1、第四讲 法律文体翻译 Translation of Legal Documents,法律语言的文体特征,正式的规范语体 古体词、法语和拉丁语词汇大量使用。 hereby: by means or by reasons of this hereinafter: in this document and after this point hereto: to this place, document hereon, hereof, hereunder, whereof, henceforth, notwithstanding, aforesaid,拉丁语和法语 cessid: L 让与 major
2、es: L 成年人 quasi: L 标准 bona fide: L 真诚地 subject: F 主体 schedule: F 日程 contract: F 合同,表达规范 “有的义务”:shall, must, have the duty of, it is the duty of, obligation. “严禁”:prohibit, must not, may not shall not, not allowed “有权”:have the right o, enjoy the rights of, be entitled to, may “章、节、条”:chapter, sectio
3、n, article “款、项”:paragraph/clause, item,客观性 汉语多为无主句,英语却频繁使用被动语态,避免动作的发出者,从而使动作的客体得到强调,叙述语言较为客观。E.g.: 为了规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人的合法利益,加强对保险业的监督管理,促进保险事业的健康发展,制定本法。 This law is enacted for the purpose of regulating insurance activities, protecting the legitimate rights and interest of the parties involved, st
4、rengthening supervision and control of the insurance industry and promoting its healthy development.,严密与模糊共存,简约与重复统一 法律语言须字斟句酌,规范准确,同时又使用涵盖面广的抽象词汇,形成严密与模糊共存的情况;为避免指示代词可能造成的误解,经常不厌其烦地重复前面出现的结构和词汇,形成简约与重复统一。 人民法院接到起诉状或者口头诉状,经审查,符合本法规定受理条件的,应当在7日内立案;不符合本法规定受理条件的,应当在7日内通知原告不予受理,并说明理由。 When a peoples cou
5、rt receives a bill of complaint or an oral complaint and finds upon examination that it meets the requirements for acceptance as specified in this law, it shall within seven days file a case; if the complaint does not meet the requirements of acceptance as specified in the law, the court shall withi
6、n seven days notify the plaintiff that the complaint has been rejected and provide due explanation.,长句结构,长句结构就是“一句话”结构,即立法者试图将某一问题的相关信息全部安置于一个完整的句子之内,避免几个分散句子可能引起的歧义。长句结构追溯到古罗马、希腊时期,当时没有标点而导致了“一句话”结构在法律文献中的使用,甚至仅用一个长句表述某一部法规的整个内容。,“一句话”=If P1+P2, then Q,case: where any Quaker refuses to pay any chur
7、ch rates; condition: if any churchwarden complains thereof; subject: one of the next justices of the peace; action: may summon such Quaker fact situation: where a churchwarden files a complaint against a Quaker for refusing to pay an church rates, statement of law: one of the next Justices of the pe
8、ace may summon such Quaker.,Fact-situation where a churchwarden files a complaint against a Quaker for refusing to pay any church rates,Statement of law one of the next Justices of the peace may summon such Quaker,If 条件句 If X, then Y shall do Z If X, then Y shall be Z “If X”代表法律制度适用的情况(case), “Y”代表法
9、律主体(legal subject), “Z”代表法律行为(legal action).,第一百四十一条(一)标的物需要运输的,出卖人应当将标的物交付给第一承运人以运交给买受人; Article 141 (1) If the targeted matter needs to be transported, the seller shall consign the targeted matter to the first carrier of its delivery to the buyer;,第十七条 要约可以撤回,撤回要约的应当在要约到达受要约人之前或者与要约同时到达受要约人。 1. If
10、 an offer is recalled, the notice of recall should arrive before the offeree receives the offer or at the same time at the arrival of the offer. 2. The offer may be withdrawn, if, before or at the same time when an offer arrives, the withdrawal notice reaches the offeree.,and和 or的使用 If X does A, B a
11、nd C, X shall be liable to punishment If X does A, B, or C, X shall be liable to punishment,第十三条 合营企业如发生严重亏损、乙方不履行合同和章程规定的义务、不可抗力等,经合营各方协调同意,报请审查批准机关批准,并向国家工商行政管理部门登记,可终止合同。 Article 13 In case of heavy losses,failure of a party to perform its obligations under the contract and the articles of associ
12、ation, or force majeure etc., the parties to the joint venture may terminate the contract through their consultation and agreement, subject to approval by the examination and approval authorities and to regestration with the states competent department in charge of industry and commerce administrati
13、on.,修饰限定成分 正确地放置修饰限定成分可以使法律条款产生准确、清晰、全面、易懂的表达效果。 Where a secure tenant serves on the landlord a notice in writing claiming to exercise his right to buy the dwelling-house (1), and if the landlord refuses to admit the tenants right to buy the dwelling-house (2), then, subject to the following provisi
