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1、椎管内分娩镇痛,华中科技大学同济医学院协和医院 麻醉科 姚尚龙,2007年10月1日 武汉协和医院住院病人手术总数252台.门诊手术50余台(整形外科两腺) 其中普外63台, ENT29台,眼科28台,手外28台妇产科24台, 心胸外17台,骨科16台.神经外科7台.急诊手术20台, 亲体肾移植1台,二十世纪美国公共卫生十大成就之一降低产妇及新生儿的死亡率,产妇死亡率和婴儿的死亡率分别下降了100倍 1900年,与妊娠相关的产妇死亡率是1%;1岁以内的婴儿的死亡率是1/10。到1997年,分别下降到7.7/100,000和7.2/1000,Anesthesiologist: Dr. Willi

2、am T. Morton Patient: Gilbert Abbott Surgeon: Dr. John C. Warren,ether demonstration Boston Daily Journal ,分娩与产妇安全,官方统计的中国人口是13亿,增长率是10/1,000 产妇的年死亡率是60/100,000,死亡数是7800人/年 美国的死亡率是7.7/100,000,同比死亡数是1001人/年。 同比中国的产妇死亡人数比美国多6800人,是 9.11.死亡数的近2倍。,分娩与优生影响优生因素,在围产期因素中主要为胎婴儿缺氧造成的脑神经细胞和大脑皮质损伤 若能幸存,部分脑组织坏死或

3、液化,日后出现各种锥体外运动系统损害的症状,运动失调及智力障碍等。 出生前的原因占20%30%。 围产期的原因占70%80% 出生后的原因占10%20%,剖宫产手术量巨大,2004年中国剖宫产情况: 总人数:13亿* 出生率 12.29* 出生人数:1598万 剖宫产比例: 农村占总人口57%, 剖宫产率25% 城市占总人口43%, 医院剖宫产率在40% 总剖宫产手术:500万 农村剖宫产手术227万 城市 275万例 2004年约500万的剖宫产手术在中国发生 20042007年,人口出生率下降,但剖宫产比例增加 保守估计:2007年中国剖宫产手术量为500万。,*Data From:200

4、5年中国卫生年鉴,美国 85%的产妇分娩时做到分娩镇痛,剖宫产率为10%-20%。 英国1970年后分娩镇痛率达98%。1999年剖宫产率为18.5%。 加拿大剖宫产率:19%。 日本剖宫产率:7.3%。 我国的分娩镇痛率不足1%,而剖宫产率却高达50%,甚至更高。 世界卫生组织倡导的剖宫产率为15。,分娩镇痛消除分娩过程中的疼痛所采用各种镇痛措施,包括采用各种药物及治疗技术。 无痛分娩理想的宣传广告 PCA病人自控镇痛;,分娩镇痛的意义,1)分娩镇痛是医学发展的需要 2)分娩镇痛是现代文明产科的标志 3)分娩镇痛是每一位产妇和胎儿的权利 4)分娩镇痛可提高分娩期母婴的安全,1847年Dr.

5、James Y. Simpson将乙醚用于产妇,并开始试用氯仿(Chloroform),1853年4月7日,34岁的英国女王Victoria接受氯仿无痛分娩生下王子Leopold。,Dr. John snow began to give chloroform at interval at 11.30 a.m. This continued for 2 1/2 hours, and the anaesthetic agent perfectly succeeded in the object desired,椎管内分娩镇痛,19世纪末年人类首先开始应用椎管内麻醉,到20世纪40年代,发明了硬膜外

6、导管使此方法得以完善,70年代硬膜外阻滞用于分娩镇痛,90年代中期,联合阻滞技术用于分娩镇痛,1901年Catherlin首先介绍经骶硬膜外穿刺术,1903年报道例可卡因应用经验 1913年Heile用侧入法硬膜外阻滞 1926年Jangen发现硬膜外负压 1940年Cleland应用硬膜外导管 1943年Abajian开始两点穿刺 1949年Cardello等人应用Tuohy针置管,1909年Stokel 普鲁卡因141例骶管阻滞 1940年Cleland采用两点法用于分娩镇痛 1905年Einhorn合成普鲁卡因 1943年Lofgren,Lundquist合成利多卡因 1963年布比卡因

