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1、,新目标Go for it 七年级上册 Unit 6,The position and function of the teaching material (教材的地位及作用),Part 1 Teaching material analysis (教材分析),2. Teaching objectives (教学目标),3. The teaching key points &difficult points (重点与难点),1.The position and function of the teaching material (教材的地位及作用),the first period of thi

2、s unit . learn to talk about what they like and dislike. arouse the students interest improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.,Section A,Knowledge goals(知识目标): Some new words about food countable noun and uncountable noun (可数名词与不可数名词) the new structure : Do you like ? -Yes , I

3、do . No , I dont . Do he she like ? -Yes ,he she does . No , he she doesnt . Ability goals(能力目标): Develop students listening ,speaking, reading and writing skills. Train the students communicative ability by using the target language. Emotional goals(情感目标): Get the students to realize the importance

4、 of healthy diet. Get the students to develop the students cooperative spirit.,2. Teaching objectives (教学目标),3. The teaching key points &difficult points (重点与难点), Key points(重点): Master the names of the food Learn to use the target language to ask and answer like and dislike. Difficult points(难点): U

5、se the words and the target language learned in this class to describe situations in the daily life.,Part 2 Students analysis (学情分析),Grade 7 great interest ,passion in English. active and eager to learn like western food, such as hamburgers ,French-fries,About my student:,Part 3. Teaching and learni

6、ng methods guiding (教法和学法),1、Teaching methods(教法): Task-based teaching and learning approach (任务型教学法) Situational method (情景教学法) Communicative method (交际法) Discussion method (讨论法) Group work and individual study method (小组学习和自主学习方法),2、Learning methods(学法): Role playing(角色扮演) Group discussion(小组讨论学习)

7、 Self-evaluating(自我评价),Part 3. Teaching and learning methods guilding (教法和学法),3、Teaching aids (教具): Multi-media , Blackboard.,Teaching time:45min,Part 4. Teaching procedures 教学程序,This is a fridge(冰箱). Whats in the fridge?(猜猜冰箱里有什么?),ba,br,m,h,i,o,sa,st,a,p,Guess,t,ice cream,bread,oranges,bananas,mil

8、k,strawberries,salad,pears,tomatoes,hamburgers,2.Tell the Words,Match the words with the things in the picture.将单词 与图中物品匹配。,1.hamburgers 2.tomatoes 3.broccoli 4.French fries 5.orange 6. ice cream 7. salad 8. bananas 9. strawberries 10. pears,d,g,a,h,e,f,c,b,i,j,1a,3.Pairwork: Review the words and fi

9、ll in the chart.(两人为一组将所学单词归类),A: Do you like salad? B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,1,2,3,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3 听录音,给下面的对话编号1-3,an orange,two oranges,A: Do you like oranges?,B: Yes, I do. I like oranges.,/ No, I dont. I

10、 dont like oranges.,a banana,bananas,A: Do you like bananas?,B: Yes, I do. I like bananas.,/ No, I dont. I dont like bananas.,a tomato,two tomatoes,A: Do you like tomatoes?,B: Yes, I do.,I like tomatoes.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like tomatoes.,a strawberry,two strawberries,A: Do you like strawberries?,B

11、: Yes, I do.,I like strawberries.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like strawberries.,a pear,four pears,A: Do you like pears?,B: Yes, I do.,I like pears.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like pears.,a hamburger,three hamburgers,A: Do you like hamburgers?,B: Yes, I do.,I like hamburgers.,/ No, I dont.,I dont like hamburgers

12、.,salad,salad,A: Do you like salad?,B: Yes, I do. I like salad.,/ No, I dont. I dont like salad.,ice cream,two ice cream,A:Do you like ice cream?,B: Yes,I do.I like ice cream.,/ No,I dont.I dont like ice cream.,bread,bread,A:Do you like bread?,B: Yes,I do.I like bread.,/ No,I dont.I dont like bread.

13、,milk,milk,A:Do you like milk?,B: Yes,I do.I like milk.,/ No,I dont.I dont like milk.,Food survey,Evaluation,Boys,Girls,1、Key vocabulary 2、Target language hamburgers tomatoes Do you like? broccoli French fries Yes , I do. /No, I dont. oranges ice cream Does she/he like ? salad bananas Yes, she/he do

14、es. Strawberries No, she/he doesnt.,Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,Part 5 Blackboard design 板书设计,Step7:Homework,Make a food survey Using the pattern : Do you like ?,Ask your classmates about the food in the chart . Find out what they like and dont like. 就表格中的食物向你的同学提问,找出他们喜欢和不喜欢的食物。,Good morning to you

15、,Warming-up,listen and circle the food you hear.听录音,圈出你所听到的食物。,hamburgers,pears,broccoli,salad,ice cream,oranges,French fries,bananas,2a,Listen again and fill in the blanks. 再听一遍录音并填空。,broccoli,broccoli,ice cream,ice cream,Order Food,pairwork,A: I likeDo you like ? B: Yes, I do. I like No, I dont. I dont like ,Food order,I,like,bananas .,Do you,?,Yes,I do.,No,I dont.,.,What does Remy like?,hambur


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