14、ons of this Section (3), the Secretary of State if he thinks proper (4), may by means of a written notification (5) make special regulations in pursuance of his powers under Section 15 of this Act (6) for the purpose of enabling the tenant to exercise his right to buy the dwelling-house (7) (notwith
15、standing anything contained in section 54 of the Land Registration Act 1925) (8) within a period of six months from the date of such a refusal(9), provided that the dwelling-house, of any part of it, is not being used for charitable purposes (10) within the meaning of the Charitable Purpose Act 1954
16、(11).,第四十八条 行为人没有代理权、超越代理权或者代理权终止后而以被代理人名义订立的合同,未经被代理人追认,对被代理人不发生效力,由行为人承担责任。,1. Article 48 A contract concluded by an actor who has no power of agency, who oversteps the power of agency, or whose power of agency has expired and yet concludes it on behalf of the principal, shall have no legally bind
17、ing force on the principal without ratification by the principal, and the actor shall be held liable. 2. Article 48 A contract in the name of a principal and without ratification by the principal, and yet actually concluded by an actor who has no right of agency or oversteps the right of agency, or
18、whose right to agency has expired, shall have no binding force on the principal; and the actor shall be held liable therefore. ,国俗语义,国俗语义是指在词汇的概念意义上添加使用该语言的国家的历史、文化及风俗色彩的语义。 bar: “法庭”、“被告席”、“审判台”、“律师” debar, disbar, disbarment: “取消律师资格” bar examination: “律师资格考试” bar to divorce: “离婚法院” plea in bar: “
19、诉讼抗辩” prisoner at the bar: “正在法庭受审的罪犯” trial at bar: “会审”,bench: “法官席位”、”法庭”、”裁判庭” Upper bench: “英国12世纪的高等法院” the full bench:“全席法庭” Bench Warrant:“法官签发的拘捕令” Queens Bench:“英国高等法院的女王座分院” Kings Bench:“英国高等法院的王座分院”,civil court: a court of ordinary jurisdiction in Canada and includes a court of summary j
20、urisdiction. “一般刑事法院” civil prisoner: prisoner who has been prisoner in civil court for no more than two years. “普通罪犯”,Exercise,1. 第十八条 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者由其会同国务院有关部门,经国务院批准,可以在本法第十六、第十七条规定的范围内,临时决定限制或者禁止前款规定目录以外的特定货物、技术的进口或者出口。,The departments in charge of foreign economic and trade relations under the
21、 State Council, jointly with relevant departments under the State Council, subject to the approval of the State Council and within the scope stipulated in Article 16 and 17 of this law, may decide to restrict or prohibit the import or export of specific goods or techniques which are not included in
22、the catalogue specified in the preceding paragraph.,The departments in charge of foreign economic and trade relations under the State Council may, independently or jointly with relevant departments under the State council, approved by/subject to the approval of the State Council and within the scope
23、 specified/stipulated in Articles 16 and 17 of this law, specially decide to restrict or prohibit the import and export of specific goods or techniques which are not included in the catalogues specified in the preceding clause.,Article 18 The competent department in charge of foreign economic relati
24、ons and trade under the State Council may, independently or jointly with relevant departments under the State Council, subject to the approval of the State Council and within the scope stipulated in Articles 16 and 17 of this Law, specially decide to restrict or prohibit the import or export of spec
25、ific goods or technologies which are not included in the catalogue specified in the preceding paragraph.,2. 任何缔约国都可以适用其基本国法要求集体商标或证明商标的所有人向国家主管机关提出一些证件或其他证明,特别要包括持有这种商标的协会或其他团体的章程和有关监督这种商标的使用的规则。,Any Contracting State may apply its national law requiring that where the mark is a collective mark or a
26、 certification mark the owner thereof must adduce before its national office make certain of the supporting documents and other evidence, including in particular the bylaws of the association or other entity owning such mark and the rules concerning the control exercises over the use of such mark.,本公约各缔约国考虑到发展中国家在承运其对外贸易货物的班轮公会(liner conferences)活动方面之特殊需要和问题,兹同意在守则中反映下列基本目标和原则。 In view of/considering the specific needs and problems of the developing countries with respect to the activities of liner conferences serving their foreign
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