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1、,The Trial That Rocked the World,John Scopes,William Jennings Bryan威廉詹宁斯布莱恩,William Jennings Bryan,William Jennings Bryan was born in Salem,Illinois on March 19,1860 and died in Dayton Tennessee on July 26,1925.He had died at the age of 65.,William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925): In his middle-class fam

2、ily, great emphasis was placed on religion and morality, not only in ones personal life but in politics and in the conduct of national affairs . After graduating from Illinois College of Law in Chicago, he opened a law offices in Jacksonville. In 1887, Byran moved to Lincoln, Nebraska, practicing la

3、w and simultaneously turning toward politics. He won a seat in congress 1890 and was reelected in1892,He was the Democratic partys presidential nominee three times(1896,1900,1908). In 1912 he helped to secure the nomination of Woodrow Wilson for the presidency, and Wilson named him secretary of stat

4、e in 1913. In World War 1 he advocated a policy of neutrality, hoping that the United States might play the role of arbitrator between the opposing sides. Wilson, however, did not follow his advice and he resigned in June 1915.,威廉詹宁斯布赖恩( 1860年至1925年) :出生于Salem,中产阶级家庭,不仅在自己的个人生活,而且在政治和国家事务中都把重点放在宗教和道

5、德上。后来在芝加哥伊利诺伊州大学法学院毕业后,他在Jacksonville开了一家律师事务所.在 1887年, Byran搬到林肯,内布拉斯加,研究法律并同时转向政治。他曾经3次代表美国民主党竞选总统( 1896,1900,1908 ) 。 1912年他帮助伍德罗威尔逊,以确保其总统职位。1913年,威尔逊任命他为国务卿。在第一次世界大战中,他主张中立政策,希望美国在可以对立的双方扮演仲裁员的角色.然而Wilson,没有遵循他的意见, 1915年6月他便辞职。,William Jennings Bryan was the angel of the lord against the southe

6、rn states to foumulate the theory of evolution laws.His religious thought about all came from the foudamemtalism.When he was young he was Presbyterian believer.His father was the Baptist Church follower and his mother was,Methodist follower,so he soon established deep roots with the American conserv

7、ation sect and his thought was deeply affected by the fundamentalism.He was a staunch fundamentalist.Bryan always opposed modernism that was suppored by the eastern city and academic circles.,After 1920 he was a strong supporter of Prohibition and energetically attacked Darwinism and evolution,most

8、famously at the Scopes Trial in 1925.Five days after the end of the case ,he died in his sleep.,Bryan was named the “Silver-Tongued Orator” because of his eloquence and logical thinking.He was a born orator.He was a child prodigy in the political arena and was seen as hero because he always stood at

9、 the side the historical progress.At the end of the 19century,he opposed the consortium of corruption and called the womens suffrage.He represented the bottom of worker and farmers interest,so he was called as the Great Commoner to the people.He also was a devout Protestant and represented the Amerc

10、ian character and spirit in the mid of 19 century.,The knowledge we must know,The Bible,TheBible is a conical collection of the texts sacred in Judaism and christianity. There is no single “Bible”and many Bibles with varying contexts exist.The term Bible is shared between Judaish and Christianity,al

11、though the contents of each of their colllections of canonical texts is not the same. Difference reiligious groups include difference boooks within their Biblical canons,In different orders, and sometimes divide or combine books, Or incorporate additional material into canonical books.,the Bible is

12、Jewish and Christian religious classics.In the Hebrew Bible “Orthodox Judaism”version of “Tanach” for his classic,including the Old testament and New Testament Bible .Old Testament: volumes of 39 New Testament:volumes of 27 The Bible is in all 66 volumes.,“Hhebrew Bible”records is the creation of th

13、e world God,from human crime ,history of the Jews and predictions about the world. The New Testament”records the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and his disciples and early Christian event records,for human purgation,the Epistles and prophexies about the end of the world.,The Bible from the early bo

14、ok Job in about 1500 BC until the last book of the apocalypse, was written after about 1600,whose author were more than 40,including the King,Prophet ,the priests ,the shepherd,the fisherman,the doctor and so on,Then tought orally , finally it was filed into the group book by various religious organ

15、izations power.,The Christianity is composed of Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant three factions and many other smaller factions.Chriatians believe that Jesus is the son of the God the saviour of mankind.The Chrisian is the monotheistic religion.,The Christianity,Modernism,Modernismis a philosophical m

16、ovement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations inWestern societyin the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Among the factors that shaped Modernism was the development of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed

17、 then by the horror ofWorld War I. Modernism rejected the certainty ofEnlightenment thinking, and many modernists also rejected religious belief.,Modernism, in general, includes the activities and creations of those who felt the traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, ph

18、ilosophy, social organization, and activities of daily life were becoming outdated in the new economic, social, and political environment of an emerging fully industrialized world.,The greatest impact is Darwintheory of evolution.The theory of evolution put forward the “survival of the fittest in na

19、tural selection,survival of the fittest”principle. Biological through natural selectin,from a lower to a higher level,even human beings are also included. This theory directly go against the “Bible”in the statement.,The fundamentalist movement in the 1920s,Fundamentalists,who believed in a literal i

20、nterpretation of the Bible ,locked into Darwin and the theory of evolution as “the most present threat to the truth they were sure what they alone possessed”,worried that everything valuable was ending.In rural areas ,particularly in the South and Midwest,Amercans turned to their faith for comfort a

21、nd stability,and fundamentalist religion soared in popularity.,However,modernists no longer asked whether society would approve of their behavior,only whether their behavior met the approval of their intellect.Intellectual experimentation flourished.,With evolution as the enemy,Fundamentalists set o

22、ut to eradicate it from their society,beginning with the education system.Therefore ,in the summer of 1925,the sleepy hamlet of Dayton ,Tennessee,became the setting for one of the 20th centurys most controversial dramas: the Scopes trial that pit william Jennings Bryan and the anti-Darwinists agains

23、t a teacher named John Scopes into a famous dabate over science,religion, and their place in public education.,The brief introduction,Character The principal point of doctrine,The character (1) conservative (2) antagonism (3) exclusiveness (4) militancy,The five fundaments,Inerrancy of the Bible The virgin birth and deity of Jesus Christ The doctrine of salvation by Faith Alone The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ The bodily second coming of Jesus Christ,Rising,Fundamentalism came from multiple streams in British and American theolog


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