7、 1996年罗哌卡因,硬膜外镇痛方式,硬膜外阻滞,同时阻滞感觉神经和运动神经 不同浓度局麻药产生的效果不同 无痛分娩最好减少对运动神经的阻滞,常用分娩镇痛方法,硬膜外PCA 硬膜外腰麻联合阻滞 笑气吸入 其它:静脉PCA;骶部神经阻滞;精神疗法,心理疗法用于分娩镇痛,自然分娩法 1933年由英国Grantly Dick Read 提出。对产妇进行解剖与生理教育,消除紧张、恐惧,训练肌肉放松,分娩期加强特殊呼吸及体操,减轻疼痛,心理疗法用于分娩镇痛,精神预防性分娩镇痛法 是以苏联巴甫洛夫学说为基础的,主要是增强大脑皮层的功能,使皮层和皮层下中枢之间产生良好的调节,分娩有无痛感下进行,心理疗法用于

8、分娩镇痛,拉马策氏(Lamaze)法 由法国医生(1970)Frernad Lamaze将上述两法进行了改进与发展,成为当前欧美多国采用的分娩镇痛法,拉马策氏(Lamaze)法,对孕妇及家属教育,消除紧张情绪。 镇痛呼吸技术 临产开始后行胸式呼吸深而慢,每一宫缩的开始和结束时,从鼻孔吸气,用嘴呼出,以此来缓解紧张,也称净化呼吸,宫缩间歇时停止。在第一产程末期、宫口开全之前,用快而浅的呼吸和喘气,第二产程时间向下屏气代替了喘气,产妇屈膝,两手握膝,拉马策氏(Lamaze)法,按摩法 第一产程活跃期,宫缩时可在下腹部按摩或产妇侧卧按摩腰骶部,可与深呼吸相配合,宫缩间歇时停止。 压迫法 用于第一产程

9、活跃期,让产妇双手拇指按压髂前上棘、髂嵴或耻骨联合,或吸气时用两手握拳压迫两侧腰部或骶部,可与按摩法交替使用。,心理疗法用于分娩镇痛,陪伴分娩 Doula陪伴分娩 是美国克劳斯医生(M. Klaus)近几年倡导的。产妇待产及分娩期间,由一名有经验、有人际交流及支持技巧的妇女陪伴。这是当今心理疗法的重要模式,Doula可安慰产妇,消除疑虑,解除紧张与孤独,暗示或鼓励产妇增强信心,从而提高痛阈,减轻产痛,而且能帮助产妇做按摩或压迫手法。在第一产程使产妇自由行动,经常改变体位,避免平卧位,而第二产程时多解释、多鼓励,给以体力上支持,使产妇在热情关怀、充满信心与希望中度过分娩,理想分娩镇痛标准:,对母

10、婴影响小; 易于给药,起效快、作用可靠,满足整个产程镇痛的需求; 避免运动阻滞,不影响宫缩和产妇运动; 产妇清醒,可参与和配合分娩过程; 必要时可满足手术要求,分娩疼痛的特点,疼痛级别高 持续时间较长 随产程进展,疼痛逐渐加剧 疼痛平面胸11水平以下 镇痛治疗要考虑母婴的安全,1 产妇自行操作消除心理负担 2 维持恒定的血药浓度 3 减少新生儿呼吸抑制的发生率 4 镇痛效果好,运动神经阻滞轻 5减少麻醉医师的工作量,PCEA用于分娩镇痛优点;,PCA分娩镇痛的临床应用,静脉PCA;吗啡类药物曲马多及芬太尼类药物,仅用于硬膜外禁忌的病人 连续硬膜外镇痛; 病人自控硬膜外镇痛; 腰麻和硬膜外联合阻

11、滞自控镇痛,可行走硬膜外阻滞是目前较理想的分娩镇痛的方法,硬膜外PCA技术 腰麻和硬膜外联合阻滞,Epidural analgesia during labour:continuous infusion or patient-controlled adminstration,Benhamou D. Eur J Obstet Gynecol reporod biol.1995 may;59suppl:s55-6.Review,硬膜外镇痛是否影响分娩的方式?The effect of Epidural Analgesia on the Progress and Outcome of Labor a

