已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Unit fourTrade Negotiation,Key Words and Expressions,单价 unit price 码头费 wharfage 总值 total value 卸货费 landing charges 金额 amount 关税 customs duty 净价 net price 装运港,port of shipment 折扣 discount, allowance 卸货港 port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 参考价格 reference price 零售价 retail price 现货价格 spot price,交货 del

2、ivery 轮船 steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船 shipment 立即装运 immediate shipments 即期装运 prompt shipments 托运人 shipper, consignor 收货人 consignee 舱位 shipping space,油轮 tanker 陆运收据 cargo receipt 空运提单 airway bill 正本提单 original BL 选择港(任意港) optional port 选港费 optional charge,contractor 订约人,承包人 contractual 合同的,契约的 sign a contr

3、act 签合同 draw up a contract 拟订合同 originals of the contract 合同正本 copies of the contract 合同副本 a written contract 书面合同,come into effect 生效 contract period 合同期限 cancel the contract 撤消合同 terminate the contract 解除合同 alter the contract 修改合同 expiration of contract 合同期满 renewal of contract 合同的续订,non-payment 拒

4、不付款 in duplicate 一式二份 in triplicate 一式三份 in quadruplicate 一式四份,Related words and phrases,Meet each other half way Special price The prevailing/current price Price fluctuation Effect shipment Direct shipment Partial shipment Transshipment Contract terms Break the contract Place a contract Execute/ im

5、plement/ perform a contract,Phrase Interpreting Practice,进口许口证 import license 出口许口证 export license 岸价(船上交货价) free on board ( FOB) 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) cost and freight (CFR) 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价) cost, insurance and freight (CIF),一月份装船 shipment during January /January shipment 在.(时间)分两批装船 shipment during.in two

6、 lots 在.(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during.in two equal lots 分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments 收到信用证后30天内装运 effect shipment within 30 days after receipt of L/c,Phrase Interpreting Practice,purchase contract 购货合同 sales contract 销售合同 purchase /sales confirmation 购货/销售确认书 subject to sellers confirm

7、ation 需经卖方确认 subject to our final confirmation 需经我方最后确认 be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定,Secure ones agreement 征得的同意 contractual dispute 合同争端 a long-term/ short-term contract 长期/短期合同 contractual liability/obligation 合同规定的义务 contractual terms & conditions 合同条款和条件 contractual-joint-venture 合作经营,

8、契约式联合经营,Sentence Interpreting Practice,1. Our price is reasonable by comparison with that in the international market. 2. Im afraid I cant agree with you here 3. Your price is higher than those we got from others. 4. You should take quality into consideration. 5. It would be very difficult for us to

9、 push any sales if we buy it at this price.,Sentence Interpreting Practice,6. Your price is 25% higher than that was last year. 7. You see , its price has gone up a lot since last few months. 8. If your price is favorable, we can book an order right now. 9. We may reconsider our price if your order

10、is big enough. 10. These patterns are relatively popular in the international market.,Sentence Interpreting Practice,1.张先生将代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签字。 2.我们真诚希望质量、数量都与合同规定相吻合。 3.所有条款与我们过去签的第C70064号合同规定的各项条款相同。 4.合同规定如果供货商延误交货期,将被罚款。 5.我们不得不要求你们按合同办事。 6.我们一向坚持按照合同办事,注重信用。 7.如果一方不执行合同,另一方有权撤消该合同。 8.如果没有事先征得我们同

11、意,你们不能取消合同。 9.合同一经双方签定即生效。 10.合同一旦确定就应严格执行。,Text A,情景提示 买卖双方为了一批产品的价码磋商多回;这一次再晤面,都决定应该互让一步,也好顺利结束长期的谈判。 cost price 生产价格、成本价格 Notes: invoice price 发票价格 hold off for a lower price 等待低价 make a deal 达成交易,A: Cant we find a price that my company can reach? Negotiations have been going on too long. Interpr

