七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Abilities》教案2 牛津版_第1页
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1、江苏省大丰市万盈二中七年级英语下册Unit 5 Abilities教案2 牛津版课 题Comic strip and Welcome to the unit总第 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 1教 具A recorder and teaching picturesTeaching aims: 1.To learn the comic strip about the two dogs to present the use of “can” and “cant”.2.To revise vocabulary about helping people in communit

2、y.3.To generate ideas about ways to care for and help others.4.To educate the students to be polite and helpful to others.Main points and Difficult points: To generate ideas about ways to care for and help others.To learn the comic strip about the two dogs to present the use of “can” and “cant”.Lang

3、uage focus: helping Hands Club/give seats to someone on the busplant trees/clean up/a home for the elderlycollect things for Project Hope/give awards to peoplerecommend sb for an award/ write a recommendation letterVocabulary:ability /Superdog /fly /careful/ collect /elderly.Teaching Procedures:Teac

4、hers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPersonal designStep 1 Warming upStep 2 PresentationStep 3 Comic strip1. First get some information from the pictures and then ask questions:1) What does Eddie want to do?2) Can dogs fly?3) What happened to Eddie?4) What do you think of Eddie?3. Ask students to think

5、 about the consequences of their daily actions Guide students to understand what they can do and cant do.Read and act.Step 4 Learning “Helping Hands Club”.2. Ask questions about the pictures:1) What is Daniel doing ?Do you often help the old or the blind cross the road?2) What is Sandy doing? Why sh

6、ould we plant more trees?3) Where are Daniel and the woman with a baby? What is happening? Have you ever given seats to others? 4) Which place is it? What are the children doing now? Have you ever done something good like this?3. Ask the ss to read and understand the sentences.Play a game called: I

7、can Watch a video about “Superman”.Talk about the things what Superman can do in groups and report .Talk about dogs can do and cant do.2. Listen to the tape and guess the meaning of “Superdog, hurt, be careful1. Free talk: How to be a helpful person?Present pictures about Daniel and his friends.5) W

8、hat are the students doing from the pictures? How much did you donate to the Project Hope this term? Is it better to give than to receive? Why?6) Where are Daniel and his friends? What are they doing? Do you often leave rubbish everywhere? Is it our duty to protect our environment?Step 5 Make a surv

9、eyFill in the table about what you have done in your daily life at school to see if you are a polite and helpful boy/girl? If not ,What should you do next?1. Can you Say hello to teachers when you meet them?2. Can you clean the classroom carefully when you are on duty?3. Can you pick up the rubbish

10、in the classroom or around the campus?4. Can you help your classmate with their homework?5. Can you help stand in line at dinner time?6. Can you give the thing back to the person who lost it?7. Can you do something good to your teachers?8. Can you look after the things in our classroom?9. Can you ta

11、ke care of your classmate who is ill?10. Can you keep our classroom clean and tidy?To see how many are good enough and how many should improve their behavior.Group work: What can /can you do in public? then ask the group leader to have a report.Homework1. Recite the dialogue and remember the sentenc

12、es on Page 73.2. Writing: “How to be a helpful person ?”7B Unit 5 Abilities 课 题Reading 1总第 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 2教 具A recorder, teaching pictures, multimedia Teaching aims: 1. Enable the Ss to understand the text accurately by skimming and scanning the text.2. Enable the Ss to grasp the langu

13、age points of the text. New words: brave fire alone smoke hurt pour rush save blanket burn arm danger dangerous safe careless Useful expressions in the textMain points and Difficult points: Have the Ss retell the text. Make sure that Ss understand the text accurately.Teaching methods: Task-based app

14、roachTeaching Procedures:Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPersonal designStep I: Warming up activities Talk about danger.In our daily lives, if we are not careful, we can have some dangerous things such as traffic accident, fire accident, and so on. Did you have an accident? Step II: RevisionPl