12、nd Delivery, Why Are We Still Discussing the Question?,硬膜外镇痛可能轻微延迟产程; 但不影响剖腹产的比率 Fegel ST, et al. Anesth Analg 1998; 87:119-23. Segal S, et al. Anesthesiology 1999; 91: 90-6,Aveline C et al. The effects of peridural analgesia on duration of labor and mode of delivery.Ann Fr Anesth Reanim 2001 May; 2

13、0(5):471-84,Pain relief provided by EA dose not impair the rate of C-section and dystocia.,Predictors of Breakthrough pain during labor epidural analgesia,Philip E.Hess,MD,Stephen D.Prett,TanyaP.Lucas et al 1963 parturients multivariate regression analyses,the combined spinal/epidural technique may

14、be superior to conventional epidural. Anesth Analg 2001;93:414-8,腰麻及硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA),腰麻硬膜外联合麻醉是一种把腰麻针和硬膜外导管分别放入蛛网膜下腔和硬膜外腔,并允许向这两个间隙注射麻醉药品或其它药物的技术。,联合麻醉技术优点,1.起效快,阻滞完全; 2.头痛、全脊麻、低血压发生率低; 3.硬膜外用药量小; 4.灵活性强; 5.用于术后镇痛。,我院分娩镇痛的介绍,方法:硬膜外、联合腰麻。 药物:罗哌卡因、布比卡因 病人自控镇痛可行走硬膜外阻滞 穿刺点:L23或L34, 药物: 0.1%罗哌卡因 芬太尼(1ug/ml)

15、 首剂: 1015ml 平面T10以下,联合腰麻 穿刺点:L23,L34 药物: 罗哌卡因3.75mg+芬太尼7.5ug 2ml 硬膜外PCA泵 0.1%罗哌卡因+1ug/ml芬太尼 速度6ml/h,bolus 2ml/次,锁定时间2min,最大限量15ml/h,宫口开全后停止PCA。,可行走式分娩镇痛(AEA),特点:根据孕妇的运动能力来定义,同时要求提供满意的镇痛 方法: PCEA和CSE均可 药物:硬膜外罗哌卡因浓度不超过0.1,蛛网膜下腔不超过2mg 优缺点:运动神经影响轻微,孕妇可自如行走,而行走可能会缩短产程,0.1罗哌卡因行硬膜外阻滞时既可提供满意的 镇痛又充分保留孕妇运动能力

16、姚尚龙 临床麻醉学,2003, 8: 469-472,孕妇自控硬膜外镇痛(PCEA),穿刺点: L2-3或L3-4 ,控制平面T10以下 药 物: 0.075-0.125罗哌卡因(布比卡因)1-2ug/ml芬太尼 设 置:首剂8-10ml,每小时量6-8ml,PCA量3ml,锁定时间15分钟 优缺点:镇痛效果满意,运动神经影响轻,个体化用药。其缺点为镇痛作用起效较慢,腰麻-硬膜外联合镇痛(CSE),于T3-4行硬膜外穿刺, 成功后退出针芯 从硬膜外套管针中置入脊麻针 向蛛网膜下腔注入局麻药 取出脊麻针 置入硬膜外导管,待腰麻作用消除后从硬膜外给药,腰麻-硬膜外联合镇痛(CSE),优缺点:镇痛迅

17、速、完善,对运动神经影响小 ,可控性好。有一定的并发症,如瘙痒,头痛、感染 穿刺针的改进使头痛、感染发生率和硬膜外相比没有显著差别,Rawal N. Anesthesiol Clin North America 2000, 18: 267-95.,静脉自控镇痛(PCIA),方法:电脑泵设置首剂量、维持量、PCA量,静脉输注 药物:以阿片类药为主,新药雷米芬太尼 受到重视 应用:孕妇有硬膜外阻滞禁忌症时,PCIA有应用的价值 ,其缺点为可能对胎儿有一定影响,分娩镇痛对母婴安全性的影响,大规模的临床和研究证明,目前常用的分娩镇痛方法对孕妇是安全有效的 各种监测及评价胎儿或新生儿的方法均表明,目前常

