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1、Improving with TOC,突破制约 实现盈利,什么是TOC理论,能解决什么问题? 如何解决? 有何特色? 适用于所有的企业吗?,请问,3,制约理论,基于系统思考,利用复杂系统内在的简单性,集中在物理的和逻辑上的关键点,提供整套的解决思路和规则,使各部分协调配合,达到系统作为整体持续提升业绩的目标,1975 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005,Production, Throughput Accounting 生产,有效产出概念在核算中应用 OPT, The Goal, The Race, The Haystack Syndrome 目标,The Thinking Pr

2、ocesses 思维方法 钟纳计划,TOC Evolution over last 25 years,Distribution, Marketing, Management Skills 配销,营效和管理技能 决不是靠运气,Project Management 项目管理 关键链,The TOC Holistic Approach TOC整体思路 8 Video Sessions,TOC & TechnologyTOC和信息技术 仍然不足够,TOC & Business Strategy TOC和公司战略 可行愿景,Part A TOC FundamentalsThe Evolution of

3、TOC over 20 years,TOC 20多年之演进,THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS,Part 1 5步法,Part 2 思维过程,Part 3 有效产出核算,Part 4 TOC 解决方案,Part 5 信息化思路,Identify the Systems Constraint Decide how to Exploit the Constraint Subordinate everything to the above decisions Elevate the System Constraint If in the previous steps a constraint

4、 has been broken, Go back to step 1.,UDE Evaporating Cloud (EC) Current Reality Tree (CRT) Core Conflict Cloud (CCC) Future Reality Tree (FRT) Negative Branch Reservations (NBR) Pre-requisite Tree (PRT) Transition Tree (TrT) Strategy & Tactics (S&T),Throughput (T): The rate at which the system gener

5、ates money through Sales (SR - VC) Investment (I): The money tied up in the organization Operating Expenses (OE): All the money spent by the system to convert investment into throughput Net Profit (NP) = T OE Return on Investment (ROI) = NP/I,Operation Drum-Buffer-Rope Finance Throughput Acct. Proje

6、cts Critical Chain Logistics Pull Replenishment Marketing “Mafia” offers Sales “Buy-in” Process People “Empowerment” Strategy “1+4x4 process”,What is the power of the technology? What limitation does it diminish? What old rules helped accommodate the limitation? What are the new rules that should be

7、 used now? In light of the change in rules, what changes are required to the technology? How to cause the change (the new win/win business model)?,After more than 25 years of Development and Evolution,TOC Body of Knowledge,TOC 知识体系,6,TOC 八大应用范畴 TOC Knowledge in the 8 areas of,营运 Operation 项目(專案 )管理

8、Project management 配销与供应链 Distribution & Supply Chain 财务与绩效衡量 Finance & Measurements 销售 Sales 市场营销 Marketing 人事管理 Managing People 高德拉特之思考程序 Goldratt Thinking Processes,7,成功应用TOC之行业 Proven TOC Success in Industries,常见之产业制造及配销 (Conventional Industries Manufacturing & Distribution) 财务服务业 (Financial Ser

9、vices) 医疗行业 (Health) 国防行业 (Defence) 政府行业 (Government) 教育行业 (Education) 等 (etc.),What is TOC?,是有关系统和系统表现的知识体,系统内的任何事情都是由因果关系联系起来-现实中没有所谓的复杂系统,TOC思路基于系统内部固有的简单性,基本假设一 (Basic Assumption 1): 系统内的任何事情都由因果关系联系起来。确定原因能使我们找到核心问题/矛盾/冲突,TOC依据三组基本假设 TOC is based on 3 basic assumptions:,聚合,收敛 CONVERGENCE,基本假设二

10、(Basic Assumption 2): 所有矛盾冲突都可以无需妥协让步就解决- 是我们的认识水平和我们的假设导致了矛盾冲突。而妥协并不能带来双赢的解决方案,TOC依据三组基本假设 TOC is based on 3 basic assumptions:,局部与整体观并无冲突 NO CONFLICT BETWEEN LOCAL AND GLOBAL,操作工闲着是坏事吗?,基本假设三(Basic Assumption 3): 不存在阻碍提高的力量- 人们不愿意变革是因为我们没有让他们看到将会从变革中受益.,TOC依据三组基本假设 TOC is based on 3 basic assumpti

