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1、Unit 8,Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?,Section A 1 1a-1c,Warming up,Whats your favorite fruit?,apple,strawberry,orange,banana,pear,watermelon,tea,water,coffee,juice,Whats your favorite drink?,milk shake,奶昔(由牛奶和冰淇淋等搅制而成的混合饮料),milk,Lead-in,Do you like milk shake?,Can you make a banana milk

2、 shake?,blender,ice-cream,banana,knife,milk,What do we need?,turn on cut up drink peel pour put,How do we make it?,1a,Write these words in the blanks in the picture above.,_ the bananas.,Peel,_ the bananas.,Cut up,_ the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.,Put,+,_ the milk into the blender.,Pour,_

3、the blender.,Turn on,_ the milk shake.,Drink,Listening,_ Turn on the blender. _ Cut up the bananas. _ Drink the milk shake. _ Pour the milk into the blender. _ Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. _ Peel three bananas.,1,5,2,6,4,3,Listen and put the instructions in order.,1b,Tell me what yo

4、u see.,Game,peel,cut up,put into ,turn on,drink,pour into .,How do you make a banana milk shake?,First, peel the bananas,Pair work,1c,Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake.,Next,cut up .,Then,put and in the blender.,Next,pour into the blender.,Then,turn on .,Finally, drink .,1. Turn on t

5、he blender.,Language points,turn on 打开 如果其宾语为名词(短语)时,该名词(短语)位于turn on后面或者turn与on之间;如果其宾语为代词时,该代词应位于turn 与on之间。,e.g. Please turn on the TV / turn the TV on. The blender is here. Turn it on quickly. 【拓展】 turn相关的短语 turn up (调高), turn down (调低), turn off (关掉)等 它们的用法和turn on的用法相同。,Exercises,根据汉语提示填词。,1. Can you _ (切碎) the vegetables, Tom? 2. Put the bananas in (将放进) the b


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