18、用的分娩镇痛方法对胎儿没有明显的不利影响,分娩镇痛对分娩机制的影响,分娩的发生、发展及完成由胎盘胎 儿分泌的一系列激素所决定 “胎盘-胎儿”是一个相对独立的“系统”, 对外界环境的变化有一定抵御能力 研究证明,分娩镇痛没有影响胎盘胎 儿这一“系统”中各种激素的分泌,姚尚龙 中华麻醉学,2004,3:237-239,,对产程以及分娩方式的影响,分娩镇痛没有影响子宫收缩激素的分泌,但由于阻滞交感神经而造成子宫收缩一过性减弱 辅助肌肉收缩力减弱 ,程度和局麻药浓度相关 分娩时产妇主动用力的愿望减弱,相应的对策,积极的使用催产素 ,可以代偿子宫收缩的一过性减弱 降低局麻药浓度 ,如可行走式分娩镇痛 积

19、极的产程管理,可显著降低器械助产率和剖宫产率 研究证明,上述方法可消除分娩镇痛对 产程及分娩方式的影响,Clark A Am J obstet Gynecol, 1998, 179: 1527.,硬膜外分娩镇痛方法,浓度:罗哌卡因0.1%或0.075% Fentanyl 0.001% 配制:1%罗哌卡因或0.75%罗哌卡因10ml+0.005%Fentanyl 2ml加生理盐水至100ml。 给药方法: 试验量1.5% Lidocaine 3ml 试验量5分钟后,抽上述配制溶液15ml,分次 推入,剂量因人而异。平面胸10水平以下。 余下上述配制溶液装入电脑泵中,按每小时 6-8ml速度注入。

20、 设制bolus 2ml,必要时给入。(锁定时间10 20分钟),腰麻和硬膜外联合分娩镇痛,腰麻剂量:罗哌卡因3.75mg 硬膜外浓度:0.01%罗哌卡因0.001% Fentanyl 或0.075%罗哌卡因0.001% Fentanyl 配制: 抽0.75%罗哌卡因0.5ml加水至3ml。 0.75%罗哌卡因10ml+0.005% Fentanyl 2ml加水 至100ml 给药方法:1. 蛛网膜下腔注入上述配制溶液液3ml 2. 硬膜外给予上述配制溶液液, 按每小时6ml注入。 3. 设制bolus 2ml,锁定时间10-20min。,椎管内分娩镇痛实施具体方法,进入活跃期,宫口3-5cm

21、时开始镇痛。 L34硬膜外穿刺,向上置管3.5cm。 试验量:1.5%利多卡因3ml。 首剂:0.075%罗哌卡因芬太尼(1g/ml)混合液10-15ml。(0.75%罗哌卡因10ml + 芬太尼0.1mg + 0.9%氯化钠88ml 配成100ml混合液。首剂用法444) 5. 维持:首剂后2030分钟用上述混合液接PCA电脑泵:continous 6-8ml/h, bolus 2ml, lockout 10min。 6. 宫口开到7cm时,要提前加bolus 1-2次,并适当头高位约30度。镇痛期间平面控制在T10以下。,哪些产妇适合实施分娩镇痛?,临产的足月、头位的产妇:ASA 。 产科

22、检查:无头盆不称、横位及臀位等,并能从阴道自然分娩,无剖腹产手术指征。 无椎管内麻醉禁忌。(如凝血异常、穿刺部位有感染、休克及有腰椎病等)。 产妇临产后自愿要求分娩镇痛。,观察指标,BP、P、胎心、SpO2、羊水、宫速、宫口大小. 阻滞平面(T10平面) 运动阻滞(MBS) 0分 正常肌力,无下肢运动阻滞 1分 不能直腿抬高,但能屈膝关节 2分 不能屈膝关节 3分 不能弯曲活动脚踝、足和膝部 4. VAS评分,产房护士观察项目,1. 膀胱充盈状况,鼓励产妇排尿 2. 观察产程 3. 使产妇有更舒适体位 4. 观察静脉通道 5. 观察麻醉最高平面 6. 观察硬外导管以及接头的联接 7. 观察母亲

23、的神志和精神状况 8. 每30分钟测BP、HR、R。初期每5分钟、20分钟后测BP、HR 9. 如果20分钟疼痛不减轻,请Call麻醉医生,Landau R.Combined spinal-epidural analgesia for labor: breakthrough or unjustified invasion?,The combined spina-epidural (CSE) technique has become increasingly popular for labor analgesia. The advantages of the CSE include more r

