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1、起于足小趾之下,斜向 足心(涌泉),出于舟 骨粗隆下,沿内踝后, 进入足跟,再向上行于 腿肚内侧,出腘窝的内 侧,向上行股内后缘, 通向脊柱(长强,属督 脉),属于肾脏,联络 膀胱。肾脏部直行的脉:从肾 向上通过肝和横膈,进 入肺中,沿着喉咙,挟 于舌根部;肺部支脉:从肺部出来, 联络心脏,流注于胸中, 与手厥阴心包经相接。,八、足少阴肾经,8 The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin 1) The Main Course of the Channel Pertain to the kidney, links up to the urinary bladder, m

2、ainly runs along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the lower limb 2) Principal Indications Diseases of gynecology, diseases of the kidney, lung, throat, and other diseases in regions along the courses of this channel. 3) Points Commonly Used,1、涌泉 定位:足趾跖屈时,去趾,前1/3与后2/3 凹陷中。 主治:头痛,目眩,失眠,昏厥

3、急救要穴之一。 操作:直刺0.5-1寸,2、太溪 定位:内踝尖与跟腱之间的凹陷中 主治:泌尿、生殖系统的疾患如月经不调 小便频数。 操作:直刺0.5-1寸,Yongquan (K 1) LOCATION At the junction between anterior 1/3 and posterior 2/3 of the sole (the toe is not included), in the depression when the foot is in plantar flexion INDICATIONS Headache, dizziness, sore throat, dysu

4、ria, loss of consciousness,起于胸中,出属心包络, 向下通过横膈,从胸至腹 依次联络上、中、下三焦;胸部支脉:沿着胸中,出 于胁部,至腋下三寸处 (天池)上行到腋窝中,沿 上臂内侧,行于手太阴和手 少阴之间,进入肘窝中,向 下行于前臂两筋(掌长肌腱 与桡侧腕屈肌腱)的中间, 进入掌中,沿着中指到指端 (中冲);掌中支脉:从劳宫分出,沿 着无名指到指端(关冲), 与手少阳三焦经相接。,九、手厥阴心包经,9 The Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueying 1) The Main Course of the Channel Pertains

5、to the pericardium, links up to the triple warmer, mainly runs along the medium line of the medial aspect of the upper limb 2) Principal Indications Diseases of the heart, chest and the stomach, mental diseases, and the diseases in the regions along this channel. 3) Points commonly used,1、内关 定位: 腕横纹

6、上2寸, 掌长肌腱与桡 侧腕屈肌腱之 间。 主治: 胃痛,呕吐, 心痛,心悸, 胸闷。 操作: 直刺0.5-1寸,Neiguan (P 6) LOCATION 2 cun above the transverse of the wrist, between the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor radialis INDICATIONS Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, insomnia, oppressed feeling in the chest, mental dis

7、orders, hemiplegia, contracture and pain of the upper limb,起于无名指末端(关冲)向上出于第四、五掌骨间,沿着腕背,出于前臂外侧桡骨和尺骨之间,向上通过肘尖,沿上臂外侧,上达肩部,交出足少阳经后面,向前进入缺盆部,分布于胸中,联络心包,向下通过横膈,从胸至腹,属上、中、下三焦;胸中支脉:从胸直上,出于缺盆部,上走项部,沿耳后向上,出于耳部上行额角,再屈而下行至面颊部,到达眶下部;耳部支脉:从耳后进入耳中出走耳前,与前脉交叉于面颊部,到达目外眦,与足少阳胆经相接。,十、手少阳 三焦经,10 The Triple Warmer Channe

8、l of Hand-Shaoyang 1) The Main Course of the Channel Pertains to the triple warmer, links up to the pericardium, mainly runs along the medium line of he lateral aspect of the upper limb 2) Principal Indications Diseases of the head, ear, eye, chest, hypochondrium and throat as well as diseases in th

9、e regions of this channel 3) Points commonly used,1、外关 定位: 腕背横纹上 2寸,桡骨 与尺骨之间 主治: 上肢痹痛, 肩背痛,头痛, 目赤肿痛 操作: 直刺0.5-1寸,Waiguan(SJ 5) LOCATION 2 cun above the transverse crease of the dorsum of wrist, between the radius and ulna. INDICATIONS headache, redness, swelling and pain of the eye, tinnitus, deafne

10、ss, pain in the hypochondriac region, pain of the upper limb,2、翳风 定位: 乳突前下方, 平耳垂后下 缘的凹陷中 主治: 耳鸣耳聋, 面瘫,齿痛, 颊肿 操作: 直刺0.8-1.2 寸,起于目外眦(瞳子髎), 向上到达额角部(颔厌) 下行至耳后(完骨), 经额部至眉上(阳白) 又向后折至风池,沿颈 下行至肩上,左右交会 于大椎,向下进入缺盆 部;耳部的支脉:从耳后进 入耳中,出走耳前,到 目外眦后方;外眦部的支脉:从目外 眦处分出,下走大迎, 会合于手少阳经到达目 眶下,下行经颊车,由 颈部向下会合前脉于缺 盆,然后向下进入胸中,