15、ay the slide with the vocabulary on the big screen by the computer.Step III: Presentation Present the new lesson “A brave young man” by showing the picture of the text. Step IV: Reading Task 1: First ask the Ss three easy questions and let the Ss answer them after listening to the tape. (Books close

16、d) (Play the slide with the following questions on the big screen by the computer.) Who had the fire accident? How old was Mrs. Sun? Who saved Mrs. Sun?Task 2: Ask the Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the question: What is the main idea of the text?(Play the slide with this question on the

17、big screen by the computer.)Task 4: Let the Ss consolidate the text by doing a fill-in-blank exercise.(Play the slide with the exercise on the big screen by the computer.)There was a fire in the Mrs. Suns kitchen on 10th May. Mrs. Sun could not get out of the kitchen because she hurt her leg. Zhang

18、Hua, a 25-year-old young man, rushed into her kitchen and saved her. The fire was quite hot and there was a lot of smoke, but he was not afraid. He put out the fire with a blanket and helped her out. The fire burnt him. He was in hospital for two months. Many people visited him and brought flowers a

19、nd presents. They said that Zhang Hua was a very, very brave young man. Step VI: To practice reading the text aloud Let the Ss read the text loudly together.If any students have ever had an accident, ask them to talk about what they did.Review vocabulary related to the text. e.g. brave fire alone sm

20、oke hurt pour rush save blanket burn arm danger careless safety.Talk about what happened in the picture.Task 3: Let the Ss read again the text carefully and find some important details in the text, and then answer the following questions. (Play the slides with the questions on the big screen by the

21、computer.) When / Where was the fire? Was there a lot of smoke? Why could not Mrs. Sun get out of the kitchen? How did Zhang Hua save Mrs. Sun? How did Zhang Hua put out the fire? Did he do anything to keep himself safe? Was he afraid? Did the fire burn Zhang Hua? How long did he stay in hospital? W

22、hat did people bring Zhang Hua when they visited him?Step VII: To retell the text(Play the slide with the key words and phrases on the big screen by the computer.)Guide the Ss to try to retell the text according to some key words and phrases given by the teacher if time permits.key words and phrases

23、: fire, kitchen, hurt, rush, put out, blanket, save, burn, be in hospital, flowers and presents, a brave young man.Homework1. Understand the text further and try to retell the text.2. Learn the language points and make sentences using useful expressions in the text.7B Unit 5 Abilities 课 题Reading 2总第

24、 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 3教 具A recorder Teaching aims: To identify names of specific places and actionsTo skim the text for overall meaning and scan for detailMain points and Difficult points: The language points in this lesson.Teaching Procedures:Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPersonal d

25、esignStep 1. Revision1. Words dictation1. ability 2. Superdog 3. fly 4. careful 5.carefully 6. collect 7.elderly 8.brave 9. alone 10. smoke 11. hurt 12. pour 13. over 14. rush 15. save 16. put out 17. blanket 18. burn 19. arm 20. fire2. Part ARevise the vocabulary in the text by giving the definitio

26、ns.3. Read Ask students to read the text after the tape again.Let students ask and answer questions about the story.Step2: The explanation of language points in the text Explain useful expressions in the text by giving examples.1. help sb. out of a fire / dangerYesterday Jim helped a little girl out

27、 of danger.2. alone = by oneselfMy parents were out just now, so I am alone now.Peter can do his homework alone.3. hear / find / see / watch sb. doing sthI heard Simon singing in the next room at ten yesterday morningThe teacher found them talking happily when she came into the classroom.4. 79-year-

28、oldMrs. Sun is a 79-year-old woman.= Mrs. Sun is 79 years old.5. at that moment = at that timeJust at that moment, the door opened and the teacher walked in.6. put out Zhang Hua put out the fire with a blanket at last.7. be in hospitalMy friend was ill yesterday, so he is in hospital now.8. What a b