24、apid onset of analgesia, reduced total drug dosage, minimal or no motor blockade, and increased patient satisfaction. It would seem that CSE should be considered a major breakthrough in the management of labor analgesia. Semin Perinatol. 2002;26(2):109-21.,Beilin Y, Nair A, Arnold I,A comparison of

25、epidural infusions in the combined spinal/epidural technique for labor analgesia.,In this prospective, randomized, and double-blinded study we found that initiating an epidural infusion of bupivacaine 0.125% with fentanyl 2 microg/mL at 10 mL/h 15 min after subarachnoid fentanyl 25 microg with 1 mL

26、of bupivacaine 0.25%, followed by an epidural test dose of 3 mL of bupivacaine 0.25%, maintained the analgesia for longer but with more motor block than with either bupivacaine 0.04% or bupivacaine 0.0625%. Anesth Analg 2002;94(4):927-32,Tsen LC, Segal S.,Combined spinal-epidural versus epidural lab

27、or analgesia on progress and outcome of labor. Anesthesiology. 2002;97(1):283,分娩镇痛指征,在美国,产科麻醉界已有了新的共识:只要母亲有止痛的要求就可以开始实施生产止痛,而不是向以前认为的那样要等到宫口开张到一定的大小时才开始实施生产止痛。 但止痛的方法应依据患者的病史情况、产程的进展、以及医疗条件而定,生产止痛的方法: 当前常用的无痛分娩的方法有持续腰段硬膜外麻醉(Continuous lumbar epidural anesthesia, CLEA),椎管内麻醉(Intrathecal anesthesia, I

28、T)、也有称腰麻或脊麻(spinal anesthesia,SA)、蛛网膜下腔神经阻滞(subarachnoid nerve block)、以及硬-腰联合麻醉(Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia, CSEA),麻药在腰段硬膜外麻醉(CLEA)中的用量: 一般说来,麻药在无痛分娩中的最佳用量是指能达到良好止痛效果的同时又不会引起明显的运动障碍的最小剂量。 在美国,常用的腰段硬膜外麻醉药包括下列局麻药物和吗啡类药物:0.0625-0.125 % 布比卡因(bupivacaine) 加 芬太尼(fentanil)2微克/毫升、0.1-0.2 % 罗比卡因(ropi

29、vacaine)加 芬太尼(fentanil)2微克/毫升、 其它药物如 左旋布比卡因(levobupivacaine)和利多卡因(lidocaine)等,一般是按每小时5至15毫升的速度给药,椎管内麻醉(IT): 向蛛网膜下腔注射吗啡类药物或局麻药物或联合使用这两类药物可提供快速、有效、和时间有限的生产止痛。 常用的椎管内麻醉药物包括下列局麻药物和吗啡类药物及其剂量是:布比卡因(bupivacaine)或 罗比卡因(ropivacaine)1-6 毫克、利多卡因(lidocaine)20至 30毫克、以及芬太尼(fentanyl)25 微克,联合腰段脊髓麻醉和硬膜外麻醉 (CSEA): 联合

30、使用椎管内麻醉和硬膜外麻醉既可提供快速和有效的生产止痛,又能根据临床的需要而延续止痛时间。必要时,还可用持续硬膜外麻醉来为后续手术和手术后做麻醉和止痛。 常用药物包括布比卡因(bupivacaine)、罗比卡因(ropivacaine)、利多卡因(lidocaine)、芬太尼(fentanyl)、以及吗啡 等,2007分娩镇痛进展,Fetal oxygen saturation after combined spinal-epidural labor analgesia: a case series J Clin Anesth. 2007 Sep;19(6):476-8.,We observe

31、d no significant changes in FSpo(2) after analgesia (mean DeltaFSpo(2) 2 +/- 7 %, P = 0.46). Fetal oxygen saturation at baseline and after analgesia was 53% +/- 9% and 51% +/- 8%, respectively. We observed no significant FHR changes or any fetal bradycardia following combined spinal-epidural analges

32、ia CSE不影响胎儿的氧饱和度及胎心,Does length of labor vary by maternal age? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Oct;197(4):428.e1-7.,After we controlled for potential confounders, we found that older women had a persistently higher likelihood of experiencing longer labor and prolonged labor than younger women. CONCLUSION:

