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1、集装箱知识,Mar. , 2006,集装箱(container) 所谓集装箱,是指具有一定强度、刚度和规格专供周转使用的大型装货容器。使用集装箱转运货物,可直接在发货人的仓库装货,运到收货人的仓库卸货,中途更换车、船时,无须将货物从箱内取出换装。,集装箱分类,按Owner分: COC (Carrier Owned Container) 船公司箱 SOC (Shipper Owned Container) 货主自备箱,按尺寸分(Container Size): 最常见的20 40 45,集装箱分类,General purpose High cube Garmentainers Refrigera

2、ted Open top Flatracks Tank,集装箱分类, http:/elib/TrainingMat/CLTB/Liner_Shipping_Container_Types.htm#Container%20Types,按所装货物种类和结构分(Container Type):,OOCL offers 20 ft and 40 ft general-purpose containers. Manufactured from either Aluminium or steel, they are suitable for most types of cargo. Aluminium c

3、ontainers have a slightly larger payload than steel, and steel containers have a slightly larger internal cube.,General Purpose Container (GP 普通箱),High Cube (HQ 高箱),With high cube containers, you gain an extra foot in height compared with general-purpose containers. Ideal for light, voluminous cargo

4、 or bulky cargo. These extra volume containers come in 40 ft and 45 ft sizes in steel and aluminium.,Garments on hanger (GOH 挂衣箱) shipments are specially created for OOCL. Our specially designed garmentainers give customers the option of using a string or bar system or a combination of both. The con

5、tainers allow increased flexibility, greater load Internal Capacity and savings on transportation and handling cost. Garmentainers are available in 20 ft and 40 ft sizes.,HG 挂衣箱总称 HB 棍装挂衣箱(Bar) HS 绳装挂衣箱 (Strings) FB 混装棍装挂衣箱 FS 混装绳装挂衣箱,Refrigerated Container (RF RQ冷藏箱) OOCL has one of the largest fle

6、ets of state-of-art containers, manufactured to exacting specifications and continually updated. Bottom-air delivery system ensures your refrigerated produce reaches its destination in optimum condition. For especially delicate produce, OOCL offers controlled atmosphere reefer units. Manufactured fr

7、om aluminium with a stainless steel lining, OOCL reefers are available in 20 ft, 40 ft and 40 ft high cube sizes.,Open Top (OT 开顶箱) Allowing cargo to be loaded from the top, open top containers are particularly suitable for bulky cargo such as machinery. They are fitted with a PVC tarpaulin cover an

8、d attachable bows with cable sealing devices. The container doors can be removed to make the stuffing of cargo more convenient. Manufactured from steel, open top containers come in 20 ft and 40 ft sizes.,Flat Racks (FR 框架箱) are especially suited to heavy loads or cargo that needs loading from the to

9、p or sides, such as pipes and machinery. OOCL offers collapsible and non-collapsible containers with or without walls. Manufactured from steel, flatrack containers come in 20 ft and 40 ft sizes.,集装箱运输方式,一、按货物的装载方式分: 整箱(FCL,Full container load) 由发货人负责装箱、计数、积载并加铅封的货运。整箱货的拆箱,一般由收货人办理。但也可以委托承运人在货运站拆箱。可是

10、承运人不负责箱内的货损、货差。除非货方举证确属承运人责任事故的损害,承运人才负责赔偿。承运人对整箱货,以箱为交接单位。只要集装箱外表与收箱时相似和铅封完整,承运人就完成了承运责任。整箱货运提单上,要加上“委托人装箱、计数并加铅封”的条款(SLACS: Shipper Load And Count, Seal)。,2. 拼箱(LCL,Less than container load) 装不满一整箱的小票货物。这种货物,通常是由承运人分别揽货并在集装箱货运站或内陆站集中,而后将两票或两票以上的货物拼装在一个集装箱内,同样要在目的地的集装箱货运站或内陆站拆箱分别交货。对于这种货物,承运人要负担装箱与

11、拆箱作业,装拆箱费用仍向货方收取。承运人对拼箱货的责任,基本上与传统杂货运输相同。,集装箱运输方式,集装箱运输方式,二、按集装箱交接地点分 首先我们看一下与集装箱运输相关的交接地有哪些: 门: Door 站: CFS(Container Freight Station) 场: CY (Container Yard),CFS Warehouse,Gate House,Container Stacker,Sea Terminal,Container Yard,http:/elib/DOCCL/opn/CY%20Facility/CYPictures.htm,发货人 工厂/仓库 Door,起运地 集

12、装箱 货运站 CFS,装运港 集装箱 堆场 CY,收货人 工厂/仓库 Door,目的地 集装箱 货运站 CFS,目的港 集装箱 堆场 CY,内陆,国际海运,内陆,集装箱 公、铁,集装箱 公、铁,CY to CY,CFS to CFS,Door to Door,Origin,Destination,从前面的图示,我们不难归纳出,按集装箱交接地分,共有9种运输方式: 门到门 (door to door): 由托运人负责装载的集装箱,在其货仓或厂库交承运人验收后,负责全程运输,直到收货人的货仓或工厂仓库交箱为止。 门到场(door to cy): 由发货人货仓或工厂仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱装卸区

13、堆场。 门到站 (door to cfs): 由发货人货仓或工厂仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站 场到门(cy to door): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱装卸区堆场至收货人的货仓或工厂仓库 场到场 (cy to cy): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱装卸区堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱装卸区堆场。 场到站 (cy to cfs): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱装卸区堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站。 站到门 (cfs to door): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至收货人的货仓或工厂仓库。 站到场 (cfs to cy): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱装卸区堆场。 站

14、到站 (cfs to cfs): 由起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站。,集装箱运输方式,思考,集装箱运输方式与贸易术语的联系 集装箱运输方式与业务类型的联系,13种贸易术语,OOCL Logistics Export Consolidation biz type & Traffic Mode,集装箱运输方式,三、按集装箱交接方式 可分四种:FCL-FCL,FCL-LCL,LCL-LCL,LCL-FCL 集装箱交接方式和交接地点的对应关系,集装箱常用技术规范,集装箱外尺寸(containersoverallexternaldimensions) 包括集装箱永久性附件在内

15、的集装箱外部最大的长、宽、高尺寸。它是确定集装箱能否在船舶、底盘车、货车、铁路车辆之间进行换装的主要参数。是各运输部门必须掌握的一项重要技术资料。 集装箱内尺寸(containersinternaldimensions) 集装箱内部的最大长、宽、高尺寸。高度为箱底板面至箱顶板最下面的距离,宽度为两内侧衬板之间的距离,长度为箱门内侧板量至端壁内衬板之间的距离。它决定集装箱内容积和箱内货物的最大尺寸。 集装箱内容积(containersunobstructedcapacity) 按集装箱内尺寸计算的装货容积。同一规格的集装箱,由于结构和制造材料的不同,其内容积略有差异。集装箱内容积是物资部门或其他装箱人必须掌握的重要技术资料。 集装箱计算单位(twenty-feetequivalentunits简称:TEU) 又称20英尺换算单位,是计算集装箱箱数的换算单位。目前各国大部分集装箱运输,都采用20英尺和40英尺长的两种集装箱。为使集装箱箱数计算统一


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