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1、以利润为中心的库存管理jimmy li 营运悟道,目的 Objective :,良好的门店管理能强有力的提高生产力 Strongly Improve our productivity with better store management.,完全优化了门店整个商品流的管理系统 We totally reorganize store management system and work on full merchandise flow.,优化TOP第1阶段 的目的是简化前后台工作 We have optimized TOP step1, in order to simplify the job

2、 between back office and front office :,自动补货 Automatic Replenishment,前台/卖场 Front office teams / Sales area,后台/库房 Back office teams / Storage area,前台员工禁止入库房 No commercial staff be allowed to enter in the storage. 促销员禁止入库房 No promoter be allowed to enter in the storage,库房小组禁止入卖场 No storage staff be al

3、lowed to enter in Sales area. 周盘小组可以入卖场和库房 CYC staff be allowed to enter both in sales area & storage.,根据制服的颜色辨别和管理前台和后台 Color-coded uniforms facilitate control and management for back office & front office team.,Storage Team staff,CYC Team staff,Commercial Staff,Promoter,. 门店的营运人员分为二组,一组负责卖场,另一组负责库

4、房 Two separated teams in the store, 1in charge of sales area, 1in charge of storage,前台/卖场 Front office teams / Sales area,后台/库房 Back office teams / Storage area,Morning,检查 红点单品库存情况 Check “ Red Dot” Item stock situation. 红点定义: Red Dot Define -单品卖场库存不足, 库房没有库存 Item sales area is not full, but “0” stoc

5、k in the storage. 如何检查红点How to check Red Dot -每天早晨在卖场用RF枪检查红点单品是否到货 Every morning use RF gun check sales area if red dot item delivery or not. -如果到货取下红点并提交补货申请单 If delivered then take off the red dot, and print a replenishment report.,补货 Replenish the delivery goods.,处理紧急补货单 Deal with emergency repl

6、enishment items 整理库房 Storage Arrangement. 将所有到货单品(每种单品取一箱)从收货区拉至库房中转区进行备货 Send all delivery goods (1item per box) from receiving yard to “transfer” area for replenishment.,只有20%员工上早班 Only have 20% staffs worked in the morning.,早 班,把库房中转区的备货拉至卖场并补排面 (7:00pm-10:00pm晚7:00-10:00) Collect products from s

7、torage room transfer area and fill-in shelves,根据前台的扫描补货清单进行备货 (6:00pm-9:00pm下午6:00-9:00) Prepare products from storage according to the scan result.,把备好的货物放在库房中转区 Bring the prepared goods to transfer area,Request申请单 IN入,Products 商品 OUT出,扫描卖场的需补货单品,生成补货申请单并交给后台 (5:00pm-8:00pm 下午5:00-8:00) Scan to be

8、replenished items in the sales area, and give the scan result to back office team,Afternoon,对禁止入库单品进行补货(低周转单品,这些单品的所有库存都放在卖场的顶层货架上) (2:00pm-5:00pm下午2:00-5:00) Replenishment of “ No KU” (Low rotation item, all these items stock should put on the top of shelf in sales area),前后台的80%员工上晚班,这造成门店的工作效率低和超时

9、工作 Both back office & front office team (80% staffs) were worked at night, it caused low working efficiency and over time in the store.,前台/卖场 Front office teams / Sales area,后台/库房 Back office teams / Storage area,晚 班,Front Office 前台,后台 Back Office,Scan: 5:00pm-8:00pm 扫描:下午5:00-8:00 Replenish:7:00pm-

10、10:00pm 补货:晚7:00-10:00,6:00pm-9:00pm 备货:晚6:00-9:00,前台负责卖场的扫描和补货工作 Front office in charge of scanning & replenishment in sales area. 后台负责库房的备货工作 Back office in charge to prepare the goods in the storage.,在执行TOP1之后,我们发现前后台工作的6个主要问题可以得到简化 After launched team organization1, we found 6 major problems to