33、 length of labor and prolonged labor increases with increasing maternal age 产程延长与延迟随孕妇年龄增加而增加,Single-dose intrathecal analgesia to control labour pain: is it a useful alternative to epidural analgesia? Can Fam Physician. 2007 Mar;53(3):437-42,CONCLUSION: physicians practising modern obstetrics in ru

34、ral and small urban centres might find single-dose ITN a useful alternative to parenteral or epidural analgesia for appropriately selected patients,Motor blocking minimum local anesthetic concentrations of bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, and ropivacaine in labor. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2007 Jul-Aug;32(4

35、):323-9.,CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms a motor blocking hierarchy for the three pipecoloxylidines.,三种药的最低运动阻滞浓度,.Local anesthetics and mode of delivery: bupivacaine versus ropivacaine versus levobupivacaine Anesth Analg. 2007 Sep;105(3):756-63,. CONCLUSIONS: Bupivacaine, ropivacaine, and levobupi

36、vacaine all confer adequate labor epidural analgesia, with no significant influence on mode of delivery, duration of labor, or neonatal outcome,三种药临床比较,.Combined spinal-epidural analgesia and epidural analgesia in labor: effect of intrathecal fentanyl vs. epidural bupivacaine as a bolus J Med Assoc

37、Thai. 2007 Jul;90(7):1368-74,CONCLUSION: Intrathecalfentanyl as part of CSE did not produce statistically a significant faster onset compared to epidural bupivacaine bolus. Most of the patients in the CSE group required epidural bolus after intrathecal fentanyl with a higher incidence of pruritus,.R

38、emifentanil patient-controlled analgesia for labour: optimizing drug delivery regimens Can J Anaesth. 2007 Aug;54(8):626-33,CONCLUSIONS:. This pilot study suggests that remifentanil intravenous PCA is efficacious for labour analgesia as a bolus of 0.25 microg x kg(-1), with a lockout interval of two

39、 minutes and continuous infusion of 0.025-0.1 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1). The potential for respiratory depression mandates close respiratory monitoring. Large-scale trials to evaluate safety issues are warranted,瑞米芬太尼分娩镇痛,.Intrapartum and postpartum analgesia for women maintained on methadone during

40、 pregnancy Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Aug;110(2 Pt 1):261-6,CONCLUSION: Methadone-maintained women have similar analgesic needs and response during labor, but require 70% more opiate analgesic after cesarean delivery.,美沙酮维持病人分娩镇痛,Combined spinal-epidural versus epidural analgesia in labour Cochrane Databa

41、se Syst Rev. 2007 Jul 18;(3):CD003401,CONCLUSIONS: There appears to be little basis for offering CSE over epidurals in labour with no difference in overall maternal satisfaction despite a slightly faster onset with CSE and less pruritus with epidurals. There is no difference in ability to mobilise,

42、obstetric outcome or neonatal outcome. However, the significantly higher incidence of urinary retention and rescue interventions with traditional techniques would favour the use of low-dose epidurals. It is not possible to draw any meaningful conclusions regarding rare complications such as nerve in

43、jury and meningitis,联合穿刺和硬膜外分娩镇痛比较,Does intrapartum epidural analgesia affect nulliparous labor and postpartum urinary incontinence?Chang Gung Med J. 2007 Mar-pr;30(2):161-7,Our findings showed that epidural analgesia is associated with an increased risk of prolonged labor, and instrumental and cesa

44、rean delivery but is not related to increased postpartum SUI. Regarding the impact of the timing of epidural analgesia given in the labor course, the first stage of labor appeared to last longer when analgesia was administered early rather than late,硬膜外分娩镇痛延长产程但不增加产后尿失禁 镇痛开始早较开始晚更易延长第一产程,Efficacy of

45、 ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and levobupivacaine for labor epidural analgesiaJ Clin Anesth. 2007 May;19(3):214-7,There are no significant differences in pain VAS and Bromage scores between 0.1% ropivacaine, 0.125% bupivacaine, and 0.1% levobupivacaine given for labor epidural analgesia,Bupivacaine wit

46、h meperidine versus bupivacaine with fentanyl for continuous epidural labor analgesiaSaudi Med J. 2007 Jun;28(6):904-8,CONCLUSION: Bupivacaine-meperidine in a continuous epidural infusion is as efficient as bupivacaine-fentanyl for pain relief during labor, but associated with a higher incidence of

