七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital》教案1 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital》教案1 (新版)仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语下册《Unit 6 Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital》教案1 (新版)仁爱版_第3页




1、Unit6 Topic 3 Which is the way to the hospital?Section A (第一课时)教学目标:1掌握本课词汇、短语;2会用本课所学知识来问路、指路;3通过情景练习来提高学生的口语表达能力和对英语的学习兴趣。重点:掌握本课词汇、短语;难点:学习问路、指路教法: 321模式 学法: 比赛学习 教学步骤: 一、导入新课1. Help the students revise the words and expressions in last topic. 2. Take out a toy and a box.T: What can you see?Ss: A

2、 toy and a box.T: (Put the toy on the box.) Where is the toy?Ss: Its on the box.T: (Put the toy in the box.) And now?Ss: Its in the box.二、自主学习1学习词汇 bridge along turn crossing across meter across from Tsinghua University Peking University Haidian Theater 2读一读41页1a并翻译以下句子.(1) Go up this street to the

3、end ,and youll find it on your left .(2 )How can I get to the bookstore?(3 )Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first crossing.(4) Go across the bridge.(5 )Which is the way to the post office?(6 )Thank you all the same!三、合作探究。一、注意下列句子。1 Go up this street to the end ,and youll find it on your

4、 left.沿着这条路一直走到尽头,你会看到它(银行)在你的右边。youll是 you will 的缩写形式。Will意为“会;能”如:The car will hold five people. 这辆车能坐五人。2 Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first crossing.(1)go along沿着走 如Go along the street, and youll find the hospital.(2)turn left at the first crossing 相当于turn left at the first corner

5、.3 Its about one hundred meters along on the right.4 Im new here. new在此意为“新来的,初来乍到的”。二问路的几种基本句型。1 Excuse me, is there a bank near here?2 Excuse me, How can I get to the bookstore?3 Excuse me, Which is the way to the post office? 四、课堂检测。 用词组的适当形式填空。1 Which is _ _ _ (去的路) the park?2 There is a small s

6、hop _ _ _ _(在的拐角处) Jinshan Road.3 The train station is _ _(在对面 ) the supermarket.4 There is a post office _ the school _(在和之间) the park.5 How can _ _(到达) Guxi Street?五、课堂小结。 Asking the way Excuse me, is there a (an)near here?Excuse me, how can I get to?Excuse me, which is the way to? Giving directio

7、ns Go up/along this street to the end, andTurn left/right at the first crossing.Its aboutmeters along on the right.Go across the bridge. Prepositional phrases on, on the corner of, across from, betweenand 六、布置作业。 1. Suppose you are standing at A in the picture. Make up new conversations of asking the way and giving


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