcontractor (and where appropriate,sub-suppliers)taking into account their performance and commitment to meet the r

29、equirements of this standard. 在选择供应商时应考虑其在社会责任方面的实施情况 9.9 SA8000 requires companies to make efforts to ensure the standard is being met by all suppliers and subcontractors within their sphere of control and influence (see above explanation). 在公司控制和影响范围内,公司应尽最大能力确保供应商和分包商满足此标准,Management System 管理体系,

30、The company must 公司必须: Investigate,address and respond to concerns of employees and interested parties with regard to conformance/nonconformance with policy and requirements 就员工与利益相关方提出的有关与政策和要求符合/不符合的问题进行调查、解决和反馈 Refrain from discipline dismissing or discriminating employees who provide information

31、 concerning observance of Standard 避免惩戒、解雇或歧视提供与标准问题有关信息的员工 Implement remedial and corrective action and allocate resources appropriate to any nonconformance 对任何不符合实施补救和纠正措施并分配适当资源,Management System 管理体系,Addressing concerns and taking corrective action 解决问题和采取纠正措施,9.11 More explicit on complaints:Co

32、mpanies must provide confidential means for all personnel to report non-conformances with the standard to management and the workers representative, 关于投诉:公司必须提供秘密的方法方便员工向管理层和工人代表举报违反标准的现象。,Management System 管理体系,The company must establish and maintain procedures to : 公司必须建立和保持程序以: Communicate regula

33、rly to all interested parties data and other information regarding performance against requirements,including: 与所有利益相关方定期沟通有关表现是否符合要求的数据和信息,包括: Results of management review 管理评审结果 Monitoring activities 监控活动,Management System 管理体系,Outside communication and stakeholder engagement 对外沟通及相关方参与,9.14 The company shall dem


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