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1、高 考 英 语 考 前 必 读 云南省文山州丘北一中 袁 伟,1.be strict in sth,be strict with sb. Mr. Wang is strict with his son in his study. 2.get asked,get lost,get drunk,get paid,get burnt,get married The workers get paid by the hour. 3.offer sb sth,offer to do sth,主动提出干某事。 4.in history在历史上 in the history of old China.在旧中国

2、的历史上。 5.steal sth from sb偷某人的东西。 Rob sb of sth抢某人的东西。 6.remind sb of sth提醒某人某事。Remind sb to do提醒某人做某事。 7.1.When is the rent due?应付的 2.When is the train due?应到的 3.Mr Hill is due to speak/lecture twice tomorrow.预定的 4.The accident was due to his careless driving. 5.Owing to(Because of) his careless dri

3、ving, we had a bad accident.,8.1.Whats up?发生了什么事? 2.Time is up.时间到。 3.There is still five minutes to go/left. Whats on tonight ? 9.kill time消磨时间 pass the time 打发时间 10.be familiar with通晓,熟悉 be familiar to为- 所熟悉 e.g.:1.Mr. Wang is familiar with English. 2.Mr. Smith is familiar to us all. 11.keep sb bu

4、sy doing使某人忙于干 12.afford 1.I cant afford a holiday/a taxi. 2.I cant afford to go away this summer. 3,. cant afford the time for a holiday. 13.bear忍受/承受 The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 14.stand 忍受 I cant stand him.,15.put up with 忍受/容忍I dont know how she puts up with his cruelty to her. 16.b

5、eat 1,The bird was beating its wings. 2,His heart was beating fast when hearing the news. 17.win a game/prize 18.defeat/beat sb 19.see to处理/照料 20.不用被动态的动词和短语 1.The book belongs to John. 2.A big fire broke out last night. 3.The meeting lasted (for) four hours. 4.The sky appears blue. 5.The weather co

6、ntinues (to be) very hot.6.The theory proved (to be) correct as time went on.,21.主动表被动的用法 .1.These newspapers sell well. 2.The door wont shut/open. 3.Toms idea sounded interesting. 4.Tom was to blame.for this. 5.I have something to tell you. 6.This kind of cloth washes well.之意。 7.These plants are di

7、fficult to look after. 8,Water in the well is not fit to drink. 22.shall用于二、三人称,表示说话人的意志或意愿,有希望、警吿、强制、允诺之意。 1.Everything shall be done by the end of this week. 2.She shall have the book when I finish reading. 3._Im very busy now. I need a babysitter badly. _Oh? Shall Mary be ok?(shall表示替他人征求意见) 23.情

8、态动词表将来 A : Can I join your club ,Dad? B: You can when you get a bit old. 24.make up编造、组成 make up the bed 铺床 make out理解/明白 make out sb=recognize sb,25.be content/satisfied with 对-感到满意 be content to do=be willing to do 愿意做 26.attempt v/n 1.They made no attempt to escape/ at escaping. 2.They are attemp

9、ting to climb the steepest part of the mountain. 27.too-for太-而不适合 e.g.: The shirt is too large for me. 28.too-to do e.g. :.She is too young to go to school. 29.cant be too careful再怎么小心也不为过 e.g.: You cant be too careful when crossing the road. 30.be admitted into/to college/school 1.He admitted havin

10、g done wrong. 2.The theatre is small and admits/seats/holds only 300 people(容纳).,31.a key to/ an answer to/ an entrance to/ a visit to/an invitation to /a note to-的 解释 32.break down分解、身体垮掉、抛锚 33.turn down调小拒绝turn up开大音量,出现 turn to sb for help向某人求助 turn out结果是 34.find+复合宾语 find it easy to understand(

11、adj) find him a very sensitive man (n) find the tree standing up straight(v-ing) find the place much changed(p.p) find his advice of great help(prep) find nobody about(adv) 35.with+复合宾语 with a book in his hand with five minutes to go with everything changed with the sun rising in the east 36.评述性状语(不

12、能改变其形式,在句中常作插入语) Generally speaking /exactly speaking /honestly speaking/ Strictly speaking/ frankly speaking/ judging from/by to tell you the truth / believe it or not considering考虑到talking/speaking of/谈到/说到 to make things/matters worse使事情更为糟糕的是,53treat sb as , treat sb badly treat sb for ones illn

