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1、1,International Economics,Introduction By: Mengjun XIE PhoneE-mail: Shandong Institute of Bussiness and Technology,2,Whats this module about?,The core of International Economics: The Exchange activities among the nations - From the angle of commodity: International Trade Part I: Interna

2、tional Trade Theory Part II: International Trade Policy - From the angle of currency: International Finance Part III: Exchange Rates Part IV: International Macroeconomic Policy,3,Whats this module about?,Countries engage in international trade for two basic reasons: They are different from each othe

3、r in terms of climate, land, capital, labor, and technology. They try to achieve scale economies in production.,4,Whats this module about?,The basic principle under both situations: 通过交换两国都可能获得潜在的收益。每个国家都可以专业生产其具有比较优势的商品而不是生产所有的商品;每个国家都可以从其他国家获得其本国不易生产的商品。,5,How to Study?,ReadingYou are strongly sug

4、gested to work your way through (at least) the required readings as the course progresses! Lectures-are designed to cover the most fundamental issues and provide a foundation for the readings,6,Recommended Reading,Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (2000 ) :International Economics: Theory and Policy

5、by, 6th edition, HarperCollins J, Xue., J, Tong Take-home assignments should be handed in on time; Think independently, Answer questions .,9,How to Evaluate Your Performance?,10,Now Lets begin our exploration to International Economics -International Trade Theory R U Ready?,International EconomicsBy

6、 Robert J. Carbaugh9th Edition,Chapter 1: The International Economy,12,Elements of interdependence,Trade: goods, services, raw materials, energy Finance: foreign debt, foreign investment, exchange rates Business: multinational corporations, global production,Economic interdependence,13,Forces drivin

7、g globalization,Technological change: Production Communication those displaced find lower-paying jobs Millions of other Americans fear getting laid off Workers face pressure for wage concessions under threat of having the jobs move abroad Service and white-collar jobs are joining blue-collar ones in

8、 being vulnerable to moving overseas US workers can lose their competitiveness when firms build state-of-the-art factories in low-wage countries, making them as productive as plants in the US,Economic interdependence: globalization,22,MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS,1、International trade forces domestic f

9、irms to become more competitive in terms of: a.The introduction of new products b.Product design and quality c.Product price d.All of the above Answer: d,23,2、The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in which industries? a.Industries in which there

10、are neither imports nor exports b.Import-competing industries c.Industries that sell to domestic and foreign buyers d.Industries that sell to only foreign buyers Answer: b,MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS,24,3 How much physical output a worker producers in an hours work depends on: a.The workers motivation

11、 and skill b.The technology, plant, and equipment in use c.How easy the product is to manufacture d. All of the above Answer: d,25,4 A firms _, relative to that of other firms, is generally regarded as the most important determinant of competitiveness. a.Income level b.Tastes and preferences c.Envir

12、onmental regulation d. Productivity Answer: d,26,5 Free traders maintain that an open economy is advantageous in that it provides all of the following except: a.Increased competition for world producers b.A wider selection of products for consumers c.The utilization of the most efficient production

13、methods d. Relatively high wage levels for all domestic workers Answer: d,27,6For a nation to maximize its productivity in a global economy: a.Only imports are necessary b.Only exports are necessary c. Both imports and exports are necessary d.Neither imports nor exports are necessary Answer: c,28,7

14、International trade in goods and services tends to: a.Increase all domestic costs and prices b.Keep all domestic costs and prices at the same level c.Lessen the amount of competition facing home manufacturers d. Increase the amount of competition facing home manufacturers Answer: d,29,TRUE-FALSE QUE

15、STIONS,1 The benefits of international trade accrue in the forms of lower domestic prices, development of more efficient methods and new products, and a greater range of consumption choices. True 2 In an open trading system, a country will import those commodities that it produces at relatively low

16、cost while exporting commodities that can be produced at relatively high cost. False,30,3 Although free trade provides benefits for consumers, it is often argued that import protection should be provided to domestic producers of strategic goods and materials vital to the nations security. True 4 In

17、the long run, competitiveness depends on an industrys natural resources, its stock of machinery and equipment, and the skill of its workers in creating goods that people want to buy. True,31,5 If a nation has an open economy, it means that the nation allows private ownership of capital. False 6 Increased


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