




2、阅读时还要注意分清在这些对话中,哪些是作铺垫的,哪些是照应前面的,而哪些才是体现“幽默”的。当你读完一篇幽默故事之后,你若还看不出其幽默之所在,建议你再去仔细体会一下文章中的对话,而尤其是最后的几句对话,再联系你的生活常识,幽默往往在此由于中西方人思维方式的差异,加之同学们生活经验和阅历等方面的欠缺,往往不能品味出幽默故事类文章之幽默所在。这就要求同学们在写作时,要仔细揣摩事情发生的背景、特别是要重点把握文章最后几句画龙点睛的话,分析它们与上下文的对应关系,看透作品所开的善意玩笑,即幽默点,才能真正深层理解文章幽默之所在。阅读怎样写幽默故事teaching genre: humorous fi

3、ction / scholastic professional booksplanning a setting the setting is where and when the story takes place. for example, the setting of “elephant crackers” is a house in todays suburbs. the setting of “the glorious whitewasher” is a front yard in the american midwest a hundred years ago. plan a set

4、ting for your story characters to move around in and react to. jot down as many details as you can.1. where does the story take place?_ 2. when does it take place?_ _ 3. list any objects, animals, or other things in your setting that will be important in your story._ 4. to help you visualize your se

5、tting, include the details that will be important as the story moves along below. then draw a map of it on a separate sheet of paper._ _writing a draftwrite a rough draft of your humorous story. as you write, keep these questions in mind:1. does my story tell about an ordinary problem being solved i

6、n an unexpected, funny way?2. have i concentrated on a special kind of humor, such as poking fun, exaggerating,or dramatic irony?3. do my main story characters have very definite personalities?4. does my dialogue sound natural?5. is the setting clear? are there enough details to make it come alive f

7、or my readers? when your draft is finished, write a title for your story. 6. check your draft. is it clear enough for a writing partner to read it easily?7. write some questions and concerns about your story that you would like your writing partner to help you with._ _a writing conferenceexchange st

8、ories with a partner. read your partners story carefully. use the questions on page 42 to evaluate your partners work. also read what your partner has written about special questions and concerns.1. what parts of your partners story are funniest?_ _ 2. are there any parts of the story that you dont

9、understand? if so, write your questions here._ _ 3. what are your answers to your partners specific questions?_ _ 4. one way to evaluate a humorous story is to decide if it reminds you of something thats happened in real life. what real-life events are you reminded of as you read your partners story

10、?_ _ l get together and discuss each others humorous stories. remember to make specific suggestions, not vague ones. vague: fix the part about the alarm clocks.specific: maybe it would be funnier if you had all the alarm clocks going off at slightly different times.真题点拨 结合下面的提要,写一篇幽默故事1. 一个金发碧女找医生想寻

11、求减肥的方法。2. 医生建议她吃谷物和蔬菜两天,然后隔一天(skip a day),再反复如此两周。3. 一段时间后,她减肥20磅。医生很吃惊。4. 秘诀是:跳跃。【经典再现】the perfect dieta terribly overweight blonde woman goes to her doctor about her weight, so her doctor puts her on a diet. i want you to eat vegetables and grains for 2 days, then skip a day, and repeat this proce

12、dure for 2 weeks. the next time i see you, you will have lost at least 5 pounds.when the blonde returned, she shocked the doctor by losing nearly 20 pounds.why, thats amazing! the doctor said, did you follow my instructions?the blonde nodded. ill tell you though; i thought i was going to drop dead t

13、hat third day.from hunger, you mean?no, from skipping.实战演练1根据下面的提示,写一篇幽默故事,要有出人意料的结局。两辆车发生了交通事故,但是幸运的是男司机和女司机都没有受伤,女司机提议庆祝一下,从车里拿出一瓶酒来,男司机很高兴,喝了一大口,但是女司机却没有喝-accidental celebrationa woman and a man get into a car accident, and its a bad one. both cars are totally destroyed, but amazingly neither of

14、them is hurt. after they move slowly out of their cars, the woman says, so youre a man, thats interesting. and im a woman. wow! just look at our cars. theres nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. this must be a sign from god that we should meet and become friends and live together in peace th

15、e rest of our days. the man replied, i agree with you completely; this must be a sign from god!the woman continued, and look at this - heres another miracle. my car is completely destroyed but this bottle of mogen david wine didnt break. surely god wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good

16、fortune.so she hands the bottle to the man. the man nods his head in agreement, opens it and takes a few big swigs from the bottle, then hands it back to the woman. the woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man. the man takes the bottle and asks, arent yo

17、u having any?the woman replies, no. i think i will just wait for the police.2根据下面的提示,写一篇故事。1. 我的一位朋友看到一个男子在时代广场的地铁车站摇摇晃晃地走。 2. 我朋友问他怎么样,那男子含糊而肯定地回答说没问题。3. 他跟在那家伙的后面,又一次问道:“你肯定你没事?-” 4. 他所注意的对象终于忍耐不住了,对他低声咆哮道-注意:1. 可以适当增加内容,使文章衔接2. 词汇:undercover cop 便衣警察a man who said noa friend of mine noticed a man

18、 walking unsteadily about in the times square subway station. a well-dressed wall street type, his coat was unbuttoned, a briefcase hanged from his hand and hed obviously had one too many. asked if he was all right, the man gave a unclear but positive response. however, my friend simply could not se

19、e someone brave the rough maw of a new york subway without trying to help. he followed the guy, and again asked, are you sure youre all right? what subway are you looking for? do you need help getting home? at last, the object of his attentions roared, in a low voice, leave me alone! im an undercove

20、r cop! 3短期假日结合下面的故事的情节,写出一篇完整的故事。1. 亚伦以前休假,他经常去海边。但有一年,他看到报纸上有一则广告:“领略乡村生活。在唯利屋农场度假数周,可享受:美味佳肴” 2. 这到是个好主意, 3. 四天后,他回来了。 4. “唯利屋发生什么事了?”他的朋友问他, 5. “乡村生活是很好,”亚伦说,“但是有一个问题。” 6. “第一天,一只羊死了。我们的饭是烤羊肉。” 7. 一只牛死了。 8. 第三天,一头猪死了 9.第四天,农场主死了 a short holidayalan worked in an in the city. he worked very hard an

21、d really looked forward to his holidays. he usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw an ad in a newspaper enjoy country life. spend a few weeks at willow farm. good food, fresh air, horse riding, walking, fishing. reasonable prices. this sounds like a good idea. he thought, i 11 spend a month at willow farm. ill en


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