高中英语 Module1 British and American English period 2 A级学案(教师版) 外研版必修5_第1页
高中英语 Module1 British and American English period 2 A级学案(教师版) 外研版必修5_第2页
高中英语 Module1 British and American English period 2 A级学案(教师版) 外研版必修5_第3页
高中英语 Module1 British and American English period 2 A级学案(教师版) 外研版必修5_第4页




1、陕西省宁强县天津高级中学高二英语A 教师版学案:Module1 British and American English period 2(外研版必修5)使用说明:1.请各位同学在自主学习时认真研读学习目标和学法指导,严格按照学法指导进行自学。(同学们,字如其人,请注意你的书写)2. A级:识记类;B级:理解类;C级:应用类;D级:拓展类 3.下课收学案,组长根据组员自学完成情况,写出批语、打上等级。课程学习目标 学习自主化学 习 目 标掌握重点单词,短语和重难点探究部分重点句式。能 力 目 标通过做练习,能够在语境中正确运用所学单词和短语。重点难点探究 技能系统化 独学:仔细研读所给解析,理

2、解每个语言点的用法根据自己的理解和相应的提示,完成相应习题做完题之后,用红笔标注出存在问题的题目。群学:通过小组讨论解决独学中存在的问题课堂上踊跃展示。Dont be shy! Be well-prepared and show yourself bravely! 今天你展示了吗? (C级)1have.in common(with)(和)在方面有相同之处归纳拓展have a lot (much)/something/little/nothing in common with 与有很多/有一些/几乎没有/没有相同之处in common(with)(与)相同,一样我们彼此间有很多相同之处,因此我们

3、成了好朋友。We have a lot in common with each other,so we became/have become good friends.和她的妹妹一样,艾米(Amy)非常喜欢唱歌。In common with her sister,Amy likes singing very much.合作探究:请说明common,usual,normal与ordinary之间的用法区别。(1)common普通的,随时会发生或随时可见的,共同的。(2)usual惯常的,通常的,符合习惯的。(3)normal符合标准的,正常的。(4)ordinary普通的,一般的,不特殊的(与“

4、special”相反)。2make a difference (to sb./sth.)(对某人/某事物)有作用或影响;(对某人/某事物)重要、要紧归纳拓展make no/little difference (to sb./sth.)(对某人/某事物)没有/几乎没有作用或影响;(对某人/某事物)不重要、不要紧make some difference (to sb./sth.)(对某人/某事物)有些作用或影响make much difference to对有很大影响(作用)例句:I dont think what he said will make any difference.我认为他说的话不

5、会起什么作用。It makes no difference whether you will come or not.你来不来没什么区别。你是否能按时完成它对我们有很大的影响。It makes much difference to us whether you can finish it on time.完成句子 (1)It _ whether he will help us or not.(他帮不帮助我们没有多大的影响。)(2)If you want to _,you should work hard.(如果你想与别人不一样,你就应该努力工作。)(3)Does his failure _?(

6、他的失败对你有影响吗?)答案:(1)makes no difference(2)make a difference(3)make any difference to you3.get around 四处走动;旅行;(新闻或消息)传开【典型例句】 She gets around with the help of a stick.她拄着拐杖四处走动。His work makes it possible for him to get around in different countries.他的工作使他能在不同的国家旅行。他要走的消息很快传播开了。News soon got around that

7、 he was leaving.【相关链接】 get引导的其他常用的短语:get across使了解;使明白 get down下降;泄气;压抑;记下get along相处融洽;进展 get down下降;泄气;压抑;记下get away脱身;离开,走开 get over 克服4confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的归纳拓展(1)confuse vt.使迷惑;使难于理解confused adj.感到迷惑的,感到难懂的confusion n困惑,混乱;混淆(2)confuse A with/and B把A和B相混淆be confused by sth.被搞糊涂了get/become con

8、fused困惑,不知所措in confusion困惑地;困窘地例句:What he said was confusing,so I was confused at his words.他说的话很难懂,所以我对他说的话感到迷惑不解。Dont confuse him with his brother.They are much alike.别把他与他的弟弟混淆了,他们非常相像。He stood there in confusion.他困窘地站在那里。用confuse的适当形式填空We can conclude his confused look suggests that he gets conf

9、used by this confusing pare v.比较;对比;与类似n. 比较;对比We carefully compared the first report and the second one.我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。This house does not compare with our previous one.这房子比不上我们以前的。The lady has a diamond beyond compare.这位女士有一颗独一无二的钻石。Compared with that book,this one is much better

10、.跟那本书相比,这本好多了。【知识小结】 compare 作动词是表示“比较;对比”或“与类似”,常用在compare A with B 或 compare A and B的结构中;也可以用作名词。【相关链接】 comparison n.比较;对比comparative adj.比较的;相对的comparatively adv.相对地填空用compare的适当形式填空。(1)It is difficult to make a _ between this book and that one.(2)My problem seemed nothing _ with other peoples.答案

11、:(1)comparison(2)compared(3)_ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A.Compare B.When compared C.ComparingD.When comparing答案:B(4)_ with his bike,this one is more expensive.A.Compared with B.Comparing with C.To compare with D.Compare with答案:A6differ v不同;相异differ w

12、ith/from sb./on/about/over sth.关于某事与某人意见不同different adj.不一样的;有区别的difference n不同;差别;差异同义句转换:British English and American English differ in many ways.British English differs from American English in many ways.British English is different from American English in many ways.There are differences between

13、 British English and American English in many ways.英国英语和美国英语在很多方面有区别。Im sorry to differ with you on/about/over that.对不起,在那一点儿上我与你看法不同。7表示“做某事有困难”可以用下列几种结构:have difficulty (in) doing sth.have difficulty with sth.there is (some) difficulty (in) doing sth.例句:They have no difficulty (in) talking with ea

14、ch other in English.他们之间用英语交谈没有丝毫困难。There is no difficulty for you in being admitted into a teachers college.对你来讲,被一所师范院校录取没什么困难。You can hardly imagine what difficulty I had_Alice to give up the foolish idea.Apersuaded Bto persuadeCpersuade Dpersuading【答案】D8lead to 导致,引起;通向lead sb.ton.带领某人到某地lead sb

15、.to do sth.导致某人做某事lead a.life过着的生活His carelessness led to his failing the exam.他的粗心致使他考试不及格。我们的英语老师用一种奇特的方法促使我们很活跃地学习英语。Our English teacher has a strange way of leading us to study English actively.9.This non-stop communication,the experts think ,has made it easier for British people and Americans t

16、o understand each other.专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使英国人和美国人更容易互相理解了.make it +adj. /n. + for sb to do sth:it作形式宾语,真正宾语是to do sth。形容词/名词作宾补.她把照顾这些孩子作为她的义务。She made it her duty to look after these children.课程达标检测 能力具体化(做一做,你一定能全对!)1Do you think the rain will affect the result of the football game?Well,the players a

17、re used to suffering rainy weather,so it shouldnt make any_.Adifficulty Bdifference Ctrouble Dgood2We often meet with some groups of words even some English native speakers find _.Aconfuse Bconfusing Cto confuse Dconfused 3. My sister was admitted to a key university this year,_my whole family very proud.A. making B. having mad


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