29、rave young man! (Here only explain the meaning of the sentence.)What a beautiful flower! What beautiful flowers!9. Its + adj. for sb. to do sth.Its important for us to learn English well.10. be careful with sthThese glasses are very expensive, so please be careful with them.Step 3 Part CFirst read t

30、he task to understand it.Read the dialogue to find out and correct the mistakes.Read the conversation in pairs.Act it out.Step4 An interview (Part B)Do it in groups. In each group one student can be Zhang Hua, the others can be reporters to interview him. Then choose some groups to perform.Step5. Fi

31、re safety (Part D)Read the sentences and match the right pictures.Read out the sentences.Notes: leave on , keep away fromAsk students to think of other ways about fire safety. Eg: Dont run on the stairs. Dont play on the road. Dont lean out the window.Homework(1) Revise words and phrases in this les

32、son.(2) Do some exercises.7B Unit 5 Abilities课 题Vocabulary总第 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 4教 具A recorder and teaching picturesTeaching aims: To use different suitable adjectives to describe peoples behavior and character.Introduce the use of the prefix un- and suffix less to form opposites.New words:

33、grateful , quick , slow , rude , recommend , award , super , sportswomanMain points and Difficult points: To use different suitable adjectives to describe peoples behavior and character.Introduce the use of the prefix un- and suffix less to form opposites.Teaching methods: task-based approachTeachin

34、g task: 1 To develop an understanding of the use of adjectives in different context. 2 To use suitable adjectives to describe peoples behavior and character.Teaching Procedures:Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPersonal design复习环节1 复习p76-80的知识点预习环节1 预习p81的生词,掌握其读音、词义、词性、基本用法。2 完成p81的练习并读B部分了解文章大

35、意。3读B部分回答下列问题:1.Who does Simon would like to recommend for the Grade 7Most Helpful Student Award? 2.Where does Daniel spend a lot of time ?3.Why do the other members of the club like him very much?4.What is Daniel good at?5.Who did Daniel help last week?二自主学习1你会使用形容词来描述一个人吗?请试着使用下列词语来描述你身边的同学、朋友、老师。

36、勇敢_ 乐于助人_ 友善_ 细心_小心_ 有礼貌的_ 感激的_ 快的_开心的_( 1)新单词的呈现 2)描述张华的品质 3)学生讨论描述某个人 )三深化学习讲解p81B部分的知识点1 recommend sb. for sth.2 be kind /polite/grateful/ helpful to sb.3 think of others first4 spend a lot of time at the Helping Hands Club5 tell younger students to be careful6 play water sports7 fall down (fell)

37、8 be grateful to him / be grateful for his help / be grateful to sb. for sth.9 have the award四当堂检测1.Daniel不但善良而且勇敢Daniel is not only _ but also _.2他为俱乐部做了许多电脑方面的工作。He _ a lot of _ _ _ the club .3他常常想起那部有趣的电影。He often _ _ that _ film .4我想推荐Amy为最佳女运动员。I would like _ _ Amy _ the Best sportswoman _.5当你进

38、行水上运动时请当心!_ _ when you play _ _.6 昨天李老师不小心从自行车上摔了下来。Mr Li _ _ from the bike carelessly yesterday .7 多勤奋的学生啊!_ _ _ they are!Homework1) 朗读并背诵课文 2) 完成P81课后补充作业7B Unit 5 Abilities 课 题Grammar 1总第 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 5教 具MultimediaTeaching aims: 1 To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “

39、could” to express ability in the present and past. 2 To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to talk about possibility in the present and past. Main points and Difficult points: 1 To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past. 2

40、To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to talk about possibility in the present and past. Teaching methods: task-based approach Teaching Procedures:Teachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPersonal designStep 1. Warming up.1) Make a survey. “What can you do now?”Ask: Can you ride a bi

41、ke / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess? (Yes , I can. / No, I cant.)Show the students answers on the screen .Then ask the others:Can she / he ?3) Work in pairsAsk the partner more questions like above and write down their answers , then report to the class.Step 2. Presentation.1) Ask st

