



1、一、 现象阐述型(一)描述段:描述现象1、 Nowadays, there exists a social/economic/environmental phenomenon, which has aroused great concern among people around us. /总体现象 has increasingly become a common concern of the public ./ 总体现象is commonly accepted by the people from all walks of life.2、According to a survey,调查内容说

2、明这种现象的情况(或者是一个例子)。(二)说明段:阐述原因3、There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon./This problem /phenomenon has a great effect on影响的主要对象 4、Firstly/Above all/First of all,原因一/影响一 5、Secondly/Whats more/Furthermore,原因二/影响二 6、Besides/Finally,原因三/影响三 7、As a result/Therefore/Consequently,结果(三)议

3、论段:表明观点8、As far as I am concerned/ As to me/ In my opinion,“我”的观点/态度/做法 9、Furthermore,进一步说明 10、Therefore/Based on the above discussions, I can conclude/it can be concluded that总结全文。二、 问题解决型(一) 描述段:描述问题1、 In recent years, increasing numbers of people 关注/牵涉/参与不良现象或某一问题2、It is obvious that 危害一/作用一 3、Ad

4、ditionally, 危害二/作用二 4、 Therefore, special/considerable attention should be paid to 该问题。(二) 说明段:说明方法/因素5、On the one hand/ Firstly, 方法一 6、On the other hand/Secondly,方法二 7、In addition/Thirdly,方法三(三) 议论段:表明观点8、Of course, following these suggestions/ methods may not surely solve the problem, but it is wo

5、rth of trying.9、As for me/in my opinion,“我”的思考或看法 10、Only in this way.倒装句总结全文/Undoubtedly, it is necessary/essential根本途径 三、 对比选择型(一)议论段:提出观点1、When asked about/When it comes to事物/问题,different people will offer different opinions.2、Some people take it for granted that 观点一 3、In their opinion,选择观点一的理由一

6、4、Besides,选择观点一的理由二(二)议论段:对比论证5、However, others hold that 观点二 6、They maintain that 观点二/选择观点二的理由一 7、And 观点二/选择观点二的理由二(三)议论段:总结观点8、Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the former/later viewpoint/choice. 9、“我”的理由 10、Therefore, as stated above,重申观点/选择四、 观点论证型模板一(驳论)(一)议论段:提出观点1、Up to now, many peop

7、le hold it true that某观点 2、They believe 进一步说明此观点 3、However, recent survey /research shows that 与上述观点相反的论点 4、The arguments for this point of view can be listed as follows.(二) 议论段:论证观点5、Above all, 论据一 6、For example,支持论据一的事例 7、Furthermore,论据二及支持论据二的事例 8、Most importantly,论据三(三)论证段:总结观点9、All that has been

8、 discussed above points to the fact that 重申本文论点 10、Therefore, 与该观点相符合的做法和态度模板二(立论)(一) 议论段:提出观点1.People are familiar with/It is widely accepted that 某观点AS we know,观点正确性的表现3.therefore,小结观点(二) 议论段:论证观点4.There are numerous examples supporting this argument.5.A case in point is 例一6.For another example,引出

9、并说明例二7.Moreover,阐述第三个例子 (三) 论证段:总结观点8.From what has been discussed above, we should understand that 重申观点9.But/one thing we have to notice is that 提出个人建议10.therefore,总结全文五、 利弊评论型(一) 议论段:提出观点,论述好处1.For the past few years,某事物has been widely accepted by people/has come into peoples daily life 2.No noe can deny that 某事物的好处3.For one thing ,好处一4.For another 好处二5.In addition好处三 (二) 议论段:论证弊端6.However, just as all coins


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