



1、四年级英语下册Unit 1-4Class_ Name _ No._一选择正确的字母补全单词, ( ) 1._ _ip A. ch B. sh C. th( ) 2.p_ _ ch A. ae B. au C.ea( ) 3.h_ _pital A. so B. os C. as( ) 4.th_ _ter A. ea B. ae C. ee( ) 5. playgr_ _nd A. oa B. ea C. ou( ) 6.b_rr_w A. a,o B.o,e C. o,o( ) 7.borr_ _ A. ew B. ow C.aw( )8.l_ _ch room A. an B. un C.

2、 en( )9.b_ _ch A.ee B.ei C.ea( )10.tw_ _ ty-five A. an B.in C.en二模仿例句写句子。Model 1: Is there a living room in your home? Yes, there is._(a garden/ no)_(two dinning rooms)Model 2: Where are you going? Im going to the park._(Tony/ shopping mall)_(they/zoo)Model 3: May I borrow an English book? Yes, plea

3、se._(watch TV/no)_(listen to a song)三单项选择题。( )1.May I _a balloon? No, you may not. Sorry. A. call B. have C. borrow( )2._ bedrooms are there in your home? Theres one. A. How B. How old C. How many( )3.We usually see a movie in the _. A. beach B. movie theater C. shopping mall( )4._ there two teacher

4、s offices in your school? No, there _. A. Are, are B. Is, isnt C. Are, arent( )5._Lisa going to the hospital? No, she _.A. Is, isnt B. Does, doesnt C. Do, dont( )6.爸爸告诉珍妮我们要搬新家,珍妮不开心,爸爸会安慰她说:_ A. Be happy, Jenny. B. Be happy, Tony. C. Thank you, Jenny.( )7.你的同学问你打算去哪里,他会问:_ A. Where are you going? B

5、. Are you going to the park? C. Im going to the park ( )8.做完作业后,你想听音乐,妈妈同意后会说:_A. No, you may not. Sorry. B. Yes, you may not. C. Yes, you may.( )9. 司机告诉你,这辆车不是去大昌超市的,他这样说:_A. This bus is going to the D.C market. B. This bus isnt going to the D.C. market.C. This bus dont going to the D.C. market.( )

6、10.你想告诉你的朋友,你学校的美术室很美,你会说:_A. The art room is big. B. The art room is nice. C. The art room is new.四选词填空。( supermarket,hospital, restaurant, bank, beach, are )1. I have no money(钱). Im going to the _ to get some.2. We are hungry(饿的). Lets go to the _,OK?3. Its very hot. Tony and Tom _ _ going to the

7、_to swim.4. My mother doesnt feel well(不舒服). He is going to the_.5. We need some fish for lunch. We are going to the _to buy some.五看图完成句子,一空一词。 (1) (2) (3) (4)1. A: _ is the old man going? B: Hes going to the _.2. A: _Lisa going to the_? B: Yes, _is.3. A: What are you _? B: Im _TV.4. A: _ there an _

8、room in your school? B: Yes, there is.六阅读,判断下列句子与短文内容相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。TodayisSunday.Buteveryoneinmyfamilyisbusy.Myfatheriscleaninghiscar.Mymotheriscooking.MysisterLilyissweeping the floor.Look!Benismakinghis bed.Whoshe?Hesmylittlebrother.WhatamIdoing?Ah,Imsleepingnow.ImLucy.()1.Lucyisdustingthefurniture.()2.ItsSaturdaytoday.()3.BenisLucysbrother.( )4.Bensmotheriscookingnow.()5.Lucysfatherismakingthebed. 七根据实际情况回答问题。1.How many classrooms are there in your school?_2.Are the


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