13、ess treat sb. 招待某人 Its my treat today.今天我做东。 54can/could have done 表示“本来能够做某事但事实上却没能做成。 E.g.: -I stayed at a hotel while in New York. -Oh, did you? You could have stayed with Barbara. 55. may/might have done 表示对过去发生的情况进行推测。 56must have done 一定已经做了must have been doing “准是一直在做”之意。You look so tired, yo

14、u must have been working all day long. 57. neednt have done 表示“本来不必做某事, 而事实上却做了。” You neednt have watered the flowers, for its going to rain. 58should have done 表示“本来应该做某事但事实上却没做” You should have started early, but you didnt. he should have been scolded. 59. shouldnt have done 表示“本来不应该做某事但事实上却做了”, 含

15、有责备之意。,37.be cross易怒的 38.work as/ act as /serve as 39.go with=match You should match your words with your deeds. 40.promise ( to be)+n/adj 有-的希望 1.The weather promises to be fine tomorrow. 2,He promises to be a scientist. 3.A heavy snow promises a good harvest. 41.catch sb doing-sb be caught doing发现

16、某人/撞见某人做 42.spare匀出、抽出 e.g.: Could you spare me some time to explain the problem to me ? a spare key, in ones spare time 43.more than e.g.: China Daily is more than a newspaper, it is helpful to us all. 44.any+单数名词,表不同范围的比较 any other+单数名词,表同一范围的比较 e.g.: 1.China is larger than any other country in As

17、ia. 2.China is larger than any country in Africa.,45.beyond repair/ belief无法修理/难以置信 beyond ones power无能为力 beyond help无法帮助 beyond the village在村子那边 46.attend a baby照顾孩子 attend to the matter/ones work处理、专心于 attend a meeting/ lecture/concert/ attend school上学 47.take on sb雇佣某人 take on a new look呈现新貌 48.a

18、gree with sb 天气或食物+agree with sb 天气/食物合某人 e.g.:1. Mutton doesnt agree with me. 2.The climate here doesnt agree with me. 49.satisfy/meet peoples needs /requirements /demands. 50.charge要价/收费 I wonder how much you for mending a pair of shoes. Offer出价 I can only offer 80,000yuan for your house. 51.an ex

19、perienced/ skilled teacher一位经验丰富的老师傅 an unusual experience(经历/阅历) work experience (工作经验) 52.carry out 开展/执行 carry out a promise实现诺言,I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left home without a word. 60. will have done 主要用于第二、三人称,表示对将来可能会做完的事情进行推测。 We will have studied English for six years

20、by the end of next July. 61.ought to have done 表示过去应做某事但事实上却没做。=Should have done. You ought to have helped him.(but you didnt) 62. might as well 还是-的好。 You night as well make some preparations for it. 63几个特殊词语的意思: especially 尤其是 extremely极端地 actually实际上 basically基本上 simply仅仅 rightly公正地 seriously严重地

21、properly恰当地 entirely全部地naturally自然地 event重要事件/体育赛事 meanwhile同时 description描绘 laboratory实验室 declare宣布 and therefore因此 adventure冒险,69As引导让步状语从句 e.g.:1.Child as he is ,he knows much English. 2.Hard as he works ,he makes no progress. 70.1.a most interesting book 一本非常有趣的书 2.the most interesting book一本最有趣

22、的书 3.a third time 又一次 4.the third time第三次 5.another five minutes又五分钟 71.表示头衔、职位的名词,在句中作表语、同位语及补足语时,前面不用冠词。 Mary, secretary of our class ,is an honest girl. We elect Tom monitor of our class. 72.泛指一类人或是物的三种用法 1.A horse is a useful animal. 2.The horse is a useful animal. 3.Horses are useful animals. 7

23、3.It is /was+被强调部分+who(指人)/that+其他 注意强调句型的变形,变一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,强调部分为从句的情况。,E.g.:1.It is the ability to do job that matters. 2.It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages that attracted the audiences interest. 3.Who was it that Mr. Smith met in the street yesterday ? 74.多个adj修饰名词的排列顺序,记住以下

24、情况。 1. The mans first two interesting little green English oil paintings 2. his only two children 3. the mans first two novels 3. many other beautiful books 5. his two other new books. 75.比较级前的修饰语 much / even / still / far / a lot / a great deal / a little / 15% / two-fifths / an inch / an hour /one kilo etc+比较级 76A是B的多少倍的表达 1. The tree is four times taller than that one. 2. Th


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