47、nausea and vomiting,Combined spinal-epidural analgesia in labor-comparison of sufentanil vs tramadolMiddle East J Anesthesiol. 2007 Feb;19(1):87-96,CONCLUSIONS: 2.5 micrograms of intrathecal sufentanil combined with 2.5 mg bupivacaine provides rapid-onset and profound analgesia during the first stag

48、e of labor without adverse maternal or fetal effects. 25 mg intrathecal tramadol with 2.5 mg bupivacaine had longer-lasting analgesia. The major side effect was vomiting.,Efficacy of patient-controlled epidural analgesia after initiation with epidural or combined spinal-epidural analgesiaInt J Obste

49、t Anesth. 2007 Jul;16(3):226-30. Epub 2007 May 16,CONCLUSION: Both regional analgesia techniques followed by demand-only PCEA provided efficient pain relief for labor without changing the duration of labor or rate of cesarean section.,传统椎管内分娩镇痛优于静脉分娩镇痛 瑞米芬太尼是静脉分娩镇痛的最佳选择 Options for systemic labor an

50、algesiaCurr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2007 Jun;20(3):181-5.,Use of epidural anesthesia and the risk of acute postpartum urinary retentionAm J Obstet Gynecol. 2007 May;196(5):472.e1-5,CONCLUSION: Epidural analgesia during labor may increase the risk of developing urinary retention by up to 3 times. However,

51、 this effect is mediated by other obstetric variables.,硬膜外分娩镇痛与产后急性尿潴留,英国静脉分娩镇痛的调查,Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia for labour: a survey of UK practice Int J Obstet Anesth. 2007 Jul;16(3):221-5. Epub 2007 Apr 24,CONCLUSION: The survey demonstrated that, when regional techniques were contrain

52、dicated, patient-controlled intravenous opioid analgesia was employed in almost half of the units responding to the questionnaire.,Epidural clonidine added to a bupivacaine infusion increases analgesic duration in labor without adverse maternal or fetal effects J Anesth. 2007;21(2):142-7. Epub 2007

53、May 30,CONCLUSION: In early laboring patients, addition of clonidine prolongs the analgesia duration of a 0.625 mg.ml(-1) bupivacaine continuous epidural infusion following 100 microg epidural fentanyl (after a lidocaine-epinephrine test dose) without a clinically significant increase in side effect

54、s,Intrapartum epidural analgesia and maternal temperature regulation. Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Mar;109(3):687-90,CONCLUSION: Epidural analgesia is not associated with increased temperature in the majority of women. Hyperthermia is an abnormal response confined to a minority subset, which occurs immediat

55、ely after exposure. Our findings do not support a universal perturbation of maternal thermoregulation after epidural analgesia,硬膜外分娩镇痛与母体体温调节,A comparison of a basal infusion with automated mandatory boluses in parturient-controlled epidural analgesia during labor.Anesth Analg. 2007 Mar;104(3):673-,

56、自动冲击剂量(Bonus)输注比背景持续剂量输注的病人自控分娩镇痛用药更少且有效是一种新的硬膜外分娩镇痛的给药模式,An isobolographic analysis of diamorphine and levobupivacaine for epidural analgesia in early labour Br J Anaesth. 2007 Apr;98(4):497-502. Epub 2007 Feb 15,CONCLUSION: The combination of diamorphine and levobupivacaine is additive and not syn

57、ergistic when used for epidural analgesia in the first stage of labour,第一产程吗啡与左旋布比卡因硬膜外分娩镇痛的作用是相加而不是协同作用,A comparison of minimum local anesthetic volumes and doses of epidural bupivacaine (0.125% w/v and 0.25% w/v) for analgesia in labor Anesth Analg. 2007 Feb;104(2):412-5,CONCLUSIONS: Bupivacaine 0

58、.125% (w/v) when compared with 0.25% (w/v) produced equivalent analgesia with a 50% increase in volume, but with a 25% reduction in dose. Any reduction in dose, without loss of efficacy, reduces risk of toxicity and improves safety,0.125的布比卡因即有效安全,Intrathecal morphine reduces breakthrough pain during labour epidural analgesia. Br J Anaesth. 2007 Feb;


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