12、eter :应该谈出个敝公司能接受的价码了吧? 这次的谈判进行得够久了! B: 没错。但我们总要定一个对双方都有利的价钱! Interpreter B:Right. But we need to find a price that is good for both sides A: To be honest, if you keep holding off for a lower price we wont be able to make a deal, because we wont be able to make a profit. Interpreter A:说真的,您如果还想压低价钱,

13、我们是很难谈出结果的,因为这样我们公司会一毛钱也赚不到! B: 好吧!您说贵公司成本价是每单项100元,还要维持20%的利润,那就是单价120元。如果我们订货量加一倍,您能接受7%的利润吗?,Interpreter B:OK. You say your cost price is 100 for each unit, and you want a 20% profit. Thats 120 per unit. Would you accept a 7% profit if we double the order? A: That would mean a price of 107 per un

14、it, which I think is still too low. If you can accept 110 per unit, we have a deal. Interpreter A:那就是每单项降低为107元。这价钱我认为还是太低。如果您可以接受110元,那就成交。 B: 指发票价格吗?我得和老板商量一下,不过,我想这个条件可以接受。 Interpreter B:An invoice price of 110? Ill have to check it with my boss, but I think we can accept those terms.,Text B,情景提示

15、 金先生是一家外贸公司的经理, 今天在会议室接待来自澳大利亚的客户Smith 先生,简单的寒暄之后, 双方围绕产品价格交换了彼此的看法, 并最终就价格和交货日期达成了一致。整个谈判过程显得轻松愉快! Notes in charge of get down to 着手从事于 initial order 第一批订货 rock bottom price 底价,金: 欢迎到我们公司来。我叫金哲夫,负责出口部。这是我的名片。 Interpreter: Welcome to our company. My name is Jeff Kim. Im in charge of the export depar

16、tment. This is my business card. Smith: Ill give you mine too. Interpreter :这是我的名片。 金: 你的航行顺利吗? Interpreter : How was your flight? Smith: Not bad, but Im little tired. Interpreter :还行,不过我有点累。 金: 这是你的日程安排。开完会后,我们去参观工厂,再跟生产部经理开个会。晚上你将和我们主任共进晚餐。 Interpreter : Heres your schedule. After this meeting, we

17、 will visit the factory and have another meeting with the production manager. And youll be having dinner with our director.,Smith: Could you arrange a meeting with your boss? Interpreter :你能安排我跟你们老板开个会吗? 金: 当然可以,我会安排在明天早上10点钟。 Interpreter : Of course, Ive arranged it at 10 oclock tomorrow morning. S

18、mith: Well, shall we get down to business? Interpreter :那我们开始谈正事吧。 金: 行,你有没有收到我们上周寄给你的样品? Interpreter : Sure, did you receive the sample we sent last week? Smith: Yes, we finished the evaluation of it. If the price is acceptable we would like to order now. Interpreter :收到了,我们已进行了评估。如果价格合适,我们现在就想订货。

19、金: 听到这个我真高兴。 Interpreter : Im very glad to hear that. Smith: Whats your best price for that item? Interpreter :这种货你们最低价是多少?,金: 单价是12.50美元。 Interpreter : The unit price is $ 12.50. Smith: I think the price is a little high, cant you reduce it? Interpreter :我觉得这个价贵了点,你能不能减一点? 金:恐怕不行,12.50美元是我们的底价。如果你订

20、货超过10,000件,我们可以减到12.00美元。 Interpreter : Im afraid we cant. $12.50 is our rock bottom price. If you purchase more than 10,000 units we can reduce it to $12.00. Smith: Well, Ill accept the price and place an initial order of 10,000 units. Interpreter :行,我接受这个价格,第一批订10,000件。 金: 太好了。史密斯先生,跟你做生意真是我的荣幸。 I

21、nterpreter : Very good. Its been a pleasure to do business with you, Mr. Smith. Smith: The pleasure is ours. Can you begin to deliver the goods by March 31? Interpreter :是我们的荣幸才对。贵方能在3月31号前开始发货吗? 金: 当然行。 Interpreter : Of course,Text C,情景提示 由于某些客观原因,金先生没有能够兑现3月31日前首批发货的约定。金先生只好通过E-mail及时向史密斯先生进行解释说明,