11、be simplified between back office and front office:,问题2: 根据低周转单品清单定义 “禁止入库单品” Problem2: “ Forbidden item in the storage” be defined by low rotation item. 结果: 难以定义, 记住和管理这些单品. 工作效率低 Result : Difficult to Identify, remember & control the items. Low productivity.,问题3: 因为问题1&2 造成库房有大量商品 Problem3: Too Ma

12、ny Goods in the storage be generated by problem1 & 2. 结果: 库房很难找货造成缺货和增加工作量,.工作效率低 Result : Difficult to find goods in the storage which generated Shortage & workload. Low Working efficiency.,Problem5: Replenishment goods were not done according to the sales flow. 问题5: 不能按照销售趋势补货 Result : Impact on s

13、ales & on assortment image. 结果: 影响销售和商品分类形象,TOP 1 阶段的扫描结果 Team Organization1 scanning replenished Result:,确保门店从早到晚货架商品丰满 Guarantee store full from morning to night 减少卖场缺货 Reduce shortage in sales area 使新品及时进卖场 Put systematically new item in sales area on time 优化库房单品数量 Optimize storage item number 提高

14、销售 Improve Sales,强有力的提高生产力Improve strongly the productivity by:,目的: Objective,在对问题的逐一分析之后, 我们提出4个步骤优化TOP: After analyzed each problems, we set up 4 steps to optimize the team organization process:,System Create Replenishment Report (2-3hours saved) 系统自动生成补货单 (节省2-3小时),步骤1: 简化 普通单品的补货流程 Step 1: Simpl

15、ify Normal Item Replenishment Process,Manual Shelf Scanning 手动扫描货架 (2-3hours by dept.),Shelf Replenishment 补货,Front Office 前台,Back Office 后台,Stock preparation 库房备货,原有的流程-普通单品 Old Process-Normal Item,1,2,Shelf Replenishment 补货,Stock preparation According to System list 根据系统清单备货,1,2,3,简化后流程-普通单品 After

16、 simplify process-Normal item,在简化普通单品补货流程之后, 按部门为前台工作节省了2-3个小时, 每处每天节省了10小时 After simplify the normal item replenishment process, we saved 2-3hours by dept. in the front office teams job, which present total 10hours by day by division.,Before Process 之前,Current Process 现在,之前依靠货架枪扫补货 (在下午5:00-8:00,促销

17、员和员工在卖场扫描并手动计算补货量)Before store replenishment depends on Shelf RF- scanning (Promoter and staff manual count and scan In sales area from 5:00pm-8:00pm). 原有流程的情况Old Process status: 浪费时间 Time consuming .(2-3hours by Dept.) 扫描数据不准确 No accurate scanning data. 在销售高峰时间补货 Replenish goods at pick sales time.

18、 从低周转单品中定义禁止入库单品,难以管理(4000单品) “Forbidden item in the storage” identify by low rotation item, difficult to control (4000items). 杂货处有6000个单品在库房 6,000 items in Grocery storage P4系统每晚八点到十点锁定,不能使用RF枪,期间门店不能补货 P4 close each evening 20:00 22:00, so scanning gun can not be used, store can not replenish good

19、s at that period.,自动补货按单品销量(卖多少补多少)补货,各店可根据销售趋势调整补货时间,Automatic replenishment depends on item sales (sell how much, fill up how much) store can adjust replenishment time according to Sales flow. : 现在流程情况Current Process status 节省时间(每个部门2-3小时) Save Time (2-3hours by dept.) 系统根据销售生成正确的补货清单System direct

20、ly create replenishment quantity and item according to the sales 销售高峰前1-2小时补货Replenish 1-2hours before sales time. 禁止入库单品按分类按品牌定义,便于管理“Forbidden item in the storage” identify by brand by family, easy for control (6000Items) 杂货处有3000个单品在库房3,000 items in Grocery storage. 不需要扫描,门店可以在任意时间补货 No need scan