42、udent A and B again:Could you ride a bike five years ago ?(Help them answer:Yes, I could./ No, I couldnt.)4) Use “could” to ask the partner the same questions about the past, then repeat.5) Work out the rule. Positive: can/ could Negative: cant/ Couldnt Question: Can ?/ Could ?Step 3. Practice.1) Wo

43、rk alone.(Part A1)2) Get the students to report themselves like above.3) Talk about the tables freely in pairs.eg. Can Sandy row a boat now? Could he do it last year?4) Complete the conversation of Part A2.Step 4 Sum up:1) The differences between “can” and “be able to”2) Another use of “can” & “coul

44、d”:Eg. Can / Could I help you?2) Say the whole sentences:eg: A. can ride a bike.He cant / cannot swim.(Write them down on the blackboard.)Get the students to repeat and talk about student B like above:2) Get the students to ask the teacher about the past of A and B.Could he / she ? (Yes, he / she co

45、uld. / No, he / she couldnt.)3) Teach the students to say the whole sentences:A could ride a bike five years ago.He couldnt swim five years ago.(The same as B)5) Explain:We can use “am (is , are) able to “ instead of “can”,and “was (were) able to “ instead of “could“.eg.Mike can sing more than 20 En

46、glish songs. Mike is able to She could speak English when she was four.She was able toGet the students to give more examples.Step 5. Presentation.1.Say: Zhang Hua works hard. It is possible for him to pass the exam.(He can pass the exam) Nick didnt bring a football to school.It is not possible for u

47、s to play football after class.(We cant play football after class.)It was sunny last Sunday. It was possible for the children to go to the park.(The children could go to the park)Millie had no money yesterday. It was not possible for her to buy that coat. (She couldnt buy that coat.)Step 6. Practice

48、:1. Fill in the blanks.2. Work in pairs to talk about something that can / could / cant / couldnt happen.3. Report to the class.4. Explain:If we think something is sure to happen, Wed better use “must”. eg.I saw Mr Yang in the library a moment ago. He must(一定) be in the school now.(Get the students

49、to give more examples)2.Show the sentences above on the screen and explain them to the students:We use “can” / “could” to say that something is / was possible to happen.3. Get the students to explain with “possible”.Fire can be dangerous if we are not careful.Mr. Sun cant be at home because I saw hi

50、m at school just now.I didnt lose my key so I could get in.Mr. Sun could not get out because he hurt his leg.Step 7. Presentation.1. Ask:May I speak to ?May I take this picture away?2. Introduce the idea that we also use “may” and “might” to express possibilities.eg. I am free today, I may go on an

51、outing. He feels very tired, He might have a good rest at home.Note:1)“Might” is the past from of “may”, but here it is also used to express degrees of possibilities.2)The differences between “my/might” and “can/could”.7B Unit 5 Abilities 课 题Grammar 2总第 课时上课时间年 月 日 第 周 星期课 时Period 6教 具MultimediaTeac

52、hing aims: To use What and How to form exclamationsMain points and Difficult points: To use What and How to form exclamationsTeaching Procedures:Teachers Activities & Students ActivitiesPersonal design1 Elicit from students different situations of expressing strong feelings e.g., when you see a beau

53、tiful flower or when you find something really interesting.2 Introduce structures with what, and how to form exclamations. Tell students that we use short phrases to express strong feelings, e.g., What a sunny day! What a beauty picture! How clever! How wonderful! Write these four sentences on the b

54、oard.3 Guide students to work out the rules for using what, and How, to formExclamations. Help them make the conclusion that what is used in exclamations with a noun phrase while How is followed immediately by an adjective.4 Ask students to go through the tables individually then discuss the rules with their partners before filling the gaps at the bottom of page85.5 Explain the context. Read and expand on the rub


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