四年级上册unit3 my friends.ppt_第1页
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四年级上册unit3 my friends.ppt_第5页
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1、B Read and write,Unit 3 My Friends,short,thin,small,white,tall,strong,long,black,big,Yes,No,quiet,friendly,描述性格 单词,描述外貌 词组,Jingxiang,She is_and_.,She has_.,Her name is_.,She has_.,A: B:,He/She is_and_.,He/She has_,His/Her name is_.,A: B:,Daxiong,Jingxiang,He/ She has_.,单词银行 tall thin shotr strong qu

2、iet friendly ,long hair short hair big eyes yellow shoes purple bag black glasses,Xiaofu,Daxiong,Jingxiang,Xiaofu,He is_and_.,He has_.,Look at Panghu.,He has_.,He is not_.,Daxiong,Jingxiang,Xiaofu,Let run away.,Daxiong,Jingxiang,Xiaofu,It is_and_.,It has_.,Its name is _.,It has_.,I dont know.,I lost

3、 my friends.,Ok,fill the forms.,His name is _.,He is_and_.,He has_. He has_.,He is 12 years old.,Child Lost 寻人启事,Ok,fill the form.,Her name is _.,She is_and_.,She has_. She has_.,She is 11 years old.,Child Lost 寻人启事,Ok,fill the form.,His name is _.,He is_and_.,He has_. He has_.,He is 11 years old.,C

4、hild Lost 寻人启事,His name is _.,He is tall and friendly.,He has black glasses.,He is 12 years old.,He has a big purple bag.,Who is she? ( ),She is tall and quiet.,She has long hair and big eyes.,She is 11 years old.,She has pink shoes.,His name is _.,He is thin and short.,He has short hair.,He is 11 years old.,He has a grey and yellow hat.,He is near Jingxiang.,Daxiong,Jingxiang,Xiaofu,Amanwhohasfriends mustshowhimselffriendly. 要有朋友,必须以友谊待人。,James,Ann,Kate,Ben,His name is _.,He is_and_.,He has_. He has_.,He is _ years old.,Child Lost,瘦小,短头发,小眼睛,黄T恤,2009年5月1日


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