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1、COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Lessons from Jefferson,Unit 2,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Pre-reading,Text Reading,Post- reading,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jeff

2、erson,Pre-reading,1.Warm-up Questions,2.Listening Comprehension,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Warm-up Questions,How many presidents of America do you know? Can you name some of them?,Home,Can you guess the name of the following people?,COLLEGE EN

3、GLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,A state was named by his name.,He was the first president of the America, Father of his country America.,Born in 1732 into Virginia planter family died on December 14,1799.,George Washington,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Inte

4、nsive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Before to be the president of America, he is a lawyer,He signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and Ended the civil war.,On Friday, April 14, 1865. he was assassinated at Fords Theatre in Washington by John Wilkes Booth, an actor, who somehow thought he was

5、 helping the South.,Abraham Lincoln,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, he directed organization of the Nations manpower and resources for the Second World War.,His New Deal revived the Ameri

6、cans economy.,He as elected to be president for four times.,Franklin D. Roosevelt,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,He is good at making a speech.,He is the first black president in America history.,Barack Hussein Obama Jr.,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK

7、2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Directions: How much do you know about Thomas Jeffersons personality?,Now listen to a short story about him and then retell and discuss it in small groups.,Listening Comprehension,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,L

8、essons from Jefferson,Dirty Farmer? While serving as Americas vice president, Thomas Jefferson, dressed in dirty working clothes, entered Baltimores finest hotel one evening and asked for a room. The owner, a certain Mr. Boyden, turned him away. Soon thereafter Boyden, informed of the identity of hi

9、s distinguished visitor, promptly dispatched several servants to find him and offer as many rooms as his heart desired. Jefferson, having found a room in another hotel, sent Boydens representative away with the following message: Tell Boyden that I value his good intentions highly, but if he has no

10、room for a dirty farmer, he shall have none for the vice president.,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Text Reading,1.Part Division of the Text,2.Topic Sentences and Supporting Sentences,3.Language Points,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive

11、Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Part Division of the Text,1,2,3,1,2-8,9-11,A brief introduction to Thomas Jefferson.,Some ideas and principles given by Thomas Jefferson.,His talents in many fields and his contribution to USA.,Main Ideas,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Uni

12、t 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Find the supporting sentences in each part according to the topic sentences given.,Topic Sentences and Supporting Sentences,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,For Part 1,Topic Sentence,Most people remember Thomas Jefferson.,

13、He was the third President of the United States.,He wrote the Declaration of Independence.,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,For Part 2,There is much that we can learn from him today. Many of his ideas are especially interesting to modern youth.,Go a

14、nd see.,You can learn from everyone.,Judge for yourself.,Do what you believe is right.,Trust the future; trust the young.,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,For Part 3,His talents in many fields and his contribution to USA.,He was an expert in agricul

15、ture, archeology, and medicine.,He was above all a good and tireless writer.,He left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples.,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,-Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides

16、 books and that personal investigation is important.,Two. Each with a “that” to lead.,Language Points,How many object clauses in this sentence?,Home,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,obtain: vt.,I obtained this record for you with difficulty.,Language Poi

17、nts,get through effort,你可以从当地图书馆得到有关签证和护照的信息,Information about visas and passports can be obtained from your local library.,Home,(L7),e.g-,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,acquire 指经过一定努力或一定过程,使原有的东西获得更多,并成为永久所有;也指一点点地慢慢地通过长期不懈的努力而获得诸如知识、才干、良好习惯等。常与抽象名词搭

18、配。,get 是最常用、最口语化的词。可以指以任何方式得到某物(积极主动或消极被动),并不强调通过预先的或主观的努力,与具体名词和抽象名词均可搭配,obtain 为正式用语,指经过长时间的努力或有计划的行动而得到所希望得 到的东西或达到预定的目标。,get, obtain, achieve place where a river starts,莱茵河的源头在哪里?,They get their money from various sources.,Where does the Rhine have its source?,Home,(L8),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学

19、英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,source belonging to a person,The manager will make a personal visit to the supermarket,这是个人爱好问题。,personal: adj,Its a matter of personal preference.,Home,(L9),e.g-,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,appo

20、int: vt.,choose (someone) for a position, job, etc.,Who will be appointed to the chairmanship when Mr. White leaves?,Pattern: appoint sb. as appoint sb. (to do) sth. appoint sb. to (a job, post, position, etc.),Home,(L10),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson

21、,-By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class.,Paraphrase the sentence.,Home,(L14-15),judging by his family and educational background, Jefferson was a member of the group with top social status.,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jeffer

22、son,low in position,Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble background.,The school had provided a good education for children of humble backgrounds.,humble: adj.,学校为出身贫贱的孩子提供了很好的教育。,Home,(L16),e.g-,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jeffers

23、on,go out of ones way (to do sth.):,take particular trouble or make a special effort ( to do sth.),Both parties are going out of their way to reach a compromise.,It was good of you to go out of your way to meet us at the station.,Home,(L16-17),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,

24、Lessons from Jefferson,threaten: v.,hang over dangerously; utter a threat against,Its no use threatening me Im not going to do it.,他们每次争吵时,他妻子总是威胁说要离开他。,Every time they have an argument, his wife threatens to leave him.,Home,(L21),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from

25、Jefferson,-Jefferson refused to accept other peoples opinions without careful thought. (L22),Paraphrase this sentence.,未经过认真的思考, 杰斐逊绝不接受别人的意见。,Home,Jefferson didnt blindly accept other peoples likes or dislikes without careful independent thought.,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Uni

26、t 2,Lessons from Jefferson,latter: adj.,两者中后者比前者好得多。,Of the two the latter is far better than the former.,the latter half of the month,Collocation:,the latter part of his life,他的晚年,the latter days of summer,后半月,下半月,夏末,Home,(L29),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Je

27、fferson,Conflict:,1) vi. be opposed; clash,2) n. disagreement; clash; fight,他们对事件的说法与我们的说法截然不同。,Their account of events conflicts with ours.,The two companies come into frequent conflicts as a result of competition,Home,(L31),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jeffe

28、rson,act according to,The police are acting on information received.,He always acts on a guess.,他总是凭猜想行事。,act on:,Home,(L35),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,resent: vt.,I bitterly resent your criticism.,我对你的批评十分反感。,We resent his being the center of attr

29、action.,Pattern:,resent doing sth. resent sb./sth. doing,feel angry or bitter at,Home,(L38),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Paraphrase this sentence.,-Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness. (

30、L41-44),杰斐逊认为,绝不可以用那些已经无用的习俗来束 缚住“现在”的手脚。,Home,Jefferson thought that people nowadays should never be limited to out-of-date customs.,COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,Superior: adj.,这种布比那种好。,This cloth is superior to that.,Collocation:,be superior in,在方面

31、占优势,be superior to,优于的;高于的,good or better in quality or value,Home,(L53),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,perform: v.,Computers can perform a variety of tasks.,新汽车性能如何?,How is the new car performing?,do, carry out,Home,(L56),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精

32、读,Intensive Reading,Unit 2,Lessons from Jefferson,above all:,Children need many things, but above all they need attention.,与 “above all” 有相似意义的表达方式有:,most important of all,first first of all firstly for one thing in the first instance in the first place,Home,(L58),COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 2 大学英语 精读,Intensive Reading


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