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1、办理登记手续Check in,1,重点单词,overweight extra check bag claim tag baggage tags baggage claim on the scale destination airport stick counter,过重,附加,托运行李,行李托运牌,行李签,行李提领处,过磅,目的地,机场,贴,(机场航空公司) 柜台,2,a piece of luggage一件行李 two pieces of luggage 二件行李 hand luggage手提行李 on schedule按照预定, 按照时间 behind schedule比预定落后, 误点

2、ahead of schedule超前, 比预定提前,3,重点句型,Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?,这里是这班飞机办理登机手续的地方?,How many pieces of hand luggage do you have?,您有几件手提行李?,Your trunk is overweight.,您的行李超重了。,4,Youll have to check your bag.,您的行李必须托运。,How much extra do I have to pay?,我要付多少附加费用?,Thank you. Would

3、you please put all your on the scale?,谢谢。请把所有的行李拿来过磅,行吗?,I want to check in these two pieces and Ill carry this by myself.,我想把这两件行李托运,而这个旅行包我想自己拿着。,5,How much extra do I have to pay? 我该付多少附加费用? I will check in these two pieces and Ill carry this by myself. 我想把这两件行李托运,而这个旅行包我想自己拿着。,6,Y: Is this the r

4、ight counter to check in for this flight? X: Yes,it is Please put your luggage on this scale Y: OK.Is the plane on schedule? X: Yes, it is How many pieces of hand luggage do you have? Y: Two,Y: 这班飞机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗? X: 不错,是在这儿办。请您把的行李放在磅秤上过磅。 Y: 好的。飞机会准时起飞吗? X: 会的。您有几件手提行李呢? Y: 两件。,7,准备登机Boarding,8,重点词

5、汇,1. direction 指示/方向 2.departure gate 登机口 3.boarding pass 登机牌 4.passport 护照 5.broadcasting 机场广播 6.baggage claim 行李申报 7.stub 存根 8.carry-on bags 随身行李,9,重点句型,Where is gate ten? 十号登机门在哪里? From which gate does the airplane leave for Shanghai? 哪一个登机门的飞机是飞往上海的? Go down the stairs right over there and youll

6、 see some directions. Just follow them. 顺着那边楼梯下去,你就会看到一些指示,照着指示走就到了。 What time should I be at the departure gate? 我该什么时候到登机口? Thats your baggage claim stubs. 那是您的行李申报存根。,10,安全检查Security Check,11,重点词汇,Security -check hall 安检大厅 Platform 月台、平台 Mobile 手机,12,重点句子,Ladies and gentlemen, please form a line

7、and go through the gate one by one. 各位旅客请您排好队,按顺序通过安全门。 Please put your lighter, cigarettes, mobile, calculators and keys on the tray. 请您把身上的打火机、香烟、手机、计算器和钥匙等拿出来放在这个托盘里。 Please put luggage onto the belt. Thanks. 请把您的行李放在传送带上,谢谢。 Please stand here, on the platform. 请您站在这个台子上。 Please turn around. 请转过身

8、来。,13,在飞机上Flying in the sky,14,blanket 毯子,mineral water 矿泉水,soda water 苏打水,orange juice 橙汁,milk 牛奶,coffee 咖啡,15,seat light 座位灯,seat belt 安全带,16,海关申报卡/报关单 customs declaration card/form 出/入境登记卡 embarkations/disembarkation card 简称E/D card 持续时间 duration,17,重点句子,Do you have a Chinese newspaper? 你们有中文报纸吗?

9、 When will we land? 请问我们什么时候降落? Can I have a glass of water, please? 可以给我一杯水吗? Can I have a blanket? 能给我一条毯子吗?,18,Ladies and gentlemen, it is about time to arrive in. Here are a couple of forms for you to fill out. 各位女士、先生,我们就要到达,请各位把这两张表填一下。 Could you please help me to fill out the two forms? 能请你帮我填这两张表吗?,19,取行李Claim the luggage,20,重点词汇,attention,注意,广播,baggage poll,broadcasting/ announcement,行李领取处,pick up,取行李,21,重点句型,Here is my lugga


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