22、下面是史密斯先生的回复 Notes: Double Offset Ring Spanners梅花板手,金先生: 你方4月6日来信收到。关于第80616号购货合约项下的1万套梅花板手(Double Offset Ring Spanners),现我方函告如下: 按合约所订,上述货物应在3月、5月及7月分三批均装,但至今第一批还没装运,我方用户等待此货,他们对你方如此拖延交货感到十分吃惊。 请尽力在6月底前把第一批货物及第二批货物一并运来,否则我方客户对你迟延装运将感不满,可能撤消订单,而转向他处补进所需之货。 见信后请告确切装运日期为好。 史密斯谨上 2006年4月10日,大卫先生: 分批装运的机

23、器,今天已收到。很遗憾,这些机器的规格与合同中规定的不符,也跟你方样品的规格不一致。 很遗憾,我们必须退回全部货品,而由贵公司处理。另外请通知我方,是否能再装运符合你方样品规格的机器。如能,运期如何安排? 在此事尚未解决之前,我方要求贵公司终止所有其它货物的装运。 陈成谨上 2005年11月5日,Nov. 5, 2005 Dear David, Your partial shipment of the machine has been received today. Unfortunately we have found that their specification confirms ne

24、ither to the ones stipulated in the contract, nor to those of your samples. We regret that we must return the entire shipment at your disposal. Could you inform us if you can send us another shipment which corresponds to your samples and if so, what the delivery schedule would be. Before resolution

25、of the matter, we ask you to hold all further shipments. Sincerely, Chen,Dan: Id like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices. Interpreter:我想就从价钱方面开始谈吧! Robert: Shoot. Id be happy to answer any questions you may have. Interpreter:洗耳恭听!我很乐意答复任何问题。 Dan: Your products are very good. But Im a li

26、ttle worried about the prices youre asking. Interpreter:贵公司的产品很出色;但你们开的价码,让我觉得有点困难。 Robert: You think we should be asking for more? Interpreter:你是觉得我们应该把价钱开高一点啰? Dan: Thats not exactly what I had in mind. I know your research costs are high, but what Id like is a 25% discount. Interpreter:我不是这个意思。我知

27、道你们投入很高的开发费用,但是,我想要七五折。,Robert: That seems to be a little high, Mr. Smith. I dont know how we can make a profit with those numbers. Interpreter:Smith先生,这个折扣似乎多了点。这样的价格,我们公司怎么能有利润可赚! Dan: Well, if we promise future business - volume sales that will reduce your costs for making the products, right? In

28、terpreter:若我们答应以后继续合作,而且是大笔的生意,就可以使你们大幅降低制造成本,对不? Robert: Yes, but its hard to see how you can place such large orders. Wed need a guarantee of future business, not just a promise. Interpreter:嗯!不过,我看不出您怎能下这么大笔的订单?! 我们要的可是保证,而不是随口答应就算数的哦! Robert: If you can guarantee that on paper, I think we can di

29、scuss this further. Interpreter:如果你们能以书面保证,我想我们可以再谈。,Robert: We could take a cut on the price. But 25% would be too low. We suggest a compromise - 10%. Interpreter:敝公司可以降价。但是七五折太低了。我们建议双方各让一步九折。 Dan: Thats a big change from 25! 10 is beyond my negotiating limit. Any other idea? Interpreter:那跟七五折差太多了

30、!九折实在超出我的谈判限度。有其它方案吗? Robert: I dont think I can change it right now. Why dont we talk again tomorrow? Interpreter:我现在没办法决定。这样吧,我们何不明天再谈? Dan: Sure. I must talk to my office anyway. I hope we can find some common ground on this. Interpreter:行。反正我也得和公司方面讨论一下。希望我们能够达成共同协议。,Robert: How about 15% for the first six months, and for the second six months at 12%, with a guarantee of 3000 units? Interpreter:前六个月八五折,后六个月改为八八折,保证订货3000件,你意下如何? Dan: Thats a lot to sell, with ver


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