11、,十一、足少阳 胆经,通过横膈,联络肝脏,属于胆,沿着胁肋内,出于少腹两侧腹股沟动脉部,经过外阴部毛际,横行入髋关节部环跳穴;缺盆部直行的脉:下行腋部沿着侧胸部,经过季胁,向下会合前脉于髋关节部,再向下沿着大腿的外侧,出于膝外侧,下行经腓骨前面,直下到达腓骨下段,再下到外踝的前面,沿足背部,进入足第四趾外侧端(足窍阴) 足背部支脉:从足背处分出沿第一、二趾骨间,出于大趾端,与足厥阴肝经相接。,十一、足少阳胆经,11 The Gallbladder Channel of Foot-Shaoyang 1) Main Course of the Channel Pertain to the gall

12、bladder, links up to the liver, mainly runs along the side of the torso and the medium line of the lateral aspect of the lower limb 2) Principal Indications Diseases of the head, eye, ear, and throat, mental disease and diseases in the regions along this channel 3) Points Commonly Used,1、风池 定位:项后枕 骨

13、下,胸锁乳 突肌与斜方肌 之间的凹陷中, 平风府穴 主治:头痛, 眩晕,目赤肿 痛,颈项强痛 感冒、热病 操作:针尖微 下,向鼻尖斜 刺0.8-1.2寸,不 可直刺,深刺,2、肩井 定位: 大椎穴与肩 峰连线的中 点 主治: 头项强痛, 肩背痛,上 肢不遂 操作: 斜刺 0.5-0.8寸,3、环跳 定位: 股骨大转子高 点与骶管裂孔 连线的外1/3 与内2/3交界处 主治: 腰胯痛,下肢 痿痹, 操作: 直刺2-3寸,4、阳陵泉 定位: 腓骨小头前 下方凹陷中 主治: 下肢痿痹, 半身不遂, 胁肋痛,口 苦,胆囊疾 病 操作: 直刺1-1.5寸,Fengchi (G 20) LOCATION

14、In the depression between m.sternocleido- mastoideus and m. trapezius, 1 cun above the posterior hairline INDICATIONS Pain and stiffness of the head and neck, redness and pain of eye, dizziness, cold, tinnitus Yanglingquan (G 34) LOCATION In the depression anterior and inferior to the small head of

15、fibula INDICATIONS Hemiplegia, weakness, numbness and pain of the lower limbs, jaundice, vomiting, hypochondriac pain,起于足大趾上毫毛部(大敦) ,沿着足跗部向上,经过内 踝前一寸处(中封),向上 至内踝上八寸处交出于足太 阴经的后面,上行膝内侧, 沿着股部内侧,进入阴毛中, 绕过阴部,上达小腹,挟着 胃旁,属于肝脏,联络胆腑, 向上通过横膈,分布于胁肋, 沿着喉咙的后面,向上进入 鼻咽部,连接于“目系” (眼 球连系于脑的部位),向上 出前额,与督脉会合于巅顶;“目系”的支脉

16、:下行颊里, 环绕唇内;肝部支脉:从肝分出,通过 横膈,向上流注于肺,与手 太阴肺经相接。,十二、足厥阴肝经,12 The Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin 1) The Main Course of the Channel Pertains to the liver, links up to the gallbladder, mainly runs along the medium line of the medial aspect of the lower limb. 2) Principal Indications Diseases of the liver an

17、d gynecology and diseases in the region along this channel 3) Points Commonly Used,1、太冲 定位: 足背第一、二 跖骨结合部前 的凹陷中 主治: 头痛,眩晕, 高血压,胁痛, 月经不调。 操作: 直刺0.5-0.8寸,Taichong(Liv 3) LOCATION On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression anterior to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones INDICATIONS H

18、eadache, dizziness, redness swelling and pain of the eye, enuresis, irregular menstruation, pain in the hypochondrium,起于小腹内,下出会阴部,向后行于脊柱的内 部,上达项后风府,进入脑内,上行巅顶,沿前额 下行鼻柱。,十三、,1、命门 定位:第二腰椎棘突下 主治:腰痛,遗精,阳痿, 带下,月经不调 操作: 向上斜刺0.5-1寸 2、大椎 定位:第七颈椎棘突下 主治:热病,头痛,项强 操作:向上斜刺0.5-1寸,3、百会 定位:后发际正中直上7寸 主治:头痛,眩晕,失眠, 中风失语 操作:平刺0.5-0.8寸 4、人中(水沟) 定位:人中沟的上1/3与中 1/3的交界处 主治:癫狂痫,中风,惊风, 昏迷,口眼 喎斜, 急性腰扭伤 操作:向上斜刺0.3-0.5寸,The Du Channel It mainly runs along the medium line of the back of the torso. Mingmen (Du 4) LOCATION Below the spinous process of the


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