21、 anymore, store can replenish goods anytime.,普通单品的补货区别 Whats the difference for normal Item replenishment,这份清单不包括 禁止入库单品,代销商品,样机单品 This report exclude “Not in the storage” items, consignment items, sample items. 在使用这份补货清单后,库房小组员工可以明确知道单品的周转情况 After use this replenishment reports in the storage, the

22、storage staff will clearly know the items rotation. 门店根据营业需要调整补货频率 Store adjust replenishment frequency according to business needs.,普通单品的补货清单- 例子 Normal Item replenishment report-Example,在优化 禁止入库单品标准之后,杂货处和百货处的库房单品数分别比之前减少了20%和13%After simplify the “ forbidden in the storage “ item principle we red

23、uce the No.of item in the storage by 20% in Grocery and 13% in Bazaar compare with before.,步骤2: 优化 禁止入库单品 标准 Step2: Optimize “ forbidden item in the storage” principle,之前的流程 (4000单品) Before process (4000 Items),现在流程 (6000单品) Now process (6000 items),Define: 定义标准 按销量按单品 (只限于低周转单品)By item by average s

24、ales (only low rotation item) 在卖场, 用库标识禁止入库单品Put “KU” signage for “forbidden item in the storage” in sales area. 把 禁止入库单品的全部库存放在卖场货架顶层, 箱子上没有任何标识Put “forbidden in the storage” stock on the top of shelf in sales area without remark on the box. 原来流程的情况Old Process status: 不容易记住这些单品,后台小组很难管理这些单品 Not eas

25、y to remember the item, difficult to control these items for back office team. 不利于促销员补货,很难分辨这些商品的库存Not easy for replenish the goods for promoters, difficult to know the item stock as well. .,Define: 定义标准 按分类按品牌(含高周转和低周转),便于管理和记忆By brand by family (include high rotation & low rotation) ,easy to remem

26、ber & manage. 使用加标签规则便于补货Easy to replenish by using tag principle 补货由促销员负责使得货架容易补足Replenishment make by promoter which makes simple to replenish the gondola. 现在流程的情况Current Process status: 清单便于记忆,便于后台对那些的商品的管理Easy to remember the list , easy to control those items for back office team. 甚至对于新促销员也很容易分

27、辨单品是否有库存Even for new promoter is easy to know items with stock and item without stock.,为什么 - 对禁止入库单品进行编号 Why - Put number for Forbidden in the storage item,为了使禁止入库单品的补货更容易, 对每个单品进行编号 In order to make easier the replenishment for forbidden in the storage items, we put number for each item. 便于管理新品排面调整

28、 Easy management for adjusting new item implementation.,如何做 -对禁止入库单品进行编号 How - To Put number for Forbidden in the storage item,货架B Element B,货架A Element A,1Level,2level,3level,4level,5level,6level,7level,8level,9level,B11,B12,B13,B14,B15,B16,B21,B31,B11 表示: 这个单品是B货架的第一层第一个单品 B11 Means: this item is

29、the first item in the element B of first level B12 表示: 这个单品是B货架上第一层第二个单品 B12 Means: this item is the second item in the element B of first level,促销员工作职责 Responsibility of the promoter,负责12部门牙膏分类的促销员 Dept.12 Toothpaste responsible promoter,卖场人员分配 Allocation by Staff in the Sales area,对于卖场容量有限的高周转单品,必

30、须放卖场以提高生产力 High rotation item but with few shelf capacity in sales area, must be put in sales area for improving productivity.,低周转单品牙刷分类必须放在卖场,便于及时补货和库存控制 Low sales rotation toothbrush must be put outside for stock controlling and replenish on time.,卖场丰满 Full in Sales Area,Front Office 前台,Back Offic

31、e 后台,Before Process 之前,Current process 现在,Shelf Replenishment 补货,Receiving Goods (1box by item go to Sales area) 到货(一箱进卖场),Arrange storage for Remain items 整理库房的剩余单品,Remaining Goods (Put On the Top or Return back to storage) 剩余货物 (放货架顶层或退回库房),Still have goods return back 仍有货物退回库房,在简化 “到货”单品补货流程之后,我们

