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1、Unit 2,Colours,Reading : Colours and moods,New words and expressions,1.mood,the way you are feeling,(c) n心情,情绪,She s in a good mood today.,Colours can change our moods.,2.influence,to make someone/something change,vt. 影响,What we read influences our thinking.,Colours can influence our moods.,3. wheth

2、er,to express a doubt between two possibilities,conj.是否,I dont know whether/if he is satisfied with my work.,I wonder whether/if it is true.,注意区别: weather 天气, whether是否,4. characteristic,a typical quality that sb/sth has,(c)n. 特征,特性,The two groups of children have quite different characteristics.,5.

3、 calm,not excited, nervous or upset, adj. 平静的,沉着的,Its important to keep calm when you are in danger ., v. 使平静,Please calm down!,6. relaxed,calm and not worried or anxious,adj. 放松的,自在的,I feel relaxed when I am at home.,注意:relax 动词,Just relax and enjoy the movie.,7. peace,no war or violence,(u)n. 和平,W

4、e love peace.,注意:peaceful 形容词,peacefully 副词,Blue brings peace to our mind and body.,8. sadness,the feeling of being sad or unhappy,n. 悲哀,忧伤,Blue can also represent sadness.,注意: sad 形容词,9. purity,the state with nothing added,n. 纯洁,White is the colour of purity.,注意: pure 形容词 (eg:pure water ),10. weddi

5、ng,a marriage ceremony,n. 婚礼,结婚庆典,I was invited to their wedding.,Many women like to wear white on their wedding.,prefer,like one thing better than another,vt. 更喜欢, 宁愿选择,I prefer apples to bananas.,I prefer walking to cycling.,I prefer to walk rather than cycle.,注意: 过去式 preferred(双写 r ),I prefer to

6、walk.,I prefer apples.,12. create,to make sth happen,to produce,vt. 造成,创造,创建,Warm colours can create a warm and comfortable feeling.,The government plans to create more jobs for young people.,注意: creative 形容词,有创造性的,13. feeling,something that you feel,n. 感觉,感受,Warm colours can create a warm and comfo

7、rtable feeling.,注意: feel 动词 ,感觉,(feel-felt-felt),14. cheer up,to make someone happier,使振作起来,Orange can cheer you up when you are feeling sad.,15. remind,to help sb remember,vt. 提醒,使想起,The story reminds me of my childhood.,Yellow can remind you of a sunny day.,16. wisdom,being wise,n. 智慧,He is a man

8、of great wisdom.,Yellow is the colour of wisdom.,注意: wise 形容词 ,明智的,聪明的 He is a wise man.,17. envy,the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has,n. 羡慕,嫉妒,He looked at her with envy.,He is green with envy (嫉妒的,眼红的).,注意: envy 还是动词, I envy you .,18. require,to require means to need,vt. 需要,需求,The pet requi

9、res a lot of care.,The room requires cleaning(相当于:requires to be cleaned).,注意1: require doing 主动表被动,注意2: requirement 名词形式,19. strength,power,(u)n. 力量,He didnt have the strength to walk any further.,If you require strength in either body or mind, red may be helpful to you.,20. heat,being hot,(u)n. 热,

10、He can feel the heat of the sun.,注意: hot 是形容词,21. difficulty,a problem,or something that causes problems,(u)n. (抽象的)困难,费力 (c)n. (具体的)困难(多用复数),He has difficulty (in) learning maths.,注意1: have difficulty (in) doing sth做某事费劲,注意2: difficult 是形容词(切勿混淆) 比较:He finds it difficult to learn maths.,22. decision,choice,(c)n. 决定,He has made a decision to stu


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