1、本素材由hi-hoo提供,森派 SenPai,还在工作的白领女性们,在这属于你们的节日里,何不对自己好一点呢?,本素材由hi-hoo提供,森派 SenPai,节日主推产品,产品简介以及功效 突出产品卖点,活动推广方案,蛋糕饼 店培训,活动预算,活动调查反馈,消费者分析以及与产品之间的联系,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fo
2、rtune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,三八妇女节针对消费群体,年轻的 白领女性,白领女性的爱人,现代人上班压力大,生活节奏紧张,饮食不规律,特别是白领一族,身体一直处于亚健康状态,对于女性来说,容易加速衰老,内分泌失调。,对于自己爱人身体毫不关心的男人,不能算是好男人。,森派 谷果粒蓉,消费者分析以及与产品之间的联系,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is f
3、ull of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,节日主推产品,蔓越莓玫瑰,冰糖山楂,玉米马蹄,迷情少妇,初恋少女,清纯丽人,In my Amer
4、ica is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,产品简介及其功效,蔓越莓玫瑰,产品特点:,美丽与美味、养颜与养生、视觉与味觉、触
5、觉与嗅觉,浑然天成、卓尔不凡.,蔓越莓:,含丰富的维生素C,具有预防心血管疾病、抗老化、养颜美容的功效。,玫瑰:,性质温和,可缓和情绪,具有平衡内分泌、补血气、美颜护肤的作用,对肝胃也有很好的调理作用,并可消除疲劳,改善体质。,卖点:,美容养颜, 抗衰老。,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in awa
6、y from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,产品简介及其功效,冰糖山楂,产品特点:,一经沾染,便化为一缕缕清香,一丝丝酸爽,充溢唇齿,瞬然渗入心田.,山楂:,含有丰富的钙、胡萝卜素和维生素C,可以促进脂肪类食物的消化,活血化瘀,调节血脂和胆固醇,对心脏还有很好的保健作用,其含有的牡荆素等化合物还具有抗癌作用。,冰糖:,具有止咳、清痰、去火、补中益气,和胃润肺的功效。,卖点:,入口即化, 保健抗癌。,In my America is full
7、of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,产品简介及其功效,玉米马蹄,产品特点:,清纯如玉、赤黄如金;香脆中的糯柔,瞬间与悠长的味觉如欢悦流淌的旋
8、律充溢唇齿之间.,玉米:,素有长寿食品的美称,含丰富的蛋白质、维生素、微量元素、纤维素及多糖等,具有减肥长寿等功效。,马蹄:,含有蛋白质、维生素C、钙、磷、铁、质、胡萝卜素等元素;有清热润肺、舒肝明目、利气通化作用。,卖点:,清脆口感, 减肥养生。,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romant
9、ic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,蛋糕饼店培训,蔓越莓玫瑰,冰糖山楂,玉米马蹄,蛋糕,慕斯,派,分别进行培训,培训过程灌输产品理念,渗入其内心,为产品提供后续保障。,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame a
10、nd fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,推广方案,前期推广,海报宣传、易拉宝两种对象,免费试吃,并且填写调查问卷,了解消费者喜好及对产品的评价,意在获得客户资料。,微信扫一扫,即可获得20元抵用券,在活动当天即可使用,并留下客户号码,以便提醒客户活动当天前来购买。,男性:要对女人好一点,女性:要对自己好一点,微信扫一扫用户还
11、可以在网上进行购产品,足不出户即可获得优惠。,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 S
12、enPai,推广方案,活动当天,海报宣传、易拉宝,免费试吃,并向之前填写过调查问卷的客户以及微信扫一扫的客户发送短信,提醒今日活动,前来购买。,购买产品的客户即能参加抽奖活动,一等奖3名,可任选等价蛋糕一份,二等奖5名,可获得店内价值50元的会员卡一张,三等奖10名,可获得小蛋糕一份,纪念奖若干名,可获得百合一朵。,男性:要对女人好一点,女性:要对自己好一点,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the
13、 fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,推广方案,后期整理,对试吃客户问卷调查进行归纳整理,了解产品口感缺陷。,对购买产品的客户进行微信回访,调查客户满意度,并对产品提出意见进行归纳。,针对客户反馈,进行归纳总结,及时对产品做出相应的调整和研发。,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is fu
14、ll of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and fortune in the fame and fortune, in the romantic in away from the romantic,In the years to become simple, have become sweet sounds in the wash.,森派 SenPai,活动预算,本素材由hi-hoo提供,In my America is full of true freedom of flying soaring, melodies of life in the precipitation,Weak in the fame and for
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