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1、English Stylistics,Introduction,Introduction,Course requirements Final Exam (80%) Attendance (10%) Assignment (10%) Course arrangements 16 weeks, 16 units1 unit per week,Introduction,This course serves as an elementary introduction to the study of English style for Chinese EFL students. It places em

2、phasis on practical analysis as well as the presentation of various theories in stylistics. By reading the textbook, participating in oral discussion, and conducting linguistic analysis, it is hoped the student will acquire the “semi-instinctive” sense of style. Moreover, by means of this problem-so

3、lving activity, the student will learn to exploit their knowledge for interpretation. This, to some extent, may contribute to the realization of a general capacity to use language for communication.,Introduction,Stylistics the study of style may help us develop a consistent method of language analys

4、is and solve problems of interpretation by bringing into focus the stylistically significant features that we might otherwise overlook. Stylistics may also help speed up the process of acquisition of the ability by its systematic description of language varieties and by its emphasis on practical ana

5、lysis, and thus facilitate ones sensitivity to language variation. Last but not the least, stylistic analysis can enhance our understanding of the ways in which impressions, effects and meanings are communicated by language in literary works.,A Christmas Tree Star If you are A love compassionate, Yo

6、u will walk with us this year, We face a glacial distance, who are here Huddld At your feet (W. S. Burford),Now we can see,Rainbow rainbow youre a twofaced sort of fellow youre a warped candybar and the sun uses you as a weapon against the shadow of the rain rainbow youre not a selfmade chap atall y

7、oure just a compound of enemies and the only reason anybody likes you is because without you theyd be nothing (William Peskett),And we will see,Stylistics,Linguistics,Literary Criticism,Language,Literature,Disciplines,Subjects,Introduction,Definition of Stylistics Stylistics is an area of study whic

8、h straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics. It takes literary discourse (text) as its object of study and use linguistics as a means to that end. (Wang Shouyuan),Introduction,Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which applies the theory and methodology of modern linguistics to

9、the study of STYLE. It studies the use of language in specific contexts and attempts to account for the characteristics that mark the language use of individuals and social groups. (Qian Yuan),Introduction,Two Important Assumptions of Stylistics,1,Literature is made of language.,2,Literature is a ty

10、pe of communicative discourse.,Two Important Assumptions of Stylistics,Literature is made of language.,Linguistics is the scientific study of language.,Linguistics should in principle be most helpful to us in analyzing and interpreting literary texts.,Two Important Assumptions of Stylistics,Literatu

11、re is a type of communicative discourse.,Literary texts should be accounted for not just intra-sententially but also inter-sententially, not only in terms of linguistic facts and theory, but also in terms of sociolinguistic facts and theory.,English Stylistics,Chapter 1 The Concern of Stylistics,Con

12、tents,Language,2,Aspects of the Speech Event,3,Style,5,Language Varieties and Function,4,Contents,The Concern of Stylistic Study,7,Stylistics and Other Sphere of Study,8,1.1 Stylistics,Definition: A discipline that studies the way in which language is used; the styles of language in use. Dict.Longma

13、n: the study of style in written or spoken language Style: the particular way sb. uses words to express ideas, tell stories, etc.,Modern stylistics: modern linguistics (apply concepts and techniques to the study of styles of language use) 2 subdivisions: General stylistics vs. Literary stylistics Ge

14、neral stylistics: general features of various types of language use Literary stylistics: unique features of various literary works,1.1 Stylistics,1.1 Stylistics,Classification: Modern Stylistics General Stylistics Literary Stylistics Variety Features Genre Features Literary Text Style,1.1 Stylistics

15、,General stylistics Stylistic features of main varieties of language 3 functional varieties: Fields of discoursedifferent social activities Tenors of discoursedifferent relationships (formal vs. informal) Modes of discoursedifferent mediums (spoken vs. written),1.2 Language,What is language? Linguis

16、ts def.: 4 Saussures; Bloomfields; Chomskys; Hallidays - a system of innate rules - a social semiotic or social activity - a system of signs - a unified structure or a collection of habits,1.2 Language,Language or A Language? 2. Speech acts, speech event All utterances (whether a word, a sentence, o

17、r several sentences) can be thought of as goal-directed actions. Such actions as carried out through language are Speech Acts. Social activities in which language (either spoken or written) plays an important role such as conversations, discussion, lecture, etc are Speech Events.,1.2 Language,Speech

18、 events are sequential Br./Am. Eng.; Black Eng.; fem. Eng; legal Eng.; scientific Eng.; liturgical Eng.; advertising Eng.; fml/infml Eng.; spoken/written Eng.; ,1.4 Language Varieties and Functions,Functions of language: various communicative roles Ideational/Referential function Interpersonal/Expre

19、ssive/Social function Textual function,1.4 Language Varieties and Functions,Ideational/Referential Function(概念功能) serves for expressing the speakers/writers experience of the real world, including the inner world of his/her own consciousness. convey reality,1.4 Language Varieties and Functions,Inter

20、personal/Expressional/Social Function(人际功能) severs to establish and maintain social relations, for the expression of social roles, and also for getting things done by means of interaction between one person and another fit situation,1.4 Language Varieties and Functions,Textual Function(语篇功能) provide

21、s means for making links within the text itself and with features of its immediate situation well constructed,1.4 Language Varieties and Functions,Interrelated Relation bet. types langue Langue: the system of rules common to speakers of a particular language (such as English), i.e. the general mass

22、of linguistic features common to a language as used on every conceivable occasion Parole: the particular uses of this system, or selections from this system, that a person or group of persons will make on occasions.,1.5 Style,Linguistic choices are meaning, so linguistic choices are stylistic choice

23、s Stylistic choices: linguistic choices of rendering the same subject matter/the “synonymous expressions” in transmitting the same “message” Style: a coherent /consistent pattern of choicesfrequency of features,1.6 The Study of Style,Historical development (p.9) Long history in western countries Till 19th century: art of writing & evaluation of literary works historical/diachronic study of language 20th century: descriptive/synchronic study of language Saussure, 1950s: Chomsky 1960s onward: modern stylistics,1.7 The Concern of Stylistic Study,Refined Definition of stylist


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