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1、精品自学考试资料推荐1choose the best answer for each of the question below1the commonwealth wealth of nations is a free association of independent countries and otherpolitical units_.athat have lived under british law and governmentbthat have a large number of british immigrantscthat have close felations with

2、 britaindthat have fought on the side of britain in the two world wars2the celtsreligion was_abuddhism bislam cdruidism dchristianity3the danelaw refers to the_of englandasouth and west bsouth and east cnorth and east dnorth and west4christianity was brought to britain_adirectly by the roman priests

3、 bdirectly by traders and soldierscdirectly by the pope dindirectly by trader and soldiers5_became the overlord of all the english.aoffa bedgbert cvortigen dhengist6_became the first archbishop of canterburyacolumba begbert cstaugustine doffa7most of the lana belonging to the saxons was confiscated

4、by william and given to_ thedanes bthe irish cthe scots dthe norman barons8the norwegian vikings and the danes captured yorkan important center of christianity in_a835 b867 d876 d8789magna cater was proposed by the barons led by_against king john in 1215a simonde montfort blangton cwat tyler djack s

5、traw1精品自学考试资料推荐10the first prince of wales was_who was bestowed the title in 1300aedward i bcharles i cedward ii djames ii11_and his followers translated the entire bible into englishamartin luther bjohn calvin cjohn ball djohn wycliffe12the doomsday book was completed in_a1083 b1084 c1085 d108613_t

6、he first king of the plantagenet dynasty and ruled english for 35 yearsahenru i bking stephen chenry ii dcount of anjou14_established the king as the most importantleader of the church of england andthusdisplaced the sovereign of the popeathe provisions of oxford bthe act of successioncthe act of su

7、premacy dthe act of supremacy15the english renaissance was usually thought of as beginning with thc accession of_to the throneathe house of lancaster bthe house of plantagenetcthe housr of tudor dthe house of stuart16king john was forced to put his seal to magna carter_aon july 9, 1215 bjune 19.1215

8、 cjune 14,1381 djuly 15, 131817the spirit of magna carter was_.aa limitation of the powers of the king bthe foundation of english libertiesca limitation of the powers of the barons dan expansion of the powers of tie king18kiny henry iii was defeated by the barons led by simon de montfort at the batt

9、le of lewes inamay , 1263 bmay, 1264 cjune 1265 dmay, 12652精品自学考试资料推荐19_declsred a war on france that was to last a hundred yearsahenry iii bedward iii chenry dhenry vii20the name wars of the roses wasin fact coined by the great 19th century novelistasir walter raleigh bjakob burckhardt csir walter

10、scott dguy fawks21when edward the confessor died_was chosen by the witan as king of englandathe king of norway bharold godwinsonearl of wessexcedgeredwards nephew dtostigthe deposed earl of northumbria22williamduke of normandy , fought king harold of england at the battle of hastings ina1065 b1066 c

11、1067 d106823william won the battle of hastingslater, on_he was crowned king of england byaeaster dayarchbishop of canterbury bstandrews dayarchbishop of yorkcchristmas dayarchbishop of york dboxing dayarchbishop of canterbury24at the bottom of the feudal scale were the_who were little better than sl

12、avesalesser nobles bfreemen cvilleins dbarons25williams grand council was held three times a year in the following places except_.awinchester bwestminster cmanchester dgloucester26henry ii divided the country into_circuits and appointed traveling judges to each ofthemafive bsix cseven deight27simon

13、de monfort summoned in_the great council to meet at westminstertogetherwith two knights from each county and two burgesses from each towna1162 b1164 c1248 d126528during the reign of_wales was brought under english rule3精品自学考试资料推荐ahenty iii bedward i cedward ii dedward iv29_brought the first conflict

14、 between king henry ii and thomas becketathe issue of the constitutions of clarendon bthe issue of the exilecthe trial of a clergyman of bedford dthe appointment of the lord chancellor30_was recognized to the french throne in 1420ahenry iii bedward iii chenry v dhenry vii31by 1453_was the only part

15、of france that was still in the hands of the english apoitiers bsluys ccalais dargencourt32in 1351 the english government issue a_which made it a crime for peasants to ask forwages or for employers to pay more than the rates laid down by the justices of peaceastatute of laws bstatute of governmentcs

16、tatute of laborers dstatute of lands33the name of the wars of the roses was, in factcoined by the great 19th century novelist_ acharles dickens bgeorge elliotcsir walter scott dcharlotte bronte34henry viii declared himself supreme head of the church of england in_35the renaissance began in northerni

