八年级英语上册《Chapter 7 Traditional jobs Reading》学案 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
八年级英语上册《Chapter 7 Traditional jobs Reading》学案 (新版)牛津深圳版_第2页
八年级英语上册《Chapter 7 Traditional jobs Reading》学案 (新版)牛津深圳版_第3页
八年级英语上册《Chapter 7 Traditional jobs Reading》学案 (新版)牛津深圳版_第4页




1、chapter 7【学习目标】1. 了解被动语态的基本结构,学会使用被动语态句子。2. 谈论与职业有关的话题,能互相介绍各自了解的传统职业。3. 学会以口头和书面方式进行简单的人物描写。【课前准备】1. 在课文里找出以下词组 (找出相应的中文意思)traditional jobs , about the future of , this type of work , sit on the side of the river,are good at, strong enough to do something, dive down, up to , set off, dive into the

2、waterremove .from ,about one metre long, the rest, between .and, traditional Chinese skill, be interested in doing sth, no longer,2. 请在课文中找出含被动语态的句子。Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water.That is done for him by his twelve cormorants.A piece of grass is tied around the neck

3、 of each bird, so the fish cannot be swallowed.At night, a light is hung from the front of the raft .The fish are then removed from the birds mouths by the fisherman and thrown into a big basket.Later, some of the fish are sold, and the rest are divided.Modern fishing methods are now widely used.4.

4、请同学们自己总结被动语态的构成。(老师帮助整理)被动语态由“be+动词过分”构成。语态也有时态、人称和数的变化,其变化通过助动词be不同形式变化来体现。以下是几种常见的时态变化表:时态主动语态(谓语)被动语态(谓语)一般现在时do/ doesam /is / are +done一般过去时didwas /were + done一般将来时will/be going to dowill / be going to + be+ done现在完成时has/ have donehas / have +been + done【要点导学】1. He is elderly but still strong en

5、ough to control his raft on the river. elderly 意思是_(作为old 的委婉用法) enough的用法是_e.g. (1) 他每个周末都去拜访他年迈的父母he visited his _ _every weekend. (2) 这座城市正在为老年人修建居所The city is building new housing for _ _.(3) 他没有足够的钱来买这辆车He has no _ _ to buy the car.(4) 这间房间不够大。The room isnt _ _.2. They can dive down 25 metres,

6、and stay under water for up to two minutes.dive down的意思是_, up to的意思是_.b3. Damin does not require nets or a fishing rod to catch fish. require sb/sth , require doing sth, require sb to do sth.4. A piece of grass is tied around the neck of each bird, so the fish cannot be swallowed. tie 作动词时, 意为“系, 栓”

7、。tieto 是其常见结构,意为“把.栓在.上”。 e.g. please tie the horse to a tree.请把马栓在树上tie作名词时, 意为“领带;绳子”等。 e.g. These books were tied with colorful ties. 这些书被彩色的带子捆着。5. The fish are then removed from the birds mouth= the fish are taken away from the birds mouth. 然后, 那些鱼被从鸟嘴里取下来 be removed from. 被动语态结构, 在此意为: 被从.移开、取

8、走6. The rest are divided between Damins family and the cormorantsthe rest 作名词时,意为“其余的”,作动词时意为“休息”,have a rest =restdivide 作动词,意为“分成;分别于;分隔”, 常用以下搭配: o.把.分成 ; divide. between .and 把.分别用于.和.divide.from 把 和 分开e.g. (1) 老师把学生分成四组the teacher _ the students _ four groups. (2) 他把时间分别花在工作和学习上He _ h

9、is time _ work and study.(3)让我们休息一会Lets have a _.(4)他吃了两苹果,然后把剩余的把冰箱里。 He ate two apples, and put the _ in the fridge.【词汇检测】一、根据句意和中文释义填写单词。1. Damin works as a _(渔民)。2. Spring Festival is a _(传统的)festival.3. Study _(需要) time and energy. 4. Dont _(提起) it.5. He will _( 出发) next Saturday.6. I dont enjo

10、y _( 潜水) deep in the sea.7. Pandas like eating _(竹子)。8. The young should respect the _(年长的)9. China _(吸引) many tourists from all over the world every year.10. Please _( 移开) the dust from our classroom.二、根据中文意思完成句子。1. 王大民坐在河的旁边。Wang Damin sat _ _ _ of the river.2. 他足够大去上学。He is _ _ to go to school.3.

11、他们擅长打篮球。They _ _ _ playing basketball.4.中医是中国一项传统技术Chinese treatment medicine is a Chinese _ _.5. 我把羊栓在树上。I _ the sheep _ the tree.6.它们的大脚被用来推动它们在水中快速前进。Their large feet _ _ to push them quickly through the water.7.我们班被分成了四组。Our class _ _ into 4 groups.8.现代钓鱼方法被广泛的运用。Modern fishing methods _ _ _ .9.

12、 这是一口10米深的井。The well is _ _ _ .10.年轻人对流行乐感兴趣。The young _ _in pop music.三、根据课文内容填单词。Wang Danmin is a fisherman over 60 years old. He is _1_ but still strong _2_to control his raft on the river. He lives and works with his cormorants on this river. Cormorants are good at _3_ _4_ . They can stay under

13、water for _5_ _6_ two minutes. Cormorant fishing is a _7_ Chinese skill.Damin does not _8_nets or a fishing rod to catch fish. He _9_ _10_ on his bamboo raft with his cormorants in the late afternoon. A piece of grass is _11_ around the neck of each bird, so the fish cannot be _12_ . Then he pushes

14、the birds into the water with his _13_ . The cormorants bring the fish back to the raft, and the fish are _14_ from the birds mouths. Later , some of the fish are sold, and the rest are _15_between Damins family and the cormorants.Cormorants fishing is a traditional Chinese _16_ . however , few youn

15、g people are _17_ in doing this _18_ of work any more. Perhaps , it will no longer exist in the world because _19_ fishing methods are _20_ used.Key: 一、 1. fisherman 2. traditional 3. requires 4. mention 5. set off 6. diving 7. bamboos 8.elderly 9. attracts 10. remove 二、1. on the side of 2 old enough 3. are good at 4. traditional skill 5. tied , to 6. are pushed 7.is divided into 8. are


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