11、ons:,尊重,重视 Respect,是一系列相互关联的单元为了达成一个目标在一起工作(目标由系统的所有者确定),What is a system? 系统的定义 Definition:,TOC is System Thinking 系统思考,If we want to achieve continuous improvement of the system, then we have to understand the behaviour within the system, then we can determine the answers to the 4 Questions: WHAT

12、to change?变革什么 WHAT to change TO?朝哪里变革? HOW to cause the change? (induce people to make the change) 如何启动变革? What creates POOGI?如何建立持续提升的过程,为了了解系统,在TOC思路指导下我们关注:,TOC is System Thinking 系统思考,系统或流程的目标 是否达到目标的衡量标准 流程(如果相互依存,就有制约) 流程中的制约因素 产生制约因素的冲突 对通过制约点的“流”如何进行管理,商业经营流之概观 Understanding the flows of a

13、Commercial Business,工艺流程Process flow,Management / Workforce,目标:现在及未来都赚钱 The Goal: To make money now and in the future,The gap 差距,我们希望提高系统的能力来达到目标 (to reach the goal more quickly or more decicevily),现状与应该达到的状态之间有差距, 是什么阻止了我们达到目标,16,EXPECTATION BASED ON CURRENT RATE OF IMPROVEMENT 预期改善-根据现有改善之速率,TODAY

14、 现在,THE PAST 过去,THE FUTURE 未来,TIME 时间,PERFORMANCE ($)绩效,Productivity, Profitability, Cash Generation, Market Share, Innovation 生产力,获利能力,现金产生速度,市占率,创新,What will happen next? 接下来会发生什么事?,CURRENT LEVEL 现在的水平,TARGET LEVEL 目标水平,THE CHALLENGE How to increase Revenue and reduce Operating Expense without jeo

15、pardizing Quality & Service 挑 戰 如何在不危害质量与服务下 增加收入与降低营运费用,为什么变革? 我们的挑战Why Change? Our challenge,EXPECTATION BASED ON UNLOCKING INHERENT VALUE POTENTIAL 预期改善-根据开启内涵之价值潜能,What is limiting or blocking us from closing this GAP faster & more reliably? 是什么限制或阻挡我们更快与更可靠的拉进此差距?,The gap 差距,是什么阻碍我们实现目标? 是什么限制了

16、我们弥合差距?,制约 是决定系统可以产出多少的因素或单元,所有系统都在制约因素的制约下运行 制约因素=最弱的一环=杠杆点,“一分钱加一分钱 积累出财富” 现实主义者 整体提升 = 局部提升 i,e, Try to Improve Everywhere,“如果给我一个支点,我能抬起整个地球.” 阿基米德 整体提升 局部提升 i,e, 找最弱的一环进行改进,传统思路,系统提升的思路,Flow of “Goal” units ,Weakest Link,Flow of “Goal” units ,两种不同的改进复杂系统的思路,系统化之改进方式 System Approach to Improveme

17、nt,哪个系统接近现实的企业,Scenario A,Scenario B,Improving with TOC 启动限制 开拓长红,管 理 使 命 The Management Mission The role of a manager is To EVER IMPROVE the performance of the area under his/her control This is the basic understanding underlying The decision to learn and apply TOC,WHAT to change? Pinpoint the core

18、 problem WHAT to change TO? Construct simple procatical solutions HOW to cause the change? Induce the proper people to make the change (to invent such solutions) What creates POOGI? Institue a process that facilitates continuous improvement,问题 方案 实施 POOGI持续提升,Improving with TOC 突破制约 实现盈利,改变什么What to change?,That covers: 评价现有系统的业绩记录和分析差距 揭示因果关系 确定核心问题 (The knowledge is usually captured in Current Reality logical diagrams.),寻求用最少的努力就可以实现跨越性提升.不是所有的内容都要改变 因此,为了变革我们必须对现状有所了解,向何处改变What to change TO?,The knowledge covers : 用新的运作方式解决核心问题 设计新的特性 弥合差距 改善业绩水平 (The knowle


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