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1、Unit15,Writing course,Imitate the sentence structure,1. each contributionno matter how small- can help make a difference. no matter 与 what/who/when/where/how /whether 连用,表示无论,不管,引导让步状语从句。 e.g. No matter what he says, I wontbelieve him.,2. I am discovering that being a volunteer brings many personal

2、benefits. e.g. Doing more reading can improve your reading comprehension. Listening to music makes you relax.,3. Lu Hao has also found their relationship beneficial. find +n./pron. +adj/v-ing/v-ed/prep ph,e.g. 1) I think it (un)necessary to talk face to face. 2) I find it helpful to study in groups.

3、 3) He made him heard by raising her voice. 4. ) We found him sleeping in the class.,4. Every Tuesday and Friday he visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone.,5. This is how American jeans were introduced to the world. This/That is how/why/when/where.,e.g. This is why Chinese prefer riding bicycle

4、s. That is how I failed to pass the examination.,Guide for writing Transitional Word IX 连接词,therefore, so, otherwise, as a result, thus, as a consequence,after all, but, even if, although, but even so, in spite of,because, for this reason, because of, due to on account of , thanks of, as,first of al

5、l, in the first place, to begin with, but later on, first, second, at first, but soon,to sum up, to summarize, in a word, in brief, On the whole,5.,For example, for instance, for one thing,for another, namely, such as,that is,in deed, above all, in any case, in fact, Most important of all, whats mor

6、e,in addition besides, again also , moreover furthermore Whats more, Worse still,Transitional Word 连接词 IX Contrast (对比类),Jeans are the first choice for 72% of those in the 15-19 age group, whereas less than half of the teenagers in the UK wear other types of casual trousers.,unlike, in contrast(相反)

7、however, but, yet, on the contrary (正相反) still, whereas, while, instead,Unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short. 2. China is a developing country, in contrast, Japan is a developed country. Guangzhou has very good vegetables. Dalian, however, has much better seafood. 4. He wants

8、to go to the West Lake, but he does not have enough money.,H loved swimming. Yet he had never been to the sea shore. You must be tired. On the contrary, I feel wide awake. 7. He had failed many times, still he kept on the experiment. 8. The husband wanted a boy, whereas the wife wanted a girl. 9. So

9、me people like coffee, while others like tea.,1.Unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short. 2. China is a developing country, in contrast, Japan is a developed country. Guangzhou has very good vegetables. Dalian, however, has much better seafood. 4. He wants to go to the West Lake,

10、but he does not have enough money. He loved swimming. Yet he had never been to the sea shore. You must be tired. On the contrary, I feel wide awake. 7. He had failed many times, still he kept on the experiment. 8. The husband wanted a boy, whereas the wife wanted a girl. 9. Some people like coffee,

11、while others like tea.,Learn to say,Appreciate,Different people like different music. A musician said, “Music is a thing that can make you calm .” Actually, music is a thing that can change ones mood.Generally speaking, youth like the music with a quick rhythm like rock music and jazz, while the old

12、 like calm music like classic music.,Appreciate,I will never forget the lesson Miss Wang gave me. Because I came from a village school, my English was very poor. When I was asked some questions in the first English course, I couldnt answer them.I told Miss Wang it was difficult for me to learn Engli

13、sh well. Miss Wang wasnt angry with me. Instead, she told me not to be discouraged.,Practice writing,假如你叫李平,你校高三同学正在开展一场讨论,讨论的主题是:高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼?请你根据下面所提供 的信息,给某英浯报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况,composition,写作步骤: 第一步审题, 做到四确定 1. 体裁格式, 2. 主题时态 3. 中心人称 4. 内容要点:,55的学生认为应该每天进行体育锻炼例如做早操、打乒乓球、 打篮球,但不要时间太长。 锻炼能增强体质,减少疾病 而且 ,

14、运动使大脑休息,使复习效果更好。,45 的学生认为锻炼浪费时间,锻炼使人疲劳,运动以后很兴奋较长时间不能复习功课。运动中可能会受伤。,书信格式 议论文,一般现在时,第三人称,讨论 的主题是: 高三学生要不要参加体育锻炼?,第二步列提纲,写信常见开头句,点题。 全文综述句。 55的同学的意见综述句。 意见一。 意见二。 意见三。 7) 45%的同学的同学的意见综述句。 反面意见 一(8) 反面意见 二(9)反面意见三,Composition From Wang YaNan,Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve

15、had about whether the students of Senior 3 should be take physical exercise. Opinions are divided on the question. About 55% of the students are in favor of this. They believe students must take exercise everyday., such as play Ping-pong ball, basketball and do morning exercise. But not for a long t

16、ime. Take some exercise can keep our body health, meanwhile it can keep our body away from illness. Whats more , do some sports also can relax our brains. Because of this, we can study better. However, about 45% of students are approved to the idea. They think it will waste our time and do some spor

17、ts always make people tired.Then it is very easy to become excited after do it, and we cant study carefully in this situation. Worse still, we may get in injured when we do some sport.,Correcting Composition From Wang YaNan,Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whet

18、her the students of Senior 3 should take physical exercise. Opinions are divided on the question. About 55% of the students are in favor of this. They believe students should take exercise every day, such as playing Ping-pong ball, basketball and doing morning exercises. But it wont take too much ti

19、me. Taking some exercise can keep our body healthy, meanwhile it can keep our body away from illness. Whats more , doing some sport also can relax our brains. Because of this, we can study better. However, about 45% of students are opposed to the idea. They think it will waste their time and doing s

20、port always makes people tired.Then it is very easy to become excited after doing it, and we cant study carefully in this situation. Worse still, we may get injured .,Appreciate,55 % of the students investigated agree with the idea that we should take physical exercises every day -from Ren lulu 55 %

21、 of the students think it necessary to take exercises every day , I can keep our body healthy in addition, it can reduce disease. - from Chen Yan Having sports can make our body stronger, so that we can get less disease. Also, having sports can give our brain a rest and make the result of review bet

22、ter. - from Zo Xiang 4. As a consequence, students will have more energy to study. - from Liu chiyuan,5. They think it unnecessary to let the students take exercise. (Liu Yan) 6. In this way, we will review our subjects better. They think taking exercise is a waste of time, (Zhang Jingxing ) 7. So y

23、ou are too excited to review your lessons well. (Yang Fei ) 8. They consider it also can make them more excited, which is bad for our review. ( Cui weile) 9. Worse still, we may get injured when we do some sport .,Correct your mistakes,1.We do have different opinion on this matter. 2. But it isnt ab

24、le to cost so much time. 3. We cant take too much time on it. 4. Having sports should let us become exciting for long times. 5. Then it is easy to become excited after do some sport.,Dear Editor, lm writing to tell you about a discussion weve had about whether students of Senior 3 should take physic

25、al exercise. We do have different opinions. 55 % of the students think they should take exercise every day, such as doing morning exercises, playing ping pong and playing basketball, but shouldnt take too much time. Exercise builds their bodies and reduces diseases. Sports can let their brains have

26、a rest so that their reviewing will be more effective. On the other hand 45 % believe taking exercise is a waste of time and its tiring. After having sports,they are too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons. Besides, they might get injured in sports.,Sample,写 法点评,1. 开门见山,点名主题。 2. 要点齐全,议论有条理。 3. 文章中使用了多个复合句(宾语从句,状语从句, 虚拟语气, 还是用了现在分词和动词不定式, 体现了作者较高的语言素养。 4. 连接词 such as , besides, but ,so that 的使用,使得本文意义连贯,全篇浑然一体。 5. 能较


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