17、taly in the_century , and was typifiedby theuniversal genius of lenardo da vincia11th b12th c13th d14th36the english renaissance is said to have begun in_.a1422 b1478 c1485 d149537the great civil war , as it became knownlasted from_until 1646a1639 b1640 c1641 d164238aftertherestorationparliamentpass

18、ed a series of severe laws called_against thepuritansnow known as nonconformists4精品自学考试资料推荐aagreement of the people bthe petition of the rightcthe clarendon code dthe act of supremacy39. land enclosure was a disaster for the_evicted from their land by the enclosures. a. landlord btenants c. farmers

19、dwage laborers40. which of the following is not considered a characteristic of farming in the late 18th and early19th centuries ?a. use of artificial fertilizer b. introduction of new agriculture machinery“” system d. a system of crop rotation41. in england no females were allowed to vote in nationa

20、l elections before_. a. 1918 b. 1920 c. 1928 d. 194542. in 1836 a group of_and small shopkeepers formed the london working mens association.a. householders b. tenants c. skilled workers d. office workers43. the six points of the peoples charter were achieved gradually over the period of_,although th

21、e sixth has never been practical.a. 1836-1848 b. 1842-1848 c. 1848-1908 d. 1858-191844. thanks to the militant feminist movement of the_led by mrs. pankhurst before the firstworld war , votes were granted to women over 30 in 1918. a. luddites b. suffragettes c. chartists d. levellers45. parliament p

22、assed the combination acts of 1799-1800 to forbid the formation of_. a. a new government b. societies c. communes d. unions46. the blitz radically changed the face of london for the first time since_nearly 3 centuries earlier.a. the black death b. the great fire c. the civil war d. the great plague4

23、7. the foundations of_was laid in the late 1940s, providing free medical care for everyone and financial help for the old , the sick and the unemployed.a. the welfare state b. the national health service c. the compulsory education d. the womens5精品自学考试资料推荐liberation movement48. margaret thatcher bel

24、ieved in the following except_. a. self-reliance b. the strengthening of trade unionsc. privatization d. the use of monetary policies to control inflation.49. in the 1960s , pop music underwent a revolution when the beatles became world famous and turned their hometown_into a place of pilgrim.a. man

25、chester b. blackpool c. liverpool d. sheffield50. the 1970s saw the growth of_in wales and scotland. a. liberalism b. marxism c. chauvinism d. nationalism51. the economic policy britain pursued in the 1950 , and 1960s was based on the theory of_.a. adam smith b. john m. keynes c. margaret thatcher d

26、. karl marx52. under margaret thatcher britain experienced_.a. economic recession b. economic expansionc. economic decline d. economic depression53. the houses of parliament were between 1835 and_to the design of sir charles barry after having been destroyed by fire.a. 1857 b. 1858 c. 1859 d. 186054

27、. the public are admitted to_in the house of lords and the house of commons. a. the strangers galleries b. the press galleryc. the woolsack d. the speakers chair55._is responsible for security accommodations and services in the house of lords part of the palace of westminster.a. the lord chancellor

28、b. the gentleman usher of the black rod6精品自学考试资料推荐c. the speaker d. the clerk of the parliaments56. for electoral purposes britain is divided into 659 constituencies in which each has_representative in parliament.a. one b. two c. three d. four57. which of the following statements is not true?a. the

29、prime minster is appointed by the queenb. the prime minster sometimes presides over the privy councilc. the prime minister is also first lord of treasuryd. the prime minister is also minister for the civil service58. greater london is divided into_ boroughs and the city of london, each of which hasa

30、council responsible for local government.a. 31 b. 32 c. 33 d. 3459. the privy councils membership is about_. a. 300 b. 350 c. 400 d. 45060. parliament has the following functions except_.a. making law b. authorizing taxation and public expenditurec. declaring war and making peace d. examining the ac

31、tions of the government61. the church of england is not free to change its form of worship , as laid down in_without the consent of parliament.a. the bill of rights b. the provisions of oxfordc. the constitutions of clarendon d. the book of common prayer62. the position of the church of scotland was

32、 defined in the treaty of union, 1707, andfurther7精品自学考试资料推荐safeguarded by the church of scotland act.63. easter is traditionally associated with the following except_.a. the resurrection of christ b. the eating of easter eggs c. the customs of giving presents d. the coming of spring64. there are so

33、me_universities in britain , including the open university. a. 70 b. 80 c. 90 d. 10065. the universities of oxford and cambridge date from the_centuries.a.l2th and 13th b. 13th and 14th c. 14th and 15th d. 15th and 16th66. over_science parks have been set up by higher education institutionsin conjun