32、可以确保: After simplify the “ Just delivery goods “ item process we can guarantee: -新品和禁止入库单品100%进卖场“New Item” & “Forbidden item in the storage” 100% in the store. - . 缺货单品到货后立即补卖场 “Shortage Item” be replenished in sales area immediately after delivery,步骤3 : 简化 到货补货 Step3: Simplify “just delivery goods

33、” Replenishment,Shelf Replenishment 补货,Storage Staff Separate the goods according to the remark 库房员工按标记分拣货物,Supplier Remark item type in R.Y 供应商在收货时, 按单品类型做标记,No Goods Return Back 没有货物退回库房,1,2,3,New Item-” 新“ No KU- ”库“ Shortage-”1,2,3。“缺货 Potential Shortage-“1,2,3.“ 潜在缺货,1,2,3,4,Before Process 之前,C

34、urrent Process 现在,Before process status: 原来流程情况 15部门的单品直接进卖场 dept.15 items directly go to sales area. 其他部门:每个单品1箱进卖场 Rest of dept: 1 box per item to sales area. Before process: 原来流程 不可能识别 “禁止入库单品” Impossible to recognize the “ forbidden in the storage items”. 不可能识别 “新品” Impossible to recognize the “

35、 new item ” 很难发现卖场的隐藏缺货Difficult to discover hiding shortage item in sales area. 潜在缺货单品到货一天之后补货 Potential shortage item replenishment 1day after delivery. 不需要补货的单品重复劳动 Double job for no need replenishment items. 库房很难遵守”先进先出”的原则 Difficult to follow the ”First in ,First out” process in the storage.,Cu

36、rrent process status: 现在流程情况 15部门的单品直接进卖场 dept.15 items directly go to sales area. 其余部门: 按单品类型和缺货数量补货 Rest of dept: replenish by item type & shortage quantity. Current process :现在流程 系统自动识别 “禁止入库单品” System automatic to recognize the“ forbidden in the storage items”. 系统自动识别”新品” System automatic recogn

37、ize the “ new item” 容易发现卖场的隐藏缺货单品Easy to discover hiding shortage item in sales area. 潜在缺货单品到货当天补货Potential shortage item replenished on delivery day. 系统识别不需要补货的单品System discover the no need replenishment items. 库房100%遵守”先进先出”原则 100% to follow the ”First in ,First out” process in the storage.,在简化了到货

38、单品补货流程之后, 前后台都减少了20%的工作量 After simplify the process we reduce the workload both for front & back office by 20%.,如何做 - 系统生成 “到货”补货单 How - System to create “just delivery goods” replenishment report,系统根据单品类型生成 “到货”补货单 System create “just delivery goods” replenishment report according to item type 单品没有

39、库存也没有实际满排面量 新品Item without stock and without real shelf capacity-New Item -按每箱一个补货(只有课长能决定新品的卖场排面) Will be 1 quantity per pack (only Sales Manager can decide New item implementation in sales area) 单品没有库存但有实际满排面量 缺货单品Item without stock but with real shelf capacity-Shortage Item -按实际满排面量的数量补货Fill up q

40、uantity will be equal real shelf capacity 单品有库存但小于实际满排面量-潜在缺货Item with stock but less than real shelf capacity-Potential shortage -按实际满排面量和库存的差异量补货 Fill up quantity will be the difference between real shelf capacity & stock 禁止入库单品- 库存放在卖场货架顶层Forbidden in storage Item list-Stock on the top of shelf in sales area -按收货数量补货Fill up quantity will be equal to receiving quantity.,如何做 - 库房员工如何对 “到货”进行补货 How - How to replenish for “just delivery goods” By storage staff,“到货”补货流程“ Just delivery goods” replenishment process:,前台员工只对下列单品使用紧急


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