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1、句式转换,三、谓语的转换,(一) 名词谓语句(即系表结构以名词为表语的句子),1. 英语中用名词作表语译成汉语时多用动词作谓语。 For the next eight or ten months, Oliver was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception. 在此后的八至十个月里,奥利佛遭遇了一连串的背信和欺诈。 Two soldiers lay on the ground- one was a corpse.地上躺着两个士兵,一个已经死了。,(一) 名词谓语句,2. er与者(译成动词谓语句) Neither

2、 a borrower(告贷者), nor a lender (借钱者) be; for loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry(精打细算). 不要向人告贷,也不要借钱给人;因为债款放了出去,往往不但是丢了本钱,而且还失去了朋友;向人告贷的结果则容易养成因循懒惰的习惯(反译法)。,(一) 名词谓语句 2. er与者(不好等同),He is a chain smoker. All teachers are tough markers here. He was consider

3、ed a bad/good loser. My families are all early risers.,他抽烟抽地很厉害。 这里的老师打分都很严格。 大家都认为他输不起他是个输得起的人。他拿得起放得下。 我们家人都起得早。,(一) 名词谓语句 2. er与者(汉译英的活用),她衣着时髦。 我怕坐飞机。 他迷上了古典音乐。 他的歌唱得比吉他弹得好。,She is sharp dresser. I am a very nervous flier. He became a great fan of classical music. He is more of a singer than a g

4、uitar player.,(一) 名词谓语句 (名-名,名-形,名-动),And yet Mao was an accomplished scholar of Classical Chinese, an omnivorous reader, a deep student of philosophy and history, a good speaker, a man with an unusual memory and extraordinary powers ofconcentration, an able writer, careless in his personal babits a

5、nd appearance but astonishingly merticulous about details of duty , a man of tireless energy , and a politcal strategist of considerable genius. 然而毛泽东还是一个精通中国旧学的有成就的学者,他博览群书,对哲学和历史有深入的研究,他有演讲和写作的才能,记忆力异乎常人,专心致志的能力不同寻常,个人习惯和外表落拓不羁,但是对于工作却事无巨细都一丝不苟,他精力过人,不知疲倦,是一个颇有天才的军事和政治战略家。,(二)动词谓语句,1. 英语多用动宾词组作谓语,

6、若此宾语乃是形容词转化而成,则译成汉语时仍然转为形容词谓语句。 The story has something deeply impressive, though its circumstances cannot altogether be reconciled with probability. 故事虽然不大合情理,倒也相当动人。 Stainless steels possess good hardness and high strength. 不锈钢硬度高,强度大。,(三)英语强调句译成汉语“是”字句,1. 形式主语强调句(点出形式主语所指代者) “It was not I that as

7、ked for the opium,” he said defiantly; “it was the others who insisted on giving it to me”. “鸦片并不是我要吞服的,” 他挑战似的说:“那是人家硬要给我的。” “You were as pretty as a picture in that pink hat,”he said. She laughed with pleasure” Oh, I guess it was the hat.” “ 你戴上那顶粉红的帽子,漂亮得像画中的美人,”他说。她愉快的笑了出来,“喔,我想漂亮的是帽子吧。”,(三)英语强调

8、句译成汉语“是”字句,2. 反问强调句 “About the ballet-girl, you mean?” “Yes, he persuaded her the girl was going to be the lion of the season. Signora Grassini would do anything for a celebrity.” “你是说那个跳芭蕾舞的女孩吗?” “是的,他骗她说那个女孩将来会红极一时,而对于明星,西格诺拉格西拉这个女人是干什么都愿意的。 “ It is hungry,” he said fiercely, “You dont know what that means, do you?” “它饿了,” 他恶狠狠地说,“你是不懂什么叫饿,是不是?”,(三)英语强调句译成汉语“是”字句,3. 词语结构表强调(do, does) I did like you, but you didnt care about that! 我是喜欢你,可你那时根本不在乎这一点! He is rich , to be sure , and you may have more fine clothes and fine carriag


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