34、ctionwithindustrial scientists and technologists.a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 4067. with about_daily and sunday newspapers published nationwide, the british publicreads more newspapers than virtually any other country in the world.a. 110 b. 120 c. 130 d. 14068. the bbc world service broadcasts international

35、 news worldwide , using english and_other languages.a. 37 b. 38 c. 39 d. 4069. in summer there arte open-air theaters , including one in londons regents park,where_are performed , and the minack theater, which is an open cliffside near lands end in cornwall.a. william shakespeares plays b. christoph

36、er marlows playsc. ben johnsons plays d. george bernard shaws plays70. pantomime is a kind of play based on a traditional fairy tale and performed_.8精品自学考试资料推荐a. at easter b. on new years day c. on st. patricks day d. at christmas eve71. in_each year the national film theater hosts the london film f

37、estival, at whichsome250 new films from all over the world are screened.a. september b. october c.november d. december72. edinburgh international festival of music and drama takes place for a period of 3 to 4 weeks between_ when edinburgh becomes a center of cultural activity. a july and augustb. au

38、gust and septemberc. september and october d. october and november73. ireland is called the emerald because of_.a. its shape b. its connection with britain c. its abundant natural resources d.its richgreen countryside74. ireland is divided into two political parts: _.a. northern ireland and southern

39、 ireland b. southern ireland the republic of ireland c. therepublic of ireland and northern ireland d. northern ireland and britain75. the largest river in ireland is_.a. the liffey river b. the dodder rover c. the shannon river d. the lough river76. the most significant feature of irish landscape i

40、s_, which provides peat used for fuel.a.bogs b. streams c. islands d. cliffs77. ireland is unique among european countries for_.a. its small population b. its beautiful scenery c. its rich natural resourcesd. its century-long population emigration78. the population decreased from 1840s until about 1

41、970, largely because of_. a. a low9精品自学考试资料推荐birth rate b. a high death ratec. a low employment rate d. a high emigration rate79. the population of ireland is predominantly of_origin. a. english b. celtic c. norman d. french80. irish nationalism climaxed in_in which an irish republic was proclaimed.

42、 a. the massacre of drogheda b. the easter uprising of 1916c. the battle of borne( 1690) d. the chartist movement81. the creation of northern ireland dates from_when the irish free state was set up. a. 1916 b.1921 c. 1937 d. 194982. on easter monday , april 18 , 1949, eire became the republic of ire

43、land , formally freeofallegiance to the british crown and no longer a member of_.a. the commonwealth of nations b. the united nations c. the nato d. the ec83. when albert reynolds became the prime minister in 1992, both ireland and britain agreedtohold regular meetings_.a. to deal with the ira b. to

44、 make preparations for a united irelandc. to seek an end to the violence in northern irelandd. to improve relations with each other84. as a result of peace talks between ireland and britain a peace agreement on northern ireland was signed in_.a. april 1997 b. may 1997 c. april 1998 d. may 199885. th

45、e peace agreement on northern ireland was approved by voters across all of ireland in a referendum held in_.10精品自学考试资料推荐a. april 1997 b. may 1997 c. april 1998 d.may 199886. the 1937 constitution abolished the irish free state and established eire as_. a. a constitutional monarchy b. parliamentary r

46、epublicc. a federal republic d. a socialist country87. _was an important immigration reception spot in the late 19th century and early 20th a. ellis island b. san francisco c. hawaii d. miami88. the three states that have seen the fastest growth in population in the past 20 years are_.a. california

47、, arizona and new mexico b. california , florida and nevada c. newmexico , texas and florida d. arizona, nevada and florida89. in american history , the pilgrim fathers refer to those who came to plymouth on board of_.a. a french ship b. a british ship c. mayflower d. an italian ship90. why did pres

48、ident lincoln issue the emancipation proclamation ?a. because president lincoln himself was an abolitionistb. because he wanted to punish the slave-owners in those states which broke away from theunion. c. because he has no other alternatived.because he realized that in order to win the war , he sho

49、uld make it a just war against slaveryso as to rally as many people as possible under the banner of the federal government91. the place that christopher columbus landed was_. a. india b. islands in asia c. the current territory of the usa d. islands in the now west indies92. one of the features of the early colonists which has strong infiuence on the formation of american character is_.11精品自学考试资料推荐a. religious tolerance b.respect for personal successc. stress on community harmony d. none of the above93. the clash at concord and lexington marked_.a. the beginning of the wa


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